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      • KCI등재후보

        Еврейская диаспора и её перспективы в глобальную эпоху

        허성태 재외한인학회 2020 在外韓人硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        Based on the Jewish Diaspora, this article examines how the ethnic community of the Diaspora, formed by the imbalance betwen the national state and the world capitalist economy under the influence of global globalization, changes in the ethnic policy of the state. In the global era, the ethnic community of the Diaspora is gradualy turning into a virtual community that aims at realistic Autonomous communities and a transnational global network within it. As a result of this study, it was confirmed that the Jewish Diaspora ethnic community is changing in the form of a network, giving priority to individual interests, rather than just ethnic consciousnes. In adition, it was shown that individual interests play an important role in the unity of the Diaspora national community. This shows that there is a significant diference betwen the reality of the mobilized ethnic community of the Diaspora and its ideals. And the modern global community of the Diaspora shows a tendency to renationalize or denationalize in the real community, breaking away from the imaginary community and the virtual community. This phenomenon is an example of transnationalization, which is also dismantling and strengthening the ethnic community of the world's Diaspora. In the end, we came to the conclusion that Chinese or Korean diasporas are trying to combine virtual and real communities, and the Jewish Diaspora is stil trying hard to atribute them to their people or nation. This may be a trend towards the formation of a global Diaspora ethnic community. В этой статье расматриваются положение в нескольких диасрорах на примере еврей ской, корейской и китайской, образованых дисбалансом между национальным госуда рством и мировой капиталистической экономикой под влиянием мировой глобализаци и, изменения в этнической политике государств. В глобал-эпоху этническое собществ о диаспоры постепено превращается в виртуальное собщество, направленое на реал истичные автономные собщества и транснациональную глобальную сеть в нём. В результате даного иследования было подтверждено, что еврейское диаспорское э тническое собщество меняется в виде объединения сети, в которой уделяется приорит етное внимание индивидуальным интересам, а не просто этническому сознанию. Кром е того, было показано, что индивидуальные интересы играют важную роль в единстве диаспорского национального собщества. Современое глобальное собщество диаспоры показывает тенденцию к перенациона лизаци или денационализаци в реальном собществе, отрываясь от вображаемого и виртуального собщества. Это явление представляет собой пример транснационализац и, которая также укрепляет этническое собщество диаспоры мира. В конечном итоге мы пришли к выводу, что китайские, а также корейские диаспоры пытаются объединить виртуальные и реальные собщества, а еврейская диаспора по-пр ежнему продолжает сохранять свою национальную идентичность. Возможно, это своег о рода тенденция к формированию глобального диаспорского этнического собщества. 주제어 : еврейская диаспора, виртуальное собщество, реальное собщество, транснац

