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      • 5kW 급 MCFC 발전시스템 촉매연소기의 유동 및 연소 특성에 대한 수치적 연구

        김종민(Chongmin Kim),이연화(Younwha Lee),김만영(Man Young Kim),김형곤(Hyung gon Kim),홍동진(Dongjin Hong),조주형(Ju Hyeong Cho),김한석(Han-Seok Kim),안국영(Kook Young Ahn) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.11

        MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cell) power generation system is prime candidate for the utilization of fossil based fuels to generate ultra clean power with a high efficiency. In the MCFC power plant system, a combustor performs a role to supply high temperature mixture gases for cathode and heat for reformer by using the stack off-gas of the anode which includes a high concentration of H₂O and CO₂. Since a combustor needs to be operated in a very lean condition and to avoid excessive local heating, catalytic combustor is usually used. The catalytic combustion is accomplished by the catalytic chemical reaction between fuel and oxidizer at catalyst surface, different from conventional combustion. In this study, a mathematical model for the prediction of internal flow and catalytic combustion characteristics in the catalytic combustor adopted in the MCFC power plant system is suggested by using the numerical methods. The numerical simulation models are then implemented into the commercial CFD code. After verifying result by comparing with the experimental data and calibrated kinetic parameters of catalytic combustion reaction, a numerical simulation is performed to investigate the variation of flow and combustion characteristics by changing such various parameters as inlet configuration and inlet temperature. The result show that the catalytic combustion can be effectively improved for most of the case by using the perforated plate and subsequent stable catalytic combustion is expected.


        Chongmin Kim(김종민) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.5

        The events which occurred in the last four decades will be reviewed, regarding, in sequence, sheet steels, R&D and education on metallurgy of steels, stamping presses, computers, software for numerical simulation of forming. In the foreseeable future: the automobiles will become increasingly lighter, containing more and more higher-strength steels; forming of ultra-high-strength steels will require an upfront numerical simulation to accurately predict springback and to optimize the forming process; the trend toward steels with more complex microstructures and deformation behaviors will continue for the foreseeable future; therefore accurate materials modeling will retain its prime importance; and to form the new steels, a new generation of presses with most of their actions controlled precisely by computers will be most suited.

      • D2 공구강과 접촉시의 두 자동차체용 강판의 마찰 거동

        김종민(Chongmin Kim),이정욱(Jeong-Uk Lee),Frederic Barlat,이명규(Myoung-Gyu Lee) 한국소성가공학회 2013 한국소성가공학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2013 No.5

        The application of advanced high strength steels generally makes it necessary to use higher tool-sheet contact pressures compared with those used for forming low-strength steel, and it will lead to changes in frictional behavior significantly, which in turn change the final product characteristics. In order to understand frictional behaviors between steel sheets and tool materials under high contact stresses present in real stamping conditions, a novel friction tester was conceived, fabricated and used. This tester can generate high normal loads, as high as 625 MPa, whereas traditional friction testers were limited to 10 MPa or less. A mild steel and a TRIP780 steel were paired with Cr-coated D2 tool steel, and friction behaviors were observed under various conditions, including the use of lubricants, different sliding speeds and different normal contact stresses. The coefficient of friction decreased at a low contact pressure as the sliding velocity increased. The contact pressure had a significant effect, albeit too complex to be explained by simple models. The magnitude of change of friction constant due to changes in experimental conditions was enough to affect spring-back of automotive body panels significantly, thereby revealing the inadequacy of the traditional Coulomb’s Law of Friction. It was also evident that lubricant effects must be studied coupled with the contact pressure and sliding speed.

      • KCI등재

        Network Effects and Incentive to Attract Competition

        김종민(Chongmin Kim),왕규호(Gyu Ho Wang) 한국계량경제학회 2005 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY AND ECONOMETRICS Vol.16 No.1

        본 논문은 망외부성이 존재할 경우, 기존 기업이 자신이 가지고 있는 필수설비를 잠재적 경쟁기업에게 제공할 유인을 분석하고 있다. 망외부성이 없으면 기존 기업은 접속료를 매우 높이 책정하여 진입을 봉쇄할 유인을 가진다. 반면에 망외부성이 존재하면, 기존 기업은 진입을 촉진할 유인을 가진다. 또한 진입 비용이 존재할 경우, 기존 기업은 접속료를 낮게 책정하여 진입 기업에게 암묵적으로 보조금을 지불하고자 하는 유인을 가진다. 마지막으로 망외부성이 증가하면, 접속료의 크기는 한계비용으로 수렴한다. In this paper, we study the incumbent’s incentives to share its essential facility when there exist network effects. We show that without network effects, the incumbent will charge the access fee high enough to deter the entrant. With network effects, however, the incumbent always has an incentive to attract competition. We also show that if the potential entrant has to pay the entry costs, then the incumbent has an incentive to subsidize the entrant with a low access charge. When the network effects become large, the incumbent is willing to lower the access fee to the marginal cost.

