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        풀뿌리 옹호활동으로서 공공어린이재활병원 설립운동의 과정과 의미: 정치적 기회구조의 확대와 유연한 연대

        최권호(Kwonho Choi),이정은(Jeongeun Lee),안성호(Seongho An) 비판과 대안을 위한 사회복지학회 2021 비판사회정책 Vol.- No.72

        중증 장애를 가진 아동은 신체의 기능유지와 생존을 위해 지속적인 재활치료가 필요하다. 그러나 소아재활치료의 과소 공급과 수도권 편중으로 인해 수많은 장애아동 가족은 일명 “재활 난민”으로 살아왔다. 이러한 문제인식을 공유하며 2014년 결성된 대전지역 장애아동 가족모임 (사)토닥토닥은 초기에 타 시민사회운동 단체를 통해 이러한 문제를 해결하려고 하였으나 충분히 받아들여지지 않자, 직접 공공어린이재활병원 설립의 목소리를 내며 운동을 확장하였다. 그 결과 국내 첫 공공어린이재활병원이 2022년 10월 대전에 설립될 예정이다. 본 연구는 장애아동의 치료문제가 어떻게 사회적 소구력을 갖고 정치적 쟁점으로 부상할 수 있었는지 그 과정과 의미를 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그 과정에서 장애아동 및 가족의 풀뿌리 옹호활동이 촛불혁명으로 상징되는 정치적 기회구조 확대라는 외부적 조건 변화 속에서 당사자-이해관계자 간 유연한 연대를 통해 운동의 성과를 어떻게 만들어냈는지 그 의미를 살펴보았다. Children with severe disabilities need regular rehabilitation treatment. However, since it is not profitable for pediatric hospitals to provide rehabilitation services, only a handful of medical institutions have provided pediatric rehabilitation services, most of them are located in Seoul. As a result, many children who need rehabilitation treatment have faced substantial difficulties in finding necessary medical services; there have been repeated situations where the children and their parents are left with only two options: giving up rehabilitation treatment or being “rehabilitation refugees” to receive treatment. In 2014, a self-help group of parents of children with disability founded an advocacy group, Todag-Todag(토닥토닥: Korean word expressing sympathy), to make their voices heard. In the early stage of the movement, Todag-Todag approached other advocacy, human rights, and disability-related organizations to ask for help. They soon realized other organizations could not fully represent their children’s needs. Then the families launched an advocacy campaign in Daejeon and requested the governments to establish a public hospital that provides rehabilitation treatment services for children. The seemingly impossible initiative by a small group of people was eventually achieved. The current study explores the advocacy activities of Todag-Todag to reveal organizational and structural level factors that led to increased public support as well as forced the governments to establish the hospital. Specifically, we examine 1) how political opportunity structure, such as Candlelight Revolution and national elections, influenced Todag-Todag’s campaign and public opinion, and 2) how the advocacy group collaborated and building alliances with other stakeholder groups to strengthen its bargaining power against the government. The current study sheds light on the strategies of nonprofit advocacy, particularly for smaller organizations that generally have fewer human and financial resources.

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