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      • 족청·족청계의 이념과 활동

        후지이 다케시 成均館大學校 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 231999

        Examined in this thesis is the nature of the ideas that were pursued by the National Youth Corps(NYC) and the RYC[Racial Youth Corps] faction(NYC's de-facto successor). And as not only their ideas but also their actions are worth evaluating in political or ideological contexts, their activities will be examined here as well. The ideas of the NYC/RYC faction originated in the 1930s. First there was LEE Bum-Suk, who had been involved in the national liberation movement inside China. He had the opportunity to encounter Fascism(as an ideology) while he was undergoing some training in the Central Training Corps(CTC) established by CHIAN Kai-Shek(蔣介石) in the late 1930s. Second, there was AN Ho-Sang, another representative figure of the RYC faction who was taught by a rather racist philosopher in Germany in the 1920s. During his stay there he was inspired especially by Kant and Hegel. He was intrigued by the importance of discipline emphasized by Kant, and by the absolute determination of the Volk argued by Hegel. In the 1930s he encountered the Eastern philosophy, and also had the chance to closely examine the WANG Yang-Ming's idea "the unity of Knowledge and Action" philosophy[知行合一], which was considered very important by no other than CHIAN Kai-Shek. And third there was YANG Woo-Jung, who was another representative figure of the RYC faction. He had been involved in the Socialist movement since the latter half of the 1920s, until he was arrested. He later converted in 1934, and came to emphasize the concept of 'family' instead of Communism. His ‘Family-ism’ shared its logic structure with the Japanese Fascism, while it also maintained a connection with Nationalism. As we can see, the primary voices of the RYC faction all displayed a stance of Nationalism which had ties with Fascism. Their philosophy became more apparent after the Korean Liberation. The NYC organized in 1946 served as a leading entity of that philosophy. NYC was organized with full support of the U.S. Military Government, which intended to create a group of Pro-American youths under an atmosphere in which the Left-Right coalition was being contemplated. Yet unlike the Americans' intentions, the NYC members were trained under a program that was very much similar to that of the Chinese CTC, and they came to feature a Fascist kind of Nationalism as well. NYC claimed that they would adhere to three principles, namely ‘non-political, non-military, and non-faction,’ and unlike other youth groups which usually resorted to violent Anti-Communist activities, it concentrated its efforts upon expanding the organization through training, and it also actively recruited Left wing members, or people who had been affiliated with the Left in the past. The NYC had to go through some internal conflicts as the organization decided to enter the May 10th election of 1948, yet they managed to elect more than a few national representatives. Also, NYC became the new partner of Syngman RHEE, as he was elected President and lost his own alliance with the Korean Democratic party. LEE Bum-Suk became Prime Minister and Secretary of Defense, while AN Ho-Sang was named Secretary of Culture and Education. LEE Bum-Suk newly opened an Office of Political Affairs inside the Defense Ministry, and in order to create an Anti-Communist army he intended to provide the soldiers with political training just as