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      • KCI등재

        GIS 를 이용한 산불 정보관리시스템 개발

        조명희(Myung Hee Jo),오정수(Jeong Soo Oh),이시영(Si Young Lee),조윤원(Yun Won Jo),백승렬(Seong Ryul Baek) 한국지리정보학회 2001 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.4 No.3

        Recently our nature of environment has destroyed by a large scaled forest fire. In order to manage these forest fires, forecasting of it is considered as the most important thing. In this paper the database related to forest fire was first built and the efficient forest fire information management system was implemented by using GIS. The main goal of this system is that forest fire managers have GUI (graphic user interface) to analyze data of forest fire effectively and update and retrieve information in database. For the efficient GUI, this system is built in Visual Basic 6.0 and Map Object 2.0. Map Object 2.0 is combined to have various and powerful functionality of GIS analysis as component ware. The Oracle 8.0 is used as DBMS in this study to manage all the spatial and attributed information in database effectively. In the future, this system will play a critical role as making a decision supporting system for scientific forest fire protection and help real time forest fire hazard information offers service for public welfare administration business management.

      • KCI등재

        아까시나무 밀원식물단지 적지 선정을 위한 위성영상과 GIS의 응용기법

        조명희,김준범,조윤원,백승렬 한국지리정보학회 2001 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        위성영상과 GIS 공간분석기법을 이용하여 아까시나무(Robinia pseudoacasia L.) 서식지의 공간적 분포 특성을 해석하고 아까시나무 밀원식물단지의 최적지를 선정함으로서 밀원식물단지 조성을 위한 과학적인 공간분석기법의 기초를 구축하였다. 다양한 공간분석을 위하여 지형(고도, 경사, 사면방향) 수계, 토양, 임상, 토지피복 및 기상(온도, 습도, 강수량)등의 자연환경 자료와 도시, 도로 등의 인문환경 자료를 이용하였다. 선형조합법과 요소조합법을 이용한 도면중첩법 분석결과 영천시의 아카시나무 최적지는 고경, 임고, 청통, 화남면 등의 지역으로 선정되었다. 아울러 위성영상과 GIS를 이용하여 영천지역의 아까시나무 밀원단지 적지분석을 수행한 결과 생장가능지역에 대한 현재의 분포는 42.53%, 최적지 지역은 26.77%로 나타났으며 영천시 전체 면적 중 아까시나무 밀원단지 최적지 면적은 15.79㎢로 분석결과 산출되었다. 본 연구 결과 위성영상과 GIS 응용기법은 아까시나무 밀원식물단지 적지선정에 효과적으로 적용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. Using satellite image and GIS, spatial distribution characteristics of black locust forest as honey plant area was identified and analyzed. Upon the result, the most suitable area for black locust forest was selected through the integration analysis of transparent overlay. The variables used for spatial analysis such as topography (elevation, aspect, slope), soil, drainage, distance from urban area, land use, meteorological elements were considered. Based on the suitability analysis, it was clarified that the integration of linear and factor combination technique is greatly efficient method for the most suitable area. In addition, Gokung, Imgo, Chungtong, Hwanam area were shown to be suitable in Young-shun Area. As the result of suitability analysis for, honey' plant area, of black locust in Young-chun using satellite image and GIS, the present portion of potential distribution area was produced about 42.53%. The portion of most suitable area for honey plant area of black locust was about 26.77%. Finally, the total area for honey plant area of black locust in Young-chun came up to 15.79㎢. Additionally, satellite image and GIS were expected to be significant tools for suitability analysis of honey plant complex area.

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