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      • 요청화행의 언표내적 힘의 강도

        백용학 東亞大學校 1998 東亞論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        In a request, the act to be performed is solely in the interest of the speaker and normally at the cost of the hearer, and so it often enables the hearer to refuse the speaker's request. In general, the requester in the speech act imposes on the requestee in some way when demanding goods and services. We can call this kind of the request as the impositive speech act because the utterance addressed by the speaker to the hearer counts as an attempt to get the hearer to perform the specific action. A request can he realized by various ways of expression, each of which has a different degree of intensity of illocutionary force. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine and discuss whether one type of a request is stronger than another in terms of illocutionary force. My argument is as follows first, the direct request intensifies the illocutionary force more strongly than the indirect one. In the direct request. the performative request is less intense than the obligation one and in the indirect request hearer-oriented requests are riot as strong as requests formulated on speaker-based conditions. Second, the adverb intensifier, expander, and pragmatic mark raise the intensity of illocutionary force. Third, the degree of strength of illocutionary force has a mutual relevance to politeness. when the illocutionary force of one request is stronger than another, it means that it is less polite. In conclusion, some syntactic structures as well as some words cause the speaker to mitigate or strengthen the force and politeness of the request. new woman are delineated in the characters of Mrs. Arbuthnot, Hester, and Mrs. Allonby. Together they act out a confrontation with all sexual laws and resrictions, showing them to he both inffectual against the power of passion and impulse. Mrs. Arbuthnot struggles with an absolute morality which denies all her true instincts as a woman, while the women of Hanstanton take advantage of their supposedly weaker status to manipulate the men around them. Thus every woman in this play is an individualist in her own way. An Ideal Hosbund treats another topic of vital and widespread importance to nineteenth society the role of women. Yet Wilde's treatment of women contrasts not only with French thesis play such as Duma's plays, hut also with the works of popular contemporary playwrights like Arthur Pinero. Beneath the surface melodrama of society intrigue, political blackmail, and conventional definitions of sexual roles lies a more subtly contradictory play of satire and realization of individualism not only through the superiority of female dandy Mable Chiltern of subplot to male dandy Lord Goring of main plot hut also through the irony of the title, which reveals the complexities beneath the traditional cliches of ideal and idolizing woman and ambitious, protective man. The Importance of Being Earnest is remarkable less for any specific satire than for the fact that the play itself is the perfect realization of all Wilde's anarchist ideals -individualism and aestheticism; it is the society of 'The Soul of Man under Socialism' made real, which is a utopia where all attempts to assert authority are doomed to failure and its characters are free to realize themselves perfectly. Within a deceptively familiar farcical structure, Wilde not only smuggled in sharp satirical criticism of his society and its mores, he also realized his most idealistic theories of self-development, whose world has no authority and no laws. The willful lovers of The Importance are the embodiment of Wilde's philosophy of perfect individualism.

      • 문학적 담화의 언표내적 분석

        백용학 동아대학교 어학연구소 1987 언어와 언어교육 Vol.2 No.-

        It was not until in 1970s that some of experimental stylists noticed that the speech act theory is the best analytical instrument for the literary discourse. Richard Ohmann (1971) says that every literary work can be considered as a literary discourse called quasi-speech act. Manabe Takashi (1984) maintains that every language in the social life and imaginative literary works falls into the same category, which means every literary discourse can be analyzed in terms of speech acts. Therfore, the purpose of this study is to make a stylistic model based on the speech act theory, especially illocutionary forces for the analysis of literary discourse. For the interpersonal function of the relationship between the author and the reader, I revised Ross's abstract performative theory: ?? The text (S₁: prices slumped) can be considered as a literary discourse, we can make an easy decision on what kind illocutionary force this text has when we think of the interpersonal relationship between the speaker and the hearer. By the way, literary discourse has no simple structure. It has compound illocutionary forces with the primary and the secondary illocutionary ones. For the individuation of illocutionary forces, I used Fotion's Master speech act theory which main force commands the subordinate one. Insofar as illocutionary force is definable within the commanding theory of illocution, each discourse can have exactly one illocutionary force. I attempted to posit the underlying assumptions that each classification must possess in order for a particular illocutionary force to be successfully realized an illocutionary act, i,e., a force in contextual use. The assumptions proved true that the meaning of each context already contains some determiner of illocutionary force, and illocutionary force can be interpreted and understood through contextual analysis. The individuation of illocutionary force must be depended on the whole unit of analysis called the synthetic analysis of the context in literary discourse because every discourse could have a lot of variable illocutionary forces wihtout any consideration of interdependent contexts.

