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      • 墨子의 人間愛와 平和愛護思想에 關한 一考 : 兼愛說과 非功論을 中心으로

        배원달 安東大學安東文化硏究所 1989 安東文化叢書 Vol.1 No.-

        묵자는 중국 고대에 있어서 특이한 사상집단인 묵가의 개조로서 동양인의 깊고도 은근한 사랑의 정신을 설교한 사상가이다. 묵자는 BC 5∼4세기의 전쟁과 반란으로 어지러웠던 전국시대에 나서 어떻게 세상을 살아가며 어떻게 사회를 올바르게 이끌어가느냐 하는 문제에 대하여 제자백가의 무수한 사상가들의 나름대로의 해답을 추구한 명제에 관하여 「남을 사랑하면 반드시 남들도 그를 사랑해 주고 남을 미워하면 반드시 남들도 그를 미워하게 될 것이다」라는 처세와 치국의 경륜을 피력하여 세속적인 신분이나 계급을 초월한 인간애를 창도하여 위선적인 이기주의를 배격하였고 사람은 타인과의 연대감을 바탕으로 함으로써 스스로의 행복은 물론 천하의 평화와 복지사회 구현이라는 인류의 차원에서 세상을 바라보는 입장을 취하였던 것이다. 그것은 오늘날 기독교의 박애사상과도 상통하는 사랑의 원리를 제시한 것이라고 하겠다. 묵자의 이론은 단순하지만 그 이론을 지탱하는 무게는 끝없이 큰 것이다. 묵자의 시대는 어지러운 전국시대로서 사람들의 마음을 사로잡아 묵자의 이론은 거의 유가의 세력을 압도하였던 것이다. 즉 중국문화의 전승자이며 그 당시사회의 유가들의 타락과 번잡한 예의를 미끼로 하여 귀족들에 기생하는 형식주의에 강력히 반발하여 실질과 검소와 실천을 숭상한 인간의 도로서의 겸애를 창도한 것이다. 묵자사상의 중핵으로서 십대구호는 겸애비공 상현 절용 절장 비락 상동 천지 명귀 비명 등이 있으나 이 모든 것이 인간을 사랑하고(겸애) 평화를 유지(비공)하는 인간관계와 국제관계의 원만에서 해결의 바탕을 둔 것으로 본론에서는 묵자의 겸애설과 비공론을 중심으로 하여 그의 인간애와 평화애호사상의 일면을 찾아 보기로 한다.

      • 東歐諸國의 共産化過程에 關한 一硏究

        배원달 安東大學 1980 安東大學 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        The Soviet strategic pattern in the eastern Europe is not the kind of Marxian thought and the law of dialectical contradiction, but the outflow of revolution accomplished by military administration`s occupation and military invasion. The communists in the eastern Europe are preoccupied with appealing to the people`s patriotism for the sake of attaining the support of people, in disguise of people`s liberation and independence. On the other hand, they enter into relations with the influence of other nations to broaden their power for further establishment of partisan`s Tyrany. In Sovietization to the eastern Europe, the essential factor can be summarized in three factors: 1. The fundamental, decisive factor is military strenght and it was indispensable thing that the Soviet soldiers should occupy and help the eastern Europe. 2. From the geological, cultural and political point of view, the eastern Europe has had Relations with the Soviet despite the slight difference between two nations, and particularly, in addition to the fact that the Soviet is situated in the vicinty of the eastern Europe, which makes the Soviet easy to carry out their military intervention, the communists take advantage of the Soviet as a place of political asylum. And they go to Moscow to receive the training for taking power and come back home to participate in the activity of overturning the present government with the support of Soviet. 3. During the second world war, the eastern diplomacy ended in a failure. The western powers including the United States happened to regard the eastern Europe as countries far from the western area and, accordingly, the area occupied by the red army had been indendified with the area of the Soviet strength. In general, through the three steps in Sovietization power could be taken, but the process came to an end in 1949. The steady movement of restoring their own culture and freedom in the eastern Europe carried out in way of anti Soviet and the secession from the Soviet, which means the compelled revolution by the Soviet army of occupation. The future of the eastern Europe is in the attraction of world`s attention.