      • KCI등재

        러시아/독립국가연합 지역 한인 연구: 이미지(사진, 삽화, 동영상 등)를 중심으로

        허성태 인문사회 21 2018 인문사회 21 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to identify the image resources produced by Koreans living in Russia and the CIS for the past one hundred years and image resources related to Korea, and introduce them to the domestic academia so that they can use them in arts and sciences. Russia and the CIS, along with China, were the center of modern Korean immigrants' migration, and there are now about 750,000 Koreans living there. These areas are the margins of our history where many studies have to be done in the future. Despite the transformation of cultural prototypes by socialism in these regions, Korean knowledge resources have been produced and preserved steadily. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the global Korean knowledge resources in Russia and the CIS. We visited Russia in the summer of 2015 to collect relevant resources for this study. We hope that the results of this study can be used as a useful resource for establishing and implementing overseas policies for Koreans. 이 연구는 지난 백여 년간 러시아 및 독립국가연합(CIS) 지역 한인들이 생산한, 망실 위기에 처해 있는, 이미지 자원(사진, 삽화, 회화 등)과 한인/한반도 관련 이미지 자원을 발굴, 수집, 정리하여 이를 학술적으로 활용할 수 있도록 국내의 학계에 소개하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 러시아와 독립국가연합 지역은 중국과 더불어 근・현대 한인들의 해외이주의 중심 무대였고 현재도 약 75만 여명의 한인이 거주하고 있는, 앞으로 많은 연구가 이루어져야할 우리 역사의 여백이다. 이들 지역은 사회주의에 따른 문화원형의 변형을 겪었음에도 불구하고 꾸준히 한민족 지식자원이 생산되고 보존되어온 곳이다. 따라서 글로벌 한민족 지식 자원의 관리 차원에서 러시아와 독립국가연합 지역에 주목할 필요가 있다. 이러한 배경을 바탕으로 기존 연구와의 중복을 피하기 위하여 선행 연구를 철저히 검토한 후 자료 수집/발굴에 필요한 기초정보를 수집하였으며 2015. 5. 1~2016. 2. 29에 현지 방문 조사와 현지 조력자를 통해 현지조사를 진행하였다. 이 연구의 결과가 해외한민족 정책을 수립하고 실행하는데 유용한 자료로 활용될 수 있기를 바란다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Концепы СУДЬБЫ в русском языке

        허성태 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2013 한국시베리아연구 Vol.17 No.2

        A word is not objective real experience. It is a reflection of the language communities' cultural experience which conceptualizes the world. In semantics of SUD́BA('fate') are contained general meanings owned by similar words of other languages. But the reason why SUD́BA('fate') has received attention to as one of Russian cultural key words is because of its unique Russian implication. In this paper, we investigated the way how the concept of SUD́BA('fate') is expressed through a certain language form in Russian. Metaphor is widely distributed in daily languages. And it is a means which conceptualizes the abstract world. If we conceptualize the meaning through the conceptual metaphor of SUD́BA('fate'), we can understand the SUD́BA('fate') concretely. And it is helpful for understanding the concept of SUD́BA('fate') in Russian. We can conceptualize the meaning of SUD́BA('fate') through analysing the syntagm of Russian phrases, expressions and words. Контексты, сдержащие имя судьба представляет полезный материал для описания фрагмента языковой картины мира русского народа, который касается судьбы. Это образует лингвистическое пространство, в котором определяется координата концепта судьба, сложившаяся на протяжении многовековой истории России. В результате проведенного нами анализа контекстов, сдержащих имя судьба, концепты судьба представлены 5 группами на основе одушевления судьба, судьбы как произведения, форм реализации судьбы, геометрии судьбы и материализации судьбы. Каждая из этих 5 групп тоже подразделяется на некоторые подгруппы по параметрам концептуальзации субстантива судьба. Расшифровка концепта судьба подтверждает, что языковые и культурные системы отличаются друг от друга, но существуют универсалии, указывающие на общий понятийный базис, на котором основывается человеческий язык, мышление и культура. А также по историческим, культурным факторам концепты судьбы могут изменяться во времени и пространстве.

      • KCI등재

        내생적 시간을 고려한 승자외부성 경합의 기대보수와 지대소진

        허성태,박성훈 한국경제통상학회 2019 경제연구 Vol.37 No.1

        Baik and Shogren(1992) and Leininger(1993) showed that in two-player contests, the players prefer to compete for the underdog to be the leader. This study leads to the results of Baik and Shogren(1992) and Leininger(1993) with winner externality considering asymmetric prizes. To show such results, we examine three kinds of subgames: (a) a simultaneous-move subgame; (b) a sequential-move subgame in which the player who competes for a high prize is a leader, and (c) a sequential-move subgame in which the player competes for a low prize is a leader. Next, we show that the results of Baik and Shogren(1992) are derived by comparing the equilibrium expected payoffs in three kinds of subgames. In addition, we show that the real rent-dissipation rate is the lowest when the underdog is a leader and the favorite is a follower. Baik and Shogren(1992)과 Leininger(1993)는 내생적 시간을 고려한 경합에서 열세자가 선도자 그리고 우세자가 추종자를 선택하는 결과를 보였다. 본 연구는 승자외부성 경합을 고려하여 선행연구들의 결과가 유지됨을 보인다. 이를 위해, 한 개의 동시적 의사결정 하부게임과 두 개의 순차적 의사결정 하부게임들을 고려하면서 열세자와 선도자 중에서 누가 먼저 노력수준을 선택하는지에 대해 알아본다. 본 연구는 각 하부게임균형으로부터 얻은 기대보수를 비교함으로써 Baik and Shogren(1992)과 Leininger(1993)의 결과를 유도한다: 하부게임완전균형은 열세자가 선도자 그리고 우세자가 추종자를 선택하는 것이다. 다음으로, 세 하부게임균형 중에서 열세자가 선도자 그리고 우세자가 추종자인 경우에 실질적 지대소진이 가장 낮음을 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        Предметный код как один из основных кодов культуры