      • 複合名詞의 構造와 그 意味에 관한 硏究 : based on Na+Nb Structure Na + Nb를 中心으로

        白龍鶴 東亞大學校 1982 東亞論叢 Vol.19 No.1

        Studies in transformational grammar have it clear that the grammatical and semantic analysis of sentences must be carried out on at two levels, deep structure and surface structure. In all cases, the deep structure contains more elements than does the relatively abbreviated surface structure. Chomsky has argued that attributive adjectives are derived from full sentences in deep structure. Similarly, it can be said that all the nominal compounds based on Na+Nb structures also have full sentences in deep structure. Structural linguists and some of transformational linguists, however, argue that nominal compounds should be limited only to phonological and idiosyncratic Na+Nb structures. This kind of argument results in serious problems because phonological compounds have lots of variations of stress assignment as in apple pie and apple pie, and idiosyncratic compounds include the inability to make use of spontaneous creativity of coining of Na+Nb. Therefore, nominal compounds shoulds be explained in terms of transformational approach to Na+Nb structures, under which they can be semantically and syntactically analyzed into the classifications of Causative, Possessive, Productive, Instrumental, Appositional, Locative, Purposive, Source, Topic and Similar Predicates in relation to surface and deep structures. Only syntactic and semantic analysis of Na+Nb structures in the transformational way can be contributed to linguistic universality.

      • 영어 요청화행 유형에 관한 연구

        백용학 東亞大學校 2005 東亞論叢 Vol.42 No.-

        It can be assumed that the request speech act in the interest of the speaker and normally at the cost of the hearer can have various illocutionary request types. This paper shows that linguistic situations of the request speech act do not always make the speaker have the same request expression. The request speech act can be realized and classified in a variety of ways. I suggest fifteen kinds of request strategy types. Based on these types, I investigate what kinds of request speech act subjects would like to make. The results of my study are as follows : In the linguistic situation of the speaker's requesting hearer to borrow his/her pen, many requester prefer the hearer and speaker-based conventional indirect request forms. In the linguistic situation the speaker's requesting the hearer to borrow his/her car, the subjects also like conventional indirect requests rather than non-conventional ones. On the other hand, in the linguistic situation the speaker's requesting the hearer not to smoke, most of subjects prefer direct requests to indirect ones. So it can be concluded that the request speech act types depend on the subject matter of requests even without consideration of social situations of the speaker and hearer.

      • 언표내적 화행유형의 분류에 관한 연구

        백용학 동아대학교 어학연구소 1991 언어와 언어교육 Vol.6 No.-

        The attempts to perform illocutionary acts are part of what we mean and understand in the context of our utterance, so that illocutionary acts are the primary unit of meaning in the use and comprehension of natural language. Austin (1962 : 103 ) says that illocutionary acts are conventional in that their forces can be made explicit by means of the performative formula. According to Searle (1985 : 8), the character of illocutionary acts can be entirely determined by the nature of illocutionary force (F) and propositional content (P). Many taxonomies of illocutionary acts tied to Austin's and Searle's have been proposed but they have never been discussed and compared with one another. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss and compare the types of illocutionary acts suggested by seven pragmatists including Austin and Searle, and propose new criteria for the classifications of illocutionary acts in terms of performative verbs. Austin (1962), Searle (1969), and Leech (1983) classified illocutionary acts into five types, while Bach & Harnish (1979) collected them into four categories which could be divided into 31 subcategories, and Vendler (1972), Fraser (1974), and McCawley (1977) put them into more than five classes. Searle's, Vendler's and Leech's taxonomies of illocutionary acts are based on the concept of illocutionary acts as well as syntactic structures. On the other hand, other's rely on only illocutionary concept for the division of illocution. What is more important, Bach & Harnish analyzed performative verbs into two elements such as illocutionaryt performative verbs called illocutionary verbs, and locutionary performative verbs. Similarly, Leech broke up performative verbs into not only illocutionary but psychological predicates. Both of them insist that only illocujtionary verbs have an elaborate implicature for illocutionary acts. But their distinction of performative verbs from illocutionary has no explanatory adequacy, for locutionary performative verbs and psychological predicates can have illocutionary forces in the context of use of natural languages. Most of pragmatists above mentioned provided analyses of illocujtionary taxonomies with consistent principles in their own ways. Their classifications, however, have much overlap of the categories in common and many of the performative or illocutionary verbs listed in the category don't satisfy the definition given for the category, which causes one performative verb to belong to more than two categories. And so a scheme of illocutionary classifications should be principled with emphasis on the definitely illocutionary concept, syntactic and illocutionary structures in which speaker's or hearer's acts can be specified. Its categories should not overlap. The lexical entries should satisfy necessary and sufficient conditions to avoid the performative verb overlap.

