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        다모작(多毛作)을 위한 답토양(畓土壤) 적성등급(適性等級) 구분(區分) -제(第) 1 보(報) : 기초시험(基礎試驗)

        정연태,박은호,노영팔,엄기태,Jung, Yeun-Tae,Park, Eun-Ho,No, Yeong-Pal,Um, Ki-Tae 한국토양비료학회 1986 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        농경지토양(農耕地土壤)에 대한 정밀토양조사(精密土壤調査) 결과(結果)를 활용(活用)하여 남부지방(南部地方)에서 성행(盛行)하고 있는 논토양(土壤) 다모작(多毛作) 이용(利用)을 위한 적성등급(適性等級) 구분기준(區分基準)을 확립(確立)코자 2개년간(個年間) 토양별(土壤別) 기초시험(基礎試驗)을 실시(實施)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 토양별(土壤別) 심토(心土)를 채취(採取)하여 벼앞그루 작물(作物)과 벼를 무비조건(無肥條件)으로 2모작(毛作)한 잠재생산력은 "배수약간양호(排水若干良好)" 한 미사식양질토양(微砂埴壤質土壤)에서 가장 높았고 "배수불량(排水不良)"한 사질토양(砂質土壤)에서 가장 낮았으며 토양별(土壤別) 생산력비교가 용이(容易)하였다. 2. 유기물분해력(有機物分解力)도 "배수약간양호(排水若干良好)" 한 토양(土壤)이 "배수약간불량(排水若干不良)" 한 토양(土壤)보다 높았고 사양질토양(砂壤質土壤)은 밭상태(狀態) 및 담수초기(湛水初期)의 저온시(低溫時)에 분해력(分解力)이 높은 반면에 담수후기(湛水後期)에는 식양질토양(埴壤質土壤)이 높았다. 3. 강우후(降雨後) 경운가능상태(耕耘可能狀態) 도달일수(到達日數)는 식양질계토양(埴壤質系土壤)이 식질계토양(埴質系土壤) 보다 5일정도(日程度) 빨랐고 경운가능기간(耕耘可能期間)은 "배수약간양호(排水若干良好)" 한 토양(土壤)의 식질(埴質)에서 가장 긴 반면(反面)에 식양질(埴壤質)은 가장 짧았으며 "배수약간불량(排水若干不良)" 한 토양(土壤)은 토성간(土性間) 차이(差異)가 경미(輕微)하였다. 4. 지하수위(地下水位)가 낮을 수록 생산력지수는 높았고 "배수약간양호(排水若干良好)"한 토양(土壤)은 지하수위(地下水位)의 변이(變異)가 중립질토성(中粒質土性)에서 낮았고 조립질(組粒質) 및 세립질(細粒質)은 높았으나 "배수불량(排水不良)" 답(畓)은 그 반대(反對)이었다. To establish a suitability grouping system of paddy soils for double or multiple cropping with rice which is intensively practiced in the southern parts of Korea, a few basic experiments were carried out for two years. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The potential productivities of the paddy soils which were tested without any fertilizer in the pots of subsoil samples by the double cropping of rice and other upland crops were resulted that the soils of "Moderately well drained" fine silty textured were the highest while the soils of "Poorly drained" sandy were the lowest, and the productivities could be clearly comparable according to the differences of soil conditions. 2. The decomposability of organic matter also was higher in the soils of "Moderately well drained" than the "Imperfectly drained". The coarse loamy and coarse silty textured soils were high in the upland condition and in the early stages of submerging while the fine loamy and fine silty textured soils were high at the late stage of submerging in the rates of organic matter decomposition. 3. The days to be reached to tillable condition after rainfall in fine loamy textured soils were about 5 days earlier than the clayey soils. The period of tillable condition of fine clayey soils with "Moderately well drained" was the longest and that of the fine loamy textured soils was the shortest. But the soils with "Imperfectly drained" were not clear among soil textural classes. 4. The lower the ground water table the higher was the productivity indices. The variation of ground water table in the medium textured soils was higher than the both of coarse and fine textured soils among "Moderately well drained". But it was observed the opposite in the soils of "Imperfectly drained".

      • KCI등재

        영남지역(嶺南地域)에 분포(分布)된 단구지토양(段丘地土壤)의 특성(特性)과 생성연구(生成硏究) -제(第) 4 보(報) : 토양미세형태학적(土壤微細形態學的) 특성(特性)

