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      • KCI등재

        간척지 자생 버드나무의 NaCl 농도별 생육반응

        여진기(Jin-Kie Yeo),박정현(Jung-Hyun Park),구영본(Yeong-Bon Koo),김현철(Hyun-Chul Kim),신한나(Hanna Shin) 한국토양비료학회 2010 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        본 연구는 간척지에 자생하는 버드나무 (Salix koreensis Anderson)를 대상으로 염분에 대한 내성의 범위를 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 간척지에서 선발된 버드나무6개체의 가지를 잘라 온실에서 삽목하여 2개월이 경과한 다음부터 NaCl 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0% 용액과 지하수를 1개월간 관수하면서 재배하였다. 0.1% 및 지하수 처리구에서 전체 묘목의 생존율은 100%인 반면 0.5% 및 1.0% 처리구에서는 각각 73.2% 및 58.8%로 감소하였다. 0.1%와 지하수 처리구간의 묘고와 근원경 생장은 차이를 보이지 않았고 엽수는 실험기간동안 꾸준히 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 반면 0.5% 및 1.0% 처리구에서 묘고 생장은 지하수 처리구에 비해 각각 43.8% 및 88.9% 감소하였다. 0.5% 및 1.0% 처리구 묘목의 잎은 스트레스로 갈변하고 조기 낙엽되었다. 본 연구에 사용된 버드나무는 온실에서의 NaCl 처리결과 해안간척지에서 자생하는 개체임에도 불구하고 일반 임지에서 자생하는 버드나무보다 염분에 대한 내성 능력이 크지는 않은 것으로 추정된다. This study was conducted to investigate the potentials for the forest restoration on reclaimed land by using willow trees (Salix koreensis Anderson) selected from a coastal reclaimed land made in inside of the Sihwa tide embankment. We first collected six individual willow trees that were the only tree species grown in the reclaimed land. Total 7 clones from cuttings of the collected trees and the control were grown in a greenhouse for two months prior to applying the different concentrations of NaCl solutions (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.5%, and 1.0%). One month after the NaCl application, the survival rates of clones from both the collected trees, and the control were significantly decreased in a NaCl dose-dependent manner. However, there was no significant difference between the collected trees and the control in terms of survival rate, hight and diameter of cuttings, and the numbers of leaves in greenhouse condition. In conclusion, the willow trees collected from the coastal reclaimed land showed no tolerance against NaCl compared to the control grown in ordinary soil, suggesting that further study is required to determine what the most important factor is to select salt tolerant tree species.

      • KCI등재

        축산폐수 처리에 따른 포플러유의 생육반응 및 축산폐수 흡수능력

        여진기(Jin Kie Yeo),구영본(Yeong Bon Koo),손두식(Doo Sik Son) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.6

        The two-month-old rooted-cuttings of Populus albs × glandulosa, P. euramericana and P. nigra × maximowiczii clones were exposed to livestock waste water - one of major water pollutants, and ground water in order to determine the effects of livestock waste water on growth response and absorption capacity of the species. For this purpose, 5 clones of each species were used. In all the species, the height growth of rooted-cuttings was better in livestock waste water treatment than in ground water. Of all the poplar species compared, the height growth was best in P. alba × glandulosa. In the cases of P. euramericana and P. nigra × maximowiczii, the height growth in the livestock waste water treatment was statistically different among clones, whereas there was no significant difference among P. alba × glandulosa clones. Aboveground biomass such as leaf and shoot dry weight of all the species increased in the livestock waste water treatment, while root dry weight decreased. In addition, chlorophyll contents in leaf of all the poplar species increased in the livestock waste water treatment. All the poplar trees showed temporal variation in the absorption amount of livestock waste water during the experimental period. In all the poplar species, the absorption amount of livestock waste water was less than that of ground water. Of 3 poplar species, P. alba × glandulosa was best in the absorption capacity of livestock waste water. Of all 15 poplar clones compared in this study, the 72-16 clone of P. alba × glandulosa showed the best absorption capacity.

