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      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : The change of cardiac function measured by the new impedance cardiography technique during treadmill exercise

        황수관(SooKwanHwang),어은실(EunShilEo),최건식(KunSikChoi),송혜진(HyeJinSong),김덕원(DeokWonKim) 한국체육학회 1992 한국체육학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        임피던스 심장기록법을 이용하여 심박출량을 측정한 연구는 다수 있었으나, 운동중에는 임피던스 심장기록법을 이용한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 이는 달리기와 같이 신체의 움직임으로 인해 생기는 motion artifact 때문에 심박줄량의 측정이 어렵기 때문이다. 그래서 운동중 임피던스 심장기록법의 개발이 절실히 요구되었다. 따라서, 본 연구는 임피던스 심장기록법을 개발하여, 운동중에 심박출량을 측정함으로써 운동중에 심장기능이 어떻게 변화하는지 알아보는데 그 목적을 두었다. 새로 개발한 임피던스 심장기록법은 다음과 같다.피부와의 견고한 접촉과 땀흡수를 위해 원통형의 청동망 전극 속에 탄력밴드를 삽입하였으며, 트레드밀 상에서 운동중에 생기는 충격을 흡수하기 위해 실리콘 고무와 스폰지를 운동화 밑창에 부착 시켰다.동시에 motion artifact를 최소화시키고, 더 정확한 측정결과를 얻기 위해 앙상블 평균법을 개발하여 사용하였다.위의 방법을 이용하여 선수군과 비선수군간에 심장기능의 차이점을 알아 보기 위해 심박수, 일회박출량, 심박출량과 운동중 좌심실 수축간격인 좌심실 구혈시간을 구했다.운동중 선수군의 심박수는 비선수군에 비해 운동중과 운동후에 계속해서 유의하게 낮은 값을 보였으며, 운동후에는 더 빨리 감소하였다.선수군의 일회 박출량은 운동전, 운동중, 운동후에 유의한 차를 보였으며, 비선수군에 비해 높은 값을 유지하였다. 양군에서 일회 박출량은 운동 초기에 급속히 증가했으나 시간이 경과함에 따라 후반에는 심박수와 같이 큰 폭의 증가는 보이지 않았다.선수군의 심박출량은 운동중 비선수군에 비해 유의하게 높았으나 일회박출량과 같이 큰 폭의 차이는 나타나지 않았으며, 이는 선수군에서의 심박수가 비선수군에 비해 낮은 값을 보이기 때문이다. 심박수, 일회박출량, 심박출량 간의 상관관계는 양군에서 모두 높았다.선수군의 좌심실 구혈시간은 운동전, 운동중, 운동후 모두 비선수군에 비해 유의하게 길었으며, 좌심실 구혈시간과 심박수 간의 상관관계 는 서로 높은 역상관 관계를 나타내었다.심박수, 일회박출량, 심박출량, 좌심실 구혈시간을 측정하여 얻은 위의 결과로 부터, 선수군의 심장기능이 우수함을 알 수 있으며, 특히 측정이 어려운 운동중의 심장기능을 새로 개발된 임피던스 심장기록법을 이용하여 측정이 가능하게 한 것이 의의있는 연구로 사료된다.이 새로운 심장기록법은 앞으로 운동중에 심장질환자의 심장기능의 평가 뿐 아니라 많은 운동선수들의 심장기능을 평가하는데 기여할 것으로 기대되는 바이다.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : Treadmill운동부하후(運動負荷後) 회복기(恢復期)에 있어서 심폐기능(心肺機能)의 변화(變化)

        黃樹寬(SooKwanHwang),許垘(BokHuh) 한국체육학회 1980 한국체육학회지 Vol.19 No.-

        20~40歲의 男子 30名을 硏究對象으로하여 選手群과 非選手群으로 區分하였다. 運動負荷는 treadmill速度 5MPH, 傾斜15%로 3分間 走破하게 한 後, 恢復期 1·3·5·10·20分에 서 心搏動數·血壓·呼吸數의 恢復樣相을 觀察하여 體力鍛練이 恢復期의 心肺機能에 미치는 影響을 分析하고, 나아가서 恢復期의 心肺反應이 體力을 評價하는 指標가 될 것인지를 알고자 試驗한 本 硏究結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다.① 安靜狀態의 心搏動數는 選手群이 非選手群에 比해서 有意하게 낮았으며, 血壓과 分時呼吸數는 別 差畏가 없었다.② 運動負荷後 心搏數의 恢復은 選手群이 非選手群보다 더 빨랐다. 恢復 1分에 分時心搏動數는 選手群에서 117.2±5.21, 非選手群에서는 168.5±7.85이었고, 選手群에서는 運動後 安靜狀態의 150%까지 恢復되는데 所要되는 時間은 4分이었으며, 非選手群은 12.6分으로서 選手群이 약 3倍 程度 더 빨리 恢復되었다. 恢復 20分에서는 選手群은 73.9±2.65, 非選手群은 98.5±4.47로 各各 恢復되었다.③ 運動負荷後 收縮期血壓은 恢復 1分에 選手群에서는 208.5±4.35mmHg, 非選手群에서는 172.9±6.29mmHg로서 選手群이 非選手群보다 높았다. 또 選手群은 非選手群에 比해서 急速히 恢復되어 恢復 5分에는 非選手群의 그것과 거의 같았다. 恢復 20分에는 兩群 모두 安靜時血壓으로 돌아왔다. 擴張期血壓은 選手群에서는 恢復 3分까지 減少되는 傾向을 보이다가 그 이후 차츰 上昇하여 恢復 20分에는 82.8±2.03mmHg로서 安靜時의 그것보다 有意하게 增加하였으며, 非選手群에서는 恢復 10分까지 減少되다가 그 이후 增加되었으나 安靜時에 比해 意義있는 差異가 없었다.平均動脈壓은 恢復 1分에 選手群에서는 115.2±2.64mmHg, 非選手群에서는 110.2±3.16mmHg로서 選手群이 非選手群보다 높았다. 選手群은 恢復 5分까지 96.5±2.13mmHg로 急速히 恢復되다가 그 이후 20分까지는 거의 減少가 없으며, 非選手群은 도復 20分까지 繼續 減少되어 恢復 20分에는 87.4±3.45mmHg로서 安靜時보다 낮았다.脈壓은 恢復 1分에 選手群에서는 136.7±4.24mmHg, 非選手群에서는 94.1±7.65mmHg로서 選手群이 非選手群보다 높았다. 選手群은 빠른 恢復을 하여 恢復5分 이후부터는 非選手群보다 낮았다. 恢復 20分에는 兩群 모두 安靜時값보다 낮았으며, 특히 選手群은 38.7±1.59mmHg로서 有意하게 낮았다.④ 運動負荷後 呼吸數는 恢復 1分에 選手群에서는 25.5±1.06, 非選手群에서는 34.7±2.33이었고, 兩群 모두 1~3分에 急速히 恢復되었다. 恢復 20分에는 選手群은 安靜狀態로 돌아온데 반해, 非選手群은 아직 安靜狀態로 恢復되지 못했다.⑤ 本 硏究結果를 綜合하면 treadmill運動負荷後 恢復期에 있어서 心搏動數·血壓 및 呼吸數가 選手群에서는 急速히 恢復하는 반면, 非選手群에서는 緩慢히 恢復되었다. 특히 分時心搏動數가 選手群이 非選手群에 比해 安靜狀態에서 有意하게 낮았고, 運動後 恢復되는 樣相이 選手群에서는 安靜狀態의 150%까지 急速히 恢復되어 恢復時間이 非選手群에 比해 약 3倍나 빠른 것은 意義있는 結果이며, 恢復 1分에 選手群이 非選手群에 比해서 心搏動數가 顯著히 낮았고, 이에 반해 收縮期血壓이 顯著히 높은 것은 또한 意義있는 結果로 思料된다.