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      • KCI우수등재

        체육사 / 초등학교 체육수업과정의 변천과정에 관한 역사적 고찰

        유근직(KunJickYoo),김재우(JaeWooKim) 한국체육학회 1999 한국체육학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        본 연구는 우리 나라 체육수업과정의 정형(定型)으로 되어있는 「도입(준비 운동) →전개(주 운동) →정리(정리 운동)」의 3단계 수업방식의 변천과정을 초등학교 체육수업을 중심으로 고찰한 것이다.구한말 우리 나라 최초의 사범학교 교과서인 『보통교육학』(1910)에는 체조과 교수법으로 헤르바르트(Herbart, J. F.) 교수이론에 근거한 `예비(豫備) - 교시(敎示) - 연습(練習)`의 3단계 교수법에 의해 지도하도록 되어 있었다. 그 후 일제 식민지시기 학교체육은 「학교체조교수요목」에 준거하여 지도하도록 규정되어 있었는데, 이 「요목」이 스웨덴式 체조원리에 의해 구성되어 있었으므로 초등학교체육은 스웨덴式 체조중심으로 전개되게 된다.이에 따라 식민지지배 초기 초등학교 체육수업과정은 스웨덴式 체조원리에 입각하여 `始 →中 → 終`의 3단계로 구성되어 지도되었으나, 1930년대 이후부터는 수업과정을 3단계로 구분하는 기본 틀은 그대로 유지한 채 명칭에 있어서만 `준비 운동 →주 운동 →정리 운동`으로 표현이 바뀌게 되었다.수업과정을 `준비 운동 →주 운동 →정리 운동`의 3단계로 구분하고, 여기에 강·약(强·弱), 난·이(難·易)의 변화를 주어 지도하는 수업방식은 식민지시기를 거치면서 이상적인 체육수업방식으로 장려·보급됨으로써 점차 전형적인 초등학교 체육수업과정으로 정착하게 되었으며, 이러한 수업방식은 광복 후에도 그대로 답습되어 우리 나라 근대 학교체육수업의 정형으로 자리잡게 되었다. The purposes of this study was to review how history has contributed to the development of these three steps in teaching for elementary school.The first textbook used for education in school was 『Common Pedagogy』(1910). It was followed the Herbart, J. F. teaching method, such as `reserve - explain - training`. then, under Japanese colonial occupation, physical education for school had to follow the 「course of study for gymnastic education」. However, it was constituted by Sweden`s principles of gymnastics. So, physical education for elementary school actually followed Sweden`s standards.During the early colonial occupation, the physical education for elementary schools followed the principles of Sweden`s three steps in teaching such as `beginning - middle - finish`. After 1930`s, the basic structure of the three steps in teaching was used continuously, but the designation was changed; `preparative excercise - main excercise - consolidation excercise`.Throughout the Japanese colonial occupation, the course of physical education divided into three phases, such as `preparative excercise - main excercise - consolidation excercise` and added toughness and moderations, hardness or ease. That was encouraged and pervaded, becoming the standard form of the instructional process of physical education, even after the restoration of independence from Japanese colonial occupation that has became the standard form of the instructional process of physical education for today.