        허성태 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2019 국제문화연구 Vol.12 No.1

        This article tries to identify and describe a set of basic Russian cultural codes (somatic, spatial, temporal, biomorphic (animalistic, vegetative), substantial (clothes, gastronomic items, utensils, money, transport), which are necessary for students learning Russian as a foreign language for the formation of their linguistic and linguoculturological competence and removal of so-called cultural barriers arising in the collision (or cross-lingual matching) of the native culture with the "foreign" one. The study is significant and urgent since cultural mistakes that are allowed to foreign students are perceived much more acutely than the linguistic mistakes and often produce a negative impression.

      • KCI등재후보

        Исследование по истории изучения паремий в России

        허성태 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2013 한국시베리아연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper deals with the history of the study on Russian Proverbs and Sayings. Relevance of the topic of this paper is defined by the description of the theoretical importance of proverbs and sayings of the Russian language in the linguistic and extra-linguistic aspects. The purpose of this paper is to describe the following:A study of proverbs and sayings in Russian linguistics, extralinguistic facts as sources of proverbs and sayings, and the metaphorical nature and dimension of proverbs and sayings. The materials of this study were the dictionaries of proverbs and sayings as well as articles and monographs which refer to proverbs and sayings. The paper consists of an introduction, the main aspects of the study of proverbs and sayings, and the conclusion with main references. В настоящей работе описывается история исследования пословиц и поговорок в русистике. Актуальность темы данной работы заключается в теоретической значимости описания паремий русского языка в лингвистическом и экстралингвистическом аспектах. Целью данной работы является описание: изучения процессов образования паремий в русском языкознании, экстралингвистических фактов как источников возникновения пословиц и поговорок, метафорического характера пословиц и поговорок, определения и объёма пословиц и поговорок. При выполнении работы использовались словари пословиц и поговорок, статьи и монографии, которые относятся к пословицам и поговоркам. Статья состоит из Введения, Основных аспектов изучения паремий, Заключения и Списка основной использованной литературы.

      • KCI등재

        Метафорические значения названий животных и птиц-зоонимов в русском и корейском языках

        허성태 한국슬라브어학회 2014 슬라브어연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This article is dedicated to the study of metaphorical meaning of animals and birds names in Russian and Korean. The actuality of a present work is determined by the examination of animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean from the theoretical positions, which are current in linguistics. The purpose of my research is an attempt to display and describe the national peculiarity of animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean. The atomic approach to the animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean gives definite results, showing that behind seemingly simple words there stands a very sophisticated complex of representations rooted in the given cultural traditions. The values expressed in most of animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean deal with ‘physical traits’, ‘personal abilities and character’, ‘personal behavior’, ‘economic well-being’, and ‘social behavior’.