또 擴張期血壓·平均動脈壓 및 脈壓의 恢復 樣相이 體力鍛鍊을 評價하는 指標가 될 것으로 思料되어 앞으로 더욱 깊은 硏究가 要望된다. Thirty male subjects aged between 20-24 years were devided into athletic and non-athletic group. Running exercise was performed on a treadmill at 5 MPH, 15% grade for 3 min. The heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate were measured at 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20 min after the termination of the exercise in an effort to analyze the physical training on the cardiopulmonary functions during the recovery period, and to find out if the cardiopulmonary responses during recovery period can be an index of physical fitness. The results are summarized as follows.1. In resting state, heart rate was significantly lower in athletes than in non-athletes, while blood pressure and respiratory rate showed no significant differences between the two group.2. The recovery of heart rate after the exercise was more rapid in athletes than in non-athletes. Heart rate at 1 min after the exercise was 117. 2±5. 21 in athletes and 168.5±7, 85 in non-athletes. The recovery of heart rate to 150% of the resting level required 4 min in athletes and 12. 6 min in non-athletes, indicating that the recovery was 3 times faster in athletes than in non-athletes. Heart rate at 20 min was 73. 9±2. 65 in athletes and 98.5±4.47 in non-athletes.3. Systolic pressure at 1 min after the exercise was 208.5±4.35mmHg in athletes comparing with 172. 9±6.29mmHg in non-athletes. The recovery was more rapid in athletes, so that the systolic pressure became similar in both groups at 5 min. The resting level was restored in 20 min in both groups.Diastolic pressure in athletes showed a tendency to decrease until 3 min after the exercise then increased followed by a gradual increase and reached 82.8±2.03mmHg at 20 min after the exercise, which is significantly higher than the resting level. In non-athletes, the diastolic pressure decreased until 10 min after the exercise and then increased, but showed no significant difference from the resting level.The mean arterial pressure at 1 min after the exercise was 115.2±2.64 mmHg in athletes and 110.2±3.16mmHg in non-athletes. In athletes it decreased rapidly to 96.5±2.13mmHg at 5 min after the exercise and then showed little decrease until 20 min. In non-athletes it decreased steadily to 87.4±3.45 mmHg at 20 min which is lower than the resting level.Pulse pressure at 1 min after the exercise was 136.7±4, 24mmHg in athletes and 94.1±7. 65mmHg in non-athletes. In athletes it showed rapid recovery reaching lower level than that of non-athletes after 5 min. At 20 min after the exercise, the pulse pressure was lower than the resting level in both groups, especially significantly in athletes (38.7±1.59mmHg).4. Respiratory rate at 1 min after the exercise was 25.5±1.06 in athletes and 34.7±2.33 in non-athletes, and showed rapid recovery from l to 3 min after the exercise in both group. At 20 min after the exercise, the resting level was restored in athletes but not in non-athletes.5. In summary, heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate during the recovery period after treadmill exercise showed rapid recovery in athletes, while slow recovery was observed in non-athletes. Especially significant is the result that the heart rate of the resting state was significantly lower in athletes than in non-athletes, and that the recovery was 3 times more rapid in athletes than in non-athletes. The result indicating that the heart rate at 1 min after the exercise was significantly lower and the systolic pressure was significantly higher in athletes than in non-athletes is also considered highly significant. The recovery pattern of the diastolic pressure, the mean arterial pressure and the pulse pressure can be considered to be a useful index in evaluating the effectiveness of the physical training. Further studies on the subject are deemed essential.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠 생리학 : 운동유발성 천식 ( EIA ) 환자에서 운동부하 시험 후 폐기능의 변화