      • Off-road 적용 강제 재생 버너 개발에 대한 연구

        김종민(Chongmin Kim),김만영(Man Young Kim),조규백(Gyu Baek Cho),김홍석(Hongsuk Kim),정용일(Youngil Jeong),강정호(Jeongho Kang),이준호(Jun Ho Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.5

        Hazardous particulate matters from off road diesel engine. In order to eliminate particulate matters in engine exhaust gas, we designed and developed a DPF system using burner. In this study, the active DPF system with a diesel burner is an attractive alternative because the regeneration of the filter at all engine condition could be possible. This study describes the development of the active DPF system using a diesel fuel burner regeneration considering the stability of flame region, high efficiency of the burner and control logic of the system. The engine bench tests are performed to verify these performances of the burner system.

      • KCI등재

        상식과 직관에 부합하는 경제분석의 필요성 -경성카르텔에 시장획정을 요구하는 대법원 판례에 대한 코멘트-

        김종민 ( Chongmin Kim ),이황 ( Hwang Lee ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2016 고려법학 Vol.0 No.81

        미국식의 당연위법 법리가 존재하지 않는 우리 법제에서는 공정거래위원회(민사소송에서는 원고)가 부당공동행위의 위법성을 입증하기 위하여 부당성 즉 경쟁제한성을 입증해야 한다. 대법원은 2012년 수입차 딜러담합 사건 등을 통해 모든 부당공동행위에 대하여 공정거래위원회가 시장획정을 통해 경쟁제한성을 입증해야 한다고 판시하였다. 이에 대하여 모든 부당공동행위에 정치한 시장획정이 필요한 것은 아니라는 학계의 비판이 비등하자 대법원은 2014년 비료 입찰담합 사건을 계기로 경성카르텔에 대하여는 간이한 방법의 시장획정으로도 충분하다는 식으로 방향을 선회하였다. 이는 행위유형에 따라 경쟁제한성의 개연성이 다를 수 있다는 기존 판례와 어우러져 경성카르텔에 대한 공정거래위원회의 입증부담을 덜어준 것으로 긍정적으로 평가할 수 있다. 그런데 최근 노골적인 가격담합 등 경성카르텔 사건의 취소소송 과정에서 원고들이 대규모 경제분석을 거쳐 공정거래위원회가 실시한 시장획정과 경쟁제한성 판단에 다양한 문제를 제기하고 법원은 일일이 그 타당성 여부를 판단하는 사례가 빈번하게 발생하고 있다. 이는 경성카르텔에 대하여는 간이한 시장획정을 통하여 쉽게 경쟁제한성을 인정하도록 하고자 하는 판례의 의도를 배반하는 것일 뿐 아니라 불필요한 소송비용을 야기하고 오판의 가능성을 높이는 결과를 초래하고 있다. 즉 2014년 비료 입찰담합 판결 이래 대법원이 쌓아온 판례는 소기의 목적을 달성하지 못하고 있다. 그 결과 사회적 필요에 비해 경성카르텔의 규제강도가 낮춰질 우려가 생기고 있다. 경쟁법 사건에서 동원되는 경제분석 기법들은 특정 의심행위가 시장경쟁 내지 소비자후생에 미치는 영향을 직접적으로 관찰하거나 측정하기 어려운 경우 간접적으로나마 이를 파악하기 위하여 동원되는 수단이다. 경제분석에는 고유의 의미와 한계가 있게 마련이어서 이를 전제로 하여 결과를 해석하여야 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 근래 들어 경제분석의 중요성이 지나치게 강조된 나머지 오히려 눈에 보이는 현실이나 이를 축적한 결과인 상식과 직관보다 우월한 것으로 인식되는 경향이 나타나고 있다. 노골적인 경성카르텔은 가격인상 혹은 수량감소 등 경쟁제한적인 결과라는 직접증거를 통해서도 경쟁제한성을 인정할 수 있는 것이기 때문에 경우에 따라서는 굳이 엄밀한 시장획정과 이를 위한 경제분석을 하지 않아도 무방하다는 것이 경제학의 타당한 이론이고 세계적으로도 정립된 법리이다. 경쟁제한의 직접증거가 존재하고 충분한 증명력을 갖는 경우에 경쟁제한효과를 간접적으로 확인하기 위한 수단인 경제분석을 굳이 실시할 필요는 없다. 따라서 노골적인 경성카르텔에 대하여는 원칙적으로 부당하므로 아주 예외적이고도 특별한 사정이 없는 한 엄밀한 경제분석에 입각한 시장획정과 경쟁제한성 판단이 필요하지 않다는 법리를 대법원이 새로이 확립할 필요가 있다. 경제분석은 경쟁제한성의 직접증거에 준하는 것이어야 하고 그 결과물은 경험의 축적물인 상식과 직관에 부합하는 것이어야 한다. 상식과 직관은 그 자체로 고도의 경험적 실증과정을 거친 것이기 때문에 경제 분석의 결과가 상식과 직관과 상충되는 경우 전자의 오류 가능성에 무게를 두는 것이 타당하다. 결국 중요한 것은 경쟁제한성의 입증이기 때문에, 가능한 직접증거를 통해 입증이 가능한지를 먼저 보아야 할 것이다. 그렇지 않은 경우에 비로소 시장획정 등의 엄밀한 경제분석을 통해 경쟁제한성에 대한 충분한 증명력을 갖추도록 하여야 할 것이다. The Korea Fair Trade Commission(``KTFC``) or plaintiffs in a private damages lawsuit bear the burden of proof for net anti-competitive effect in oder to show illegality of an alleged collusion case since there is no per se rule in the Korean competition law regime nor judicial system. In the BMW and the Lexus Imported Car Cases(2012), the Supreme Court held that the KFTC must define the relevant market precisely and measure the firms` market shares so as to assess the illegality of a price fixing cartel under the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act. Many commentators have criticized the Court`s approach on the grounds that not every cartel needs to be underpinned by detailed empirical or theoretical economic analysis. Then, in the Chemical Fertilizer Bid-Rigging Case(2014), the Court seemed to change its view stating that truncated form of market definition can be useful in hardcore cartel cases instead of full blown analysis. This change looked positive because it contributed to reduce the burden of proof required for the KFTC to establish anti-competitive effects of hardcore cartels. It also stands with the Court`s precedents which have conceded the likelihood of anti-competitive effect dependent on the types of conducts, i.e. easy finding of liability for hardcore cartels.. Notwithstanding this change, however, appellants today tend to bring various counterclaims asserting that the KTFC have failed to define proper relevant markets and to find anti-competitive harm, accompanied by many sheets of economic analysis report. As a result, the court had no choice but making decisions per each of the claims. This trend led to the result of full blown analysis based upon rule of reason standard even in hardcore cartel cases(e.g. naked price fixing cases). As a result, the original intent of the most recent case law that allowed the KFTC`s analysis of market definition limited brief became disregarded in practice. Unnecessary litigation costs and likelihood of Type Ⅱ error in competition lawsuits became more probable. Concerning the need to prohibit hardcore cartel conducts, this situation seems not desirable. The tools of economic analysis applied to antitrust cases serve as an indirect measure of the net anti-competitive effects of alleged conducts where it is difficult to prove harm to competition and consumer welfare directly. One needs to consider cautiously, however, the value and limits of economic analysis in antitrust cases. It is undesirable to place more weight on the outcome of economic analysis compared to clearly recognized anti-competitive effect aligned with common sense and intuition. Today well-established and uncontroversial economic theory suggest that, in case of naked cartel infringement, the requirement of anti-competitive effects can be demonstrated with the aid of persuasive direct evidence even in the absence of detailed market definition and robust economic analysis. In settings where substantial direct evidence of cartels are available, therefore, it is not necessary to conduct complex economic analysis. The authors argue that, in order to avoid excessive cost and type Ⅱ error, Supreme Court should establish a bright line rule for the cartel regulation enforcement that would prohibit naked hardcore cartels in principle without rigorous economic analysis defining relevant markets and proof of competitive harm. The outcome of economic analysis needs to be something that is equivalent to direct evidence and must be in line with common sense and intuition. If the outcomes of economic analysis of the alleged anti-competitive conduct are at odds with common sense and intuition, it is reasonable to place more weight on the likelihood of error of economic analysis. What matters ultimately is whether there is a collusion, the effect of which is to affect competition actually or not. As a first step of assessment of alleged conducts, it is necessary to look for direct evidence of anti-competitive effect. In case where direct evidence is not available, then, the economic analysis such as market definition can back up cartel infringement claims.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        Network Effects and Incentive to Attract Competition