      • KCI등재후보

        Новый взгляд на историю депортации корейцев в СССР

        허성태 재외한인학회 2019 在外韓人硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        This article is about re-reporting the history of Korean deportation in the USSR. The purpose of this study is to give insight into the development of Korean-Russian relations and future research by re-refreshing the history of becoming a Korean community in Russia. The research method is based on literature review that reviews the existing main research contents related to the research theme from the present perspective. The Primorsky region, which is part of Russian territory currently, has very important political, economic and military significance for Korea, China and Japan, as well as Russia itself. In the end, we concluded that, like the one after the dissolution of the Soviet Union B.N. Yeltsin allowed Koreans living in Central Asia to regain their rights to revive the economy in the Far East and relocate to the Far East, an historic hometown of theirs. And also in 1937, for economic reasons (for the industrialization of Central Asia), rather than for military reasons, the USSR may have forced Koreans to move from the Far East to Central Asia to distribute rice agriculture in Central Asia and plant crops in the desert. In addition, research in this area needs to be carried out more extensively and carefully. This is left open to further research. Данная статья посвящена новому взгляду на историю депортации корейцев в СССР. Цель данной работы: рассмотреть историю развития корейско-росси йских отношений с современной точки зрения. В соответствии с целью исследования в статье ставятся следующие задачи: проанализировать основные уже существующие работы на заданную тему с уп ором на современные научные взгляды на указанную проблему и дать им оцен ку. Приморье, принадлежащее российской территории в настоящее время, име ет очень важное политическое, экономическое и военное значение для Кореи, Китая и Японии, а также самой России. В ходе исследования мы пришли к выводу о том, что подобно тому, как пос ле распада Советского Союза Б.Н. Ельцин разрешил корейцам, живущим в Це нтральной Азии, восстановить свои права и вновь переехать на Дальний Восто к, являющийся их исторической родиной, для оживления местной экономики, так и в СССР в 1937 году, возможно, не по военным, а по экономическим при чинам (для индустриализации Центральной Азии), корейцев заставили переех ать с Дальнего Востока в Центральную Азию, чтобы они развивали там рисово е сельское хозяйство и выращивали урожай в пустыне. Данный вопрос нуждается в дальнейшей скрупулезной разработке и остаетс я открытым для дальнейших исследований.

      • KCI등재

        Концепт Сосна в русском языке

        허성태 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.1

        To understand the values ​​of a society, it can be approached through various channels. But among them, the elements of culture are probably among the most important discourses. Culture refers to a complex whole that includes knowledge, morality, customs, religion and other abilities and habits acquired by people as members of society. At the moment, it can be said that the cultural code contains the characteristics and symbolism that can best fulfill this role. In this article, through the cultural code of pine, we will try to understand how the values ​​of Russian culture and the national feeling of Russians are organically connected with each other or melted down in Russian society. The cultural code called "pine" cannot be called unique to Russia; it can be applied in other countries. This can be understood because there are similarities in the natural environment, historical traditions, culture, religion, and customs of the respective countries. We would like to approach this with the understanding that Russia is a dual, complex and multi-layered country, such as East and West, Russian Orthodoxy and secularism, traditional and modern. Чтобы понять ценности общества, к нему можно подходить через различные каналы, но среди них элементы культуры, вероятно, являются одними из самых важных дискурсов. Культура относится к сложному целому, включающему знания, мораль, обычаи, религию и другие способности и привычки, приобретенные людьми как членами общества. На данный момент можно сказать, что культурный код содержит характеристики и символику, которые лучше всего могут выполнять эту роль. В этой статье через культурный код сосна мы попытаемся понять, как ценности русской культуры и национальное чувство россиян органично связаны друг с другом или переплавлены в российском обществе. Культурный код под названием «сосна» нельзя называть уникальным для России, его можно применять и в других странах. Это можно понимать, потому что есть сходство в природной среде, исторических традициях, культуре, религии, обычаях соответствующих стран. Мы хотели бы подойти к этому с учетом того, что Россия – двойственная, сложная и многослойная страна, такая как Восток и Запад, русское православие и секуляризм, традиционное и современное.