      • 법가사상에 관한 연구 : 상앙과 韓非를 中心으로

        배원달 安東大學安東文化硏究所 1989 安東文化叢書 Vol.1 No.-

        무릇 어떠한 사상이나 제도도 그 사회적 배경과 시대적 요청을 떠나서는 생각할 수가 없는 것이다. 법가사상도 춘추에서 전국으로 변천하는 사회와 역사속에서 구질서로서의 주왕실중심의 봉건의 지배의 제관계는 붕괴과정에 들어가고 국제적 국내적으로 새로운 질서확립의 필요성에서 주장되고 적용된 사상군중의 하나인 것이다. 춘추시대에 있어서의 법치사상의 맹아는 서민의 세력을 법질서하에 두고 귀족세력을 억압하면서 국가의 재구성을 기도할려는 것으로 나타난다. 패자로 표현되는 춘추시대는 열국이라고 하여도 근본은 주왕조의 제후봉건에 의한 것으로 동성 동족의식은 강하게 남아있는 것이다. 그것이 전국시대에 들어감에 따라 제후는 주권국가로서 자립하여 부국과 강병을 정책삼게 된 것이다. 춘추시대의 현인정치와 전국시대의 변법정치는 질적으로 다르며 현인정치는 현인에 의한 군주의 보좌로서 사회의 변혁은 수반되지 않으나 변법정치는 사회제도의 변혁을 추진하여 국가의 부강을 기도한 것이다. 법가사상의 본질로서는 유가적인 예질서에 대하여 실정법질서의 확립을 발전적인 역사관에 입각하여 주장하고 있는 점과 종족국가에서 주관국가에로 변화한 새로운 국가의 추진을 한편으로는 부국강병의 현실면에서 기도하면서 다른 한편으로는 그것을 성립시키기 위하여 객관적인 법질서의 역할을 강조한 점이라고 하겠다. 전국시대에 나타난 각양의 민간세력도 기존의 전통적 세력과는 다른 기반에서 발생하고 상과 하의 공리적 타산적 세력구조과 형성은 군주론 성립에 영향한 바 있다고 하겠다. 상앙과 한비는 주어진 시·공의 차이와 실제정책실천가로서의 상앙의 입장과 이론가로서의 한비의 입장과는 다소의 방법론상의 상위는 있다고 할 것이나 시대변천을 바탕으로 법질서의 확립을 강조하고 군주중심적 주구국가의 성립을 주장함에는 공통적이라고 하겠다. 이 법가사상은 전국말기의 한비에 의하여 선행한 사상으로서 상앙으로부터는 '법'을 신불해로부터는 '술'을 신도로부터는 '세'를 받아들여 집대성한 것이다. 한비에 있어서 정치는 도구이며 도구를 사용하여 목표에 도달하기 위하여 상벌론과 법술론이 뜻을 갖게 되는 수단적 공리사상에 기초두고 있고 군과 신의 주관에 의한 정치가 아니고 객관적인 법에 의한 정치 즉 법체주의사상의 제창이다. 우리는 Machiavelli의 군주론을 분열과 상쟁속에서 통일을 희구한 당시의 이태리의 정치적 상황속에서 이해해야 하는 일면이 있는 것처럼 법가사상은 분열과 상쟁이 계속된 전국시대를 매듭짓고 천하통일에 가장 유효한 사상이었음을 부정할 수가 없다. 또한 우리는 한비의 비정적인 인간관에 따른 전제주의는 오늘날의 민주적 견지에서 비판되어야 하나 그의 현실주의에 바탕둔 과학적인 사고방식은 존중할만한 가치가있고 『한비자』는 역사적으로나 사상적으로나 연구를 요하는 많은 상제를 안고 있다고 하겠다.

      • 唯一體系 確立過程에 關한 一考 : 甲山系·軍部大肅淸을 中心으로 focused on the great purge of the Kabsan faction and the military

