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        제주도 혼파목초지 식생의 연차적 변화에 관한 연구

        趙南棋 韓國作物學會 1979 Korean journal of crop science Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구는 제주도 개량목초지에서 1971~1978 연까지의 식생의 연차적민 변화과정을 조사한 결과로서 그 개요는 다음과 같다. 1. 식생은 1~3연초지에서는 Dactylis glomerata / Trifolium repens type, 4연초지에서 Imperata cylindrica / Trifolium repens type, 5~8연초지에서는 Imperata cylindrica / Zoysia japonica type으로 변화하였다. 2. 초장의 변화과정에서 혼파목초들은 1~3연초지까지는 길어지고 있으나(37.9~45.1cm) 그 이후부터 매년 짧아지고 있는 반면 잡초류의 초장은 1연초지 이후부터 현저히 길어지고 있는(30~44.2cm) 경향이었다. 3. 피도에 있어서 혼파목초들은 1 연초지에서 72.4%이던것이 해가 지남에 따라 극히 감소되어 8연초지에서는 0.2%로 나타나는 반면 잡초들은 1연초지 이후부터 현저히 증가되었다. 4. 연수의 경과에 따르는 식생구성률의 변화는 피도와 비슷한 경향이었다. 5. 초장 및 피도, 식생구성률에 있어서 해가 경과함에 따라 현저히 증가되는 식물은 Imperata cylindrica, Zoysia japonica, Miscanthus sinensis, Pteridium aquilinum, Crisium japonicum, Artemisia japonica 등이고 Cetella asiatica, Digitaria sanguinalis, Artemisia asiatica 등은 오히려 감소되었다. 6. 혼파목초지에 침범한 잡초유는 1연초지에서 24종이었으나 해가 경과함에 따라 종수가 증가되어 6연초지에서는 60종이었으며 그중 가축의 불식초류가 매년 증가되는 경향이었다. Mixed seeds of Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Trifolium repens, Lolium multiflorum on the improved pasture were sown to investigate the vegetational change during the years of 1971-1978. The dominant species were Dactylis glomerata and Trifolium repens from the first year to the third year, Imperata cylindrica and Trifolium repens in the forth year, Imperata cylindria and Zoysia japonica from the fifth year to the eighth year in the pasture.

      • 교육용 영양 및 급식관리 Program을 위한 Database System 개발에 관한 연구

        이복희,조남기 중앙대학교 생활과학연구소 1998 생활과학논집 Vol.11 No.-

        The study was performed to develop the educational nutrient-analysis software program for food and nutrition major in higher educational institutions. The compiler used for the program was Microsoft Basic Compiler 7.2 and was based on the MS-DOS 6.22. To construct the data base for nutrient anaysis, food composition tables published by Rural Nutrition Institute in Korea was used and kinds of nutrients analyzed were; energy, moisture, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, ash(Ca, P, Fe, Na, K) and vitamins(retinol, β-carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid). To operate the program developed, first, users should input the personal information like age, gender, weight, height and then the types and amounts of food eaten for whatever the meal was. All the data can be saved and retrieved by line graph whenever users would like to know the tendency of energy intakes for a certain period of time. Nutrients analyzed for the meal are expressed immediately in the table with the RDAs for Koreans and also shown by bar graph. One of the key features of this software is the function enabling the users controlling the nutrient intakes by way of increasing(+ key) or decreasing (- key) the amounts of foods eaten. Average time required to complete the program running was less than 5 min. To achieve successfully its educational purpose, this program was made focusing on enhancing the user-friendliness. Also this program requires only limited amount of installation efforts. In conclusion, the program is expected to be successfully applied for educating the food and nutrition majors as part of courseworks for nutrient analysis, menu planning, nutrition evaluation and counseling. However, the program will be upgraded continually to gain popularity by substituting MS-DOS mode with windows 95 and by constructing the powerful data base tool.

