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      • KCI우수등재

        체육측정평가 : 우수 배드민턴 선수의 형태학적 비율

        강상조(KangSang-Jo),박기현(ParkKi-Hyun),이미숙(LeeMi-Sook),최희남(ChoiHee-Nam) 한국체육학회 1998 한국체육학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        이 연구는 경기력 수준별로 본 여자 배드민턴(올림픽 메달획득선수 4명, 국가대표선수 8명, 대학·실업선수 14명) 선수들의 人體特性에 차이가 있는지의 여부를 규명하고 우수선수의 인체특성 모형으로써 성인 대표선수의 形態學的 特性을 적용하는 것이 적절한지의 여부를 검증하는데 목적이 있다. 인체계측을 위해 선정된 변인은 현장에서 직접 측정이 가능한 신장과 체중, 5부위의 피하지방, 4부위의 둘레 등 11개 변인이다. 측정은 동일한 측정자에 의해 Ross와 Marfell-Jones(1982), Parizkova(1978)가 제안한 인체계측 절차에 의해 실시되었다. 추정된 골격근의 발달정도를 나타내주는 근질량, 체지방량과 측정된 피하지방, 둘레변인은 Ross와 Marfell-Jones(1982)가 신체비율평가를 위해 제안한 Phantom 지수(Z)로 환산하였다. 인체측정 변인의 집단별 평균치간 차이는 ANOVA를 이용하여 검증하였다. 여자 배드민턴 우수선수의 신체적 특성은 평균적으로 볼 때 신장은 크고 체중은 상대적으로 가볍다. 피하지방 축적량은 우수선수일수록 낮으며 특히 대퇴, 장단지, 삼두근 부위의 피하지방 두께는 적고 체지방률 역시 낮다. 신체둘레 중 대퇴위는 상대적으로 적다. 이와같은 결과를 종합해 보면 인체측정 변인중 체중과 대퇴위, 대퇴, 장단지의 피하지방 두께, 체지방률과 근질량은 배드민턴 선수의 訓練成果를 평가하는데 효과적으로 활용할 수 있음을 시사해 준다. The present study was attempted to describe the morphological parameters that characterize elite badminton players in order to examine the efficacy of using elite player`s morphological characteristics as a model for success. Data were collected on 26 female elite badminton players who selected from three different groups such as 4 olympic medalists, 8 national representative players, and 14 business team players. In order to evaluate the possibility of employing estimates of regional active tissue development (corrected diameters) as indicators of morphological prerequisites in badminton players, the skinfold-corrected diameters were measured in addition to the anthropological parameters such as height, weight, and % fat. These variables were analyzed by ANOVA and Phantom z-scores procedures. The olympic medalists had a slight tendency to be taller and lighter than the business team players. The thigh skinfold thickness and the estimated % of body fat of the olympic medalists had a significantly (p<.01) lower than those of the business team players. The % of fat mass relative to total height were significantly (p<.01) increased from the Olympic medalists (23.4%) to the business team players (25.4%). The Phantom z-scores for the relative fat mass were significantly (p<.01) increased with the athletic performance level. The results indicate that weight, thigh girth, skinfold thickless of thigh and calf, % of body fat and muscle mass are important characteristics prerequisites for success at elite levels of badminton players.

      • KCI등재

        측정평가 : 체밀도 추정공식의 차이가 체지방추정 결과에 미치는 영향

        강상조(KangSang-Jo),박재현(ParkJae-Hyeon),김혜진(KimHea-Jin) 한국체육학회 2003 한국체육학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine influences of estimated body density equations on the results of relative body fat. For this purpose, we used an computer analysis method called Monte Card computer simulation and 65 body density equations were collected. Among these equations, we used only 45 equations which are reported SEE and one of the data(subject C) which bad full profile which takes 29 region anthropometry measurement. For the raw data, Monte Carol computer simulation procedure attends to create 46,000 pseudo data by using 100 random variables which repeated 10 times from 45 equations. Random sampling is performed 10 times from these data which were categorized according to gender, age, race, professional-sports experience, and caliper.The result has it that the range of Relative body fat from different equations on a single person was about 16%-37%. In conclusion, the most influential variable was age, the second was gender, the third was ethnic and the next was caliper. But this study figure out that the experience of athlete has no influence on these equations. For the following studies using Montecarol computer simulation, we suggest the data for the analysis include extended peculation of data

