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        뉘른베르크 재판과 나치청산

        宋忠起(Song Chung-Ki) 역사교육연구회 2005 역사교육 Vol.93 No.-

        It is well known that the Nuremberg trials led the Germans to confront with the Nazi-dictatorship and greatly contributed to the liquidation of the Nazi-past in post-war Germany. But this article, calling this assumption in question, tries to review it and draws the conclusion as follows. First, the Germans were not willingly ready to accept the rulings of the International Military Tribunal. For them, the tribunal was only a "enforced" Victor"s Justice [Siegerjustiz]. Secondly, contrary to the hope of the tribunal, the Germans did not learn lessons from the trials, seeing themselves not as the perpetrators and building their image as the victims of the War. Thirdly, it was "the conspiracy of the aggressive war" rather than the Holocaust that was centered on in judging the atrocities of the Nazis, although "crimes against humanity" being defined for the first time in history. Consequently, the Nuremberg trials did not have a substantial effect on a discontinuity with the Nazi-past in Germany. It is not so much the Nuremberg trials as the Eichmann trial or the Auschwitz trial in 1960s that drove the Germans to confront with the "Nazi-past." Despite their dwindling effect over the last half of 20th century, however, the historical meaning of the Nuremberg trials should not be underestimated as a stepping stone to the Germans "mastering the Nazi-past."

      • KCI등재

        경험의 역사로서 독일 구술사

        송충기(SONG, Chung-ki) 역사비평사 2013 역사비평 Vol.- No.102

        This article aims to introduce the development of oral history in Germany to Korean readers. Immediately after the end of World War II in 1945, German contemporary historians made great efforts to document and clarify the period of the Third Reich, but they did so without contemporary witnesses, because for them oral interviews were not as valuable as written historical sources. It was only in the 1970s that oral history was ‘imported’ to (West) Germany by a prominent contemporary historian, Lutz Niethammer. He and his colleagues, Alexander von Plato among them, established oral history as a viable research tool in German historiography by carrying out several major oral history projects on the working classes in Ruhr region and in East Germany before reunification. They pointed out that oral history was a powerful tool for understanding people’s experiences,a notion which had not been widely accepted in German academic history. Oral history also played an important role in communication between workers and historians in the 1980s. Recently, many oral history projects have focused on ‘victims of history’, such as those who had been oppressed by the Nazis, Holocaust survivors, forced labourers, etc., where emphasis is placed on memory. Oral history in Germany has made a great contribution to deepening and widening its historiography, but it would be premature to paint a rosy picture for the future, because of the number of challenges it faces.

      • KCI등재

        역사의 정치화, 정치의 역사화: 독일 <현대사 연구소> 설립을 둘러싼 논쟁

        송충기 ( Chung Ki Song ) 대구사학회 2007 대구사학 Vol.86 No.-

        The Institute of Contemporary History [Institut fur Zeitgeschichte (IfZ)], located in Munich, has played a important role in the research of National Socialism. After 1945, many politician and historian were in a long debate on the foundation of the institute, because they had different concept and experience. Because of the unresolved dispute between historians and politicians, the Institute could not be established until 1950. Gerhard Kroll, the representative of politics, accused the historian of serving the regime during the Third Reich and called for the exclusion of historians from the institute, while as the first president of the "Society of German Historian", Gerhard Ritter, argued that the National Socialism should immediately be analyzed by historians, who also should not be reluctant in taking on contemporary issues as a history. As a "political" institute, which was to be a school of the nation, was needed no more, it made mainly a historical research of the National Socialism. But at that time the historian, including Ritter, could not develop a new method of contemporary history, so that they had often difficulty in examining the Third Reich. Particularly they could not separate the role of a historian from the one of a witness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        나치 시대 콘라트 로렌츠(Konrad Lorenz)의 학문과 정치

        송충기 ( Song Chung-ki ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2017 역사학연구 Vol.65 No.-

        동물행동학의 개척자이자 1973년 노벨상 수상자인 콘라트 로렌츠는 전후 탈나치화의 시기부터 학문적으로 나치에 부역한 혐의로 논란을 빚었다. 최근까지도 이러한 논란이 지속되었는데, 여기에는 동물행동학 자체에 대한 학술적인 비판과 더불어 로렌츠의 나치 때 행적도 비판의 대상이 되었다. 본고에서 학술적 측면보다 학문 밖의 행동을 중심으로 학자들이 나치 이데올로기에 친밀해지는 과정을 살펴보았다. 로렌츠는 어릴 적부터 동물과 함께 살다시피 하면서 그들을 관찰했다. 그가 의학을 포기하고 동물행동학으로 선회하게 된 결정적인 이유는 하인로트 등 학술공동체가 형성되면서 새로운 학문에 대한 야심을 가졌기 때문이었다. 하지만 경제적 정치적 여건이 문제가 되자, 당시 구축하던 학술적 네트워크를 통해 동물행동학의 연구에 대한 경제적 정치적 여건이 훨씬 더 나았던 독일로 진출했다. 여기에서 그는 학문적 돌파구를 위해 나치당에 입당하는 등 정치적 행동도 마다하지 않았다. 이러한 정치적 행보를 통해 그는 결국 쾨닉스베르크 대학의 교수로 임용되면서 학문적 전기를 마련되었지만, 소련의 참전으로 학문을 중단했다. 전쟁시기에 그는 연구활동을 지속했지만, 이미 정치적 이데올로기에 상당히 감염되었다. 전후 나치 청산이 느슨해지면서 `학자`로서의 전문성을 강조한 덕분에 정치적 책임에서 벗어나 중단했던 연구를 계속할 수 있었다. Konrad Lorenz, who shared the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and is regarded as one of the founders of modern ethology, had been suspicious of his collaboration with Nazi Germany since the denazification was carried out. The controversy over his nazi past has continued recently. The aim of this article is to review what he did politically under National Socialism. At the request of his father, he became a doctor, but he could not but help study ethology, because he was very enthusiastic about animals since his childhood. The political atmosphere for biology in Austria was very bad at that time, whereas eugenics was welcomed and its issues were extensively researched in Germany, especially in the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Society. So he made efforts to go to Germany for the study. After he joined the Nazi party in 1938, he had taken a university chair. Due to his party membership and help of his scientific colleagues, he could focus on studying ethology. However his science was already politically contaminated.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        나치의 과학정책과 기업가 1933~1945

        宋忠起(Song Chung-ki) 역사학회 2007 역사학보 Vol.0 No.196

        This article deals with the role of businessmen in science policy of National Socialism. It focus on the activities of "Max-Planck-Society", which is well known as one of the greatest institutes of science around the world. Its predecessor "Kaiser-Wilhelm-Society" in the Third Reich was influenced above all by the prominent industrialists such as Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Carl Bosch and Albert Vogler, who had taken over the leadership of the society one by one. Before the National Socialists came to power, they were satisfied with their role in the society just as financial supporters, But the science policy of Nazi, which culminated in the introduction of the so-called "Fuhrerprinzip (the leadership principle)", made them "mediator" between the bureaucracy and the scientific community in the era. Moreover the circumstances of war-time promoted those entrepreneurs of industry to "managers" of the science policy and made them involved in the atrocities of Nazi war criminals by helping the effective production of war supplies.

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