      • KCI등재

        현사시와 박달나무의 Pb 흡수능력 및 내성

        여진기(Jin Kie Yeo),이재천(Jae Chun Lee),구영본(Yeong Bon Koo),김인식(In Sik Kim) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.5

        This study was conducted to estimate the capability of Populus alba × glandulosa and Betula schmidtii for the uptake of Pb from the lead-contaminated soil and their tolerance to lead. Rooted cuttings in the former species and germinated seedlings in the latter species were planted in pots and irrigated with Pb-containing water for 60 days. In both tree species, growth inhibition was observed in 800, and 1,500ppm of Pb(NO₃)₂. Most Pb was accumulated in plant roots and only a small portion was transported to the shoots. The translocation rates of Pb for B. schmidtii and P. alba × glandulosa were 1.6-2.6% and 1.2-1.6%, respectively. The maximum Pb content accumulated in shoots was 468.0㎎/㎏ d.w. in P. albs × glandulosa, and 602.0㎎/㎏ d.w. in B. schmidtii. Although tolerance to lead was generally higher in B. schmidtiithan P. alba × glandulosa, the highest tolerance to lead was observed in P. alba × glandulosa clone, 72-16. Finally, we discussed the applicability of P. alba × glandulosa and B. schmidtii for phytoextraction based on their Pb uptake ability, high biomass production, and easiness in large-scale cultivati

      • KCI등재

        간척지 성토지 식재 포플러의 SCB액비 처리에 따른 클론별 생장특성

        박정현(Jung-Hyun Park),여진기(Jin-Kie Yeo),구영본(Yeong-Bon Koo),이원우(Won-Woo Lee),김현철(Hyun-Chul Kim),박치호(Chi-Ho Park) 한국토양비료학회 2008 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        간척성토지에서 SCBLF 처리효과를 알아보기 위하여 80일 동안 SCBLF 처리 후 포플러의 클론별 생육 특성을 조사하였다. 엽면적은 SCBLF 처리구가 대조 구에 비해 26% 증가하였다(P<0.05). 엽록소 함량은 처리구가 대조구보다 5% 증가하였으나 유의성은 없었다. 엽면적의 경우 Suwon, Clivus, 72-30, Dorskamp, 97-19서 처리구와 대조구간 통계적 차이가 있었고 (P<0.05), 엽록소 함량은 97-19에서 유의성을 나타났다(P<0.01). 잎의 T-N함량은 P<0.01에서 유의성이 인 정되었으며, 클론별로는 97-19, I-476, Suwon, 72-30이 P<0.05, Clivus가 P<0.01 수준에서 유의성을 보였다. 수고 및 흉고직경 생장은 SCBLF 처리구가 대조구에 비해 각각 20%, 41% 증가하였으며 유의성이 인정되었다(P<0.01). 수고생장은 Clivus, 72-30, Suwon에서 (P<0.05) 흉고직경생장은 Clivus, Eco28, Dorskamp, 72-30, 72-31에서 유의성이 인정되었다(P<0.01). 특히 현사시(Clivus, 72-30)의 경우 잎의 엽면적, T-N함량, 수고 및 흉고직경 생장에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이 를 보였으며 SCBLF 처리구가 대조구보다 높거나 우수하였다. We studied on the effects of slurry composting and biofiltration liquid fertilizer (SCBLF) on growth of twoyear-old poplar clones planted in a reclaimed land mounding soil. The soil on the experimental site had lower concentrations of both exchangeable cations and salinity than before reclamation. However, the content of organic matter was low compared with the most soils. We applied SCBLF to the poplars six times and 5 L in each time for 80 days. Ten clones of six poplar species or hybrids were tested in this study: Populus alba × P. glandulosa(Clivus, 72-30, 72-31, Bongwha1), P. deltoides × P. nigra(Dorskamp), P. deltoides(Lux) × P. deltoides(Harvard)(97-19), P. euramericana(Eco28, I-476), P. nigra × P. maximowiczii(62-2) and P. Koreana × P. nigra var. italica(Suwon). Growth performance varied more among clones than among species. Average height growth of treated plots was 18% greater than control, and clones Clivus, 97-19, Eco28 and Dorskamp were more vigorous than other clones. Diameter at breast height in treated plots was 41% greater than control, and 97-19, Dorskamp, Eco28 and Clivus were the four best clones in this respect. Mean leaf area of treated trees was 26% greater for control trees. Chlorophyll content was similar between treated and controlled trees. Total nitrogen values in leaves were much higher in treated trees 18%. SCBLF treatment on poplars planted in reclaimed land helped tree growth.

