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      • 1930年代 韓國 農民小說 硏究 : 思想史的인 背景을 中心으로

        간복균 檀國大學校 大學院 1986 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        소설의 의미는 당시대의 현실과 작가의 현실인식, 그리고 思想史的인 연관관계가 동시에 파악되었을 때 드러난다. 그러한 관점에서 살펴본 1930년대 한국 농민소설의 특징은 어떠한 것인가 하는 점이 본 논문의 주제이다. 30년대의 농민소설은 전무후무하게 세 편의 장편소설이 나타났다는 점을 주목할 수 있다. 그러한 의미에서 이러한 작품은 동시대 농민문학의 특질을 비교적 잘 드러내 줄 것으로 판단된다. 대상 작품은 李光洙의「흙」, 民村의 「故鄕」, 沈熏의 「常綠樹」 등 세편이다. 그러한 세 편의 작품을 중심으로 하여 검토하는데 선행되어야 할 사실은, 조선시대에 민족갱생의 요구로서 自生한 實學思想이다. 즉 이러한 民族的 實學思想이 이후의 東學革命과 島山思想, 民族自强策으로서의 進化論受容으로 어떻게 이어져 民族的 3·1運動으로 폭발되었는가 하는 점을 주목할 수 있다. 또한 이후의 국권회복운동시기에 도입된 계급주의 이론 등이 30년대의 농민소설에 어떻게 드러났는가 하는 점이, 본 논문의 思想史的 배경이 된다. 그러한 점에서 살펴본 세 작품의 양상은 다음과 같다. 李光洙의 「흙」은, 실학적 요소와 島山 安昌浩의 務實思想이 社會 進化論的인 관점에서 나타난 작품이다. 즉 李光洙는 이러한 精神史的 맥락에서 농민생활의 향상을 위한 하나의 〈본보기〉로써 「흙」을 쓴 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 주인공의 지나친 施惠意識, 도식성에 의해 계몽문학의 범주를 벗어나지 못한다. 다만 강한 민족의식과 실학사상을 검증할 수 있었다. 民村의 「故鄕」은 당시대의 농촌생활을 토속적, 서정적인 필치로 잘 묘사한 작품이다. 주인공인 김희준은 동경유학에서 돌아와 고향인 〈원터마을〉에서 농촌활동을 벌인다. 그 결과 실질적 마을의 실권자였던 안승학과의 대립에서 이기게 되나, 바로 그러한 부분이 작품의 한계점으로 지적된다. 즉 지나친 계급이론의 도식적 적용으로 인하여 작품의 미학을 훼손시켰다는 것이다. 그렇지만 농촌생활의 구체적 제시를 통해서 실제적인 생활향상을 꾀했다는 점에서 평가되어질 수 있다. 沈熏의 「常綠樹」는 강한 민족의식과 전통사상과의 연계점을 드러낸 작품이다. 작자인 沈熏의 전기에서도 나타나듯이, 실질에 힘쓰는 실학정신과 민족주의적 성향을 검증해 낼 수 있었다. 위의 세 작품은, 각기 점증적으로 민족적인 성향을 강하게 부각시켰다는 점에서 민족적인 의식을 지니고 있다고 판단된다. 또한 30년대 조선 인구의 8할이 농민이었다는 점과 농촌경제의 자립이 무엇보다 당시대의 소명이었다는 점, 그리고 당대 작가들이 이러한 사실을 인식하고 있었다는 점, 또한 세계사적인 관점에서 보아 민족주의의 긍정적 형태가 당시대 식민지 치하의 조선 민족에게 발생할 수밖에 없었다는 점, 그리고 그 안에는 사상사적인 전통소로서의 실학정신이 계승되어 내려왔다는 점 등을 고려하면, 당시대의 농민문학은 바로 민족문학으로 귀결지어질 수 있다는 것이 본 논문의 결론이 된다. 이러한 연구는 전통의식의 계승과 정신사적 맥락을 당대의 작품 분석에 적용했다는 점에서 의미를 지닌다. 또한 전통 단절론의 극복에 대한 架橋의 역할도 할 수 있으리라 본다. 다만 30년대 이후의 작품과의 연계성까지 천착하지 못한 것이 하나의 한계점이라고 볼 수 있다. The significance of a novel can be fully grasped when its readers understand the reality of the age in which the novel was written and the author's perception of the reality in correlation with the ideological trends of the age. The purpose of this dissertation is to define the characteristics of the Korean peasant novels of 1930s in that light. We have to pay attention to the unprecedented appearance of three full-length peasant novels in 1930s. It is apparent that these three novels will display the characteristics of the Korean peasant literature at that time. The subjects of this dissertation are "Huˇrk" (The Soil) by Rhee, Kwang-Soo, "Ko-hyang" (The Home Town) by Rhee, Kee-Young, and "Sahng-rok-soot" (The Evergreen) by Shim, Hoon. In studying these novels, "Shil-hak" (an idea for the practical science), which came into existence almost spontaneously in compliance with Korean people's wish for the resuscitation of their country in the later period of the Yi Dynasty, needs special attention. W e have to examine how this "Shil-hak" is related with the "Dong-hak Revolution" or with the ideas of "Dosan" (Ahn, Chang-Ho's added name); how it grew into the basic principles for developing t h e Korean society and enlightening Korean people; and how this idea ultimately paved the road to the 1919 Independence Movement of Korea. In addition, we must try to understand how the theory of class strife, which was introduced in the period of the restoration movement of Korean sovereignty, was described in these novels, for this understanding helps us t o comprehend the background of the ideological history of those days. The characteristics of these three novels coming from this study are as