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      • 美國 南部社會의 Plantation에 대한 考察 : 南北戰爭以前의 奴隸制度를 中心으로

        상선 新羅大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.35 No.1

        In modern society it is almost out of question that most of political troubles are based on economic interest. Slavery in America was not exceptional in this respect. The slavery in Southern society was possible, for there were rich resources such as men and land, and the proper environment for it. But the problem was that this system functioned as an obstacle to hinder the growth of capitalism. It is because not noly the root of Southern capitalism, different from Northern capitalism, was in agriculture, especially in a cotton, but also most capital was invested in slavery system. Accordingly since the foundation of the United States, there has been a peculiar social structure of the South and the North until the 19th century. In this paper I tried to show the influence of plantation and slave labor on the social development of Southern society, surveying various economic conditions of the South. First, why did slavery system even in the 19th century in America expand? second, what was the foundation to develop the slavery system? Third, what was the result in the process of the development of Southerly society that it brougth about? The answers to these questions I have sought, mainly from the viewpoint of economy. My final conclusion is that the slavery system caused the Civil War, and that economically it hindered the development of capitalism, and socially it hampered the development of true democracy.

      • A. J. Toynbee의 生涯와 思想 : 主著인 「歷史의 硏究」를 中心으로

        權相善 新羅大學校 1978 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975), British historian and critic of civilization, devoted nearly 40 years of his life th the completion of his twelve-volume A Study of History. He was without doubt a unique scholar of civilization. In contrast to Spengler's german rationalistic approach to historical study Tyonbee employed British empiricism to distinguish twenty-one spheres of civilization, each of which leads toward a final universal state, having undergone four successive stages: Genesis, Growth, Breakdown and Integration. The fundamental principle of history, according to him, history, his subject of study was a universal history which is the history of all human societies in the world, including the less developed areas. This paper examines his thoughts and views on history with special reference to his massive work, a Study of History. The following contributions by him were noted: First, the unit in the study of history was expanded from the narrow concerns of a national state to the broad perspective in which a civilization sphere is viewed. Second, the pervasive modern historism of determination as characterized by Karl Marx severely attacked. Third, the history for living, not the history for the sake of knowledge, was emphasized in order to save modern civilization and the human race from destruction.

      • 아메리카 獨立革命思想의 基盤에 대한 考察 : John Locke의 「政府二論」을 中心으로 Based on John Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government

        權相善 新羅大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The starting point of a study in terms of thought on the American Revolution is at the pursuit of where the origin of the revolution. Where did the basic thought of the Revolution which induced the struggle against the fatherland and the break-away from it stem from? On what political principles was it based? This kinds of questions on the genealogy and characteristics of the Revolution have been a matter of great concern for many years. In has been generally accepted that John Lock's The Treatites of Civil Government was related with the Revolution as a source of the basic thought of it. On the other hand, it has also been argued that the Revolution should be regarded as based on both pluralistic and independent American thought in the 18th century which was formed by various precedent European thoughts such as classic democratic thought, rationalism of the Enlightment, common law of England, Puritanism, etc. Nevertheless, Locke's political theories are worth being reconsidered in order to understand the Revolution correctly. In this respect, this study aims to reexamine the basic political principles implied in Two Treatises of Civil Government and analyze the origins of the American political thought with view to reestablishing the role of the book in inducing the American Revolution.

      • 우리나라 서양사교육의 변천과 배경에 대한 연구

        상선 新羅大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.41 No.1

        It is the time that we have to consider national education suited to the needs of globalization age. Accordingly history education must be done in the view of world history, that is, the development of human history. I think it is absolutely needed to change 'history from the inside' in which we regard our own cultural tradition as something absolute into 'history from the outside' in which we try to understand other cultire. The main emphasis in our history education must not be put on the specialities in national history any more but on the history in general. In thais context, we can find the reason why the knowledge in European history is necessary and European history education must be intensified. Since academic development in European history is closely related with European history education, in this paper I will discuss the following problems deeply through positive literture : How does European history education in Korea have carried out until now and what are the problems? How does the world history education have changed in junior/senior high school? Does cultural history, one of liberal arts in university, have been instructive enough in its contents? and Does European history education in university have gone all length?

      • KCI등재
      • 文化史敎育에 대한 小考 : Towards firm national consciousness through the education of Korean history 民族主體意識의 確立을 위한 國民敎育을 中心으로

        權相善 新羅大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The paper presents several problem to be solved in order to achieve strong national consciousness. First, prerequisites for Cultural History as a compulsory subject in the university sre determined ; its effective teaching methods are also proposed. Secondary, the Korean history education in korea since 1945 is surveyed and it is pointed out that its educational objected should lie in producing partriotic citizens who will contribute to the development of our society and international peace. Thirdly it is emphasized that the ideological aims of our education should be defined with due consideration for the historical, racial priorities, government policies and international trend in education. And lastly, it is asserted that the enforced Korean history education must need call for stronger national consciousness at well as autonomous outlook on the national history.