        정연태,신제성,노영팔,Jung, Yeun-Tae,Shin, Jae-Sung,No, Yeong-Pal 한국토양비료학회 1986 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        영남지역(嶺南地域)에 분포(分布)된 단구지토양(段丘地土壤)의 미세형태각적(微細形態覺的) 특징(特徵)을 토양생성(土壤生成)과 모재층구분(母材層區分)을 중심(中心)으로 실시(實施)한 결과(結果) ; 1. 단구토양(段丘土壤)의 원질배열(原質配列)은 Porphyroskelic 상(狀)이고 토양조직(土壤組織)(Soil fabric)은 Vosepic, Mosepic, Insepic, Masepic 등(等)이 대부분(大部分)이었으나 영일지역(迎日地域)의 극락통(極樂統)과 우평통(牛坪統)에서는 Asepic fabric도 있었다. 2. 단구토양(段丘土壤)의 B층(層)에는 ferriargillans, manganiferrous concretions과 papules 등(等)의 토양생성학적(土壤生成學的) 특징(特徵)이 현저(顯著)하게 발달(發達)된 Argillic B층(層)이 있었다. 3. 모재(母材)의 불연속성(不連續性)이 예상(豫想)되는 영천(永川)의 반천통(盤泉統)과 영일(迎日)의 우평통(牛坪統) 기층(基層)은 Plasmic fabric이 단구퇴적물(段丘堆積物)과 판이(判異)하였으므로 bisequum profile로 되어 있음을 알 수 있었으며 이들 토층(土層)에도 유리입자상(遊離粒子狀) 점토피막(粘土皮膜)(Free grain cutans)이 생성(生成)되어 있는 것으로 보아 단구퇴적물(段丘堆積物)의 퇴적전(堆積前)에 일정기간(一定期間) 동안 토양생성작용(土壤生成作用)을 받을 기회가 있었던 것으로 추측(推測)되었다. A soil micromorphological study of clayey terrace soils in Yeongnam area was carried out to investigate the soil genetic features and to distinguish the soil parent materials. Dominant plasmic fabrics in the terrace soils were vosepic, mosepic, insepic, and masepic of sepic fabrics but the Geugrag and Upyeong in Yeongil sequence have an asepic fabrics. Embedded grain cutans in the terrace soils were characterized by having porphyroskelic related distribution. Among pedological features of the B horizons of the terrace soils, the argillic cutans of ferriargillans and glaebules of manganiferrous concretions were the dominant in mineralogical composition, and the papules are abundant in the most terrace soils indicating that the soils are generally old. The substrata of the Bancheon in Yeongcheon and Upyeong in Yeongil area were so different from the terrace deposits in plasmic fabrics that these soils were believed to be composed of bisequum profiles. Because of having the free grain cutans, it was considered that the substrata of Bancheon in Yeongcheon and Upyeong in Yeongil area might have a period of soil formation before deposition of the terrace materials.

      • KCI등재

        다모작(多毛作)을 위한 답토양(畓土壤) 적성등급(適性等級) 구분(區分) -제(第)2보(報) : 적성등급(適性等級) 구분기준(區分基準)

        정연태,박은호,노영팔,엄기태,Jung, Yeun-Tae,Park, Eun-Ho,No, Yeong-Pal,Um, Ki-Tae 한국토양비료학회 1986 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        논토양(土壤)에 수도(水稻)를 포함(包含)하여 그 전후작(前後作)으로 밭작물(作物)을 다모작(多毛作) 할 경우에 토양종류별(土壤種類別) 적성정도(適性程度)를 추정(推定) 할 수 있는 논토양다모작적성등급(土壤多毛作適性等級)을 구분(區分)코자 기초시험(基礎試驗)을 실시(實施)하고 적성등급구분(適性等級區分) 기준(基準)을 설정(設定)하였다. 기초시험결과(基礎試驗結果)는 전보(前報)에서 논(論)하였고 구분기준(區分基準) 및 주요결과(主要結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 적성등급(適性等級) 구분요인(區分要因)은 잠재생산력을 대표(代表)한 토성(土性) 및 배수등급(排水等級), 화학적특성(化學的特性)(표토염농도(表土鹽濃度), 및 심토(心土)의 반응(反應)), 환경조건(環境條件)(경사도(傾斜度) 및 온량지수(溫量指數)) 그리고 지하수위(地下水位) 및 토양모재(土壤母材) 등(等)을 선택(選擇)하여 연역(演繹) 귀납(歸納) 절충식(折衷式) 인자별가중치(因子別加重値) 상승(相乘) 상가복합법(相加複合法)에 의한 이론적(理論的) 최상치(最上値)가 100 점(點)이 되도록 하였다. 91 점이상(點以上)인 토양(土壤)을 I급지(級地)로 하고 60 점이하(點以下)인 토양(土壤)을 V급지(級地)로 하되 10 점(點) 단위(單位)로 등분(等分)하였으며 등급별(等級別) 제한인자(制限因子)는 "물리성(物理性)" "화학성(化學性)" 및 "경사도(傾斜度)" 등(等) 3가지로 하되 2개까지 병기 가능(可能)토록 하였다. 2. 온량지수(溫量指數) 110 이상(以上)인 대부분(大部分)의 영남지역(嶺南地域)은 I급지(級地)가 19%, II급지(級地) 22.7%, III급지(級地) 44.7%, IV급지(級地) 11.5% 그리고 V급지(級地)가 2.1%로서 전국(全國)의 논토양(土壤) 급지별(級地別) 분포비율(分布比率)보다는 상급지비율(上級地比率)이 약간 높았다. 3. 토양별(土壤別) 총득점(總得點)과 생산력지수간에는 유의성(有意性)($r=.922^{**}$)이 인정(認定)되어 기준(基準)의 적합도(適合度)가 높은 것으로 볼 수 있었다. To establish a suitability grouping system of paddy soils for multiple cropping of rice with other upland crops, the study was carried out after a few basic experiments. In succession to the results on basic experiment prior, the suitability system proposed and the results of application mentioned in this report were summarized as follows; 1. The factors of soil properties in the system were productivities represented by soil texture and drainage class, as well as salinity of surface and sub-soil pH of chemical properties were considered together with slope, warmth index, ground water table, parent materials etc. of soil physical or environmental conditions. The weights of the factors were combined with multiplicatively and additively so as the total marks of ideal soil to be 100. The system was composed with 5 suitability classes; over 91 mark is class I, under 60 mark class V, and each 10 point interval between classes. The limiting factors "P" (in the case that Physical properties or Productivity marks under 24), "S" (Surface slope less than 15) and "C" (Chemical condition below 15) etc. were appended up to two kinds to the classes except a part of soils in class I. 2. The areas where the warmth index exceed 110 in Yeongnam were 19% for class I, 22.7% for class II, 44.7% for class III, 11.5% for class IV, and 2.1% for class V. The rates in class I and II were slightly more than those of the whole country. 3. The points of each soil gained by the system had a positive correlation ($r=.922^{**}$) with the potential productivities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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