        황수관(SooKwanHwang),김남익(NamIkKim) 한국체육학회 1996 한국체육학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        To investigate the change rate of pulmonary functions related to Exercise-Induced Asthma after exercise stress test, a total of 70 subjects(normal 30, EIA patient 40) were selected. Of the 70 subject, several related test(medical check, pulmonary function test, treadmill exercise stress test) were conducted during rest.The pulmonary function test, some parameters such as vital capacity(VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow(PEF) and maximal voluntary ventilation(MVV) were measured one time during rest prior to treadmill running exercise and further, one time three minutes after exercise stress test. Major findings and conclusion are as follows:1. After exercise stress test, more than 15 percent decrease of pulmonary function related to FEV<sub>1.0sec</sub> PEF and FEF<sub>25%75%</sub> were found in 8 males and 8 females.2. After exercise stress test, change rate of pulmonary functions was decreased in the order of PEF, FEF<sub>25%</sub>, MVV, FEV<sub>0.5sec</sub>, FEF<sub>75%</sub>, FEF<sub>50%</sub>, FVC, VC and FEV<sub>1.0sec</sub>.According to the incidence of EIA patients, therefore, it was shown that 18 from 70 subject(22.8%) proved to have EIA patient, thus reflecting a larger portion of EIA. Since it is conceivable that a great number of athletes, except for the general public, may have a potential of EIA factor, further studies should be conducted so as to eliminate exercise disorders related to EIA. Futher, PEF, FEF<sub>25%</sub> and MVV gave more influences to the change rate of pulmonary functions instead of VC and FVC.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 최대운동시 운동선수의 동정맥 산소분압 차이 ( a - vO<sub>2</sub> ) 의 변화양상

        황수관(SooKwanHwang),최건식(KunSikChoi),송혜진(HyeJinSong),어은실(EunShilEo) 한국체육학회 1992 한국체육학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        For study of arteriovenous oxygen difference after maximal exercise, selected several kinds of healthy male athletes, which aged 20∼23 year without cardiovascular disease : four swimmers with experience between seven to ten years, five marathoners, six footballers. five baseballers. and nine college non-athletes. The arteriovenous oxygen differences were calculated using the oxygen uptake and cardiac output. Oxygen uptakes were measured by gas-autoanalyzer and cardiac output by impedance cardiography.The results of this study were as follow:1. Maximal oxygen uptakes of the marathoners. 60.5㎖. and the footballers, 48.3㎖. were significantly higher han that of the non-athletes. 40.7㎖. Those of the swimmer ahtletes and the bass ballers were approximately the same as that of the non-athletes.2. Maximal cardiac outputs of the marathoners, 21.5L/min, was significantly higher than that of the non-athletes. 15.8L/min, and that of the footballers. 18.5L/min, was the second highest. Those of swim arthletes and baseballers were approximately the same as that of the non-athletes.3. Maximal stroke volume of marathoners, 120.5㎖, was significantly higher than that of the non-athletes. 85.20㎖, and that of the footballers, 100.0L/min, was the second highest. Those of swim artheltes and baseballers were approximately the same as that of the non-athletes.4. Arteriovenous oxygen differences were somewhat higher values in all athletes than in non-athletes before the exercise. After exercise, however, the maximum arteriovenous oxygen differences of the footaballers, 18.05㎖, and baseballers, 17.79㎖, were somewhat higher than that of the non-athletes. That of the marathoners was the highest among the all athletes at 1 minute after exercise and this value sustained until the recovery 6 minutes the same as that of the footballers.The results above, suggested that athletes have superior cardiac pulmonary function, and both the marathoners and the footballers with endurance training have larger arteriovenous oxygen difference than another athletes after maximal exercise.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠 생리학 : 자전거 운동이 중년여성의 체력 및 혈중 대사변인에 미치는 영향