      • KCI우수등재

        체육사 : 식민지 체조교육과 한국인의 신체형성에 관한 역사적 고찰

        유근직(KunJickYoo) 한국체육학회 1999 한국체육학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        일찍이 시민의 성장이 빨랐던 영국에서는 「스포츠型 체육」이 발전해 왔으나, 한국에서는 근대국가 건설에 필요한 `내셔널리티` 창조를 위해 「체조型 체육」으로서 출발하였다.그러나 그것은 미쳐 제 역할을 다하지 못한 채, 일본의 식민지지배 야욕과 맞물려 일본인들의 관여 아래 체조 본래의 모습에서 벗어나 한국 청소년의 신체를 관리하고 통제하기 위한 `훈련`(discipline)으로 변질되어 실시되었다.그것은 `체조과`라는 교과명칭에서도 상징적으로 드러나듯이 다양한 유희나 스포츠는 거의 무시한 채 「체조」를 중심으로 실시되었으며, 수업내용에 있어서도 신체적 단련 보다 신체를 통한 덕성의 함양이 중시된 점 등에서 뚜렷이 나타나고 있다.일본인들이 한국에서 체조를 장려하고 보급하였던 이유는 식민지지배에 필요한 사고방식, 가치관을 내면화하여 스스로 따르고 행동할 수 있는 `忠良한 臣民`의 「순종하는 신체」형성에 그 목적이 있었다. 체조는 이러한 권력을 침투시킬 가장 유효한 수단이었던 것이다.이와 같이 식민지 체조교육은 권력 이데올로기가 투영된 신체를 본질로 하여 성립, 전개되었으며, 이러한 「신민육성의 체조과」의 기본적 성격은 식민지통치 후반으로 갈수록 재편·강화되어 갔다.특히 식민지 지배권력은 `라디오체조` `황국신민체조`와 같은 천황제 이데올로기와 결합된 체조의 보급·장려를 통하여 「순종하는 신체」에서 한 걸음 더 나아가 국가에 귀속되고 국가를 위해 헌신해야 하는 「국가의 신체」로 변용시키고자 획책하였으며, 이러한 체조의 철저한 실시를 통해 한국인의 신체는 어렸을 적부터 세뇌되고 훈련되어 지시·명령에 순종하는 신체로 변용되어 갔던 것이다. The purposes of the present study were to review what were the intention and content of gymnastic education which was unfolded during the time of Japanese imperialism and what were the effects of the intention and content on the korean people`s body formation, focusing on the gymnastic education which was unfolded in the public schools under Japanese colonial occupation.With the intention of upbringing a loyal subject and an obeying body of which were in need for colonial rule, Japanese promoted and replenished gymnastics in Korea. In terms of the content of gymnastic education, gymnastics changed into the form of discipline which controled and managed students` bodies. This gymnastic education resulted in the standardization of Korean students` bodies that were obeying bodies.Japanese tried to change Korean students` bodies into the bodies for the nationalism via replenishment and promotion of gymnastic education which was in combination with radio gymnastics and Japanese emperor`s subject gymnastic education.With the intensive implementation of the gymnastic education, Korean students` bodies were disciplined and changed into the bodies obeying instruction and command from the childhood.

      • KCI우수등재

        인문 · 사회과학편 : 고교 스포츠선수 및 스포츠지도자의 스포츠가치의식에 관한 조사

        부기원(KiWonBoo),유근직(KunJickYoo) 한국체육학회 1989 한국체육학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Though the Survey intended for 164 highschool players and 148 sports leaders(all 312 people connected with the sports) within Kung Ki-do for the purpose of analysing their sports Value consciousness in Korea, this thesis finds the following facts ;1. 79% of high school players and 71% of sports leaders find their life worth while living with the sports activities. but they are not satisfied with their material life.2. In the analysis of their sports value consciousness, the good mannerism(84%), the cultivationism receive the high supports, as each figure indecate, more than 60% support rates. According to this support rates, I think these isms represent the sport value consciousness of players and leaders. Especially, the good mannerism and the cultivationism of mental training have the highest support. by this fact, We can think that high school players and sports lesders possess the high moral sense.3. In the way of life, both players and leaders try to live their life in a earnest manner and the sense of cooperation.4. Players and leaders have a similiar consciousness of sports value.As a result of this survey, I conclude like this : high school players and sports leaders tend to have a similiar consciousness of sports value and take part in the sports with the traditional view of value. These results would be caused by this reason why the confucian ideas have affected as a dominant view of our society for a long time and players are influenced by the leaders` view of value under the leader`s guidance and training consciously or unconsciously.

      • KCI등재

        사회체육학 : 초등학교 태권도 수련생들의 예절 실천이 정서에 미치는 영향

        정억순(EugSunJeong),유근직(KunJickYoo) 한국체육학회 2004 한국체육학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of etiquette execution of elementary school students attending Taekwondo academy to affect their emotions. In order to do so, during the three weeks of June 440 students attending Taekwondo academy in the four cities of Kangwon district was surveyed as subjects. The researcher modified the questionnaire developed by SY. Kang(2000) & HB. Hur(2002). Pilot study was conducted on 30 students attending KN Taekwondo academy to measure the validity of the instrument, and Cronbach's α was used to measure reliability of it. The reliability coeffcient for it was found to be α=.728-.866. In order to assess the influence for their etiquette execution to affect their emotions, a five point Likert Scale was used. The used statistical methods for the data analysis were descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. For all analysis of the research questions, an alpha level of .05 was used.The major findings obtained from this study were as follows: First, in relation to the level of etiquette execution, there was no differences between male and female students. Second, in connection with the areas, there was statistically significant differences in conducting etiquettes between city students and local students, especially in behavior, greeting, talking, visiting etiquettes. Third, in relation with the training period, there was no significant differences. Fourth, their etiquette execution, especially in greeting, talking, visiting, telephone etiquettes, had an great effect on their emotions during their elementary school years.

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