      • 맥주맥의 주요 수량형질의 품종간 차이에 관한 연구

        김한림,조남기 제주대학교 1970 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        These are apart of the studies on variation of agronomic characteristics of 10 varieties at different seeding dates and different amounts of fertilizers to determine the suitable practice method for malking barley culture. The varieties used in the studies were Golden melon, Research, Eesibee, Anabee, Soengsoeng 17, Saki-two row, Swanharz, Gwandong two row, Late gol and AF. All varieties were established in a randomized block design with four replicates, Each plots wos made up of 4 rows with 60 ㎝ space between them. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were applied at the rate of 6, 12 and 9 ㎏ per 10 are. Authors measured the characteristics of the malting barley seeded on November 15. The results obtained are as folows : 1) Saki two row and Seongseong 17 were earlier than other varieties in headingand maturing. Gwandong two row 2 also was ealy in maturing. 2) Saki two row, Golden melon and Research yielded more grain than other varieties and there was no significantdifference among them. 3) Significant differences could be found among the varieties in culm length and in spike length. Swanharz, Saki two row and Golden melon were long in culm length and AF and Saki two row had longspikes. 4) There were significant differences in strew weight and 1,000 grain weight, but no significant difference could be observed in the number of spikes. 5) Most of the varieties were resistant to cold, lodging and disease. 6) From these studies it was found that Saki two row, Golden melon and Research were excellent in grain yield and in the other characteristics.

      • 育成韓牛에 갈대 Silage의 給與試驗

        曺南基 조선대학교 농업연구소 1982 農業硏究 Vol.1982 No.1

        값이 싸고 양적으로 大量 生産 할 수 있는 갈대의 飼料利用性을 增進하기 위하여 尿素 0.3%와 精密 5%를 添加하여 만든 갈대 Silage를 育成韓牛에 給與時 發育에 미치는양향과 옥수수 Silage의 代替 可能을 究明코자 育成中인 韓牛 21頭를 供試하여 90日間 飼料試驗을 實施하였는 바 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 日當 增體量에서 옥수수 Silage와 50%를 갈대 Silage로 代替하여도 옥수수 Silage 100% 區에 比하여 統計的안 有意差가 없었으나(P>0.05) 갈대 Si1age만을 給與하였을 때는 현저히 減少하였다. (P<0.01) 2. 各處理間處 1日 D<P 攝取量은 차이가 없으나 TDN 攝取量은 갈대 Silage 100區가 떨어졌다. 3. 1 kg 增體에 所要된 D<P TDN 攝取量은 옥수수 Silage 100%區와 갈대 Silage 50% 代替區와는 有意差가 없었으나 갈대 Silage 100% 區는 增加되었다. 4. 1 kg 增體當 所要된 館料費는 갈대 Silage 50% 代替區 가 가장 적었다. 5. 따라서 本 試驗結果를 綜合 갈대 Silage는 옥수수 Silage를 50% 代替하여 給與하는 것이 바람직하다. The effect of phramites longivalvissilage in growing finishing Koreancattle ration on pertormance and Carcaes quallity was studied. up to 50% level of phramites longivaluis silage in the ration indicated satisfactory results.

