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      • 유아세례와 부모의 신앙

        Louis-Marie Chauvet,한민택(Han, Mintaeg) 옮김 수원가톨릭대학교 이성과신앙연구소 2023 이성과 신앙 Vol.74 No.-

        모든 성사와 마찬가지로, 유아세례도 신앙의 성사다. 아기들이 그 안에서 세례를 받게 되는 신앙은 ‘어머니신 교회’의 신앙이며(아우구스티누스), 우선적으로 부모의 신앙이 아니다. 물론 부모의 신앙은 교회 전체 신앙의 일부를 이룬다. 종종 부모는 어느 정도 교회의 신앙에서 멀어져 있음을 느낀다. 이 경우 신앙의 동인이 먼저 그 내용이 아닌, 신앙을 관통하는 하느님께 대한 신뢰임을 기억하는 것이 중요하다. 그 결과, 유아세례를 부모와 준비하는 것이 필수불가결한 것이 된 만큼, 그 준비를 교리에 대한 지적인 수업으로 삼는 것을 경계해야 한다. 더욱이 세례 예식의 거행은 참석하는 사람들의 신앙을 살아있게 해야 한다. 그 거행이 제대로 행해지는 조건 하에 말이다. 그것은 세례 예식 거행의 신학적 중요성만이 아니라 사목적 중요성을 강조하는 것이다. Comme tout sacrement, le baptême des petits enfants est un sacrement de la foi. La foi dans laquelle ces petits sont baptisés est celle de la « mère Eglise » (Augustin), et non d’abord celle de leurs parents, laquelle pourtant participe de la foi de toute l’Eglise. Souvent, les parents se sentent plus ou moins éloignés de cette dernière. Il importe à cet égard de se souvenir que le moteur de la foi n’est pas d’abord son contenu, mais la confiance en Dieu qui la traverse… Par conséquent, autant il est devenu indispensable de préparer avec les parents le baptême de leurs enfants, autant on se gardera d’en faire un cours intellectuel de catéchisme. D’ailleurs, la célébration liturgique du baptême doit permettre elle-même de raviver la foi des personnes présentes. A condition qu’elle soit bien faite : c’est en dire l’importance non seulement théologique mais pastorale.

      • 성사 거행 안에서 이루어지는 신앙의 구조화

        Louis-Marie Chauvet 지음,전홍(Jeon, Hong) 옮김 수원가톨릭대학교 이성과신앙연구소 2023 이성과 신앙 Vol.74 No.-

        이 논문에서 저자는 성사 거행이 신앙이 형성되는 근본 장소, 곧 주체를 신앙인으로 구성하는 결정적인 매개임을 보여준다. 특별히 “표현” 개념과 언어 행위에 대한 언어학적이고 철학적 바탕 위에서, 성사 거행이 작용하는 방식을 언어의 수행적 특성을 통해 밝혀낸다: 성사는 예식적 언어 행위로서 신앙 고백의 내용을 상징적으로 표현하며, 행동으로 실현한다. 저자는 신앙을 구성하는 성사의 “행위론적” 차원을 강조하면서도 동시에 성사 거행이 망각해서는 안 되는 두 가지 요소를 부각시킨다. 상징 행위인 성사는 그 자체로 신앙 행위를 형성하는 유일한 중심이 아니며 언제나 신앙의 지성적 차원과 윤리적 차원으로 연결되어야 한다. 또한 예식이 가진 모호성, 즉 신앙 없는 형식에 그칠 위험을 고려하며, 성사 예식이 본질적으로 파스카 신비에 종속되어야 함을 잊지 않아야 한다. Dans cet article, l'auteur montre que la célébration du sacrement constitue un lieu fondamentale de la structuration de la foi, c'est-à-dire la médiation décisive qui fait du sujet un croyant. En particulier, sur la base linguistique et philosophique du concept d'« expression » et de l'acte de langage, il met en lumière la manière dont la célébration du sacrement fonctionne selon la performativité du langage : le sacrement est un acte de langage rituel qui exprime symboliquement le contenu de la confession de foi et réalisé celle-ci en acte. En soulignant la dimension “-urgique” du sacrement qui constitue la foi, l’auteur met également en évidence les deux éléments qu'il ne faut pas oublier dans la célébration. Le sacrement comme acte symbolique, n’est pas lui-même le seul centre de la structuration de l’acte de foi, mais doit toujours être lié aux dimensions intellectuelles et éthiques de la foi ; compte tenu également de l'ambiguïté du rite, surtout du risque de demeurer une formalité vide de foi, il ne faut pas oublier que la mise en œuvre de la ritualité sacramentelle doit être subordonnée essentiellement au mystère pascal.

