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        참 빛으로 함께 걸어가는 길: 지학순 주교의 가르침 안에서 나타난 현대 청소년 사목 방향에 관한 연구

        이진옥(Lee, Jin Ok) 광주가톨릭대학교 신학연구소 2021 神學展望 Vol.- No.213

        제2차 바티칸 공의회를 중심으로 보편 교회는 청소년에 대한 인식의 변화를 보인다. 단순히 신앙 교육의 대상이었던 청소년의 주체성(Subjectivity)을 강조하면서 청소년이 능동적으로 교회 선교 사명에 참여하며, 자기 삶 안에서 하느님 사랑과 이웃 사랑을 구체적으로 실천하며 살아가길 요청한다. 이러한 보편 교회의 요청은 지학순 주교의 행적과 가르침 안에서도 나타난다. 지학순 주교는 진광학원 설립을 통해 청소년의 지식적인 성장뿐만 아니라 전인적인 성장을 지향하며 사회 정의를 실현하고 공동선에 이바지할 수 있도록 인도했다. 또 지학순 주교는 청소년이 인류와 사회의 미래일 뿐만 아니라 교회와 사회를 더욱 젊게 해주는 데 중요한 역할을 한다고 확신했다. 그래서 1973년 사목 지침 ‘생활 속에서 그리스도를 찾자’에서 지학순 주교는 청년을 모든 활동의 중심에 두었다. 청년회가 중심이 되어 지금까지의 형식적인 신앙 활동에서 벗어나 교회 선교 사명에 능동적으로 참여하기를 바랐다. 이를 통해 그 당시 교회가 영성 생활과 사회 행동에 있어 잃어버린 교회의 청춘을 회복하고, 청년은 교회를 통해 신앙의 눈으로 세상을 바라보며 사회 정의가 이 사회에 실현되길 바랐다. 지학순 주교는 제2차 바티칸 공의회가 바라는 청소년의 능동적인 참여에서 한발 더 나아가 제15차 세계주교대의원회의에서 주장한 대로 청소년은, 교회와 함께 걸으며 사회 정의를 실현하고 공동선에 이바지하며 세상 안에서 하느님 사랑과 이웃 사랑을 구체적으로 실현하며 살아가길 바랐다. 그리고 이것은 오늘날 보편 교회가 강조하는 공동합의적 교회의 모습이기도 하다. 이처럼 지학순 주교의 청소년에 대한 관심은 현대 청소년 사목 방향을 찾는 데 큰 도움이 될 것이다. This study tried to find the direction of modern Youth Ministry base on the teaching of Bishop Tji Hak Soun. The Second Vatican Council was convinced that the youth can help the Church keep herself young. Consequently the subjectivity of young people to evangelizing the world was emphasized. Especially, the Church clearly organized the role of young people to realize the issue of social justice and to aspire for the common good in their daily life. For this, the Council asked young people look upon the Church’s youthful energy. Pope Francis recommended an importance of the positive role of young people for renewal in the Church and society in the Post-Synodal Exhortation 『Cristus Vivit』. In this document, he clearly appeals to the relationship between the Church and youth. The Church needs young people to keep her young and can prevent her from becoming corrupt. In addition, young people can discern their life through the vision of faith. Like this idea of the universal Church can be discovered in the teaching of Bishop Tji Hak Soun. He looked to young people with confidence and with love. He believed that young people are the hope of the Church and society for its renewal. Therefore he stressed their positive participation in the mission of the Church and what the universal Church expected to young people. This idea can be found in the establishment of the Jin-Kang Institute and in his pastoral letter of “Find Christ in our daily life” (1973). Bishop Tji, aimed to develop not only their intellectual growth but also their moral and spiritual growth. Moreover, when he tried to implement his pastoral letter, 1973, he put young people at the core of it. He hoped young people would evolve from a formal faith life and find their identity as a good Christian and thereby finally, be involved in the evangelization of the world. Moreover, they can help the Church keep her young people and vitalize their enthusiasm to build of Kingdom of God into the world. Beside, young people can decide their life towards God through their vision of faith as emphasized from the universal Church and thus realize the understanding of Synodality. From here, we can find the direction of modern Youth Ministry. Obviously, Youth ministry and young people should seek the path of Synodality. Young people is not any more the objective of faith education or formation, but they are the protagonists who have a great responsibility to participate in the mission of the Church for evangelization.

      • KCI등재

        운동승패에 대한 인과적귀인

        이진옥(Lee Jin Ok) 한국여성체육학회 1990 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper intends to identify the tasks and issues that needed in dealing with considering the attribution theory, And to study and analyze the factors related to causal attribution on win and loss in sports. Among theories which explain human behaviors, Attribution theory has been the most attractive one. This theory was suggested by Heider first. How do human beings explain success or failure which appears as results of tasks that they per form? Why do they explain it in such a way? And, how do such explanations influence their subsequent task performances? These issues became the main subjects for many psycologists. Weiner, Frieze, Kukla, Reed, Rest, and Rosenb aum(1971) have presented, Perceiving the cause of success and failure, and concern was focused on this. In order to clarify the cause on the results(success or failure) of task performance, many researches have been conducted to inquire about the relationships among various causes within different contexts using various subjects. The results discussed in this review of liter ature were as follows. In general, the atheletes attribute the results of sports performances more on the internal elements such as ability and effort than on the external elements such as task difficulty and luck. They also attribute more on stable elements(ability/task difficulty) than on unstable elements(effort/luck). Also, winning(success) is attributed to the internal elements while losing(failure) is attributed to the external elements. The causal attribution on sports results show different patterns between the male and the female, while the attribution patterns of term members on the `self` and on the `team` differ depending on the reaults. The prior experience, the degree of training(practice) and the self-enhancement motivation to elevate the self-esteem are the factors influencing the causal attribution in athletic performance. Efficacy, anxiety, egocentric bias are closely related to causal attribution.