the Chinese National Revolutionary Army did in the past. AN Ho-Sang as well promoted racist nationalism under the name of 'democratic national education,' and continued to attack individualism and internationalism. Their such stances and policy certainly alarmed the U.S., and as Syngman RHEE and LEE Bum-Suk clashed over the issue of dismantling the NYC, LEE Bum-Suk had to resign from the seat of Defense secretary. As LEE Bum-Suk eventually lost control of the military which he wanted to establish in the future as his own power base, NYC was finally disbanded. Yet at this juncture the so-called "One Nation Principle" was brought to the people's attention. This 'One Nation Principle' was suggested in order to convert the Left wing activists and recruit them into the fold. It was necessary for them to do so as the National Guidance Alliance was formed in April 1949, in an atmosphere which required the Korean government to establish an Anti-Communist regime of their own to adjust to a new kind of reality of U.S. forces pulling out of the Korean peninsula. YANG Woo-Jung served as the leading figure in the task of officializing such principle. This "principle" strongly reflected a Fascist kind of Nationalism, and emphasized the significance of international antagonism going on between races(nations), instead of domestic class antagonism. The 'Anti-Imperialist' stance of the people who argued the implementation of this principle was quite similar to that of an U.S. strategy which actively utilized Nationalist agendas in order to plant dissension amongst the 'Communist camp'(the "Wedge strategy"). But at the same time it was essentially yet another variation of 'recruiting Left wing members through Nationalism,' which was employed by the NYC in the past. Especially LEE Bum-Suk, who was very much inspired by CHIAN Kai-Shek and considered him as a role model, needed this 'One Nation Principle' just like CHIAN had the "Three Principles of the People(三民主義)." LEE Bum-Suk took control of the 'Society for the Diffusion of the One Nation Principle,' and tried to establish it as a national platform for expansion, and as AN Ho-Sang refined the principle and YANG Woo-Jung joined their efforts, the 'RYC faction' was formed based upon this principle. They wanted to expand the organization while they were still serving the government. They wanted to use their influence in expanding the fold. Yet their plan was thwarted when LEE Bum-Suk resigned from the seat of Prime Minister in April 1950, and AN Ho-Sang resigned from the Culture/Education Minister seat in May the same year. The Korean war that broke out in June of 1950 provided the RYC faction with yet another opportunity. LEE Bum-Suk, being a born soldier, must have favored the situation. Yet the U.S. Embassy continued to hinder his efforts, so LEE Bum-Suk visited Taiwan to explore another opportunity from his relationship with CHIAN Kai-Shek. The U.S. forces' rollback eventually did not happen, much to the disappointment of LEE Bum-Suk, yet in Taiwan LEE witnessed the consolidation of the CHIAN Kai-Shek regime, through the reformation of the Chinese Nationalist Party(Kuomintang). He returned to Korea and joined the plans to organize a new party, which he modified to reflect the characteristics of the Kuomintang. The birth of a new political party of such nature was also in the keen interest of Syngman RHEE, as he needed a new kind of people's organization to suppress the National Assembly. LEE Bum-Suk seized the vice chairman of this new (Outside) Liberal Party, and