      • KCI등재

        Images of Wisdom in the Prologue of Plato’s Sophist

        Mary-Louise Gill 한국서양고전학회 2021 西洋古典學硏究 Vol.60 No.3

        This paper examines the prologue of Plato’s Sophist in light of interpretive claims by Proclus, and revived by Myles Burnyeat, that Plato imaged in the opening scene of his dialogues the main philosophical themes of the work. This paper applies that insight to the prologue of the Sophist and argues that Proclus is right but that the work in which this prologue is embedded is much larger than the dialogue it introduces. A close reading of the Sophist’s prologue reveals it to image, in a literary way, the whole series of dialogues—Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman, and missing Philosopher—of which the Sophist is a member. At the end of the Sophist, the sophist is identified as imitator of the wise man. The paper explores the sophist in relation to the kinds it imitates, including two sorts of wise men, the philosopher and the statesman, and asks whether there is a wide kind covering all of them, both genuine experts and their benign and dangerous imitators. If there is such a kind, what is its status as a kind? The paper considers a genealogical family, descended from a common ancestor (intelligence or cleverness) with derivative kinds differentiated from one another by their object and their aims, either beneficial or harmful.

      • A comparison of stuttering attitudes among nonstuttering children and parents in Bosnia & Herzegovina

        Mary E. Weidner,Lejla Junuzovic- Zunic,Kenneth O. St. Louis 한국언어재활사협회 2020 Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose: A growing body of research has addressed children’s stuttering attitudes between preschool and upper elementary school. Attitudes among preschoolers and kindergarteners have been reported to be much lower that fifth graders’ attitudes, at which time children’s attitudes seemingly converge with their parents’ attitudes. It has been suggested these observed changes align with children’s social and cognitive development and are resistant to the influence of other variables, such as their culture. The purposes of this study were (a) to extend cultural examinations of children’s stuttering attitudes in a sample of kindergarteners through sixth graders in Bosnia & Herzegovina (B&H), and (b) to compare their attitudes with their parents’ attitudes. Methods: One hundred eighty-six child-parent pairs from B&H completed translated versions of the child and adult Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes-Stuttering (POSHA-S/Child and POSHA-S). Four child cohorts were examined: (a) kindergarteners, (b) first and second graders, (c) third and fourth graders, and (d) fifth and sixth graders. Results: Children’s stuttering attitudes improved with age, with the youngest cohort holding the most negative attitudes. Parents held consistently more positive attitudes than the children overall, but the oldest children’s attitudes were quite similar to the parent group. Conclusions: Confirming previous research, children’s stuttering attitudes progressively improved with age and approached the attitudes of their parents by fifth and sixth grade.

      • KCI등재
      • 유아세례와 원죄

        Louis-Marie Chauvet,한민택(Han, Mintaeg) 옮김 수원가톨릭대학교 이성과신앙연구소 2022 이성과 신앙 Vol.73 No.-

        폴 리쾨르에게서 영감을 받는 본 논문은 ‘원죄’ 개념의 이점과 한계를 동시에 제시하고자 한다. 리쾨르의 철학적 접근에 따르면 ‘원죄’ 개념은 가장 심오한 인간 체험을 이해하도록 하는 엄청난 이점이 있다. ‘죄’는 내가 책임을 져야 하는 동시에 나보다 먼 곳에서 오는 하나의 악이다. ‘원죄’ 개념의 한계는 각자가 자신의 개인적 책임과는 무관하게 물려받은 것을 ‘죄’로 규정하는 어려움에서 온다…. 그렇지만 이 ‘죄’라는 규정은 악이 ‘운명’에서 비롯될 수밖에 없다는 이교적 관념에서 벗어나도록 한다…. 바로 이와 같은 모호함이 유아와 ‘원죄’의 관계에서 문제가 된다. 긍정적 측면에서 ‘원죄’ 개념은 각자가 인류의 악행에 관계를 맺고 태어난다는 것을 강조한다. 각자는 자신이 윤리적 양심을 의식하는 연령에 다다를 때 개인적 죄를 범함으로써 이 악행을 분명히 재가하게 될 것이다. 그렇지만 동시에 유아와 성인 사이에 유비 관계를 수립해야 한다. ‘원죄’ 개념은 개인적 죄의 재가를 통해서만 그 자신의 타당성을 인정받을 것이다. 이로써 본 논문은 ‘원죄’의 타당성을 보여주기 위해서는 해석학이 필요함을 보여주고자 한다. L’article essaie de montrer à la fois l’intérêt et la limite de la notion de “péché originel”, en s’inspirant d’abord de Paul Ricoeur. Selon l’approche philosophique de celui-ci, cette notion a l’immense intérêt de rendre compte de notre expérience humaine la plus profonde : le “péché” est un mal dont je suis à la fois responsable et pourtant qui vient de plus loin que moi. La limite vient de la difficulté de qualifier comme “péché” ce dont chacun n’est que l’héritier, indépendamment de sa responsabiité personnelle…. Pourtant, cette qualification de “péché” permet d’échapper à l’idée païenne selon laquelle le mal ne peut provenir que d’une “fatalité”…. C’est cette même ambiguïté qui est en jeu dans le rapport du baptême des tout-petits avec le “péché originel”. Positivement, cette notion souligne le fait que chacun naît solidaire du mal-faire de l’humanité, un mal-faire qu’il ratifiera sûrement, lorsqu’il aura atteint l’âge de la conscience morale, par le péché personnel. Simultanément pourtant, il faut mettre en œuvre une analogie entre le bébé et l’adulte : la notion de “péché originel” n’atteint sa pleine pertinence que dans sa ratification par le péché personnel…. L’article vise donc à montrer que l’herméneutique est indispensable pour manifester la pertinence du “péché originel”.