      • KCI등재

        측정평가 : 번역된 운동심리 측정척도의 문항편파성 검증: 국가간 비교

        강상조(KangSang-Jo) 한국체육학회 2003 한국체육학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        When tests are belated into different language and culture, the measurement equivalence of the adapted instrument should be assessed, because the original and translated instruments may not be equivalent. The most of researdi in sport psychology has examined a white, college-and, and male individuals. As a result, conclusions from the research may not be applicable to all individuals of the other race, Many studies investigating the difference between ethnic groups have been done without examining differential item functioning (DIF) of the scale/lest used in the studies. DIF refers to unequal probabilities of a correct response to a test item by examinees from two groins, formed according to some demographic variable, such as gender or ethnicity, when controlled for their ability differences. The present study was to examine culture-related DIF for the translated instrument by applying administered to a total of 1,130 high school students from Seoul metropolitan area in Koea and Urbana-Champaign area in USA. It contained 19 items which have 6 response categories, raring from representing "always" to 1 representing "never". Graded response model were used to examine whether a polytomous IRT model fit the data Unidimensionality assumption was examined by principal component factor analysis. Five DIF detection methods, such Likelihood ratio test, Lord’s chi-square, and Raju’s two area measures as IRT method and MH procedure as non-IRT method were used to test DIF of the BIAQ items between Cultural groups. Five methods identified 6 to 13 items with significant DIF, Raju's UA test detected the most items with significant DIF, followed by Rasch method Lord’s chi-square MH, and Raju's SA. Two items ("I fest for a day or longer” and I get dressed up or made up") among the total items with significant DIF over culture were identified as having significant DIF across more than four methods. IRT and MH-based DIF analyses demonstrated to be an useful procedure in evaluating the measurement equivalence of instruments over the different cultures. Suggestions for future research are provided.

      • KCI우수등재

        채밀도 추정을 위한 생체 전기저항 분석법의 타당도일반화

        강상조(KangSang-Jo),김기범(KimKee-Bum) 한국체육학회 2000 한국체육학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        타당도일반화 모형은 광범위하고도 다양한 연구를 포함하고 있는 체육과 운동과학분야에서 지식체계의 통합을 위한 상당한 기여와 전망을 할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 이러한 타당도일반화 모형을 신체구성과 관련된 측정방법가운데 체밀도 추정을 위해 사용되고 있는 생체 전기저항 분석법에 적용하여 지금까지 생체 전기저항 분석법을 통해 제시되고 있는 다양한 타당도계수에 대한 혼돈된 결과들을 성별과 연령별에 따라 종합하고 일반화하고자 하였다.결론적으로 모든 상황에서 나타난 생체 전기저항 분석법의 예측 타당도는 조작변인 (artifacts)에 의해 설명되는 %변량이 전체에서는 35.8%, 성인 남자는 37.8% 성인 여자는17.0%, 소년은 12.4%, 그리고 소녀는 18.5%로 나타나 결정규칙의 75%에 못미치는 변량을 나타냄으로써 이 연구에서 제시하는 평균 진짜 타당도계수 (meam true validity coefficients)는 일반화시킬 수 있는 진짜 타당도계수라고 추정하기에는 어렵다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 전체와 중재변인을 통해 제시된 생체 전기저항 분석법의 평균 진짜 타당도계수는 .848~.948까지 나타났으며, 신뢰구간의 하한구간을 90%로 하였을 때 신뢰도계수는 .719~,859으로 나타나 생체 전기저항 분석법이 체밀도를 추정하기 위한 검사방법으로써 타당성있는 예측 타당도 검사로 확인되었다.한편 생체 전기저항 분석법의 타당도일반화가 성공하지 못한 원인으로는 이 연구에서 사용된 네가지 수량화할 수 있는 조작변인 즉, 관찰된 타당도계수, 표본크기,검사신뢰도계수, 준거신뢰도계수가 전체 잔차변량을 제대로 설명해 주지 못하고 있는 것으로 추론할 수 있기 때문에 다른 조작변인, 예를 들어 준거오염, 검사의 요인구조 준거검사의 요인구조 등과 같은 다른 잔차변량이 반영되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. 또한 매우 적은 중재변인에 관한 연구가 진행된 것을 알 수 있는데 소년, 소녀 그리고 노인을 대상으로 한 새로운 연구가 계속 진행되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. 그리고 타당도일반화 계수를 추정할 때 나타나는 산술적인 실수를 보완하기 위하여 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 (computer simulation)을 통해 더욱 정확한 계산을 할 필요성이 요구된다. Validity generalization is a method of establishing the generalizability of the validity of a test by examining the results of all previous validity studies of the test of interest. In this paper, the validity generalization model was modified for application to predict validity studies of bio-electrical impedance. A literature search was conducted to identify studies in which bio-electrical impedance test scores were correlated with underwater weighting. The predict validity of bio-electrical impedance test was not shown to be generalizable across all situations. In this study, the percentage of variance accounted for by the artifacts was total 35.8%, men 37.8%, women 17.6%, boys 12.4%, girls 18.5%. Thus, the 75% decision rule was not met. However, a model is in place for future use. A new validity study should be carried out on boys, girls and old people particularly. This new study will represent new data and should be added to the prior information to form the posterior distribution. The posterior distribution can be used in a subsequent validity generalization study. And the reason why regarding low power by stating that studies underestimate the power of validity generalization, since this study only included quantifiable artifacts. Therefore, next study will include nonquantifiable artifacts, such as typographical and corxputational errors and criterion contamination. To date, use of validity generalization as a model to examine validity has not been widely applied for exercise science research. Validity generalization holds considerable premise as a tool for exercise scientists to use in integrating knowledge in the area of criterion-related validity.