was granted with power only second to Syngman RHEE. The activities of the RYC faction that continued through this (Outside) Liberal Party reached its peak during the political incident that occurred in Busan, in which members of the RYC demanded the National Assembly to amend the constitution to enable a direct presidential election. They demanded it with violence. RYC faction succeeded in displaying its influence and power by mobilizing people through 'local representatives,’ yet the U.S. regarded LEE Bum-Suk as the key person who was behind this Busan incident all along. Due to the operations of the alarmed U.S. Intelligence, and the repercussions of certain inner strifes that occurred among Syngman RHEE supporters, LEE Bum-Suk founded himself once again on the opposite side of Syngman RHEE, and failed to be elected as Vice President in the upcoming election. The RYC faction had to tend to its wounds for some time, and while it rebounded and took control of the Liberal Party again amidst a nationwide movement opposing the Cease-fire agreement that hit the society since the Spring of 1953, Syngman RHEE finally ordered the elimination of the RYC faction while LEE Bum-Suk was out of the country, and as the Cease-fire agreement was put in place, the RYC faction members were expelled from the upper echelon of the government entirely. The history of the RYC faction shows us how Fascism was appropriated after the 2nd World War, and how that came into conflict with the Cold War system. 이 글은 조선민족청년단(이하 족청)과 그 실질적 후신인 족청계의 이념과 활동의 양상을 사상사/정치사적 관점에서 살펴본 것이다. 족청/족청계의 사상적 기원은 대체로 1930년대에 있다. 중국에서 독립운동을 하던 이범석은 1930년대 말에 蔣介石이 개설한 중앙훈련단에서 훈련을 받으면서 蔣介石식의 파시즘 사상을 익히게 되었으며, 족청계의 대표적 이데올로그인 안호상은 독일에서 인종주의적인 경향을 띤 철학자의 지도를 받으면서 칸트식의 규율의 중요성과 헤겔식의 민족의 절대적 규정성을 핵심으로 하는 사상을 형성했다. 또 하나의 대표적 이데올로그인 양우정은 사회주의운동을 하다 검거되어 1934년에 전향하게 되었는데, 그러면서 그가 공산주의에 대치시킨 것이 ‘가족’이었다. 이 가족주의는 일본 파시즘과 논리를 공유하면서도 민족주의와 연결될 수도 있는 것이었다. 이와 같이 족청계 핵심인사들의 사상은 파시즘과 관계를 가지면서 형성된 민족주의였다. 이들의 사상은 해방 이후에 본격적으로 그 모습을 드러내게 되는데, 그 중심이 1946년에 조직된 족청이었다. 족청은, 좌우합작을 추진해야 하는 상황 속에서 친미적인 청년을 양성하려는 미군정의 전면적인 후원을 받았는데, 그 의도와 달리 족청의 훈련방식은 중국의 중앙훈련단을 모방한 것이었으며 그 이념 역시 파시즘적인 경향이 강한 민족주의였다. 족청은 폭력적인 대공투쟁을 일삼던 기타 청년단들과 달리 훈련을 통한 조직 확장에 치중했으며 그 가운데 좌익(출신)들을 적극적으로 포섭하기도 했다. 족청은 분단정부 수립에 참여해 이범석이 국무총리 겸 국방부 장관으로, 안호상이 문교부 장관으로 임명되는 등 정부에서 요직을 차지했다. 이범석은 반공군대 건설을 위해 군인에 대한 정치교육을 실시하려고 했으며 안호상은 민주적 민족교육이라는 이름 아래 개인주의와 국제주의를 배격하고 인종주의적인 민족주의를 고취했다. 이런 정책은 미국 측의 경계를 사게 되어 족청 해산을 둘러싼 갈등과 맞물리면서 이범석은 국방부 장관을 그만두게 되었다. 자기 기반으로 삼고자 했던 군을 잃게 되고 족청이 해산당하면서 이범석이 새로이 활용하려고 한 것이 일민주의였다. 일민주의는 미군 철수가 결정되어 독자적인 반공체제 확립이 시급했던 1949년 봄에 좌익을 전향시키고 포섭하기 위해 체계화된 이념체계였으며, 그것을 주도한 인물이 양우정이었다. 그의 일민주의는 국내의 계급모순을 국제적인 민족모순으로 치환시키는 논리를 지닌 것이었다. 당시 일민주의가 보여준 ‘반제국주의적’ 성격은 족청과도 공통적인 것이었는데, 蔣介石을 모델로 삼던 이범석에게 삼민주의와 같은 역할을 할 수 있는 일민주의는 꼭 필요한 것이었다. 이에 이범석은 일민주의보급회를 장악해 전국적인 기반으로 삼으려 했으며 안호상은 일민주의를 재정립했다. 양우정도 이에 합세해 일민주의를 매개로 족청계가 형성되기 시작했다. 하지만 관직을 이용해 일민주의보급회를 확대하려 했던 이들의 시도는 이범석과 안호상이 1950년 봄에 해임되면서 좌절되고 만다. 족청계는 일단 권력에서 물러났지만 한국전쟁은 군인인 이범석에게 부활의 기회일 수 있었다. 그러나 미 대사관의 방해를 받자 이범석은 蔣介石과의 관계를 통해 부활의 기회를 노리고자 대만에 가게 되었다. 대만에서 이범석은 중국국민당의 개조를 통한 蔣介石체제의 공고화를 목도하게 되었는데, 1951년 8월에 귀국한 이범석이 당시 구상되기 시작한 신당의 모델로 활용한 것이 개조된 중국국민당이었다. 이와 같이 원외자유당 탄생에 핵심적인 역할을 한 이범석은 원외자유당 부당수가 되었다. 다시 이범석이 이승만을 이은 제2인자 자리를 확보한 것이다. 원외자유당을 통한 족청계의 활동은 국회에 대통령직선제 개헌을 강요한 부산정치파동에서 절정에 달했다. 족청계는 ‘민의 동원’ 등에서 그 힘을 과시했는데, 그 결과 이범석은 부산정치파동의 주동인물로 지목되었다. 미국 측의 공작과 이승만 지지세력 내부의 갈등이 맞물리면서 이범석은 또 다시 이승만의 경계대상이 되어 부통령선거에서 낙선하게 되었다. 수세로 밀린 족청계는 다시 공세를 펴 자유당을 거의 장악하게 되지만 이범석이 없는 사이에 이승만이 족청계 제거를 명령해 휴전체제 성립과 때를 같이해서 족청계는 권력 중추부에서 사라지게 되었다.