        유병열(ByungRyulYoo),황수관(SooKwanHwang) 한국체육학회 1996 한국체육학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bicycle exercise on physical fitness and blood components in the middle aged women. Twelve females were selected as subjects and then divided into two groups: the experimental group (n=5) and the control group (n=7). The experimental group were trained about 40 ㎞ per week and for 20 wks by bicycling. Both groups were tested by using the Astrand incremental cycle ergometer protocol. 2 ×3 ANOVA with repeated measure was performed for data analysis at the 0.05 level of significance.After a 20 wk period of bicycle training, VO₂max, total cycling time, and sargent pump in the experimental group were higher than control group (P<0.05). However, no significant differences in flexion, grip and leg strength, lactate concentration and heart rate were shown, In terms of blood components, only hemoglobin and hematocrit were significantly higher in the experimental group (P<0.05).In conclusion, even though there was no significant decrease in blood lipid profile after bicycle exercise, cycling has a beneficial effect on improving physical fitness level in the riddle aged women.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 운동종목별 특성에 따른 장기간 훈련이 최대산소섭취량에 미치는 영향

        김양수(YangSooKim),황수관(SooKwanHwang),김종훈(JongHunKim) 한국체육학회 1991 한국체육학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of long term specific sports on the maximal oxygen uptake(VO₂ max) and to provide the basic data for the effective training and exercise prescription.Subjects partispated for this experiment was 25 athletes(7 distance runner, 8 soccer, 6 swimmerand 4 baseball player) and 12 general students in the physical education.Maximal ventilation revealed in orders for soccer(104 l/min), runner(103 l/min), baseball player(89 l/min) and swimmer(80 l/min).Maximal heart rate(HRmax) showed in orders for baseball player, swimmer, runner and soccer. Soccer and runner were significantly lower than non-athletes(p<0.001).Maximal respiratory rate revealed in orders for soccer, baseball player, runner and swimmer, But tidal volumes showed in orders for runner, soccer, baseball player and swimmer.Maximal oxygen uptake(VO₂ max) revealed in orders for runner(59,3 ㎖/㎏/min), soccer(47,1 ㎖/㎏/min), swimmer(41.4 ㎖/㎏/min) and baseball player(38.1 ㎖/㎏/min).Systolic blood pressure(SBP) was increased higer than 200 mmHg in runner and soccer in the one minute recovery period, But SBP was recurred similarly rest condition in the 7 minutes recovery period.Daistolic blood pressure(DBP) after exercise was lowered than rest state, But DBP was recurred in, the 3-5 minutes recovery period.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠 생리학 : 경사대를 이용한 신체 자세 변화시 심장기능의 변화

        고성경(SeongKyeongKo),황수관(SooKwanHwang),김덕원(DeokWonKim),김창규(ChangKewKim) 한국체육학회 1997 한국체육학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        경사대를 이용한 자세 변화시 심장 기능의 변화를 규명하기 위하여 20∼23세의 건강한 남성 6명을 선정, 임피던스 심장 기록법으로 심장기능을 측정하였다. 실험은 앙와위 안정기, 자세 변화기 그리고 앙와위 회복기의 3단계로 구분하여 각 5분씩 연속적으로 진행하였으며 실험에 채택된 자세는 0°, ±2°, ±45° 그리고 ±90°와 같이 7가지였다.연구 결과, 심박출량은 앙와위 안정기에 비해 두부 상위에서 감소하였고 두부 하위에서는 증가하였는데, 두부 상위에서의 변화는 심박수와 일회박출량의 변화에 영향을 받은 것이며 두부 하위에서는 주로 일회박출량의 변화에 영향을 받았다. 각 측정 항목들은 신체 자세에 따라서 그 변화의 크기가 달랐는데 ±45°, ±90°의 자세에서는 자세 변화 5초부터 심박수, 일회박출량, RPP 및 심근의 수축도가 뚜렷하게 변화하였으나, 0°, ±2°의 경우에는 안정시에 비해 유의한 변화가 없었다.