      • KCI등재

        양돈분뇨 처리에 따른 속성수의 유시 생육특성

        김현철(Hyun-Chul Kim),여진기(Jin-Kie Yeo),구영본(Yeong-Bon Koo),박정현(Jung-Hyun Park),백을선(Eul-Sun Baik) 한국토양비료학회 2009 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.42 No.5

        This study was conducted to analyze growth responses of fast growing tree species(8 clones of hybrid poplars, Salix alba, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Liriodendron tulipifera, Acer okamotoanum, and Quercus palustris), the chemical characteristics of soil and NO3-N concentration of groundwater in a plantation applied with liquid pig manure. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous in the soil treated with liquid pig manure were higher than that of the soil treated without liquid pig manure. With the exception of S. alba, DBH(Diameter at Breast Height) growth of all the fast growing tree species treated with liquid pig manure was higher than that of the species treated without liquid pig manure. In liquid pig manure treatment group, P. euramericana ‘Eco28’ clone showed the best performance in height and DBH growth. Concentration of nitrogen in the leaf with liquid pig manure was higher than that of the leaf treated without liquid pig manure. Based on the NO3-N concentration of groundwater analyzed during the experimental period, there was no evidence that groundwater was polluted by the liquid pig manure applied at the plantation.

      • KCI등재

        SCB액비가 속성수의 생장 및 biomass 생산에 미치는 영향

        김현철(Hyun-Chul Kim),여진기(Jin-Kie Yeo),구영본(Yeong-Bon Koo),신한나(Hanna Shin),최진용(Jin-Young Choi),이헌호(Heon-Ho Lee) 한국토양비료학회 2011 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.44 No.2

        SCB액비, 저장액비, 화학비료, 지하수 및 무처리에 따른 포플러 및 버드나무 클론, 백합나무의 생존율은 전체 평균 94.4%로 나타나 양호하였으며, 잎과 줄기의 비율은 각각 63.5%, 36.5%로 매년수확구의 식재당년 지상부 biomass는 잎의 비율이 높았다. 처리구별 줄기발생 수는 SCB액비, 저장액비, 화학비료, 지하수 및 무처리구가 평균 4.2, 4.6, 4.5, 4.7, 4.9개로 크게 차이가 나타나지 않았으며 버드나무 클론들의 줄기 수가 포플러 클론 및 백합나무 보다 많았다. 줄기직경과 지상부 biomass에 대하여 개체당 유도된 회귀모델을 통해 추정된 biomass 생산량은 화학비료>저장액비>지하수>SCB액비>무처리구 순으로 나타났다. 수종 및 클론별 지상부 biomass 생산량은 모든 처리구에서 현사시 클론들이 우수하게 나타났으며, SCB액비 처리에 따른 잎과 줄기의 질소함량을 분석한 결과 무처리구 보다 질소함량이 높게 나타나 SCB액비에 함유된 질소를 체내에 흡수하는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서, SCB액비를 biomass 매년수확구에 처리한 결과 화학비료, 저장액비, 지하수 처리구보다 생산량이 적게 나타났지만 무처리구 보다는 생산량이 증가하여 향후 처리방법이나 적정 처리량 등을 구명하여 적용한다면 화학비료와 비슷한 효과를 얻을 수 있고 가축분뇨 처리비용도 절감할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 본 연구는 biomass 매년수확구의 식재당년의 결과이며, 식재한 묘목의 수령이 증가하고 입지환경에 적응되면 바이오매스 생산량도 대폭 증가할 것이므로 이와 같은 연구가 반복적으로 수행되어야 보다 확실한 결과를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Fifteen clones of poplars, 2 clones of willows, and yellow poplar were used to evaluate the effects of 5 treatments such as SCBLF (slurry composting and biofiltration liquid fertilizer), general slurry liquid fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, groundwater, and control (no treatment) on vitality, growth performance, and biomass production. Five cuttings for each tree species were planted in 3 replications. After planting cuttings, a coppice was induced by cutting off stems at 10cm above the ground. Data were collected for first growing season and trees were harvested at the end of October. Maximum mortality rate i.e. 96% was recorded in the cuttings treated with groundwater and minimum 92% with control (no treatment). In all tree species, sprouting of stump was not differ significantly among the treatments. Total nitrogen concentrations of leaves and stump sprouts were higher in the treatment of SCBLF than the control, 26.6% and 22.9%, respectively. Biomass production was highest in the stumps treated with chemical fertilizer, 1.98 Mg ha<SUP>-1</SUP> year<SUP>-1</SUP>, and lowest in control (1.34 Mg ha<SUP>-1</SUP> year<SUP>-1</SUP>).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        바이오순환림의 저농도액비 시용에 따른 토양수 및 지하수 수질 영향 분석