      • Comparing the Effects of Varying the Concentration of Chemical Treatment on Chitin Yield from Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata)

        Kevyn Marie C. Gamutan,Francesca Louise A. Tupaz,Amanda Gaye A. Urag 국제과학영재학회 2020 APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.10 No.1

        This study aims to provide an optimal method that can yield the largest amount of chitin. Specifically, this study aims to compare the amount of chitin extracted from mud crabs (Scylla serrata) between different samples varying in the concentrations of the acid treatments during the demineralization and deproteinization processes. Chitin was extracted from ground Scylla serrata shells. During the demineralization process, samples were soaked in different HCl solutions: 1% concentration, 5% concentration, and 8% concentration. Likewise, during the demineralization process, samples were soaked in different NaOH solutions: 1% concentration, 5% concentration, and 8% concentration. The samples were tested for chitin through FTIR analysis, while chitin yield was determined by ANOVA testing. The results showed the optimal chitin yield can be extracted from Scylla serrata shells by soaking the samples in the lower HCl concentrations during demineralization and higher concentrations during deproteinization, specifically 5% HCl and 8% NaOH respectively. Furthermore, soaking the samples in 1% HCl does not successfully extract the calcium carbonate, thus unable extract chitin. The results of this study can be used to further extend current knowledge of chitin extraction from mud crabs (Scylla serrata) to obtain high-yielding results.

      • Comparing the Effects of Varying the Concentration of Chemical Treatment on Chitin Yield from Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata).

        Kevyn Marie C. Gamutan,Francesca Louise A. Tupaz,Amanda Gaye A. Urag 국제과학영재학회 2020 APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.12 No.1

        This study aims to provide an optimal method that can yield the largest amount of chitin. Specifically, this study aims to compare the amount of chitin extracted from mud crabs (Scylla serrata) between different samples varying in the concentrations of the acid treatments during the demineralization and deproteinization processes. Chitin was extracted from ground Scylla serrata shells. During the demineralization process, samples were soaked in different HCl solutions: 1% concentration, 5% concentration, and 8% concentration. Likewise, during the demineralization process, samples were soaked in different NaOH solutions: 1% concentration, 5% concentration, and 8% concentration. The samples were tested for chitin through FTIR analysis, while chitin yield was determined by ANOVA testing. The results showed the optimal chitin yield can be extracted from Scylla serrata shells by soaking the samples in the lower HCl concentrations during demineralization and higher concentrations during deproteinization, specifically 5% HCl and 8% NaOH respectively. Furthermore, soaking the samples in 1% HCl does not successfully extract the calcium carbonate, thus unable extract chitin. The results of this study can be used to further extend current knowledge of chitin extraction from mud crabs (Scylla serrata) to obtain high-yielding results.

      • Waste Plastic Bottles for Concrete Brick Reinforcement as Building Material

        Kevyn Marie C. Gamutan,Francesca Louise A. Tupaz,Amanda Gaye A. Urag 국제과학영재학회 2020 APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.10 No.1

        Urbanization with advanced technology has led to an increase of waste being generated leading to a waste disposal crisis. In order to reduce the accumulation of waste materials, this study aims to reuse plastic bottles to substitute a percentage of the primary materials used for concrete bricks. The feasibility of waste plastic bottles as cement additive in concrete was investigated. Plastic is a suitable study subject because it is sufficiently strong, can be used for load bearing structural materials and possesses excellent corrosion, moisture, and chemical resistance. Waste plastic bottles were collected, washed, air-dried for 24 hours, and cut into squares that measured no more than 1 cm. Rectangular concrete blocks were casted using 1:3:6:0.5 mass mix ratio of cement, sand, gravel, and water. A 0%, 10%, and 20% additive level of cement and waste plastic bottles was done in three replicates. Mechanical compressive strength was tested after 21 days of curing. Data shows that the compressive strength of concrete after 21 days of curing was 0.00306 MPa (control), 0.00303 MPa (with 10% waste plastic bottles), and 0.00103 MPa (with 20% waste plastic bottles). Results show that adding 10% waste plastic bottles to the cement mixture has similar compressive strength to that of the control group, while adding 20% waste plastic bottles to the cement mixtures shows a lower compressive strength than that of the control group. Results therefore suggest that using waste plastic bottles reinforces the mechanical compressive strength of the concrete brick.

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