본 연구 결과를 볼 때, 5분 동안의 자세 변화시 심박출량을 결정하는 주된 요소는 심박수와 일회박출량이나 주로 일회박출량의 영향이 큰 것으로 생각되며 이는 체액의 이동에 따른 효과 때문이라고 판단된다. In order to study the cardiac functional responses on postural changes by tilt table, 6 males were selected, and impedance cardiogram were recorded. An experiment was continuously conducted based on resting in a supine position, changing posture and recovering in supine for each 5 min Postural changes consisted of seven tilting angles ; 0°, ±2°, ±45° and ±90°1. While the cardiac output was decreased from that of supine resting in head up posture because of decreasing stroke volume and increasing heart rate, cardiac output was increased by increasing stroke volume during head down posture.2. At ±45° and ±90° postures, measured parameters were significantly changed in 5 sec after postural changes, but at 0° and ±2° postures, measured parameters were no significant difference from that of supine resting state.The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, but during postural changes stroke volume by fluid shift was main affecter to cardiac output. In conclusion, responses of cardiac function during postural changes are like to start with postural change, and magnitude of cardiac response is like to relate with the tilting angle.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 공기권총(空氣拳銃) 사격훈련(射擊訓練)이 상지근(上肢筋)의 근전도(筋電圖)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        柳治佑(CheeUYoo),黃樹寬(SooKwanHwang),朱永恩(YoungEunChoo),許垘(BokHuh) 한국체육학회 1983 한국체육학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        硏究對象은 17~20歲의 男子로서 射擊選手 8名과 非選手 12名을 選定하였으며, 筋電圖測定은 表面電極法으로 하여 射擊姿勢인 擧銃, 照準, 및 擊發時에 上肢筋의 筋電圖를 描記하여 振幅, 頻度 및 集積筋電圖를 測定하였다. 이와같이 射擊動作時에 上肢筋의 筋電圖 變化樣相을 究明함으로써 射擊指導에 있어서 參考資料를 얻고자 하여 描記한 筋電圖의 變化를 要約하면 다음과 같다.1) 兩群의 比較에서 三角筋과 大圓筋은 選手群이 높았으며, 이중 三角筋의 擊發과 大圓筋의 擧銃, 및 擊發은 非選手群에 比해 有意하게 높았다. 이에 反해 前腕屈筋 및 前腕伸筋은 選手群이 오히려 낮았고 二頭筋 僧帽筋 및 三角筋은 兩群사이에 別 差異가 없었다.2) 擧銃에 對한 比較에서 照準, 擊發順으로 높았으며, 이 中 非選手群에서는 大圓筋의 照準 및 擊發과 前腕屈筋 및 前腕伸筋의 擊發이 擧銃에 比해 有意하게 높았고 選手群에서는 前腕屈筋의 擊發이 有意하게 높았다.3) 二頭筋에 對한 比較에서 三角筋과 僧帽筋이 가장 높은 振幅으로 有意하게 높았으며, 다음이 大圓筋 順이며, 그외 上肢筋은 二頭筋과 別 差異가 없었다.頻度에서1) 兩群問의 比較에서 三角筋은 選手群이 높았고, 前腕屈筋, 前腕伸筋은 오히려 낮았으며, 二頭筋, 僧帽筋, 大圓筋, 三頭筋은 別 差異가 없었다.2) 擧銃에 對한 比較에서 대부분 照準, 擊發의 順으로 낮았으며, 選手群에서는 大圓筋의 照準이 有意하게 낮았으며, 非選手群에서는 僧帽筋의 擊發이 有意하게 낮았다.3) 二頭筋에 對안 比較에서 選手群의 三角筋이 擧銃, 照準, 擊發時 有意하게 높았으며 나머지는 別 差異가 없었다.集積筋電圖에서1) 兩群 比較에서 上肢筋 모두 選手群이 非選手群에 比해 낮았으며, 이 중 僧帽筋과 前腕伸筋은 모두 射擊姿勢에서 有意하게 낮았으며, 大圓筋은 擧銃時에 前腕屈筋은 擊發時에 有意하게 낮았다.2) 擧銃에 對한 比較에서 照準, 擊發順으로 낮았으며, 이중 非選手群에서는 三角筋의 擊發時가 擧銃時에 比해 有意하게 낮았고 選手群에서는 僧帽筋의 照準과 三角筋 및 前腕屈筋의 擊發이 有意하게 낮았다.3) 二頭筋에 對한 比較에서 三角筋과 僧帽筋이 가장 높은 集積筋電圖로 有意하게 높았으며, 그 외 上肢筋은 二頭筋과 別 差異가 없었다.以上의 結果를 綜合해 보면 射擊動作時 筋電圖의 振幅은 擧銃, 照準 및 擊發 順으로 增加한데 比해, 頻度 및 集積筋電圖는 오히려 減少했으며, 이 中 特히 選手群의 前腕屈筋의 振幅이 擊發時에 有意하게 增加한데 反해, 非選手群에서는 擊發時 弛緩되어야 할 前腕伸筋의 振幅이 有意하게 增加한 點과 選手群의 三角筋의 振幅과 頻度가 非選手群에 比해 높고, 上肢筋을 固定하는 大圓筋의 振幅이 選手群에서 또한 높게 나타났고 特히 選手群의 集積筋電圖는 非選手群에 比해 모두 낮은 點, 그리고 射擊動作時에 上肢筋中 三角筋과 僧帽筋이 가장 높은 振幅, 頻度 및 集積筋電圖를 나타낸 點 等은 意義있는 事實로 注目되는 바이다. Eight male shooting athletes and twelve non-athletes were selected for the subject of this study. Electromyogram (EMG) was recorded with surface electrodes on the upper limb muscles during “high”, “aim”, and “fire” motions. Amplitude, frequency and integrated EMG, were maesured from the record. Effort were directed to elucidate the changes in EMG during acts of shooing.The results obtained are summarized as follows.Amplitude:1) In comparison between two groups, EMG amplitudes on the deltoid and teres major were higher in athletes than in non-athletes. The difference was significant on the deltoid during “fire” and on the teres major during “high” and “fire”. The amplitudes on the forearm flexors and extensors, on the other hand, were lower in athletes than in non-athletes. There was no difference between two groups on the biceps, triceps, and trapezius.2) In comparison among the motions, the amplitude during “fire” was highest, followed by those durng “aim” and “high” in the order named. In non-althletes, the amplitude during “aim” and “fire” on the teres major and that during “fire” on the forearm flexors and extensors were significantly higher compared with those during “high” on the respective muscles. In athletes, that during “fire” on the forearm flexors was significantly higher than that during “high”.3) Compared with the