      • 漢拏産 永年牧草地 植生型의 季節的 年次的 變化에 관한 硏究

        趙南棋 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        本 硏究는 漢拏山 北斜面 海拔 350m에 位置하여 있는 自然草地(Imperata cylindrica/Zoysia japonica type)를 開墾한후 Lolium multiflorum 2kg, Trifolium repens 2kg의 導入牧草를 混播하여 家畜放牧에 利用되고 있는 永年牧草地의 植生型(1977∼1982)에 대하여 季節的ㆍ年次的 變化過程을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 春ㆍ夏ㆍ秋期의 每年 植生型의 變化는 春期 1年草地에서는 Dactylis glomerata(57.82%)/Lolium multiforum(10.58%)type, 2∼3年草地에 Dactylis glomerata(59.13-53.31%)/Trifolium repens(16.75-19.89%)type, 4年草地에 Trifolium repens(24.47%)/Dactylis glomerata(15.29%)type, 5年草地에 Imperata cylindrica(23.23%)/Trifolium repens(18.03%)type, 6年草地에서는 Imperata cylindrica(31.91%)/Zoysia japonica(15.35%)type으로 變化하였다. 夏期의 植生型은 1年草地에서 Dactylis glomerata(45.37%)/Hydroctyl japonica(13.0%)type, 2∼3年草地 Dactylis glomerata(44.10-40.32%)/Trifolium repens(14.01-16.12%)type, 4年草地 Trifolium repens (19.71%)/Imperata cylindrica(19.23%)/type, 5∼6年草地에서는 Imperata cylindrica(29.07-35.35%)/Zoysia japonica(13.55-15.97%) type으로 變化되었다. 秋期의 植生型은 1∼3年草地에서 Dactylis glomerata (52.01-41.77%) Trifolium repens (10.46-17.54%)type, 4年草地에 Trifolium repens (21.62%)/Imperata cylindrica(20.38%)type, 5∼6年草地에서는 Imperata cylindrica(31.18-37.18%)/Zoysia japonica(14.98-17.38%)type으로 나타났다. 2. 草地改量後 年度別 植生型의 變化는 1年부터 3年草地까지는 Dactylis glomerata(51.63-45.13%)/Trifolium repens(10.45-14.53%)type, 4年草地에는 Trifolium repens(22.03%)/Imperata cylindrica(17.39%)type, 5年ㆍ6年草地에서는 Imperata cylindrica(27.83-34.82%)/Zoysia japonica(13.62-16.23%)type으로 變化하였다. 3. 改量牧草地에 있어서 草長ㆍ收量ㆍ被度 等 植生의 季節的 變化狀態의 回歸方程式은 다음과 같이 表示할 수 있었다. 草長變化狀態의 回歸方程式은 春期에 y=-0.34x²+2.26x+28.57 이었으며, 夏期에 y=-0.90x²+6.03x+30.71, 秋期에는 y=-1.17x²+8.89x+26.24로 表示되었다. 收量變化의 回歸方程式은 春期에 y=-82.45x²+383.61x+938.96, 夏期에 y=-55.94x²+389.36x+630.77, 秋期에는 y=-52.36x²+355.74x+779.50으로 變化되었다. 被度變化狀態의 回歸方程式은 春期에 y=-5.56x²+50.95x+4.53, 夏期에 y=-0.34x²+3.30x+91.95, 秋期에는 y=0.40x²+3.60x+92.33으로 表示할 수 있었다. 4. 永年 改量牧草地에 있어서 草長ㆍ收量ㆍ被度 等 植生의 年次的 變化狀態의 回歸方程式은 다음과 같다. 草長變化狀態는 y=-6.31x²+33.77x+13.90 이었으며, 收量의 變化는 y=159.82x²+1064.08x+2,122.86으로 表示되었다. 그리고 被度變化의 回歸方程式은 y=-0.36x²+3.45x+91.95로 關係式이 成立되었다. 5. 草地 改良後 草種의 變化狀態는 1∼2년 草地에서 37種, 3年 39種, 4年 76種, 5年 100種, 6年草地에서는 130種으로 점차 增加되었으며, 每年 季節에 따르는 草種의 數는 夏期에 가장 많았고 春期에는 그 分布가 가장 적었다. The researcher of this study examined the annual and seasonal changes in vegetation type on the improved permanent pasture at the mountain districts around Mt. Halla for six years from 1977 to 1982. This pasture which the researcher investigated in this study was reclaimed from Imperata cyndrica/ Zoysia japonica type's native grassland in 1977, and in the same year the mixed seeds of Dactylis glomerata (17 kg), Festuca arundinacea (7 kg), Lolium multiflorum (2 kg), and Trifolium repens (2 kg), were sowed per 1 ha. From that year (1977) to 1982, this pasture has been used for grazing for six years. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. The seasonal changes in vegetation type by year. Season Year Type Spring 1st year Dactylis glomerata (57.82%) / Lolium multiforum (10.58%) type 2nd-3rd year Dactylis glomerata (59.13-53.31%) / Trifolium repens (16.75-19.89%) type 4th year Trifolium repens (24.47%) / Dactylis glomerata (15.29%) type 5th year Imperata cylindrica (23.23%) / Trifolium repens (18.03%) type 6th year Imperata cylindrica (31.91%) / Zoysia japonica (15.35%) type Summer 1st year Dactylis glomerata (45.37%) Hydroctyl japonica (13.0%) type 2nd-3rd year Dactylis glomerata (44.10-40.32%) / Trifolium repens (14.01-16.12%) type 4th year Trifolium repens (19.71%) / Imperata cylindrica (29.07-35.35%) / Zoysia japonica (13.55-15.97%) type Autumn 1st-3rd year Dactylis glomerata (52.01-41.77%), Trifolium repens (10.46-17.54%)type. 4th year Trifolium repens (21.62%) / Imperata cylindrica (20.38%) type 5th-6th year Imperata cylindrica (31.18-37.18%) / Zoysia japonica (14.98-17.38%) type 2. The annual changes in vegetation type. Year Type 1st-3rd year Dactylis glomerata (51.63-45.13%) / Trifolium repens (10.45-14.53%) type 4th year Trifolium repens (22.03%) / Imperata cylindrica (17.39%) type 5th-6th year Imperata cylindrica (27.83-34.82%) / Zoysia japonica (13.62-16.23%) type. 3. The regression equations of seasonal vegetations. Season Vegetation Regression equation Spring Length y=-0.34x²+2.26x+28.57 Weight y=-82.45x²+383.61x+938.96 Coverage y=-5.56x²+50.95x+4.53 Summer Length y=-0.90x²+6.03x+30.71 Weight y=-55.94x²+389.36x+630.77 Coverage y=-0.34x²+3.30x+91.95 Autumn Length y=-1.17x²+8.89x+26.24 Weight y=-52.36x²+355.74x+779.50 Coverage y=0.40x²+3.60x+92.33 4. The regression equations of the annual length, weight, and coverage in the permanent pasture. 1) The annual change in length can be represented by y=-6.31x²+33.77x+13.90 2) The annual change in weight can be caculated with the regression equation, y=159.82x²+1064.08x+2122.86 3) The annual change in coverage can be represented by the regression equation, y=-0.36x²+3.45x+91.95 5. The change in the number of plant species. The number of plant species after the land reclaimation is gradually incrcased year by year (37 species in the 1st and 2nd year, 39 species in the 3rd year, 76 species in the 4th year, 100 species in the 5th year, and 130 species in the 6th year). In the light of the seasonal changes, the number of species is greatest in Summer and smallest in Spring.