      • 수행문에 관한 연구

        백용학 동아대학교 어학연구소 1995 언어와 언어교육 Vol.10 No.-

        The notion of a performative is originally derived from Austin (1962), who criticizes the doctrine of logical positivism. His idea is that a performative is an action based on the felicity condition. Similarly, Searle (1969,1989) argues that a performative is a sentence whose literary utterance in appropriate circumstances constitutes the performance of an illocutionary act. Ross(1970) suggests the performative hypothesis in order to put an emphasis on a performative in declarative sentences. His hypothesis is as follows : (a) The subject of this clause is the first person singular, indirect object, second person singular and the verb is conjugated in the indicative present tense. (b) It is possible to insert the adverb 'hereby' and the sentence is not negative. (c) The performative clause is deletable, such deletion not changing the meaning of the sentence. (d) Every sentence contains only one performative sentence as its highest clause in the deep structure. The purpose of my study is to critically review whether this hypothesis has its explanatory adequacy. The first of his arguments proves unsatisfactory, because the counter examples such as 'The company hereby undertakes to replace any can of Doggo-meat'. And 'I order him to leave' can be performatives. The second of his arguments is contradictory; first, performative verbs do not always take speech act adverbs 'hereby'. The performative sentences, 'I hereby choose…, I hereby pray…, and I hereby conjecture…' result in ungrammaticality or unacceptability. Second, Ross argues that a performative is not negative. He does not distinguish the differences between the sentences, 'I disagree with you' and 'I do not agree with you', both of which have the same meaning. Obviously the argument that the former is a performative, and the latter is a nonperformative means the illogicality of his theory. The third of his arguments must be revised : the deletion of a performative is optional and obligatory. Propositional contents put restrictions on the performative deletion rule which derives surface structures from deep structures. Sometimes, the deletion cannot be applied when it brings forth the change of meaning, force multiciplicity, and ungrammaticality. His last claim must be abandoned: it is clear that a performative is not always on top and it may be embedd. We can easily argue that there are two performative verbs in one sentence. Ross tests his arguments in various ways. His arguments, however, and not strong enough to be universal in terms of discourse contexts.

      • 간접화행과 언표내적 힘에 관한 연구

        백용학 동아대학교 어학연구소 1990 언어와 언어교육 Vol.5 No.-

        Some pragmatic phenomena that have gained prominence in recent discussions are not directly concerned with the relations between indirect speech acts and the ambiguities of illocutionary forces, but rather with the aspects of literal and nonliteral forces of illocutionary acts. Therefore, in this paper I attempt to deal with the ambiguities of illocutionary forces in terms of indirect speech acts and to find out a way or strategy to disumbiguate the complexities of illocutionary forces, which are caused by the sentences without performative verbs in the matrix clause. Sadock (1975) and Green (1975) proposed an idiom theory in order to simplify dual forces in the indirect speech act. They insist that the form 'Can you VP?', should be an idiom for 'I request you to VP' in the just same way that 'kick the bucket' is an idiom for 'die'. However, the idiom theory for the avoidance of the occurrence of direct and indirect forces is not appropriate for the explanation of all ranges of syntactic constructions. In addition, idioms are noncompositional and indirect speech acts are not idioms. Gordon-Lakoff (1975) introduced an inference theory for the simplification of complex forces. This theory is more persuasive than the idiom theory because it is based on a speaker-felicity condition as well as a hearer-felicity condition. But they put too much emphasis on context-sensitive transderivational constraints which now belong to defunct framework of generative semantics. On the basis of Gibbs' (1986) theory, I made an experiment of how complex forces in indirect speech acts could be cleared up. My experiment proves that the duality of illocutionary forces automatically disappears in the language situation between speaker and hearer, even though the syntactic forms for the indirect speech act are various in the surface structure. In conclusion, indirect speech acts which are conventionalized do not cause complexities of direct and indirect forces in the illocutionary act for the speaker- and hearer-based situation, but in the independent context without speaker and hearer, theoretically it is possible that indirect speech acts cause a lot of problems of illocutionary forces, especially in communication.

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