follows: "Huˇrk" by Rhee, Kwang-Soo is the fiction in which the essential elements of "Shil-hak" and Dosan (Ahn, Chang-Ho)'s positivism can be appreciated in t h e context of the social evolution theory. In considering the quality of Rhee, Kwang-Soo's work, we must attend to the fact that the novel was written to provide a model for improving living conditions of peasantry at that time in the light of the spiritual history of Korea. But this fiction is just limited to the category of the enlightenment literature because of the overly condescending attitude of the protagonist and the excessive schematization of the author. However, strong national consciousness and the ideas of practical science can be recognized as the strong points of this novel. "Ko-hyang" by Rhee, Kee-Young is the work which pictured the living conditions of the agricultural community of the time in a rustic and lyric style. The protagonist of this novel Kim, Hee-Joon returned to his native place, "Woˇntoˇ" village, after having studied abroad in Tokyo. Full of idealism, he initiated a movement t o uplift the rural society in his hometown. He finaaly turned out t o be the winner in confrontation with Ahn, Seung-Hak who had been the real power holder in the hamlet. Such a conclusion, however, can be pointed out as the deficiency of this novel. Many critics have pointed out that the aesthetic part of the novel was impaired by the inordinate application of the schematic. theory of class strife. Nevertheless, some have highly praised this novel on the ground that the writer attempted t o better rural living conditions by presenting a concrete model of ideal aspects of rural life in this novel. "Sahng-rok-soo" by Shim, Hoon is the novel which showed the connection between strong national consciousness and traditional thoughts. As we can easily notice in his biographies, this novel reveals the fact that Shim Hoon, a writer with strong nationalistic inclinations, was also steeped in "Shil-hak" which put emphasis on the practicality. These three novels can be regarded as novels of national consciousness because each novel depicted clearly the nationalistic inclinations of t h e Korean people. In evaluating these three novels, we must take the following aspects of the age into consideration; that nearly 80% of the Korean population were peasants at that time; that the self-support of rural economy was the foremost goal of the nation; that writers of the day were keenly aware of these facts; that the positive nationalism appeared inevitably among the Korean people who were oppressed by the colonial policies and who regarded the changes outside of Korea in the context of the world history; and that the spirit of "Shil-hak" was kept as the traditional eiement among the Korean people. As a result, this dissertation would have the conclusion that the peasant literature of the Korean people. The significance of this study lies in the fact that in analyzing the novels the researcher considered how effectively these novels reflect the succession of traditional thoughts and what position these novels occupy in the spiritual history of the Korean people. Furthermore, I hope this study will play a decisive role as a temporary bridge to cope with the theory of the discontinuity of tradition in literature. But the only limitation to this study is that, to my regret, this study doesn't show the relationship with literary works after the 1930s.

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