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        시비수준 및 용기용적에 따른 편백 용기묘의 생장 특성

        제대영 ( Dai Young Jae ),서희영 ( Hui Yeong Seo ),조현서 ( Hyun Seo Cho ),안현철 ( Hyun Chul Ahn ),김춘식 ( Choon Sig Kim ) 한국산림과학회 2015 한국산림과학회지 Vol.104 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the growth characteristics, carbon and nitrogen content of containerized 1-0 Chamaecyparis obtusa seedlings at various levels of fertilizer (2 g/L, 1 g/L, control) and three container volumes (500 mL, 400 mL, 320 mL). The growth of root collar diameter was highest in the 2 g/L (3.14 mm), followed by the 1 g/L (2.75 mm) and control (2.41 mm) treatments, while the height of seedling was significantly higher in the 1 g/L (21.88 cm) than other treatments (2 g/L: 20.92 cm; control: 19.06 cm). The growth of root collar diameter by container volume was better in the 500 mL than in the 320 mL. Dry weight of seedling was the highest in the 1 g/L (4.41 g seedling.1), followed by the control (3.67 g seedling.1) and the 2 g/L (2.92 g seedling.1) treatments. The dry weight of seedlings by container volume was significantly higher in the 500 mL than in the 320 mL. Nitrogen concentration in foliage was ranged from 1.51% in the control to 2.45-2.60% in the fertilizer treatments. However, carbon concentration of seedlings was not affected by the fertilizer or the container volume treatments. The growth of seedlings following planting in mountain area was better in the fertilized seedlings compared with in the unfertilized seedlings. The results indicate that the 1 g/L fertilization was an optimum rate for growth following planting of Chamaecyparis obtusa seedlings.

      • KCI등재

        삼나무 조림지의 임분밀도에 따른 상대생장식과 현존량 확장계수

        권정화 ( Jung Hwa Gwon ),서희영 ( Hui Yeong Seo ),이광수 ( Kwang Soo Lee ),유병오 ( Byung Oh You ),박용배 ( Yong Bae Park ),정재엽 ( Jae Yeob Jeong ),김춘식 ( Choon Sig Kim ) 한국임학회 2014 한국산림과학회지 Vol.103 No.2

        경상남도 남해군의 유사한 입지환경에서 생육한 삼나무 조림지를 대상으로 47년생의 고밀도임분(667 tree·ha-1)과 49년생의 저밀도임분(267 tree·ha-1)으로 구분한 후 임분밀도에 따른 상대생장식과 현존량 확장계수를 비교하였다. 흉고직경을 독립변수로 하고 각 부위별 건중량을 종속변수로 하는 상대생장식은 고밀도임분의 가지, 저밀도임분의 잎과 종실을 제외하고 상대생장식의 유의성이 인정되었으며(P<0.05), 결정계수(R²)의 값은 0.80-0.96 범위였다. 또한 각 임분밀도에 대한 상대생장식(stand density-specific allometric equations)의 회귀계수(slope)에 유의적인 차가 없어(P>0.05), 일괄 상대생장식(generalized allometric equations)의 적용이 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 현존량 확장계수는 고밀도임분 1.33, 저밀도임분 1.50으로 임분밀도 간 유의적인 차가 있었다(P<0.05). 성숙한 삼나무 조림지의 바 이오매스 추정을 위한 상대생장식의 경우 임분밀도의 영향이 크지 않으나 현존량 확장계수의 경우 임분밀도에 따라 상당한 차이가 있었다. This study was conducted to evaluate stand density-specific and generalized allometric equations, and biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for two stand densities (high density of 47-year-old: 667 tree·ha-1; low density of 49-year-old: 267 tree·ha-1) of Cryptomeria japonica plantations in Namhae-gun, located in the southern Korea. Biomass in each tree component, i.e. foliage, branch, and stem, was quantified by destructive tree harvesting. Allometric regression equations of each tree component were significant (P<0.05) with diameter at breast height (DBH) accounting for 80-96% of the variation except for branch biomass in high density or foliage and cone biomass in low density. Generalized allometric equations can be used to estimate the biomass of C. japonica plantations because the slopes of allometric equations were not significantly different by the stand density. The biomass expansion factors (BEFs) were significantly lower in the high stand density (1.33) than in the low stand density (1.50). The results indicate that BEFs were affected by different stand density, while allometric equations were little related to the stand density.

      • KCI등재

        소나무재선충병 발생 곰솔임분의 간벌에 따른 토양 호흡 동태

        최은진 ( Eun Jin Choi ),서희영 ( Hui Yeong Seo ),이광수 ( Kwang Soo Lee ),유병오 ( Byung Oh Yoo ),김춘식 ( Choon Sig Kim ),조현서 ( Hyun Seo Cho ) 한국임학회 2016 한국산림과학회지 Vol.105 No.1

        경남 진주시의 남부산림자원연구소 월아시험림 내 소나무재선충병 발생 곰솔임분의 간벌 처리구를 대상으로 토양 이산화탄소(CO2) 방출량과 토양환경요인 변화를 조사하기 위하여 강도구, 약도구, 대조구를 설치하고 2012년 3월부터 2013년 2월까지 토양 CO2 방출량, 토양온도, 토양수분함량, 토양 pH 변화를 조사하였다. 토양 CO2 방출량의 월별 변화는 간벌처리구와 대조구 사이에 유의적 차가 없었다(P>0.05). 연 평균 토양 CO2 방출량의 경우 처리간 유의적인 차는 없었으나 약도구 0.58 g CO2 m.2 h.1, 강도구 0.49 g CO2 m.2 h.1, 대조구 0.45 g CO2 m.2 h.1 순으로 약도구가 높게 나타났다. 토양 CO2 방출량은 토양온도와 유의적인 지수함수 관계(P<0.05)가 있었으나 토양수분과 토양 pH 와는 유의적인 상관관계가 없었다(P>0.05). Q10 값의 경우 약도구 3.40, 강도구 3.20, 대조구 3.06으로 약도구가 가장 크게 나타나 소나무재선충병 발생 곰솔임분의 간벌처리는 토양온도 상승과 함께 토양 CO2 방출에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study was carried out to investigate the change on soil CO2 efflux rates, soil temperature, soil water content and soil pH by thinning intensity treatments (heavy thinning, light thinning, control) of a black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) stand disturbed by pine wilt disease in Wola National Experimental Forests in Jinju, Gyeongnam province. Monthly variations of soil CO2 efflux rates were not significantly different between the thinning and the control treatments (P>0.05). The annual mean soil CO2 efflux rates were 0.58 g CO2 m.2 h.1 for the light thinning, 0.49 g CO2 m.2 h.1 for the heavy thinning and 0.45 g CO2 m.2 h.1 for the control treatments, respectively. There was a significant exponential relation between soil CO2 efflux rates and soil temperature, but no correlation between soil water content or soil pH and soil CO2 efflux rates. The values of Q10 were 3.40 for the light thinning, 3.20 for the heavy thinning and 3.06 for the control treatments, respectively. The results indicate that soil CO2 efflux rates in a black pine stand disturbed by pine wilt disease could be affected by thinning treatments.

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