      • KCI등재

        체육측정평가학 : 각종 탁구 경기대회의 비중도: 어떻게 결정할 것인가?

        강상조(KangSang-Jo) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.3

        Almost all the sport federations have operated the weight system which gives different points according to the level of the games. Many attempts have been made to determine the appropriate standard for evaluating the quality level of various national and international sport games. The present study was an attempt to calibrate the weights associated with the different quality of sport games being held in Table-tennis event by using the Rasch rating scale model and to test the validity of the perceived weights of different games suggested by experts. Total 47 high school Table-tennis teams (male team = 22, female team = 25) participated in at least one game out of 7 major national games were selected for weighing the quality of the games. Tournament records were used as indicator of performance level for the selected teams in each game. The results showed that the Spearman's correlations between the game weights suggested by experts and derived by Rasch model were ranging from 0.354 to 0.825. The game weights suggested by experts were not consisted of those derived from Rasch analysis. The quality level of the games differed among the 7 different games. For example, ‘National games of men & women's table tennis championships’ had the highest quality measure (logit = -1.25) while ‘National men & women's Junior Championships of table tennis’ had the least quality measure (logit = 1.97) on the basis of 2004 tournament records of 7 major games for male. The results from a Rasch model analysis make it possible for a college board to identify the relative quality of games.

      • KCI우수등재

        특수체육 : 체력요인(體力要因)에 의한 정신지체아(精神遲滯兒) 집단(集團)간의 판별분석(判別分析)