      • 족청·족청계의 이념과 활동

        후지이,다께시 성균관대학교 일반대학원 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 231983

        Examined in this thesis is the nature of the ideas that were pursued by the National Youth Corps(NYC) and the RYC[Racial Youth Corps] faction(NYC's de-facto successor). And as not only their ideas but also their actions are worth evaluating in political or ideological contexts, their activities will be examined here as well. The ideas of the NYC/RYC faction originated in the 1930s. First there was LEE Bum-Suk, who had been involved in the national liberation movement inside China. He had the opportunity to encounter Fascism(as an ideology) while he was undergoing some training in the Central Training Corps(CTC) established by CHIAN Kai-Shek(蔣介石) in the late 1930s. Second, there was AN Ho-Sang, another representative figure of the RYC faction who was taught by a rather racist philosopher in Germany in the 1920s. During his stay there he was inspired especially by Kant and Hegel. He was intrigued by the importance of discipline emphasized by Kant, and by the absolute determination of the Volk argued by Hegel. In the 1930s he encountered the Eastern philosophy, and also had the chance to closely examine the WANG Yang-Ming's idea "the unity of Knowledge and Action" philosophy[知行合一], which was considered very important by no other than CHIAN Kai-Shek. And third there was YANG Woo-Jung, who was another representative figure of the RYC faction. He had been involved in the Socialist movement since the latter half of the 1920s, until he was arrested. He later converted in 1934, and came to emphasize the concept of 'family' instead of Communism. His ‘Family-ism’ shared its logic structure with the Japanese Fascism, while it also maintained a connection with Nationalism. As we can see, the primary voices of the RYC faction all displayed a stance of Nationalism which had ties with Fascism. Their philosophy became more apparent after the Korean Liberation. The NYC organized in 1946 served as a leading entity of that philosophy. NYC was organized with full support of the U.S. Military Government, which intended to create a group of Pro-American youths under an atmosphere in which the Left-Right coalition was being contemplated. Yet unlike the Americans' intentions, the NYC members were trained under a program that was very much similar to that of the Chinese CTC, and they came to feature a Fascist kind of Nationalism as well. NYC claimed that they would adhere to three principles, namely ‘non-political, non-military, and non-faction,’ and unlike other youth groups which usually resorted to violent Anti-Communist activities, it concentrated its efforts upon expanding the organization through training, and it also actively recruited Left wing members, or people who had been affiliated with the Left in the past. The NYC had to go through some internal conflicts as the organization decided to enter the May 10th election of 1948, yet they managed to elect more than a few national representatives. Also, NYC became the new partner of Syngman RHEE, as he was elected President and lost his own alliance with the Korean Democratic party. LEE Bum-Suk became Prime Minister and Secretary of Defense, while AN Ho-Sang was named Secretary of Culture and Education. LEE Bum-Suk newly opened an Office of Political Affairs inside the Defense Ministry, and in order to create an Anti-Communist army he intended to provide the soldiers with political training just as the Chinese National Revolutionary Army did in the