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      • KCI등재


        張翔 ( Xiang Zhang ),李英淑 ( Youngsook Lee ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.6

        唐代興盛的經濟與開放的文化, 造就了豐美華麗的女子服飾。紋樣作爲女裝重要的組成部分, 不僅具有審美性, 還隱含著人們吉利祥瑞的思想意識和精神需求, 並體現了著裝者的身份地位等社會屬性。在前期唐代女性服飾植物紋樣研究的基礎上, 本次研究著重解讀另一種廣泛應用的動物紋樣, 並結合現代審美, 設計了以数字化動物紋樣爲主題的現代女性絲巾產品。第一, 闡述了研究目的、範圍和研究方法。以唐代女裝中出現的動物紋樣爲中心, 對相關研究成果進行整理和分析。第二, 研究并分析了唐代女裝中動物紋樣的特征及象征性。第三, 通過研究結果對現售絲巾紋樣概括分析, 重新詮釋當今女性表達祈福的紋樣訴求, 並結合絲巾進行設計。通過此紋樣的整理和產品的設計開發, 能夠爲設計領域提供具有中國傳統象征性和風格的重要參考資料。也爲後期展開的傳統紋樣相關研究提供理論支撐, 爲傳統元素在現代服飾中應用尋找契合的設計方法。 The flourishing economy and open culture of the Tang period created a rich and colorful women’s clothing. As an important part of women’s clothing, the pattern not only has aesthetic quality, but also implies people’s auspicious ideological consciousness and spiritual needs, and embodies the social attributes such as the status and status of the dresser. Based on the previous research on the plant pattern of women’s clothing in Tang, this research focuses on deciphering another widely used animal pattern and designing modern women’s silk scarf products with animal pattern as the theme. First, it expounds the research purpose, scope and research methods. The research scope is centered on the animal patterns appearing in women’s clothing in the Tang Dynasty, and the related research results are sorted and analyzed. Second, it studies and analyzes the characteristics and symbolism of animal patterns in women’s clothing in the Tang Dynasty. Third, through the research results, a general analysis of the patterns of the silk scarves on sale, reinterpreting the pattern appeals of today’s women expressing blessings, and designing them in conjunction with silk scarves. It is hoped that through the finishing of this pattern and the design and development of products, it can provide important reference materials with traditional Chinese symbolism and style for the design field. It also does theoretical accumulation for the related research of traditional patterns in the later period, and finds suitable design methods for modern product development.

      • KCI등재


        張翔 ( Xiang Zhang ),李英淑 ( Youngsook Lee ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.5

        唐代興盛的國⼒與開放的⽂化, 展現了中國⼥性華麗的冠服及裝飾, 對亞洲乃⾄世界服飾史都有重要的影響。吉祥紋樣作爲⼥性服飾重要的組成部分, 不僅承載著服飾的審美性, 同時隱含著⼈們祈福頌祥的意識訴求, 吉祥紋樣造型、⾊彩和表現材料的不同, 在⼀定程度體現了著裝者的⾝份地位、⽂化背景等社會屬性。本研究通過解析⼥性服飾中展現的吉祥紋樣, 將植物吉祥圖案與現代審美相結合, 重新詮釋現代⼈祈福頌祥的需求並設計了絲⼱產品。研究如下。第⼀, 按⽬錄順序敘述, 研究範圍以唐代漢族⼥性服飾中出現的植物吉祥圖案爲中⼼, 對先⾏資料(圖書、論⽂、展覽館資料、網絡資料)收集和⽂獻研究進⾏了內容分析。第⼆, 研究了唐代⼥性服飾中出現的植物吉祥圖案的特性。第三, 重新詮釋植物吉祥圖案, 設計了⼥性圍⼱。期待通過本研究的成果, 能成爲具有中國傳統象征性和特征的⼥性服裝及時尚單品的時尚商務產業領域的基礎資料。 The prosperous national power and open culture of the Tang Dynasty showed the gorgeous crown clothing and decorations of Chinese women, which had an important influence on the history of Asian and even the world’s clothing. As an important part of women’s clothing, auspicious patterns not only carry the aesthetics of the clothing, but also imply people’s consciousness of praying for auspiciousness. The different shapes, colors and performance materials of the auspicious patterns reflect the identity of the wearer to a certain extent such as status and cultural background. This research analyzes the auspicious patterns in women’s clothing, combines plant auspicious patterns with modern blessings, reinterprets the needs of modern people to pray for blessings, and designs silk scarves. The research is as follows. First, narrate according to the order of the catalog. The research scope is centered on the auspicious patterns of plants appearing in contemporary Han women’s clothing. The collection of prior materials (books, papers, exhibition hall materials, network materials) and the content analysis of literature research are carried out. Second, the characteristics of plant auspicious patterns appearing in the Tang dynastic women’s clothing are studied. Third, reinterpret the auspicious patterns of plants and design female scarves. It is hoped that through the results of this research, it can become the basic data of the fashion business industry field of women’s clothing and fashion items with traditional Chinese symbolism and characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        消費者對服裝可持續面料認識的信賴研究: 以安徽省女大學生為中心