        배원달 安東大學 1982 安東大學 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        The sole system stands for the establishment of Kim III Sung`s sole system in the ideology and the formation of his sole revoutlionary tradition in the anti Japan struggle. In other words, it is called the gerat forging work of history that the creation and struggle of every value arouse from him. Late in I960, this forging work began, and the Kabsan faction and the mlitary were purged on a large scale because they were an obstacle to his forging work. The forging process and its characteristics are as follows: 1) Since late in 1960, in order to construct the "brotherly system" between Kim III Sung and Kim Yung Joo and establish Kin III Sung`s sole system, the Kabsan faction and the military were mainly the target of the great compulsive purge. 2) The forgery of sole revolutionary tradition is the historical fraudulence that has changed the stream of our great anti-Japan independence struggle and the struggle of the anti-Japan allied forces belonging only to a small component part of it. 3) The laborites and youths of North Korea were driven under the slogan "the ideological struggle" into the campaign that would keep in their hearts the absolute loyalty that they shoult think and act in obedience to Kim III Sung`s orders. Accordingly, they were turned to the unified slaves who couldn`t know any ideological thing except Kim`s ideology, and would abandon all the human skepticism and critical mind. 4) As the residents of North Korea have experienced the 6,25. tragedy of internal strife They have the feeling of anti-war. Kim III Sung not only makes his status absolute through his building up a crisis in the Peninsula of Korea, but also regards his military line of unification as the breakthrough to disguise numerous problems with which North Korea is confronted. 5) The obedient system as the sole system is noy only to remove the resistences of the whole people and youths to Kim III Sung-Kim Yung Joo system, but also to strengthen the restraining system. As the Kabsan faction and the military spoke for the voices of the people, it is a logical conclusion for the brotherly system to purge mercilessly the Kabsan faction and the military.

      • 유고슬라비아 共産化의 特徵分析

        배원달 安東大學 1981 安東大學 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        The process of communization in Yugoslavia can be divided into the following three stages: (1) The first stage is the integration and deprivation of power characterized as the guerrilla warfare including the people`s liberation and civil war. The Communist Party can be called the first case of the twentieth century, depriving the farming community of its power by taking advantage of all the conditions of its underdevelopment on purpose. This case is remarkably deviated from the frame of Marxian thought or the Bolshevik Revolution. (2) The second stage is the peculiar sociocultural development of subjectivity and the fight for the people`s independence, resisting Stalin`s policy towards the eastern Europe (the policy of satellization). This case is concerned with the destalinization and the establishment of the individual political line. (3) The third stage is aimed to establish the decentralized self-governing system of labors and the partial market system, being deviated from the collectivistic system of centralization based on totalitarianism, and also the so-called socialist market economy based on the profit motive. This case is characterized by putting into practice a new system which other communist countries do not have. The governors grasping political power insist that their system should be reasonable from the viewpoint of Marxism, and also declare that Yugoslavia is marching into the socialist age in many ways. As the result, however, the world is paying attention to the orientation of solving the challenge as various negative factors Yugoslavia confronts and the influence of it on international politics as well as all countries of the eastern Europe.

      • 北韓의 權利構造에 關한 一硏究

        배원달 安東大學 1979 安東大學 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        The power structure of embattled North Korea inoculated with the one and only ideology of Kim II-Sung may be summarized as follows; 1) Marx-Leninism which communists believe a universal truth has been applied to the different situations and conditions of various countries. But Marx-Leninism has caused many errors and confrontations and its antinomy has been revealed because of its fabrication and dogmatism. Under the pretext of "creative application", Marx-Leninism has been degraded to an instrument to maintain and reinforce the top seat of state power. 2) The power structure of North Korea was sovietized within a short period through the coercion of the Soviet military authorities because North Korea is a barren area of thought, which can be called its characteristics. The power structure of North Korea is on a war footing to turn Korea into a basis of revolution and eventually to communize the entire Korean Peninsula as a part of the red strategy to communize the world, capitalizing on the international situation around the divided Korean Peninsula. 3) There is a clear statement in the Constitution of North Korea that Rodong, the Communist Party, exists beyond all the constitutional institutions. However, the fact that Kim Il-Bung has the absolute power over the Party and the administrative machinery of North Korea means nobody can challenge him and he exists above the state. 4) A factional struggle for leadership in the party under the rule of communists generally takes the form of an ideological dispute and North Korea is not an exception in this respect. Since 1940`s, Kim Il-Sung has strengthened one-man dictatorship through instituting numerous severe purges of disloyal elements from the Party. 5) Kim Il-Sung has reigned over North Korea as an absolute, deified monarch beyond the rule of the Constitution, in fact as well as institutionally. He has fanned the war fever all over North Korea and organized all the structures for wartime needs. As the supreme commander of all the North Korean forces he has exercised the sovereign power arbitrarily.