amplitude on the biceps, amplitudes on the deltoid and on the trapezius were significantly higher, followed by that on the teres major.Frequency:1) In comparison between two groups, the EMG frequency on the deltoid was higher and those on the forearm flexors and extensors were lower in athletes than in non-athletes.2) In comparison among the motions, the frequency during “fire” was lowest, followed by those during “aim” and “high” in the order named. The frequency during “fire” on the trapezius in non-athletes and that during “aim” on the teres major in athletes were significantly lower than those during “high” on the respective muscles.3) Compared with the frequency on the biceps, that on the deltoid during the 3 motions in athletes were significantly higher.Integrated EMG:1) In Comparison between two groups, the integrate EMG on all the upper limb muscles was lower in athletes than in non-athletes. The difference was significant on the trapezius and forearm extensors during the 3 motions, on the teres major during “high”, and on the forearm flexors during “fire”.2) In comparison among the motions, the integrated EMG during “fire” was lowest, followed by those during “aim” and “high” in the order named. That during “fire” on the deltoid in non-athletes and those during “aim” on the trapezius and during “fire” on the deltoid and forearm flexors in athletes were significatly lower than those during “high” on the respective muscles.3) Compared with the integrated EMG on the biceps, those on the deltoid and on the trapezius were significantly higher.In conclusion, the EMG amplitude was increased in the order of “high”, “aim” and “fire”, but th frequency and integrated EMG was decreased in the same order. Attention should be given to the facts that the amplitude during “fire” on the forearm flexors was significantly increased inathletes while that on the forearm extensors was increased in non-athletes, that the amplitude and frequency on the deltoid was higher in athletes, that the amplitude on the teres major which fixes the upper limb muscles was higher in athletes, that the integrated EMG on all the muscles was lower in athletes, and that the amplitude, frequency, and the integrated EMG on the deltoid and on the trapezius were highest among the upper limb muscles.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 강제유영시(强制游泳時) 수온(水溫)에 따른 흰쥐의 수종장기(數種臟器) 효소소비량(酵素消費量)과 폐용압률(肺容壓率)의 변화(變化)

        李一雄(IlWoongLee),黃樹寬(SooKwanHwang),金亨鎭(HyeongJinKim),朴載植(JaeSikPark),朱永恩(YoungEunChoo) 한국체육학회 1983 한국체육학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        强制遊泳이 흰쥐 數種臟器의 呼吸代謝에 미치는 影響을 알아보기 위하여 體重 200∼250gm내외의 健康한 흰쥐를 材料로하여 서로 다른 水溫 卽 4℃, 17℃, 27℃, 37℃ 및 41℃에 强制遊泳을 시킨 後, 肝, 腎, 腦, 脾 및 筋肉組織의 酸素消費量(QO₂), 血中乳酸濃度, 體溫 및 肺容壓率을 測定하여 正常과 比較하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다.酸素消費量(QO₂)은 肝組織에서 正常의 2.11±0.10㎕/hr/㎎DW에 比하여 4℃에서는 1.90±0.11㎕/hr/㎎DW로 낮았고, 17℃에서는 2.25±0.04㎕/hr/㎎Dw로 다소 높았으며 그外 水溫에서는 多少 낮았다.腎組織은 正常의 5.33±0.26㎕/hr/㎎DW에 比해서 4℃에서는 4.89±0.44㎕/hr/㎎DW로 낮았고, 27℃에서는 5.50±0.32㎕/hr/㎎DW로 最高値를 나타냈으며 그後 水溫이 높아도 減少하였다.腦組織은 正常의 4.20±0.14㎕/hr/㎎DW에 比해서 4℃, 17℃, 27℃ 및 41℃에서는 有意하게 낮았으며, 이中 4℃에서는 2.88±0.19 ㎕/hr/㎎DW로서 가장 낮았다. 脾組織은 正常의 3.55±0.13㎕/hr/㎎DW에 比해서 4℃ 및 17℃에서는 有意하게 낮았고 37℃에서는 4.02±0.11㎕/hr/㎎DW로서 最高値를 나타내었다.筋肉組織은 正常의 0.46±0.04㎕/hr/㎎DW에 比해서 4℃에서는 若干 낮은 傾向이었으나 17℃, 27℃ 및 37℃에서는 有意하게 增加했으며, 이中 37℃에서는 1.32±0.15㎕/hr/㎎DW로서 最高値를 나타내었다.QO₂의 成績을 종합하면, 肝, 腎, 腦, 脾 및 筋肉組織 QO₂는 모두 4℃에서는 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었고 이中 特히 腦 및 脾는 有意하게 낮았으며, 水溫의 增加에 따라 多少 QO₂가 增加되어 肝은 17℃에서, 腎은 27℃에서 腦, 脾 및 筋肉은 37℃에서 最高値를 나타내었다. 各組織 QO₂의 最高値中 筋肉 QO₂는 正常에 比해 有意하게 높았으나, 다른 組織 QO₂는 正常과 別差異가 없었다. 그리고 各組織의 QO₂를 比較하면 腎이 가장 높고, 다음이 腦, 그리고 脾, 肝, 筋肉順으로 나타났다.血中乳酸濃度는 正常의 12.57±0.47㎎/㎗에 比해서 4℃에서는 140.04±7.93㎎/㎗로 最高値를 나타냈으며 水溫이 增加함에 따라 減少하여 41℃에서는 50.94±5.26㎎/㎗를 나타내었다. 그러나 모든 測定値가 正常보다는 有意하게 높았다.