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      • KCI등재

        장기간의 요가운동이 고령 여성의 낙상 관련 체력에 미치는 영향

        변재종(Byun, Jae-Jong),부근(Hwang, Boo-Geun) 한국사회체육학회 2016 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.66

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of yoga exercise program on fall-related physical fitness in elderly women. Subjects for study were 15 elderly women with an age range of 75 to 89 years. Balance(OLS, TUG), flexibility(hip joint ROM, ankle ROM), lower strength(knee extensor/flexor strength, CST were investigated before and mid(after 3 months) and after 9 months yoga exercise program(60min/day, 2 day/week, for 9 months). All data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures of SPSS. The results showed that significant increase were found for OLS(p<.01, p<.001), hip joint(p<.001, p<.05), ankle ROM(p<.001, p<.01), knee extensor(p<.05, p<.001), knee flexor(p<.001, p<.001), CST(p<.001) after 9 months yoga training. But there was no significant difference after 3 months yoga training in all variables except CST. Therefore, we recommend that a yoga exercise program in elderly women is a useful intervention to falls-related physical fitness, but further long-term program is required.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 낙상경험에 따른 발목 가동범위, 균형능력 및 하지근력 분석

        변재종(Byun, Jae-Jong),이규상(Lee, Kyu-Sang),부근(Hwang, Boo-Geun) 한국사회체육학회 2016 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.64

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of ankle range of motion, balance and leg muscle strength according to experienced falls in elderly people. We analyzed the data on 129 elderly people (nonexperienced falls: 65, experienced falls: 63) participated in this study. All subjects conducted ankle ROM (left and right), balance (OLS, TUG), muscle strength (CST) and knee extensor/flexor strength were measured separately by each leg. The results were as follows: Ankle ROM[ left (p<0.05) and right (p<0.05)] of nonexperienced fall group were significantly lower than the experienced fall group. OLS (p<0.001) and TUG (p<0.05) were significantly lower than the experienced fall group .Also, CST (p<0.05) and knee extensor/flexor strength (p<0.05) were significantly lower than the experienced fall group .These results can be predicted that there will be increased risk of falling from falling experience groups. Therefore, We recommend that provision of education and intervention programs to prevent falls are needed for falling experience elderly people.

      • KCI등재

        젊은 남자 성인의 신체활동 수준이 심박변이도 및 심박수 회복율에 미치는 영향

        변재종(Byun, Jae-Jong),부근(Hwang, Boo-Geun),이재현(Lee, Jae-Hyun) 한국사회체육학회 2016 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.66

        This study evaluated the effect of physical activity (PA) on heart rate variability (HRV) and the rate of heart rate recovery (HRR) in 20~29 year-old male adults (n=30). Physical activities were measured by the accelerometer and HRR was recorded in every 30 seconds for 5 minutes after maximal exercise. HRV was measured while subjects were in resting state for 5 minutes. There was no significant correlation between PA variables and HRV but positive correlation between time spent on vigorous PA and HRR at 30s 240s, 270s, 300s after maximal exercise. Regression models with time spent on vigorous PA as independent variables explained 10.2~15% of HRR. The comparison of HRV and HRR between high-PA group (HPA) and low-PA group (LPA) showed that HRR30s of HPA was significantly higher than those of LPA. In conclusion, it seems that PA, especially time spent on vigorous activity affects HRR, but not HRV in young male adults.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        젊은 성인 남자의 최대산소섭취량 수준과 심박변이도 및 운동 후 심박수 회복율의 관련성

        부근(Boo-Geun Hwang),변재종(Jae-Jong Byun),이재현( Jae-Hyun Lee) 한국생활환경학회 2016 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        This study investigated the relationship between the level of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and the function of autonomic nervous system (ANS) in 30 young male adults. The function of ANS was measured by heart rate variability (HRV) and the post-exercise heart rate recovery (HRR). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between VO2max and HRV, but not between VO2max and HRR. Furthermore, the group of higher VO2max showed higher SDNN, RMSSD, TPlog, VLFlog, LFlog, HFlog level and lower physical stress index than those of the group of lower VO2max. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between VO2max and the function of ANS measured by HRV in young male adults and it seems that the aerobic capacity measued by VO2max might affect HRV positively.