      • 아시아 共産化運動의 特徵硏究 : 毛澤東思想을 中心으로

        배원달 安東大學 1984 安東大學 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        First: In general Asian nations which were semi-feudalistic and underdeveloped agricultural areas were greatly influenced by communism in the continent of China and Mao Tse-Tung`s ideology. Second: Mao`s thoughts and his strategies hereby are characterized as typical communism in Asian regions. second: Mao`s revolutionary strategy and tactics are different from the orthodox Marxists. These are based both on a variety of traditional thoughts that have been handed down from the ancient and on the chosen Chinese thoughts which are presented by the superioity of Chinese race. An emphasis should be given on the originality of Mao Tse-Tung to enable Chinese communism revolution and nationalism to be in harmony with. Third: The political history of China has formed a system of social value in which moral law is more dominant than law. The moral law as the most fundamental one is ethics among sovereign and subject. The traditional thoughts as on absolute prestige are substituted for thoughts of Mao Tse-Tung. Mao`s thoughts are the source of people`s moral and national prestige and also reign over people as an executor. Fourth: Neo-democracy as Mao`s revolutionary strategy in the early stage, formed a common front with laborers, peasants, petit bourgeois and national bourgeois against anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism. Mao`s strategic success to isolate Kuomintang [Nationalist] hereby is also a feature. Fifth: Mao emphasized the revolutionary-subjectivity of peasant masses and propagandized, educated and armed the overwhelming people consisted of peasant masses to make guerrilla warfare a strategic dimension over a long-range civil war. It may be called a new type feature on communism that Mao won revolution by the long-range civil war.

      • 孟子의 政治思想에 關한 小考 : 民主主義를 中心으로

        배원달 安東大學安東文化硏究所 1989 安東文化叢書 Vol.1 No.-

        공자와 맹자의 교의로서 대표되는 유교사상은 철학적인 면보다도 사회사상 정치사상으로서의 의의가 더 크다고 할 수 있다. 유교적 정치이념이 이제삼왕의 고지성왕의 치적을 귀감삼아 현실을 비판하고 정화할려는 복고주의를 취함은 동양정치사상의 특색이기도 한 것이다. 맹자는 전국시대의 권모술수와 무력에 의하여 이기적으로 세속화된 지배자(패자)에 대하여 고대성왕의 덕치를 강조하고 천하를 주유하면서 설교하였다. 무릇 사람은 역사적이며 사회적인 존재로서 어떠한 위인이나, 사상도 시대성을 떠나서는 있을 수가 없는 바 전국의 난시에 뛰어들어 사회질서를 확립하고 이상세계를 구현하기 위한 방법(도)으로서 맹자는 공자의 "인"을 계승하였고 덕화의 방법을 따른 것이다. 그리고 치자와 피치자가 엄격히 구분된 봉건적 계급질서의 확립을 위한 구실을 하였던 것이다. 맹자의 정치사상은 민주주의에 있었고 그 전개로서 왕도주의가 주장되었다. 국가에 있어서 "민"이 가장 귀중하고 "민"의 지지를 받을 때 비로서 천자가 될 수 있다는 논리에서 여민동락의 경세론이 도출된 것이다. 나아가서 민의가 곧 천의로 통하기 때문에 실인심은 실천하의 당연한 귀착으로 표현되고 이성혁명의 이론은 합리성을 갖게 되는 것이다.

      • 北韓 勞動黨에 關한 小考

        배원달 安東大學 1983 安東大學 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        1. As the historical background of the North Korean Labor Party, the Korean Communist Movement (before the Korean Liberation from Japan) tended to spring from the Korean Nationalist Movement to protest against the Japanese colonialists and to gain the liberation from Japan. And the part of the Korean Communist Movement was peripherally used in order to defend Russia. 2. The communization of Norht Korea can be said to be one imported from Russia directly and oppressively into the thought-barren land of North Korea. Accordingly, the creation of the North Korean Labor Party and the process of Kim Ill-Sung`s takeover must be the communzation not to be established by Marx` philosophy of history, Lenin`s making fights within imperial states for underdeveloped states, or Mao`s communization through the people`s fights, but solely to be achieved by his violent overthrow and oppressive occupation. 3. The Party`s rule that the members should be subservient to the ruling party does not Apply to Kim Ill-Sung himself. No institution can criticize him either directly or indirectly. 4. In the case of North Korea, the criterion of value for behaviour has degenerated from Party (proletariat class) loyalty to personal loyalty to Kim Ill-Sung himself and to his family. Therefore, it is considered that the North Korean Labor Party is not for the mass proletariat class but has become a private party of Kim Ill-Sung. 5. The fact that Kim Ill-Sung holds the absolute power in North Korea means that he is above Party. It will not be long before the degeneration of the North Korean Party is disclosed just like the saying that "absolute power degenerates absolutely".