體溫은 正常의 37.63±0.13℃에 比하여 4℃에서는 23.33±0.43℃로 降下했고, 水溫이 增加함에 따라 體溫이 增加되었다.(17℃ : 29.34±0.29℃, 27℃ : 32.53±0.28℃, 37℃:36.91±0.09℃, 41℃:39.78±0.16℃). 水溫이 37℃까지는 體溫이 正常에 比해 有意하게 낮다가 41℃에서는 體溫이 有意하게 높았다.肺內壓에 따른 肺容積은 inflation時나 deflation時 모두가 어느 水溫에서나 壓力이 減少함에 따라 肺容積이 減少하였고, 같은 壓力에서는 溫度가 높을수록 肺容積이 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 37℃에서는 正常과 거의 같은 樣相을 나타내었다.이에 따라 肺容壓率은 inflation時와 deflation時에 正常을 各各 1.13±0.22㎖/mmHg, 0.23±0.03㎖/mmHg에서는 水溫 4℃에서는 各各 0.77±0.15㎖/mmHg 및 0.18±0.02㎖/mmHg로서 낮았으며, 水溫의 增加에 따라 肺容壓率이 增加하여 41℃에서는 正常보다 多少 높은 값인 1.51±0.13㎖/mmHg 및 0.23±0.02㎖/mmg로 나타났다.위 結果를 綜合해 보면 흰쥐를 强制遊泳時에 水溫이 增加함에 따라 各臟器의 QO₂가 增加하여 水溫이 27℃ 및 37℃에 最高値를 나타낸 後 41℃에는 다시 낮아지고 있음을 究明하였고, 낮은 水溫일수록 乳酸이 더 많이 蓄積되는 點과 水溫에서의 體溫의 變化가 甚함을 알 수 있었으며, 特히 肺容壓率은 inflation時와 deflation時에서 水溫 4℃에 가장 낮았고 水溫의 增加에 따라 次次 增加하여 37℃에서는 正常과 거의 一致했으며 41℃에서는 正常보다 높은 값을 보인 事實은 意義있는 結果인 것으로 注目되는 바이다. This study was aimed to elucidate the effect of forced swimming for 5min at different water temperatures (4℃, 17℃, 27℃, 37℃ and 41℃) on the oxygen consumption rate (QO₂), blood lactate concentration, body temperature and lung compliance in rats whose body weight ranges between 200∼250gm.The results were compared with the control, and summerized as follows:QO₂ of the liver was lowered to 1.90±0.11㎕/hr/㎎ dry weight (DW) in 4℃, elevated gradually with the increasing water temperature to 2.55±0.04㎕/hr/㎎ DW in 17℃ and again lowered in higher temperatures compared with the control value of 2.11±0.10㎕/hr/㎎ DW.QO₂ of the kidney was lowered to 4.89±0.44㎕/hr/㎎ DW in 4℃ and elevated gradually with the increasing water temperature to 5.50±0.32㎕/hr/㎎ DW in 27℃, which was the peak level, compared with the ontrol value of 5.33±0.26㎕/hr/㎎ DW.QO₂ of the brain was significantly lowered in all water temperatures except in 37℃ compared with the control value of 4.20±0.14㎕/hr/㎎ DW. In particular, the value in 4℃ water was the lowest value of 2.88±0.19㎕/hr/㎎ DW.QO₂ of the spleen was significantly lowered in 4℃ and 17℃ compared with the control value of 3.55±0.13㎕/hr/㎎ DW. In particular, the value in 17℃ water showed the highest value of 4.02±0.11㎕//hr/㎎ DW.QO₂ of the muscle was lowered in 4℃ and elevated gradually with the increasing water temperature, and significantly elevated in 17℃, 27℃ and 37℃ compared with the control value of 0.46±0.09㎕/hr/㎎ DW. In particular, the level in 37℃ was 1.32±0.15㎕/hr/㎎ DW, which was the peak level.Thus, QO₂ of the liver, kidey, brain, spleen and muscle were lowest in 4℃ among the water temperatures studied and particularly, QO₂ of the brain and spleen were significantly lowered compared with the control. The liver showed the highest QO₂ value in 17℃ water, the kidney in 27℃ and the brain, spleen and muscle in 37℃. Among the studied organs, the kidney showed the highest QO₂ value, followed by the brain, spleen, liver and muscle in the order named.The blood lactate concentration was significantly elevated in all water temperatures compared with the control value of 12.57±0.47㎎㎗/ and particularly the value in 4℃ water showed the highest level of 140.04±7.93㎎㎗/.Body temperature was significantly lowered in 4℃, 17℃, 27℃ and 37℃ water compared with control value of 37.63±0.13℃. In particular, the value in 4℃ water was the the lowest level of 23.33±0.43℃, yet significantly elevated comparing with the control value.Dynamic lung volume of inflation and deflation showed the lowest value in 4℃ water, among various water temperatures studied, and is increased gradually with the increasing water temperature reaching almost the same value as the control in 37℃ water and then showed higher value in 41℃ water than the control.Hence, the lung compliance of inflation and deflation were 1.13±0.22㎖/mmHg and 0.23±0.03㎖/mmHg, respectively, in control group and 0.77±0.15㎖/mmHg and 0.18±0.02㎖/mmHg, respectively, in 4℃ water, which was the lowest level. The lung compliance was increased with