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      • 宋朝儒将的角色与归宿

        (진봉, Xi’an) 경북대학교 아시아연구소 2008 아시아연구 Vol.- No.2

        儒将是中国古代词汇中出现频率极高的称呼,通常指兼具诗书之长和用兵之才的将帅,1就其内涵而言更指肩负儒家治国 理念和道德的文士统军者,故也是儒家治国理念下对将帅的一种高度评价的标准,其影响绵延至今。长期以来,儒将一直受 到主流社会的青睐和民众的仰慕。远如三国时的周瑜,近如晚清的曾国藩之类人物。而在宋朝长期“崇文抑武”风尚的时代 ,儒将似乎更被当政者寄予厚望。但儒将在宋代究竟扮演怎样的角色,又发挥了哪些作用,其归宿何在?却是当时未能恰当 解决,并至今仍值得探讨的问题。北宋中叶的张亢,便是当时 儒将的一个典型,其作为颇得当代范仲淹等人及后世的好评, 其坎坷经历与结局则令人同情、叹惋。因此,通过对张亢事迹为中心的考察,可以在一定程度上解答上述问题。遗憾的是, 至今尚未有专文论及张亢,即使稍显专业性的 '中国历史大词典'“宋史卷”,也未将其收录。 Zhang Kang, who lived in the medium term of the North Song Dynasty, passed the state examination in 1018. Then he took up the post of the local official, and made achievements. In the time of Northwest frontier crisis sprouting, Zhang Kang posed the resisting tactics to the imperial court initiatively, and changed his post from the civil official to the military officer. After fighting with the West Xia Dynasty, he commanded army to combat on the battlefield in a long term. He had ever been the commander of the important defense area to resist the West Xia in northwest. Zhang Kang had strategy and courage, and mastered army strictly and impartially, and applied spies very cleverly. So he got quite a few military successes. For example: When encountering with the West Xia army in Baizi Zhai (柏子寨), Zhang Kang dared to use the few to resist the much. He commanded troops personally to fight bravely. Finally he defeated the opponent In the battle of Maotu Chuan (毛兔川),Zhang Kang set a trap to lure enemy into the ring of encirclement. Then he ambushed and defeated the superior enemy. In the east Yellow River (河东) front, Zhang Kang built a series of fortresses, and constructed the strong defense system. The Song army often was defeated on the battlefield. In the light of this, Zhang Kang posed reform suggestion and solving means on many occasions. Part of these was .adopted by the imperial court. During the tense period of resisting the Liao Dynasty, Zhang Kang had been transferred to the north Yellow River (河北) frontier. From these we could see that Zhang Kang was pay close attention by the imperial court, because he was good at directing military operations. He can be rated as the brilliant general and the representative of scholarly general in the Song Dynasty. Zhang Kang transformed the battlefield between resisting the West Xia and resisting the Liao, and put into commanding combat wholeheartedly. However just at this time, he was impeached and attacked because of using the “gongshi money” (公使钱) to reward the troops under his command. From this time on, Zhang Kang’s official career became rough. He was not only demoted time and again, but also transferred away from the front line. Afterwards through investigating, it was proved that Zhang Kang did not embezzle money, and he used the “gongshi money” (公使钱) just to boost morale. But he was not redressed thoroughly and promoted. Hereafter he held the position in local government office, and had not been illustrious and influential until he died. Zhang Kang’s unfortunate vicissitudes of life was not only personal tragedy, but also one epitome of the scholarly generals’ goal in the Song Dynasty. Investigating from Zhang Kang’s deed, we could find some questions in the following. Beginning from the Song Dynasty established, because they assimilated the historical lesson of the Tang Dynasty and the Five-dynasties excessively, the rulers fear that warriors controlled power and usurped the throne through arousing mutiny. So the rules could not believe the generals whose class origin being warrior at a long period of time. They paid their hope to the civil officials, who undertook the Confucian theory of administering a country and morality. And they expected the civil officials command army to fight as the role of scholarly generals. Consequently the national policy “warrior drove by literati” was put into effect gradually. But the Song Dynasty fell into an absurd circle which could not be jump out. Actually the scholarly generals whose class origin being literati could not be put in important position as well and their official career would not be smooth. In other words, events do not turn out the way one wishes. It is believed that the reason relates with the complex background of politics evolving in the Song Dynasty.

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