      • 濟州島人工草地 植生의 經時的 變化에 관한 硏究 : 植生의 李節 및 年次的 變化 The Seasonal and Annual Changeds in Vegetation

        趙南棋 제주대학교 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        本 硏究는 濟州道 漢拏山 海拔 350m에 位置하여 있는 自然草地를 開墾한 後 Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Trifollium repens등의 收草 를 混播하여 家畜放收에 利用되고 있는 人工草地의 植生(1975∼1980)에 대하여 季節的, 年次的 變化過程를 調査한 結果로 그 槪要는 다음과 같다. 1. 年數의 經過에 따르는 導入牧草의 平均草長은 1975年부터 1977年까지는 길어지고 (38.05∼47.3㎝)있으나, 1978年부터 1980年 草地까지는 짧아지고(37.26∼26.27㎝) 있는 반면(y=31.789+9.41x-1.61x²), 侵入雜草의 草長은 每年 길어지고(26.27∼36.26㎝) 있는 傾向(y=23.732+3.090x²)이었다. 2. 年度別 道入牧草의 密度變化는 1975年 草地에서 70.90%였던 것이 1980年 草地에서는 8.75%로 每年 減少되고 있는 반면(y=78.220-2,481x-1.640x²). 侵入雜草는는 1975年 草地에서21.10%였던 것이 1980年 草地에 이르러서는 91.25%로 每年增加(y=21.290+2.852x+1.587x²)되었다. 3. 改良年度別 導入牧草의 被度變化는 1975年부터 1977年 草地까지는 增加(69.89∼72.86%) 되었으나, 1978年부터 1980年 草地에서는 減少(43.01∼7.97%)되고 있는 반면(y=67.05+8.250x+3.115x²) 侵入雜草의 被度는 1975年 草地에서 25.09%였던 것이 1980年 草地에서는 91.90%로 每年 增加되는 傾向(y=25.300-4.912x+2.715x²)이었다. 4. 改良年度別 導入牧草의 收量變化는 1975年부터 1977年 草地까지는 增加(2,808∼3,535㎏) 되었으나, 1978년부터 1980年 草地에서는 減少(2,326∼297㎏)되고 있는 반면(y=2,282.065+958.47x+229.92x²), 侵入雜草의 收量은 1975年 草地에서 403㎏이었던 것이 1980年 草地에서는 2,161㎏으로 每年增加(y=119.273+77.700x+45.252x²)되었다. 5. 季節에 따르는 草長, 密度, 被度, 收量등 植生의 每年 季節間의 變化에 있어서도 侵入牧草는 春期에서 가장 優勢하였고, 夏期에는 低調하게 나타나고 있는 반면 侵入雜草는 이와 反對現象을 나타내었다. This study was conducted to investigate the annual and seasonal changes in vegetation on the improved pasture at an altitude of 350 meters around Mt. Halla during the six years from 1975 to 1980, which was used for grazing after reclaimed from native grassland and sowed with the mixed seeds of Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Trifolium repens, etc. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. The average length of introduced grasses by year increased from 38.05㎝ (1975) to 47.3㎝ (1977) and decreased from 37.26㎝ (1978) to 26.27㎝ (1980) (y=31.789+9.41χ-1.61x²) ; while, the average length of intruding weeds increased every year form 26.61㎝ to 37.26㎝ (y=23.732+3.090x-0.141x²). 2. The density of introduced grasses was 70.90% in 1975 and was reduced to 8.75% in 1980 (y=78.220-2.481x-1.640x²) ;while that of intruding weeds was 21.10% in 1975 and was increased to 91.25% in 1980(y=25.3000-4.912x+2.75x²). 3. The coverage of introduced grasses by year increased gradually from 69.89% (1975) to 72.86% (1977) and decreased from 43.01% (1978) to 7.97% (1980) (y=67.095+8.250x+3.115x²) ; while, that of intruding weeds developed a tendency to increas every year. Their coverage in 1975 was 25.09% and increased to 91.90% in 1980 (y=25.300-4.912x+2.751x²). 4. The weight of introduced grasses by year increased from 2808 ㎏s(1975) to 3535 ㎏s (1977) and after 1978 decreased gradually from 2326 ㎏s(1978) to 297 ㎏s (1980) (y=2282.065+958.47x+222.92x²). That of intruding weeds increased yearly from 403 ㎏s in 1975 to 216 ㎏s in 1980 (y=199.273+77.700x+45.252x²). 5. The seasonal changes in annual vegitation, that is, length, density, coverage, weight, ect. were observed. Spring was the most favorable season for introduced grasses vegetation and summer was the most unfavorable ; while, intruding weeds showed an opposite tendency to that of introduced grasses.

