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        王艮의 格物說 연구

        박상리(Park Sang-Li) 한국양명학회 2001 陽明學 Vol.- No.5

        이 논문은 왕간의 옴에 관한 입장을 격물해석에 기초하여 이해하고자 하였다. 왕간 사상의 특징은 바로 몸의 긍정이라고 할 수 있다. 왕간은 ‘身’을 강조하여 좀더 구체적이고 감성적인 인간의 모습을 긍정하였다. 왕간의 이론이 주목되는 것은 전통적인 修身과는 달리 몸의 욕구를 긍정한다는 것이다. 도덕적 가치보다 생명체로서의 몸이 욕구하는 것을 긍정한다. 물질적 욕망의 긍정과 함께 감성적 인간의 몸을 본체라고 하는 왕간의 사상은 사회적 가치에 매몰되지 않는 개인의 생명과 주체를 강조한다. 그는 ‘몸과 도는 원래 하나이다’라고 전제하면서, 愛身 保身 등을 제기하면서 몸에 주목한다. 그 이론이 온축된 것이 바로 그의 安身說이다. 그는 생명으로서의 몸의 가치를 강조하며 왜 몸을 보전해야 하는가를 말한다. 그것은 결국 왜 타인을 사랑해야 하는지, 그리고 천지만물을 보전해야 하는지 역설적으로 설명해준다. The purpose of this paper is to clarify a bundle of specific characteristics of Wang Gen's thoughts in terms of 'Corpus-Psyche Philosophy (身心哲學).' The core finding of this research is that what Wang Gen owed to and what he was benefited from are based on his key words, Corpus and Psyche. Wang Gen coined an image of more emotional and physical human beings focused on the body. the nature of Corpus-Psyche Philosophy will be uncovered by explaining the definition of Corpus and Psyche. Regarding Wang Gen's Corpus, it's essence is the body which human beings have. The most outstanding point is for Wang Gen to acknowledge the desire of the body unlike traditional Confucianism's cultivating one's moral culture. This attitude actually tends to listen to the voice of physical body rather than moral value. That is the nature of Corpus. The main part of this paper is arranged to establish a framework in order to warrant Wang Gen's Corpus-Psyche Philosophy. Wang Gen pointed out earthly desire affirmatively and described the body of emotional human beings as substance. Thus, he emphasized people's personal life and substance which are free from the impact of social ideologies. He presented 'loving human's body (愛身)' and 'self-securing attitude (安身)' under the premise that the body and the truth(道) is one thing originally. Ultimately he provided his unique idea of self-securing philosophy. That is the most important part of his Corpus-Psyche Philosophy. Self-securing attitude is regarded as the best way to the truth for Wang Gen. Self-securing attitude emphasizes that physical desire can be achieved by physical activities such as eating, drinking, and sleeping. He submitted next step. After self-security attained, people can practice the next-step activity of self-training. By self-training, people can establish one's social belief. He provided us why people should preserve themselves first, love their bodies ahead of all things, and preserve our world ultimately. Although his texts have several paradoxes and limitations, Wang Gen successfully streamed his line under the voice of Corpus-Psyche Philosophy.

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