        劉瑩 ( Liu Ying ),李英淑 ( Youngsook Lee ) 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.1

        研究 目的: 本研究旨在驗證消費者對服裝可持續面料認識的信賴,為服裝產業未來市場制定設計戰略和營銷戰略提供理論依據。 研究 方法: 于2022年8月1日至8月12日期間, 以居住在中國安徽省的零零後女大學生為對象, 以線上應答的方式進行了問卷調查。採用SPSS26及AMOS26程序對收集的問卷進行了實證分析。 研究 內容: 分析了可持續面料認識,可持續環境、經濟、文化方面的可持續評價要因, 消費者信賴 。 結論與建議: 首先, 可持續面料認識對可持續評價的環境、經濟、文化要因有顯著的正向影響。其次, 可持續評價要因的環境、經濟、文化要因對消費者信賴有顯著的正向影響。再次, 可持續面料認識對消費者信賴沒有統計學上的顯著意義。為保證結果的可信度, 在未來的研究中有必要通過擴大年齡和區域來比較分析可持續面料認識對消費者信賴的影響。 The purpose of this study is to verify consumers’ trust in sustainable fabric recognition, and provide theoretical basis for designing and marketing strategies for the future market of clothing industry. During the period from Aug. 1 to Aug. 12, 2022, a questionnaire survey was conducted with female college students after zero living in Anhui Province, China, by means of online response. SPSS 26 and AMOS 26 procedures were used to conduct empirical analysis on the collected questionnaires. It analyzes the understanding of sustainable fabrics, the key factors of sustainable evaluation in terms of sustainable environment, economy and culture, and consumer trust. Conclusions and suggestions: First of all, the recognition of sustainable fabrics has a significant positive impact on the environmental, economic and cultural factors of sustainable evaluation. Secondly, the environmental, economic and cultural factors of sustainable evaluation have a significant positive impact on consumer trust. Thirdly, the recognition of sustainable fabrics has no statistical significance for consumer trust. Therefore, sustainable evaluation should play a completely intermediary role in the relationship between sustainable fabric recognition and consumer trust. In order to ensure the credibility of the results, it is necessary to expand the age and region to compare and analyze the impact of sustainable fabric awareness on consumer trust in future research.

      • KCI등재


        蒋宝智 ( Baozhi Jiang ),李英淑 ( Youngsook Lee ) 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.1

        硏究目的:从消费者角度深入分析中国游客在线时尚购物商城用户作为时尚购物商城SVC质量的产品评论类型调控效果。即, 对于时尚购物中心的产品评论, 中国网络消费者重视哪些部分, 以及由此带来的购物中心的满意度的影响关系如何, 以及该购物中心的产品评论对再购买意图产生何种程度的影响将客观地查明。 硏究方法:本文使用理论(UTAUT2)为理论背景。采用IBMSPSS25.0对数据进行了因子分析、相关分析、多元回归分析、层次回归分析等方法, 对333名中国游客进行网上购买时尚商品的应用数据分析。 硏究內容:本研究以中国游客为中心, 从网上购物中心的角度分析了网上商城的服务质量和满意度、回购意向之间的关系, 并研究了评论作为调节变数对满意度和回购意向之间的关系。 結論提言:从中国游客的立场来看, 服务质量的热闹性、可靠性、便利性、互动性等对中国游客的顾客满意度和回购意向产生了积极的影响。以这些结果为基础, 为网上时尚购物中心, 提高对网上产品评论的影响和对接受网上评论的深入理解, 有助于今后服装企业制定有效管理网上评论信息的战略。另外, 在线审查中的负面评论对回购意向也产生了很大的影响。企业有必要对顾客的评论采取更加慎重的态度分析内容, 将其引入营销战略并用于改善服务质量。 This study analyzed the relationship between service quality, satisfaction, and repurchase intention of online shopping malls in terms of online review, focusing on online shopping malls. The extended unified theory of acceptance use of technology (UTAUT2) were applied as the theoretical background of this lodging application study. The data collected from 333 Chinese tourists using lodging applications were analyzed through factor analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. According to the results, it was found that the buzziness, reliability, convenience, and interaction of service quality had a positive effect on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention from the perspective of Chinese tourists. In addition, negative reviews among online reviews had a great influence on repurchase intentions. Companies need to take a more cautious approach to customer reviews, introduce them into marketing strategies, and use them to improve service quality.

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