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      • 한국의 외환관리제도에 관한 연구

        안국찬 단국대학교 경영대학원 경영학과 국제무역전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        From the historical point of view, foreign exchange can be described as the longest technique discovered by human being as well as the latest study of science. Foreign exchange is becoming as the field of using high special and technical terms and it is natural fact that the system for management of foreign exchange is also required of special technique. Consequently, as the foreign exchange is defined as the means for the balance of international payments, the control and management of foreign exchange is the policy of international economy which the government directly, not by market system, restricts and control the self-imposed curb function and the demand and supply of the foreign exchange market respectively in order to maintain the internal and external balance on the basis of the laissez (laisser) fair principles of capitalistic economy. In this connection, this study presents the effective imporvement measures for the foreign exchange system of Korea by investigating the international trend of foreign exchange through formation and changes process of IMF System which have led the postwar open system. Presently, our country is maintaining the balance of international income and outgo and securing the value of foreign currency by controlling foreign exchange, transactions and other overseas transactions of it and executing the foreign debt control system inclusively and extensively to operate the foreign funds efficiently. To this end, our government bring the foreign exchange centralization system and should make them to be used only for the admitted, approved and authenticated transactions and controlled totally under the plan of the demand and supply of foreign exchange. In connection therewith, in the chapter II of this thesis, the basis concept of foreign exchange control system have been described and in chapter III, the present status of foreign exchange control systems in many nations studied comparatively. The present status, the point at issue and reform measure of foreign exchange control system in Korea was suggested in Chapter IV. In Chapter V, the suggestion of effective improvement and prospect of foreign exchange control system was in search of a better solution. In order to ensure the afore-said various things, secondary dimensional method was selected for research method of this thesis and a foreign exchange control system was studied mainly centering around reference books by the comparative method.

      • Impact of central government grants on local public finance in Korea : with focus on expenditure and equalization effects

        안국찬 American Univ. 1995 해외박사

        RANK : 248623

        이 논문의 목적은 1979년부터 1990년까지의 한국의 지방재정조정제도(지방 교부세와 국고보조금)의 효과를 지방정부에 대한 배분과 지방정부의 반응에 입각해서 경험적으로 분석하는 것이다. 두 가지 주요 질문이 제기되는데 그 것은 첫째, 중앙정부의 정치적 힘이 지방정부에 대한 보조금의 배분에 어떻 게 영향을 미쳤는가(형평효과)와, 둘째, 지방정부가 그 보조금을 어떻게 사 용하였는가(반응 및 지출효과)이다. 분석의 단위는 한국의 도시이고, 34개의 도시가 선택되었다. 사용한 통계 기법은 다중회귀분석인데, 12년의 시계열 자료를 사용하였기 때문에 시간효 과를 없애기 위하여 경향변수를 넣었고, 도시간의 잠재적 차이를 조사하기 위한 도시더미변수를 추가시켰다. 분석의 결과 국고보조금은 지방교부세에 비하여 같거나 더 큰 지출효과를 가져왔음이 판명되었다. 지방정부의 반응 성의 분석에서는 지방관료가 그들의 제한된 권한에도 불구하고, 공무원수를 늘리는데 국고보조금의 일부를 사용한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 지방교부세 는 그것과는 무관한 것으로 나타났다. 형평성 분석에서는 세 가지 결과로 요약될 수 있는데, 첫째, 지방교부세가 지역간의 재정격차를 감소시키는 것 으로 나타났으나, 국고보조금의 그것에 관한 효과는 명백하지 않았다. 둘째, 1인당 지방교부세액으로 환산했을 경우 호남지역이 다른 지역보다 더 받은 것으로 판명되었으며, 국고보조금의 경우에는 지역간의 차이가 없었다. 끝 으로, 정치적 지지여부는 보조금의 결정에 별다른 요인이 되지 못하였다. 결론적으로 한국의 지방재정조정제도가 지닌 여러 한계점에도 불구하고, 각각 지향하고자 하는 목표를 어느 정도나마 달성하고 있는 것으로 추정되고 있다. 이 논문의 한계점으로는 연감에는 나타나지 않는 장기적 사업에 대한 것이 포함되지 않음으로 인해서 있을지도 모르는 지역간의 차별문제라든가 지출에 관한 효과가 완전히 반영이 안된것이라 하겠다. 향후 연구방향은 이 러한 사업들에 대한 정부보조금을 포함한 좀 더 광범위한 분석과 지방자치의 실시에 따른 효과분석을 들 수 있겠다. The objectives of this study are to empirically investigate the impact of the central government's grants in terms of their distribution to local governments, and the responsiveness of local governments over the period 1979-1990 in Korea. Two primary questions are presented: [l] How much does the central government's political power affect the distribution of grants to local governments (equalization effect)? [2] How do local'governments spend the grants (expenditure effect)? The statistical technique employed is regression analysis. The models include a trend variable to capture the time effect, and city dummy variables. to investigate possible differences among cross-sections. The unit of analysis is ffcity.'1 This study finds that subsidies (matching grants) appear to have an equal or greater impact on city , expenditures than local share tax (general revenue sharing). In the analysis of local government responsiveness, local bureaucrats, despite their limited power, use some of the subsidies to increase the number of public employees. On the other hand, local share tax is not used to increase it. In the analysis of the equalization effect, three findings are evident. First, local share tax appears to decrease the financial disparity among regions. The impact of subsidies on regional financial disparity is not clear. Second, discrimination against the Honam area, which receives more local share tax per capita than other areas, is not detected. Further, there is no statistical difference among regions that received subsidies. Finally, political support, measured by the percentage of citizens voting for legislative candidates of the president's party, is not a factor in determining the size of grant awards.

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