the increasing water temperature and were 1.51±0.13㎖/㎜Hg and 0.23±0.02㎖/mmHg in 41℃ water which was higher than the control group.From the above we should note that the QO₂ were increased with the increasing water temperature, showing their peak values in 27℃ or 37℃ water with a decreased value in 41℃ water. Also the blood lactate concentration was increased with the decreasing water temperatures, and the body temperature was changed more easily in the water than in the air. The lung compliance was lowest in 4℃, and the same value as in the control in 37℃ water and higher value in 41℃ water than the control was observed.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠생리학 / 트레드밀 운동프로그램이 비만자의 심폐기능 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향

        김영일(YoungIlKim),김창규(ChangKewKim),황수관(SooKwanHwang) 한국체육학회 1999 한국체육학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        본 연구는 중장년의 비만자 10명(32-59)을 대상으로 운동프로그램 적용시켜 전과 후의 심폐기능(폐기능, 심박수, 혈압, 산소섭취량)과 혈액성분(혈청지질, 혈액량)에 어떠한 차이가 나는지를 규명하고, 중장년의 비만자들게 운동요법의 중요성을 제시하고자 하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.체지방률(fat %)은 운동프로그램 적용 후 유의한(p<.05) 감소를 나타냈고, 체중은 유의하지 않았지만 감소함을 나타냈다. 폐기능 중의 폐활량(VC)은 운동프로그램 적용 후 유의하지 않았으나 증가함을 보였고, 노력성호기량 1.0초율(FVE1)과 최대환기량(MVV)은 각각 유의한(p<.05), (p<.01) 증가를 보였다. 혈액성분 중의 총콜레스테롤(TCH)과 총콜레스테롤과 고밀도지단백과의 비율(TCH/HDL), 저밀도지단백질(LDL)과 중성지방(TG)은 각각 유의한(p<.01), (p<.05) 감소를 나타냈고, 고밀지단백질(HDL)은 유의하지 않았지만 증가함을 보였다. 또한 백혈구(WBC), 적혈구(RBC), 헤모글로빈(Hgb), 헤마토크리트(Hct)는 유의하지 않았지만 증가함을 보였다. 수축기혈압(SBP)은 운동프로그램 적용 후의 운동중 3-7분 유의한(p<.05)감소를 보였고, 이완기혈압(DBP)은 안정시에서 유의한(p<.05)감소를 보였다. 심박수는 운동프로그램 적용 후 운동중 5-9분에 유의한(p<.05) 감소를 보였고, 안정시와 회복기에도 유의하지 않았지만 적용 전 보다 감소하였다. 산소섭취량은 운동프로그램 적용 후 운동중 9분에 유의하게(p<.05) 증가를 나타내었다.이상의 결과를 종합해 보면, 지구성 운동을 통하여 비만자의 심폐기능과 혈액성분이 개선되었다. 따라서 중장년의 비만자들에게 규칙적인 신체활동과 규정된 운동프로그램이 비만의 예방과 신체기능 향상에 필수적인 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of study was to investigate the effect of treadmill exercise programs on cardiopulmonary functions and serum lipids, blood volume in adult obesity man.The subjects consisted of 10 obese adults between 32 to 59 years old and all of them had no other complications. Subjects participated in treadmill exercise programs for 12 weeks according to the exercise prescriptions. They started to exercise for 20 minutes per day, six times a week at 50% of maximum O₂ consumption(V˙O₂), and later exercised for 50 minutes at 80% of V˙O₂max which was the maximum exercise intensity of the programs(Exercise intensity has been increased gradually). The results were compared according to before, after and all the subjects.1. Body weight fat was not significant reduced, percent body fat was significantly decreased(p<.05) after exercise programs.2. Forced expiratory volume for 1 second percent and maximal voluntary ventilation were significantly increased(p<.05, p<.01), Vital capacity increased after exercise programs.3. Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol rate and triglycerides were significantly reduced(p<.05, p<.01), and HDL cholesterol levels increased after exercise programs. also, blood volume(WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct) not significantly increased after exercise programs.4. Systolic blood pressure were significantly decreased(p<.05) during exercise between 5-7 minute, resting diastolic blood pressure were significantly decreased(p<.05) after exercise programs.5. Heart rate were significantly decreased(p<.05) during exercise between 5-7 minute after exercise programs.6. Oxygen uptake were significantly increased(p<.05) during exercise 9 minute after exercise programs.In this study, the treadmill exercise programs suitable for the obese was developed and applying this programs weight, percent body fat and serum lipid levels were reduced. thus cardiopulmonary functions were improved.

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