      • 韓牛 Rumen의 形態學的인 特徵의 基礎에 對한 硏究

        曺南基 조선대학교 농업연구소 1984 農業硏究 Vol.1984 No.1

        本 試驗은 韓牛 第 1胃의 基礎的인 形態 特徵을 밝히고자 供試 韓牛 37頭을 對象으로 第 1胃의 外型은 勿論 內部를 切開하여 A, B, C區와 D, E, F區로 나누어 각 部分別로 調査 測定한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 外部 體型에 對한 調査는 3個젠 項目으로 年齡은 3.0~.3歲였고 體重은 平均 483.1kg 胸圍는 平均 177.3cm 이였다. 2) 第 1胃의 左右길이는 平均 63.3cm 上下의 길이는 平均 47.8cm였으며 第 1胃와 內容物의 重量은 平均 45.7kg, 第 1胃의 內容物을 除去한 實質重量 平均重量은 8.6kg이였다. 3) 第 1胃의 面積은 A, B, C 部分에서 각 項目別로 求한 平均面이 3583.0cm^2 이였으며, 그리고 D, E, F의 面積은 4676.0cm^2이었다. 4) 第 1胃壁의 가장 두꺼운 部分 두께는 29.3mm이였으며, 그리고 가장 얇은 두께는 1.5mm 였고 ?毛의 最大 길이는 13.3mm였으며, 그 最少 길이는 4.5mm이고 ?毛의 最大申은 3.9mm였고 最少申 은 2.7mm이였다. 5) 第 1胃壁 部位 名稱別 1cm^2內의 ?毛密度는 平均値가 28~45個 이였다. 6) 體重과 第 1胃面積의 成績間에서 有意性은 低潮하였고 胸圍間에서 求한 成績間에서 有意性은 (r=0.56773)이 認定되었으며 그 回歸直線 方程式(y=0.009651x+130.4450)이였다. 7) 第 1胃面積間과 絨毛密度間의 成績에서는 有意性 (r=05773)이 認定되었으며 그 回歸直線方程式은 (y=0.95X+1.15000)이였다. This experiment was conducted in order to investigate the morphological form of the rumen of native Korean cattle. The number of experimental animals was 37 head, Rumen investigated was divided into 2 parts which represent(ABC) and (DEF). The results are summarized as follows : 1) In the in investigation of boely typce age of Korean native cattle used in this experment was from 3. 0 to 8.3 years, average body weight was 423. 7kg and average. heast gjrth was 173cm. 2) Right and left length of rumen was 67.3cm, upper and lower length of rumen was 47.8em, average weight of rumen including contents was 45.7kg, and average weight of rumen excluding contents was 8kg. 3) Average size of part A. B. and C of the rumen was 3588.0cm^2 and average size of part D. E. and F. 4676.0cm^2 4) Maximum thickness of rumen wall, minimum thickness of rumen wall, maximum length of papillae mininum length of papillae, maximum width of papillae, and mininum width of papillae were 21.3mm, 4.7cm, 13.3mm, 4.5mm, 3.9mm, and 2.7mm, respectively. 5) The number of papillae in the rumen inner wall Were from 28 to 45 per unit area (cm^2) 6) The Correlation Coefficient betuleen rumen size and papillae in the rumen and papillae in the rumen was r=0.56793 and its Regrssion line equation was y = 0.9500 OX + 1.15000, 7) The Correlation Coefficient between body weight and heartgith was r = 0.87685 and its Regrssion line eguarion was y = 0.09965X + 130.4450,

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