      • KCI등재
      • 블루스타킹 : 여성공동체를 꿈꾸다

        이진옥(Lee Jin-Ok) 효원사학회 2008 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.34

        The present paper aims at exploring the cultural society of the 18th century England through Bluestocking Circle that consisted of women intellectuals. The existing literature argues that there were only few women's societies at the time. However, my findings suggest that there were much more than that had been perceived before, and further more, women made their own circle by themselves and helped each other by a patronage system which they had themselves developed. After all, they led the public opinion and constituted themselves as 'main' cultural trend or power in the 18th century London. My paper also analyses the reasons of the historical neglection on that Circle. The suggested reasons for being: first of all, the Circle was led and managed mainly by women. Secondly, the Circle lasted comparatively shorter than other literature circles. Differently from the existing literature, I have a great emphasis on the historical role of the Circle in the feminist movement, and thus the way in which the women organizers worked to develop the Circle and the main members and the detailed projects of the Circle. The origin of the Circle is a spa friendship meeting in Bath among the wealthy upper class or aristocratic women. They have a normative meeting to read certain books and to discuss the themes of them instead of wasting time gossiping and gambling. After the holidays, they would meet again in London to develop their 'noble' relationship. But most of all, the purpose of the Circle is to argue for the women's intelligence and their ability to write something valuable to the society, like men did at the time. Moreover, they supported other women who were able but poor. The Object of Bluestocking Circle is to develop their relationship and to build their own society in a real world. Historically speaking, Christine de Pizan's 'The City of Ladies' and Mary Astell's 'a Protestant Convent' could be put in that category. 'Millenium Hall' by Sarah Scott, who was also a member of the Bluestockings and the sister of Montague, also showed a visionary society of women, which was to a great extent a manifesto of Bluestocking's feminism. In sum, I argue that 'Millenium Hall' was a Utopia for the Bluestockings in that period.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        가톨릭 교회 문헌을 통해 바라본 청소년 상의 변화

        이진옥(Lee, Jin Ok) 광주가톨릭대학교 신학연구소 2018 神學展望 Vol.- No.202

        본고는 한국 청소년 사목의 재고(再考)를 위해서 보편 교회 문헌 속에 나타난 청소년 상의 변화를 살펴보는 초석 연구이다. 본고의 연구 목적은 한국 가톨릭 교회 청소년 사목이 청소년들을 위하여 현재 다양한 노력을 보이고 있으나 계속 감소하고 있는 청소년들의 신앙생활 참여율에 문제의식을 가지고, 한국 청소년 사목 개선을 위한 다양한 실천적인 노력 이전에 혹시나 간과하고 있는 점은 없는지 살펴보기 위하여 좀 더 본질적으로 접근하여 보편 교회의 문헌 속에서 청소년 상의 변화를 살펴보는 데 있다. 제2차 바티칸 공의회를 전후로 청소년에 대한 인식은 크게 변화되었다. 공의회 이전에는 청소년들을 그저 올바른 신앙관 확립을 위한 신앙교육의 대상으로 이해했다면, 제2차 바티칸 공의회를 기점으로 교회는 본격적으로 교회와 사회의 미래이자 희망인 청소년들의 사도성(apostle)을 바탕으로 세상 복음화를 위한 교회 선교 사명에 능동적인 참여의 책임을 강조하기 시작한다. 그러면서 사도성을 바탕으로 한 교회의 선교 사명 참여에 청소년들의 주체 혹은 주인공성(protagonist)을 강조한다. 한국 가톨릭 교회 청소년 사목은 이러한 보편 교회의 흐름을 존중하여야 한다. 개선을 위한 다양한 방법론적이고 실천적인 접근 이전에 반드시 본질적으로 접근하여 교회 선교 사명의 주인공인 청소년들이 하느님의 부르심에 자신 있게 응답하며 각자에게 주어진 성소를 찾아 살며, 긍정적인 신앙생활을 할 수 있도록 도와야 할 것이다. 그리하여 모든 젊은이들이 이 세상에서 ‘착한 그리스도인, 선량한 시민’(Good Christians, Honest Citizens)을 지향하는 삶을 살 수 있도록 동행해 주어야 한다. The present study explores the development of the image of young people in the Catholic Church’s formation both in the pre-second pre-second Vatican Council and in the Second Vatican Council also in the-conciliar period. In the study one can expect to find some aspects that the Korean youth ministry should reconsider by looking at the changing images of young people in the Universal Church. In the pre-Second Vatican Council, youth was considered as an object of faith education. But since the Second Vatican Council, the image of them has been changed. The Council emphasizes their Apostolates and asks for their positive participation in the mission of the Church. After the Council, the image of young people in the Church was more developed. Based on their apostolates the Church now asking them to take a leading role by participating in the Church and the society for renewal of the temporal order and so realize the kingdom of God in the world today. The youth ministry in the Catholic Church of Korea tries a lot of effort to help young people live their faith and direct their life to God. But before they approach the young people in a methodological process they should evaluate the theoretical aspects of the Ecclesial orientiations. In other word, they should focus on both ‘why’ young people are important, and ‘how’ youth ministry can lead young people toward God. Finally, the youth ministry should provide young people with the abillity to live as ‘Good Christians, Honest Citizens’ in the world. In this way the young people can build up the kingdom of God in the world and witness to the gospel among the young people.

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