      • 러시아어 접속표현에 대한 유형론적 고찰

        허성태 아시아중동부유럽학회 2012 동유럽발칸학 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper aims to survey the various aspects of Connective Expressions in Russian and to trace how the Russian Connective system follows the universal typology. It is well observed that each language has a unique Connective Expression. However, we are able to find out some meaningful generalizations on the basis of the typological approach in Russian. Russian conjunction usually consists of one or more words. They connect or link other clauses, words, and phrases into a complete sentence. Russian Connectives can be classified into two types : Coordination(Conjunctions, Disjunctions, Adversatives) and Subordination(Complement, Relative Clause, Adverbial Claus). Coordinating Conjunctions link sentences of equal value in a complex sentence. Coordinating conjunctions fall into the subgroups: Copulative(or Conjunction), Disjunctive and Adversative. The elements connected by a coordinating conjunction must be equal and parallel. That is, the connected words, phrases, or clauses must perform an identical function in the sentence, e.g., or modifiers of the same word. A copulative coordinating conjunction connects two or more elements. The disjunctive coordinating conjunctions present alternatives. An adversative coordinating conjunction joins elements that seem contradictory or antithetical to one another. 이 글은 개별언어인 러시아어의 접속표현을 언어유형론의 입장에서 다룬 것이다. 인간언어에서 둘 이상의 언어 요소를 서로 연결하는, 동사나 술어만으로 표현하기 어려운 복잡한 내용을 더 효과적으로 표현하기 위한 보편적인 방법으로서 많은 언어학자들의 관심의 대상이 되어온 등위접속표현을 연구대상으로 한다. 연구의 목적은 러시아어에 있어서 등위접속표현이 어떤 방식으로 실현되며, 그 기능은 무엇인지 유형론의 입장에서 접근해봄으로써 러시아어 고유의 특성과 자연언어의 일반적인 보편성을 일부나마 검증해보는데 있다. 러시아어 접속표현은 Conjunctions (연접), Disjunctions (이접), Adversatives (역접)의 하위그룹을 형성하는 Coordination(등위접속)과 보문절(Complement, 명사절), 관계절 (Relative Clause, 형용사절), 부사절 (Adverbial Clause, 부사절)의 하위범주를 갖는 Subordination(종속접속)으로 분류할 수 있다. 언어유형론의 입장에서 볼 때 한국어의 경우 명사구 접속과 동사구(문장) 접속의 표지가 다르지만 러시아어는 모든 통사층위(명사구, 동사구, 형용사구, 부사구, 부치사(전치사/후치사)구, 문장)에서 i ʽandʾ, ili (또는 libo) ʽorʾ로 똑같이 나타난다. 러시아어 접속표현의 기본유형은 접속표지가 하나만 나타나는 단일표지형(monosyndectic type)이지만 이중표지형(bisyndectic type)과 무표지형(asyndectic type)이 나타나기도 한다. 이중표지형은 대응하는 단일표지형에 비해 ‘강조’의 의미를 지니며 무표지형은 주로 입말에서 사용된다. 한편 피접속어가 셋 이상인 경우에 러시아어에서는 접속어가 주로 마지막 두 피접속어 사이에 위치한다. 러시아어 접속표현은 단일표지의 경우 피접속성분의 중간에 위치하는 것이 일반적이지만, 이중표지형은 접속표지가 두 개의 피접속성분 앞에 오고 두 번째 접속표지 앞에 콤마(,)를 찍어 서로 구분하는 것이 원칙이다. 주절을 기준으로 할 때 러시아어의 기본어순은 SVO이며, 등위접속사가 사용된 문장에서도 SVO형식을 유지한다. 따라서 러시아어 등위접속사도 대부분의 유럽언어와 마찬가지로 핵어 전치형(head first)에 속한다고 볼 수 있다. 하나의 사건에(predicate) 둘 이상의 참여자(participant)가 동시에 참여하는 것을 기술할 때 러시아어는, 지시의미의 변화 없이, ‘접속구문 전략(coordinate strategy)’과 ‘공동격 전략(comitative strategy)’ 둘 다 사용한다.

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