        한민규(HanMinKyu),강상조(KangSang-Jo) 한국체육학회 2001 한국체육학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        이 연구는 體力要因이 精神遲滯兒의 각 집단간 障碍程度를 효과적으로 변별하는데 영향을 미칠 것이라는 전제하에 체력요인이 정신지체아의 장애정도에 따라 차이가 있는지의 여부를 규명하고, 장애정도별로 체력에 차이가 있다면 장애정도를 효과적으로 변별해 주는 體力要因은 무엇인가를 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 서울·경기 소재 초·중등 특수학교에 재학중인 정신지체 남·여학생 총 569을 대상으로 7개의 체력검사가 세 집단의 장애정도를 효과적으로 변별해 줄 수 있는지의 여부를 標準判別分析 (direct discriminant function analysis) 방법을 적용하여 분석하였다. 체력검사 변인의 하위 7개 검사는 윗몸앞으로굽히기, 매달리기, 윗몸일으키기, 던지기, 1000m 달리기, 피하지방두께, BMI가 측정되었다. 선정된 세 집단은 남녀 정신지체 아동으로써 교육가능급, 훈련가능급, 다운증후군으로 분류하였다. 이 연구에서 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성별 정신지체아의 장애정도는 윗몸앞으로굽히기, 매달리기, 윗몸일으키기, 공던지기, 1000m달리기 검사에 의해 효과적으로 변별될 수 있다. 둘째, 남녀 정신지체인의 세가지 장애정도는 두 개의 판별함수에 의해 48.09%이상 정확하게 분류될 수 있다. 선정된 7개 검사는 교육가능급과 다운증후군 집단의 정치율을 높이는데 효과적이다. The present study attempted to evaluate the differences of physical fitness among three group categorized mentally retarded children and to investigate the physical fitness structures of the three different groups. The subject were classified into three groups; educable (group I), trainable (group II), and down syndrome (group III). The subjects consisted of 596 mentally retarded children selected from special school. The 7 physical fitness tests were selected from motor-related fitness components. Multiple discriminant analysis was used to determine if the selected physical fitness tests were sensitive to differentiate among the three groups and successfully classify individual students in the appropriate performance levels. MANOVA showed that there was a significant difference (p $lt; .01) among the three different groups in the selected 7 physical fitness test mean vectors. Discriminant function analysis showed that two functions were extracted, but first function was significant. The first was a flexibility and cardio-endurance factor represented by sit & reach and 1000m run that separated the group I and the group II, III. Classification analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of the discriminant analysis. The result showed that 48.09% of the three different mentally retarded children groups were correctly classified into their respective groups by the weighted discriminant scores. Is was concluded that the one discriminant function provided a valid model for evaluating differences among the three different mentally retarded groups.

      • KCI우수등재

        측정평가 : 단일변인 중복면적: 개념과 추정방법

        박재현(ParkJae-Hyeon),강상조(KangSang-Jo) 한국체육학회 2003 한국체육학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to introduce on univariate Overlap Zone (OZ) and applicate on MS-Excel programing for OZ. OZ is mean that two distributions are the degree to overlapping. Two distributions can differ from each other if the mean of one is dislocated relative to the other, if the variability of one is markedly different from the other. It would like to be able to quantify in OZ for a selection pressure, there are some difficult on OZ calculation because it is need to calculate by iteration over 10 or more for the intersection of two curves. The easyOZ by Excel is program for compute OZ based on the MS-Excel by Microsoft. This OZ and Easy OZ would allow us to understand more completely the relative importance of different anthropometric variables, make informed judgments about talent identification criteria, and compare selection pressures in population subgroups such as males vs females, or national-level player vs international-level player.

      • KCI우수등재

        다국면 Rasch 모형에 의한 운동수행 평가의 평정오차 분석

        김미예(KimMi-Ye),강상조(KangSang-Jo) 한국체육학회 2003 한국체육학회지 Vol.42 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine rating errors influencing on judgemental scoring, and to suggest the way of providing feedback for judges as a graphical format using Many-facet Rasch analysis. The data of lady’s figure skating events at the 2002 winter Olympics was used to compare the rankings when four methods of analysis are used. Methods are simple adding score, trimmed mean, median rank, and Many-facet Rasch analysis. Using Many-facet Rasch analysis, rating error-severity or leniency, halo effect, central tendency, restriction of range, and reliability or agreement were examined. Judge-by-athletes interaction was also calculated to extract feedback information. The results presented that ranking from the each methods were vary, and rating error can be detected in many facet Rasch analysis using the indexes such as mean square error, separation, and reliability, and also using the chi-square test. The information obtained from many-facet Rasch analyses could be used effectively to provide feedback for judges in training and certification program.