      • KCI등재

        고령자 취업 활성화 방안

        진수(Jin Soo Hwang),최성재(Sung Jae Choi),김태현(Tae Hyun Kim),이가옥(Ka Oak Rhee),유성호(Seong Ho Yoo),변재관(Jae Kwan Byun) 한국노년학회 2001 한국노년학 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구는 고령자의 취업 활성화를 위한 기초자료로서, 4개 집단으로 구분하여 조사하였으며, 그 영역으로 첫째는 공식기관에서 노인취업을 담당하고 있는 취업담당자, 둘째, 고령자를 고용하고 있는 고용주, 셋째, 취업중단 고령자, 넷째, 현 취업중인 고령자를 구분하여 조사하였다. 취업담당자 입장에서 본 고령자 취업에 있어 가장 큰 문제점으로는 "사용주의 고용기피", "정부의 제도 및 정책의 미흡", "고용정책의 홍보 미흡"으로 지적하고 있다. 고령자 취업활성화를 위한 가장 우선 순위의 정책으로서는 취업 담당자, 취업중단 고령자, 현 취업중인 고령자 3집단 모두 동일하게 "고령자 적합 직종에 고령자 고용의 의무화", "고령자 적합 직종의 지속적인 개발"을 지지하고 있다. 3위 순위로서 취업담당자, 고용주는 "고령자 고용기업에 대한 보상제도의 강화"이며, 두 집단의 고령자는 "고령자 취업알선센터의 활성화"로 나타나고 있다. 이것은 고용주, 취업중단 고령자, 취업중인 고령자 모두 고용정보망을 "친지 등 아는 사람'으로 응답하고 있는 것으로 취업알선센터의 활성화 및 홍보는 시급한 정책으로 판단할 수 있다. 또한 우리 나라의 고령자는 "경제적인 이유"에서 취업을 하거나 원하는 것으로 나타났다. 취업중단에 대한 이유로는 "육체적으로 힘들어서"로 나타났으며, 이것은 고령자 대부분이 단순노무직에서 일하고 있는 것으로 해석할 수 있어, 고령자 적합 직종의 개발이 시급한 상태임을 증명하고 있다. This study aims to provide the ways of enhancement of employment for the older population. Four groups are explored for the interviews, the staffs working for the employment centers for the elderly, employers hiring the elderly, the elderly who are currently working and suspended. "Need money" is the major reason for working and "too hard" is the main reason for quitting jobs. This finding indicates that the majority of Korean elderly have limited income and are heavily engaged in physical labor. The staffs working for the employment centers for the aged indicate such problems as preventing from employment for the aged, "dislike hiring aged", "lack of government policy" and "lack of information on employment policy for the aged". As a fist step to accelerate the employment for the aged, the employers hiring the aged indicate "development of jobs fitting for the aged", whereas, the other groups give high priority on the "forced execution hiring the aged". Based on the findings, social policies related to the employment for the elderly are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        자궁내막증 여성에서 증가된 자궁내막용종의 빈도; 질환의 중증도와의 관련성

        장혜진,경주,김미란,안상태,변재,이은희,박진영,Chang, Hye Jin,Hwang, Kyung Joo,Kim, Mi Ran,Ahn, Sang Tae,Byun, Jae Guang,Lee, Eun Hee,Park, Jin Young 대한생식의학회 2006 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.33 No.3