        김종민(Chongmin Kim),왕규호(Gyu Ho Wang) 한국계량경제학회 2005 계량경제학보 Vol.16 No.1

        본 논문은 망외부성이 존재할 경우, 기존 기업이 자신이 가지고 있는 필수설비를 잠재적 경쟁기업에게 제공할 유인을 분석하고 있다. 망외부성이 없으면 기존 기업은 접속료를 매우 높이 책정하여 진입을 봉쇄할 유인을 가진다. 반면에 망외부성이 존재하면, 기존 기업은 진입을 촉진할 유인을 가진다. 또한 진입 비용이 존재할 경우, 기존 기업은 접속료를 낮게 책정하여 진입 기업에게 암묵적으로 보조금을 지불하고자 하는 유인을 가진다. 마지막으로 망외부성이 증가하면, 접속료의 크기는 한계비용으로 수렴한다. In this paper, we study the incumbent’s incentives to share its essential facility when there exist network effects. We show that without network effects, the incumbent will charge the access fee high enough to deter the entrant. With network effects, however, the incumbent always has an incentive to attract competition. We also show that if the potential entrant has to pay the entry costs, then the incumbent has an incentive to subsidize the entrant with a low access charge. When the network effects become large, the incumbent is willing to lower the access fee to the marginal cost.

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