      • KCI우수등재

        체육측정평가 : 성인 남성의 건강체력수준의 평가: 판별분석의 적용

        이미숙(LeeMi-Sook),강상조(KangSang-Jo),田中喜代次(KiyojiTanaka) 한국체육학회 1998 한국체육학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        일상생활 중 신체활동의 감소에 따른 건강체력 수준의 저하가 활력있는 건강한 장수를 위한 잠재 능력을 쇠퇴 시킨다는 이론적인 배경 하에, 개개인의 체력수준에 대한 폭 넓은 검토가 고령화 사회의 중요한 과제로서 대두되고 있는 실정이다. 이 연구의 목적은 건강체력 (health-related physical fitness) 검사 결과로부터 일반군, 운동군, 비만군으로 분류된 세 집단을 통계적으로 가장 적절하게 판별할 수 있는 추정식을 작성하는데 있다. 신체활동 수준이 다른 성인 남성 75명을 연구 대상으로 하였으며 성인 남성의 체력을 건강체력 관점에서 정의하고, 선행연구의 결과를 기초로 하여 근력, 전신지구력, 유연성, 신체구성 요인을 건강체력수준 평가에 필요한 체력요인 및 항목으로 선정하였다. 이들 각각의 체력요인을 대표하는 항목은 타당성 및 신뢰성을 고려하여 악력, 최대산소섭취량, 체전굴, 체지방 등의 검사항목을 선택하였다. 판별분석을 적용하여 검토 한 주요 분석내용은 1) 선정된 체력검사 결과에 근거하여 집단 구성원은 우연에 의한 예언보다 어느 정도 높은 수준에서 정확하게 해당 집단에 소속된 것으로 예언할 수 있는가?, 2) 유의한 판별함수의 수와 각 집단별 판별함수 점수의 평균 즉 집단평균치, 3) 어떠한 체력검사가 판별함수와 높은 상관이 있는가?, 4) 해당 집단에 정확하게 분류하기 위해 각 독립변인의 점수에 어떤 가중치를 주어야 하는가? 등이다. 건강관련 체력측정 항목 상호 간의 상관 행렬을 검토하고, 판별분석을 적용하여 4항목으로 구성된 판별함수를 산출한 결과 세 집단이 복수의 체력측정 항목에 있어서의 성적으로부터 정확하게 판별 될 확률은 86.6%였다. 이 결과는 신체활동 수준별로 정확하게 분류된 성인 남성들은 우연에 의해 분류될 수 있는 확률 33.5% 보다 현저하게 높은 수치를 나타냈다. 또한, 판별함수를 이용하여 산출한 각 개인의 판별득점을 신체적 건강도로 간주하였으며 그 득점과 각 체력 항목 간의 상관계수를 산출한 결과, 전신지구력 및 신체구성 지표와 신체적 건강도 간에 높은 관련성이 시사되었다. 따라서 성인 남성의 경우 일상생활에 있어서 전신지구력과 신체구성의 변화가 신체적 건강도의 지표로서 공헌도가 크고 중요하다는 것이 시사되었다. 향후 이 연구에서 제시한 판별함수를 이용하여 교차타당도에 대한 검토가 후속되어야 할 것이다. The purposes of this study were; 1) to discriminate the three different groups categorized by physical health status and physical activity level using discriminant function analysis, 2) to examine the degree of relationship between physical health status and physical fitness and the contribution of each element of physical fitness to the physical health status of middle-aged men. This study was achieved by classifying the original subject pool into three different experimental subgroups based on physical examination results and self-reported activity levels; a normal group (I), a regularly exercise group (II), and an obese group (III). The health status was assessed by physicians. Physical fitness tasks were selected from health-related physical fitness components; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max; X1), grip strength (X2), body fat (X2), and trunk flexion from a standing position (X4). Discriminant function analysis was applied to determine if the selected physical fitness tasks were sensitive to differentiate among the three groups and successfully classify individual in the appropriate physical activity levels and physical health status. Correct discriminant probabilities of multiple discriminant functions to discriminate the I, II,and III group were 86.6%. These results suggested that there was a relatively strong relationship between physical health status and the level of physical fitness. The contribution of each element of physical fitness to physical health status was evaluated by correlation between the discriminant score representing physical health status, and performance on each element of the physical fitness test. It was concluded that discriminant function provided a valid model for evaluating differences among the three different physical health status and physical activity levels. Therefore, our data suggests that commonly used measures of health-related physical fitness can be utilized as a valid index of physical health status in exercise and health science.

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