        홍은미,최진용,유승환,남원호,여진기,최인규,Hong, Eun-Mi,Choi, Jin-Yong,Yoo, Seung-Hwan,Nam, Won-Ho,Yeo, Jin-Kie,Choi, In-Gyu 한국농공학회 2010 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.52 No.5

        Manure recycling as fertilizer is one of solutions for the environmental problem related with livestock manure treatment as well as the ocean dumping ban act prohibiting manure disposal to the ocean. For the manure disposal, forest area can be a candidate place because the area has a wide range of applicable sites. However, the manure application to the forest has a possibility of causing environmental impacts including water quality problems due to nutrient loading. Therefore it is necessary to investigate water quality impact from manure disposal to the forestry plantation. In this study, ground and soil water quality had been monitored in the bio-circulation experimental forest where low concentration liquid manure (LCLM) was applied. Soil and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed weekly from April to October in 2008 and 2009. The mean and variation of NO3-N concentration in soil water of LCLM treatment places showed higher concentration than the reference places declining during growing season. In the case of groundwater from monitoring well in the downstream of disposal site, the $NO_3$-N concentration was 3.59 mg/L in 2008 and 3.26 mg/L in 2009 in average showing higher concentration than the reference well although the concentration was not exceed the national drinking water standard. To investigate the source of nitrate, $\delta^{15}N$ isotope analysis was also implemented. Its result showed that the LCLM application could be the nitrate source requiring further long-term monitoring soil and water quality.

      • KCI등재후보

        Segregation and linkage of allozymes in megagametophyte tissues of pinus thunbergii parl

        최완용(Wan Yong Choi),여진기(Jin Kie Yeo),서강욱(Gang Uk Suh),김종한(Jong Han Kim) 한국육종학회 1994 한국육종학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        As a first step in the study of genetics of Pinus thunbergii Parl., the inheritance and the linkage of the detected polymorphisms were elucidated. Megagametophyte tissues of individual seeds from a single clone were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis. Seven enzyme systems studied comprised a minimum of 17 isozyme loci. Among them, 11 were polymophic. Segregation of isozymes in megagametophytes of heterozygous maternal clones indicated no significant departure from the expected 1 : 1 ratio in each locus. Significant linkage, as attested by the 95% confidence interval, was recognized in six pairwise combinations. The pairs of the gene loci ME-B/LAP-A and ADH-B/MNR-C were closely linked with estimated mean recombination values of 0.153 and 0.175, respectively. The remaining tested pairs (ADH-B/ LAP-B, ME-B/MDH-C, MNR-B/MDH-C, and MNR-A/MNR-B) appeared to be weakly linked. The gene loci MNR-C, ADH-B, and LAP-B could be linearly arranged in one linkage group, while the loci LAP-A, ME-B, MDH-C, MNR-A, and MNR-B seemed to belong to the other linkage group. Considerable variation with respect to the estimated recombination frequencies was observed for the same pair of loci among some clones. A comparsion with other conifer species showed that the gene orders and distances were relatively well conserved among conifer species.

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