      • New Deal의 思想的基盤에 대한 一考

        상선 新羅大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.36 No.1

        1929年에 일어나기 시작한 大恐慌(The Great Depression)은 19세기말에 經濟革命을 완성하고 1920年代에 大恐慌을 성취한 America 資本主義經濟를 급속히 파멸에 허덕이게 하였고 America 社會의 전통적 사고방식과 생활양식까지도 크게 동요케 하였다. 이 大恐慌을 극복하여 America의 資本主義를 소생시키고 自由, 民主主義를 건전한 기반위에 회복시키고 다시는 이와 같은 經濟上의 참극이 일어나지 않게 하고자 한 것이 F.D.Roosevelt정부의 New Deal이었다. New Deal의 根本思想은 대체로 民主的 傳統 즉 1912年의 革新黨(Progressive Party)의 政綱, 大衆黨(Popular Party)의 政綱 또는 기타 歷史의 유물로서 존재하는 諸文書에 나타난 思想에 근거를 두고 있다. 그러나 New Deal은 本質的으로 保守的인 側面과 革新的인 側面을 아울러 가지고 있고 革新主義(Progressivism)와는 달리 획기적으로 새로운 출발을 했다는 점. 즉 革局面을 개척하여 America社會와 歷史의 方向을 크게 전환시켰다는 점을 잊어서는 아니된다. New Deal은 구제(Relief), 회복(Recovery), 개혁(Reform)이라는 "3R"을 목표로 諸政策을 수행한 것이고 특히 개혁면에서 自由放任主義(Laissez-Faire)를 포기하고 개인주의와 자본주의를 新世代의 새로운 諸條件에 맞도록 크게 修正해 놓았다. 이와 같이 America의 政治, 經濟, 社會 全般에 一大轉換을 초래한 New Deal의 思想的 기반이 무엇인가 하는 것을 규명했는데 특히 전통적인 革新主義와 New Deal과의 관계를 분석하고 F.D.Roosevelt의 Brain Trust들의 정치사상을 검토하며 New Deal의 정치사상의 근본과 New Deal의 본질 및 현대 America사회에 무엇을 가져 왔는가 하는 것을 밝혔다. The Great Depression which began in 1929 made American capitalistic economy be driven rapidly into the fathomless pit and caused a great change in the traditional way of thinking and life style in American society. The ends of New Deal by F.D.Roosevelt government were to restore American capitalism by overcoming this Great Depression. to put democracy on the firm ground again. and not to let this economic catastrophe come again. The basic idea of New Deal was based on some democratic ideas which had been handed down from the past:the policy of Progresssive Party in 1912. the policy of Popular Party. various democratic ideas contained in the historic papers. Basically speaking. New Deal had both conservative and progressive aspects. I think that it must be remembered that New Deal, different from progressivism, set out a revolutionary stary, and that it greatly changed the direction of American history and society. New Deal was executed with the purpose of 3R-relief, recovery, and reform, especially it gave up Laissez-Faire and tried to adjust individualism and capitalism to the new era. In this paper I tried to illustrate what the basic ideas of New Deal were, to analyze the interrelationship of New Deal and traditional progressvivism, to explain the basic ideas of New Deal by surveying the political thoughts of F.D.Roosevelt's Brain Trust, and finally to show what it brought to modern American society.

      • 아메리카 獨立革命의 思想的 背景

        權相善 新羅大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        The reason that 18th century American Revolution is regarded as a revolution may be found in the facts that it not only liberated America from the British colonial yoke, but also brought the country the social and intellectual foundations for the America's unprecedented democracy upon which she established herself as a member of the modernized countries of the word. The aim of this paper is to study the intellectual aspects of the Revolution in order to comprehend the historical character of the Revolution. The period covered in this study is the earlier period of the Revolution, namely, the period from the early colonization to the Declaration of Independence. The reason why emphasis is put on the earlier period particularly is due to the writer's belief that the various aspects of the community lives and thoughts of the earlier colonists are the best index to the general developments that followed the Revolution. The American Revolution is significant not only because it implies a spiritual revolution indicative of the possibilities for the practical development of liberal ideas but also because it forms the point of departure from which America, having been set free from sobordinate dependency, was enabled to proceed on her own initiatives.

      • 大學敎育의 評價方法 改善方案에 關한 硏究

        李揆成,權相善,金大倫,朴哉林,林鍾吉,朴英淑 新羅大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The present study aims to develop of evaluation method for college education. This study consiste of two parts: to identify the corelation between the freshmen's scores of pre-test for entrance examination and their scores of freshmen's year, and to make suggestions for the improvement of evaluation method in college on the basis of the former study results. Seen from the above mentioned aspects of this study, this study has meanings in its seek for a rational curriculum improvement and in its research of the pilot curriculum which presupposes the alleged system of limited graduation quota. This research which is conducted by above mentioned purpose andmeanings can be summerized as follows; 1) The freshmen's mean score of the-pre-test of college entrance examination is 192. 38. Among the departments of natural scienc attained the most higher score(204.22). and department of arts and gymnastics 162. 02 which is below average score. 2) In the achivements of the freshmn'e year the departments of natural sciences obtained the best results, followed by the departments of arts and gymnastics, education, and cultural aciences in oder. 3) There is no corelation between the pre-test scores of college entrance examination and the college achivement results. 4) The mean scores of the major and teaching subjects geneally increas as they go up into the advanced school years. 5) Each department has their own method of evaluation. 6) Teaching syllabus is asked to be presented whit the direction of clas, contents, purpose, and specific items of evaluation. 7) Achivements of college work must be evaluated by the normal distribution curve with the facts about specific factors of the study and students group taken into consideration.

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