      • 農村自治組織에 關한 一硏究

        배원달,이남구 安東敎育大學 1973 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        1. Introduction In the developing country, the subjects about farmers, the rural community and farming are always restored and returned to the problem of human self-determination will and ability essentially, in spite of difference of the properties of their territories. To tide over the obstacles of the small-farming structure and condition and to establish a self-supporting and prosperious life, the movement that the farmers themselves set up their power, systematize an innovated life and make it a rule to be accustomed with the reasonal attitude for treatment of things is considered as a guidingspirit of leading the self-government organization of rural community by the modern meaning. Consequently, these mass farmers' self-governing movement may be the truest guarantee and short cut for modernization of our rural community, and the most basic task for the democratic society. Therefore in this study, the writers intended to get a basic material needed for the self-governing movement to make the characteristics clear by considering our rural self-government organization. II. The Extent and Method of This Study 1) The form of existence for the self-government structure in the rural community is to realize the co-operation living. Self-government and co-operation have a relation of mutual relience each other. Therefore, the writers should consider this subject in connection with all sides of self-government co-operation organigation. 2) "A" is regarded as a hamlet co-operation body of self-government organization in the ancient society, "B" as that of the late modern period of the Lee Dynasty and "C" as that of the present time, and comparing them with and analizing them each other, the writers intended to study the characteristics of the rural self-organization in Korea. 3) Here the method based on library in this study is used for the traditional structure (A&B), survey is used for the present structure and the sides of the structure and function are used for the characteristics of organization, and they are studied in connection with the social, economical and ethic sides. III. The Typical Structure of Self-government Organization 1) Maeol(마을) self-government, the co-operation body, was composed through a decision of meeting, the form of a council system, property was owned by all the people and it was corriposed of the group organization of all villages, the Durae system. They played an original role in the system of the co-operation defence, work, pray, fork play and training. 2) The late modern self-government system of rural community was composed of two systems which were the self-govenrment system of natural rural community and that of administrative rural community. One was composed of the hereditary customs of Maeol(마을) community. It had a material base, the Donggae(洞契) system, Durae(두레) system, group system of all rural community and played an role in the co-operative work and play. They are performed through a decision of the rural community meeting. The other was intented to form Dong(洞) system, called Ohgajaktongbeob(五家作統法) but could not fix it. Maeol(마을) community organization was separated and co-operative system, Pummashi(품앗이), Gae(契) Gochi(고지) and so on. were active, but by the external system of leadership, the role of Myeon(面), Hyangso(鄕所) or Hyangyak(鄕約), Sachang(社倉), and so on were generally not amicable. 3) The present self-government system, the passing system of Dong(洞) and Ban(班) meeting and the official system of Dong(洞) administration and all the autogenesis co-operation system were the form of a traditional period, without having the modern characteristics completely. IV. The Characteristics of Self-government System in the Rural Community. The structure form dominating the traditional and presnt self-government system is spontaneous and the order of peaceful human community. It likes "Natur der Sache" and is considered as the cultural nature of our race formed by the old customs of Maeol(마을) self-government system which attaches an importance to the relation of human concord. Therefore, a new order with clear and reasonal system may be one of the important causes of failure. The inside facts of these characteristics of the organization are; 1) Naturalistic idea 2) Fellowship idea 3) Joint idea They are composed of the central value system. V. Conclusion By the characteristics, the present policy of rural community and its movement should be done considering such as follows: 1) Developing the movement of rural self-government community, every movement should be displayed by farmers themslves. 2) This kind of self-government movement should be profitable in the spiritual and material area. 3) The rural self-government system should be creatively systemized and accustomed to all spiritual movement. 4) The system should have the effective organization for the administrative organization, budget, decision and relative structure.

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