past. AN Ho-Sang as well promoted racist nationalism under the name of 'democratic national education,' and continued to attack individualism and internationalism. Their such stances and policy certainly alarmed the U.S., and as Syngman RHEE and LEE Bum-Suk clashed over the issue of dismantling the NYC, LEE Bum-Suk had to resign from the seat of Defense secretary. As LEE Bum-Suk eventually lost control of the military which he wanted to establish in the future as his own power base, NYC was finally disbanded. Yet at this juncture the so-called "One Nation Principle" was brought to the people's attention. This 'One Nation Principle' was suggested in order to convert the Left wing activists and recruit them into the fold. It was necessary for them to do so as the National Guidance Alliance was formed in April 1949, in an atmosphere which required the Korean government to establish an Anti-Communist regime of their own to adjust to a new kind of reality of U.S. forces pulling out of the Korean peninsula. YANG Woo-Jung served as the leading figure in the task of officializing such principle. This "principle" strongly reflected a Fascist kind of Nationalism, and emphasized the significance of international antagonism going on between races(nations), instead of domestic class antagonism. The 'Anti-Imperialist' stance of the people who argued the implementation of this principle was quite similar to that of an U.S. strategy which actively utilized Nationalist agendas in order to plant dissension amongst the 'Communist camp'(the "Wedge strategy"). But at the same time it was essentially yet another variation of 'recruiting Left wing members through Nationalism,' which was employed by the NYC in the past. Especially LEE Bum-Suk, who was very much inspired by CHIAN Kai-Shek and considered him as a role model, needed this 'One Nation Principle' just like CHIAN had the "Three Principles of the People(三民主義)." LEE Bum-Suk took control of the 'Society for the Diffusion of the One Nation Principle,' and tried to establish it as a national platform for expansion, and as AN Ho-Sang refined the principle and YANG Woo-Jung joined their efforts, the 'RYC faction' was formed based upon this principle. They wanted to expand the organization while they were still serving the government. They wanted to use their influence in expanding the fold. Yet their plan was thwarted when LEE Bum-Suk resigned from the seat of Prime Minister in April 1950, and AN Ho-Sang resigned from the Culture/Education Minister seat in May the same year. The Korean war that broke out in June of 1950 provided the RYC faction with yet another opportunity. LEE Bum-Suk, being a born soldier, must have favored the situation. Yet the U.S. Embassy continued to hinder his efforts, so LEE Bum-Suk visited Taiwan to explore another opportunity from his relationship with CHIAN Kai-Shek. The U.S. forces' rollback eventually did not happen, much to the disappointment of LEE Bum-Suk, yet in Taiwan LEE witnessed the consolidation of the CHIAN Kai-Shek regime, through the reformation of the Chinese Nationalist Party(Kuomintang). He returned to Korea and joined the plans to organize a new party, which he modified to reflect the characteristics of the Kuomintang. The birth of a new political party of such nature was also in the keen interest of Syngman RHEE, as he needed a new kind of people's organization to suppress the National Assembly. LEE Bum-Suk seized the vice chairman of this new (Outside) Liberal Party, and was granted with power only second to Syngman