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        사례논문 : 원가추정모델을 활용한 가격규제

        김범준(제1저자교신저자) ( Bum Joon Kim ) 한국회계학회 2015 회계저널 Vol.24 No.6

        인터넷멀티미디어방송(Internet protocol television; 이하 ``IPTV 방송``)의 요금은 방송통신산업 규제기관인 방송통신위원회가 승인권한을 가지고 있다. 방송통신위원회는 유료방송시장의 선순환과 공정경쟁구조 확립을 위하여 IPTV 방송사업자가 기존의 통신시장에서 시장지배력을 지렛대로 활용하여 종합유선방송사업자를 부당하게 경쟁에서 배제하는 약탈적 가격설정을 규제하고자 한다. 반면, IPTV 방송사업자는 사업초기 원활한 시장진입을 목적으로 이용요금을 낮게 설정하기 위하여 원가를 상대적으로 낮게 산출할 유인이 존재한다. 본 연구에서는 IPTV방송 요금원가 산정을 위하여 A사가 방송통신위원회에 제출한 원가예측모형을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 분석대상인 A사의 IPTV 원가예측모형은 활동기준원가모형에 기반한 3단계 원가산정모형으로 미래 5년간 원가를 추정하여 상품별 예측원가를 산출하였다. 세부적으로, 1단계에서는 미래 5년간 예측된 원가를 기능별 계정과목별로 집계한 후 2단계에서는 집계된 원가를 인과관계에 따라 채널, VOD, 양방향, STB 그리고 광고와 같은 서비스별로 원가로 다시 배부하였다. 마지막 3단계에서 기본형과 고급형과 같은 기본상품과 프리미엄 채널과 같은 부가상품의 상품별 원가를 산정하였다. 뿐만 아니라,원가예측모형의 적정성을 검증하기 위하여 다양한 가정을 변화시키는 시뮬레이션 분석을 수행하였으며, 분석결과 원가추정기간이 길수록, 시장규모에 대해 낙관적으로 추정할수록,망 임대비용에 대해 최소로 추정할수록 상품별 원가가 하락하는 것을 확인하였다. 아울러,A사는 추정한 원가정보의 신뢰성을 제고하기 위하여, 예측원가모형 및 결과를 외부전문가의 검토를 거쳐 방송통신위원회에 제출하였다. 본 논문은 규제기관이 가격결정을 하는데 미래예측원가를 활용한 사례를 제시하였을 뿐만 아니라 규제기관이 사업자로부터 추정된원가정보를 제출받는 경우 사업자가 자의적으로 원가를 왜곡시키는 유인을 제거하기 위하여 외부 전문가의 검토가 유용하다는 점을 제시하였다는 점에서 원가회계 실무와 연구에 공헌하였다. This case study examines the costing model of IPTV subscription fees for regulatory purposes. When the Korea Communication Commissions (KCC) approves new IPTV subscription fees, the KCC should consider the estimated cost information about IPTV service by IPTV law. This estimated cost information helps the KCC achieve the policy goals by keeping IPTV service providers from setting predatory pricing in the multi-channel television service market. In other words, KCC wants to refrain from excluding CATV providers illegally in the market, and then to maintain the broadcasting ecosystem. However, IPTV service providers like company A have incentives to penetrate the multi-channel television service market by setting predatory prices and then increase the number of subscribers in the early stage. In this context, this study analyzes the cost estimating model company A submits to the KCC in order to request for approval of the IPTV subscription fee when company A launches its IPTV services. Company A is one of the incumbent telecom service companies who provide both high-speed internet services and fixed-line telephone services. Company A needs to get approval of the KCC regarding IPTV subscription fees to launch IPTV services in the market. For this purpose, Company A submits subscription fee plans to the KCC based on estimated cost information. To get estimated cost information, we build a cost estimating model based on activity based costing concept and forecast revenue and cost of Company A for the next 5 years which is a first licensed period. This cost estimating model comprises 3 cost allocation stages. In the first stage, we define 6 cost pools (resources) which are essential to providing IPTV services, including content sourcing, marketing, service operations, salaries, network costs and other costs. In the second stage, we define 3 key cost objects which consists of Live Channel, Video on Demand and Interactive Service and a separate supporting service, the set-top box, as an intermediate cost object accumulating activity costs. In addition, this model includes advertising as an additional intermediate cost object because advertising also generates revenue to Company A without considerable costs. In the third stage, we define final cost objects based on Company A``s individual IPTV service tiers like basic or premium IPTV services. In addition, we also define subscriber acquisition services, activation services, transfer services and lease services as additional cost objects because these services are necessary in delivering the IPTV service and at the same time consume various activities and resources. Finally, we find estimated cost numbers of basic IPTV service and premium IPTV service through thecost estimating model. We also estimate costs of IPTV supplementary services like pay-for-view channel, subscriber``s video on demand, and interactive service etc. As a result, the cost of basic IPTV service is estimated at KW 12,652 per month and the cost of premium IPTV service is estimated at KW 19,141 per month. Based on these results, Company A requests for approval of the subscription fee of basic IPTV service at KW14,000 per month and the subscription fee of premium IPTV service at KW 25,000 per month in terms of no period agreement. According to this request, the KCC approves IPTV service provision of Company A which includes subscription fee. Moreover, to enhance reliability of the cost information, Company A asks outside specialists such as accounting firms to review the information and confirm whether estimated costs are calculated based on proper assumptions and procedures. This case study can contribute to the cost accounting literature by presenting the importance of the estimated cost information when the regulator determines whether the price is appropriate.

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