        목 적: 자궁내막증에서 발견되는 자궁내막용종의 발생빈도와 자궁내막증 질환의 중증도와의 연관성에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 연구방법: 불임, 심한 월경통, 난소종양 등을 주소로 복강경 수술이 필요했던 여성 631명을 대상으로 하였다. 복강경 수술로 확인된 자궁내막증을 가진 434명과 자궁내막증이 없었던 197명의 여성에서 자궁내시경을 이용한 조직학적인 검사를 통해 자궁내막용종의 발생 빈도를 비교하였다. 또한 자궁내막증 질환의 중증도는 American Fertility Society classification 에 따라 나누었고, 그에 따른 자궁내막용종의 빈도를 비교하였다. 결 과: 자궁내막증을 가진 군 (434명)과 정상 대조군 (197명) 간에 나이, 불임기간, 호르몬 수치 등의 임상적인 차이는 보이지 않았고, 자궁내막용종은 자궁내막증을 가진 여성에서는 274명 (63%)에서 관찰되었고, 자궁내막증이 없는 대조군에서는 58명 (29.8%)에서 관찰되었다(p=0.001). 자궁내막증 1기와 2기에서는 자궁내막용종이 동반된 경우가 각각 54.2%와 64.4% 이었으나, 자궁내막증 3기와 4기에서는 67.6%와 70.2%로 통계적으로 유의하게 정상 대조군에 비해 자궁내막용종의 동반 확률이 높았고, 자궁내막증 중증도에 따라 자궁내막용종의 빈도가 유의하게 증가하는 양상을 보였다(p=0.008). 결 론: 자궁내막증을 가진 여성에서 자궁내막용종을 동반할 확률이 정상인에 비해 높았고, 중증 자궁내막증일수록 동반되는 자궁내막용종의 빈도가 증가하였다. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between severity of endometriosis and the incidence of endometrial polyp. Methods: The study population consisted of six hundred thirty-one women who had undergone laparoscopic operation due to infertility, severe dysmenorrhea or ovarian tumors. We divided two groups: 434 women with endometriosis (study group) and 197 women without the disease (control group). The presence of endometriosis was documented by diagnostic or therapeutic laparoscopic operation and the disease severity was scored according to revised The American Fertility Society classification. We confirmed the endometrial polyps by pathologic examination after hysteroscopic polypectomy, and compared endometrial polyp incidence according to severity of endometriosis. Results: There was no significant difference between groups with regard to age, mean duration of infertility. Endometrial polyps were found in 274 women (63.0%) with endometriosis and in 58 controls (29.8%, p=0.0000). The incidence of endometrial polyps differed significantly according to stage of endometriosis. The incidence of endometrial polyps were 77/142 (54.2%), 58/90 (64.4%), 73/108 (67.6%, p<0.05), 66/94 (70.2%, p<0.05) in endometriosis stage I, II, III, and IV. There was a linear correlation between stage of endometriosis and endometrial polyps incidence (p=0.008). Conclusion: Endometriosis is accompanied by endometrial polyps. This results showed positive correlation between severity of the endometriosis and incidence of endometrial polyps. It is the possible mechanism for low pregnancy rate in the severe endometriosis.

      • 뇌종양 확산강조영상에서 High B-value의 유용성 평가

        김진태,변재,박용성,이래곤,선광,Kim, Jin-tae,Byun, Jae-Hu,Park, Yong-Seong,Lee, Rae-Gon,Hwang, Seon-Kwang 대한디지털의료영상학회 2015 대한디지털의료영상학회논문지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study attempts to examine the clinical usefulness of High b-value DWI (diffusion weighted imaging) for brain tumors with an edema. Subjects were seven patients selected from 65 patients who received an MRI scan for suspected encephalopathy and confirmed diagnosis at our hospital from February to July 2015 (male: 7, average age : 66 years old). As test equipment, 3.0T MR System (ACHIEVA Release, Philips, Best, The Netherlands) and 8Channel SENSE Head Coill were used. DWI checks on the use of the variable TR 5460ms, TE 132ms, Slice Thickness 4mm, gap 1mm, Slice number 29 is, 3D T1WI is TR 8.4ms, TE 3.9ms, matrix size $240{\times}240$, Slice can set 180 piecesIt was. b value of 0, 1,000, 2,000 s/mm2 with DWI acquisition and 3D T1WI enhancement five minutes after the Slice Thickness 3mm, gap 0mm to reconstruct the upper face axis (MPR TRA CE) was. As for the experiment, in b-value 1,000 and 2,000 images, SNR and the lesion at the lesion site and CNR in the normal site opposite to the lesion are measured. WW(window width) and WL(window level) are made equal in MRICro software, and the volume of the lesion is measured from each of b-value and MPR TRA CE image. Using SPSS ver. Mann Whitney-test was analyzed for SNR and CNR, while Kruskal-Wallis test was analyzed for volume.

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