RHEE. The activities of the RYC faction that continued through this (Outside) Liberal Party reached its peak during the political incident that occurred in Busan, in which members of the RYC demanded the National Assembly to amend the constitution to enable a direct presidential election. They demanded it with violence. RYC faction succeeded in displaying its influence and power by mobilizing people through 'local representatives,’ yet the U.S. regarded LEE Bum-Suk as the key person who was behind this Busan incident all along. Due to the operations of the alarmed U.S. Intelligence, and the repercussions of certain inner strifes that occurred among Syngman RHEE supporters, LEE Bum-Suk founded himself once again on the opposite side of Syngman RHEE, and failed to be elected as Vice President in the upcoming election. The RYC faction had to tend to its wounds for some time, and while it rebounded and took control of the Liberal Party again amidst a nationwide movement opposing the Cease-fire agreement that hit the society since the Spring of 1953, Syngman RHEE finally ordered the elimination of the RYC faction while LEE Bum-Suk was out of the country, and as the Cease-fire agreement was put in place, the RYC faction members were expelled from the upper echelon of the government entirely. The history of the RYC faction shows us how Fascism was appropriated after the 2nd World War, and how that came into conflict with the Cold War system. 이 글은 조선민족청년단(이하 족청)과 그 실질적 후신인 족청계의 이념과 활동의 양상을 사상사/정치사적 관점에서 살펴본 것이다. 족청/족청계의 사상적 기원은 대체로 1930년대에 있다. 중국에서 독립운동을 하던 이범석은 1930년대 말에 蔣介石이 개설한 중앙훈련단에서 훈련을 받으면서 蔣介石식의 파시즘 사상을 익히게 되었으며, 족청계의 대표적 이데올로그인 안호상은 독일에서 인종주의적인 경향을 띤 철학자의 지도를 받으면서 칸트식의 규율의 중요성과 헤겔식의 민족의 절대적 규정성을 핵심으로 하는 사상을 형성했다. 또 하나의 대표적 이데올로그인 양우정은 사회주의운동을 하다 검거되어 1934년에 전향하게 되었는데, 그러면서 그가 공산주의에 대치시킨 것이 ‘가족’이었다. 이 가족주의는 일본 파시즘과 논리를 공유하면서도 민족주의와 연결될 수도 있는 것이었다. 이와 같이 족청계 핵심인사들의 사상은 파시즘과 관계를 가지면서 형성된 민족주의였다. 이들의 사상은 해방 이후에 본격적으로 그 모습을 드러내게 되는데, 그 중심이 1946년에 조직된 족청이었다. 족청은, 좌우합작을 추진해야 하는 상황 속에서 친미적인 청년을 양성하려는 미군정의 전면적인 후원을 받았는데, 그 의도와 달리 족청의 훈련방식은 중국의 중앙훈련단을 모방한 것이었으며 그 이념 역시 파시즘적인 경향이 강한 민족주의였다. 족청은 폭력적인 대공투쟁을 일삼던 기타 청년단들과 달리 훈련을 통한 조직 확장에 치중했으며 그 가운데 좌익(출신)들을 적극적으로 포섭하기도 했다. 족청은 분단정부 수립에 참여해 이범석이 국무총리 겸 국방부 장관으로, 안호상이 문교부 장관으로 임명되는 등 정부에서 요직을 차지했다. 이범석은 반공군대 건설을 위해 군인에 대한 정치교육을 실시하려고 했으며 안호상은 민주적 민족교육이라는 이름 아래 개인주의와 국제주의를 배격하고 인종주의적인 민족주의를 고취했다. 이런 정책은 미국 측의 경계를 사게 되어 족청 해산을 둘러싼 갈등과 맞물리면서 이범석은 국방부 장관을 그만두게 되었다. 자기 기반으로 삼고자 했던 군을 잃게 되고 족청이 해산당하면서 이범석이 새로이 활용하려고 한 것이 일민주의였다. 일민주의는 미군 철수가 결정되어 독자적인 반공체제 확립이 시급했던 1949년 봄에 좌익을 전향시키고 포섭하기 위해 체계화된 이념체계였으며, 그것을 주도한 인물이 양우정이었다. 그의 일민주의는 국내의 계급모순을 국제적인 민족모순으로 치환시키는 논리를 지닌 것이었다. 당시 일민주의가 보여준 ‘반제국주의적’ 성격은 족청과도 공통적인 것이었는데, 蔣介石을 모델로 삼던 이범석에게 삼민주의와 같은 역할을 할 수 있는 일민주의는 꼭 필요한 것이었다. 이에 이범석은 일민주의보급회를 장악해 전국적인 기반으로 삼으려 했으며 안호상은 일민주의를 재정립했다. 양우정도 이에 합세해 일민주의를 매개로 족청계가 형성되기 시작했다. 하지만 관직을 이용해 일민주의보급회를 확대하려 했던 이들의 시도는 이범석과 안호상이 1950년 봄에 해임되면서 좌절되고 만다. 족청계는 일단 권력에서 물러났지만 한국전쟁은 군인인 이범석에게 부활의 기회일 수 있었다. 그러나 미 대사관의 방해를 받자 이범석은 蔣介石과의 관계를 통해 부활의 기회를 노리고자 대만에 가게 되었다. 대만에서 이범석은 중국국민당의 개조를 통한 蔣介石체제의 공고화를 목도하게 되었는데, 1951년 8월에 귀국한 이범석이 당시 구상되기 시작한 신당의 모델로 활용한 것이 개조된 중국국민당이었다. 이와 같이 원외자유당 탄생에 핵심적인 역할을 한 이범석은 원외자유당 부당수가 되었다. 다시 이범석이 이승만을 이은 제2인자 자리를 확보한 것이다. 원외자유당을 통한 족청계의 활동은 국회에 대통령직선제 개헌을 강요한 부산정치파동에서 절정에 달했다. 족청계는 ‘민의 동원’ 등에서 그 힘을 과시했는데, 그 결과 이범석은 부산정치파동의 주동인물로 지목되었다. 미국 측의 공작과 이승만 지지세력 내부의 갈등이 맞물리면서 이범석은 또 다시 이승만의 경계대상이 되어 부통령선거에서 낙선하게 되었다. 수세로 밀린 족청계는 다시 공세를 펴 자유당을 거의 장악하게 되지만 이범석이 없는 사이에 이승만이 족청계 제거를 명령해 휴전체제 성립과 때를 같이해서 족청계는 권력 중추부에서 사라지게 되었다.

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