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      • KCI등재

        한군현(漢郡縣) 시대의 경찰조직과 기능에 관한 연구

        김형중(Kim Heong Joong) 한국공안행정학회 2012 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.21 No.2

        한사군은 한반도에 존재했을까? 하는 부분은 아직도 논란의 대상이 되고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 한군현시대의 경찰조직과 기능에 대한 연구가 심층적으로 필요한 것은 경찰의 존재가치와 역사의 연속성을 확립하는데 그 당위성이 있기 때문이다. 그러나 한사군 특히 낙랑군에 관한 경찰사적 연구가 미진한 이유는 문헌의 자료부족과 현존하는 문헌상에 극히 단편적이고도 평면적으로 산재(散在)되어 있어, 그것을 발굴ㆍ분석ㆍ평가하여 하나의 통일성을 기하기가 어렵다는 점도 하나의 원인이라고 생각된다. 이런 맥락에서 본 연구는 현존하는 중국의 사기(史記), 한서지리지, 후한서 등을 중심으로 분석과 비판을 통하여 낙랑군 시대의 경찰기능을 구조적 측면과 기능적 측면(경찰권 행사의 법적토대, 사법경찰적 기능, 행정경찰적 기능) 그리고 역기능적 측면에서 접근하여 살펴보았다. 특정시대의 역사의 연구는 기존의 연구결과물 위에 새로운 사실들이 추가ㆍ보완ㆍ수정되고 발전해가면서 역사는 다시 쓰일 수밖에 없기 때문에, 그러한 점에서 본 연구는 곳곳에 산재되어 있는 자료들을 전방위적으로 발굴하고 분석ㆍ평가하여 경찰조직과 기능을 새롭게 조명해 보았다는 점에서 그 의미를 부여하여야만 할 것 같다. It is still controversial issue that Hansagoon, the four administrative districts of Han dynasty was existent in Korean peninsular? Nevertheless, it is necessary to conduct thorough study about the police organization and function at the Hangoonhyun period in order to realize the value of police existence and establish historical continuity. But the study on the history of Hansagoon and Nangnang district police is not sufficient, because the contents of bibliographies related to them are fragmentary and distractive as well as there are not enough reference books about the history of Hansagoon and Nangnang district police. It makes a difficulty of drawing unified researches through discovering, analyzing and evaluating. In this context, this study reviewed the police functions at Nangnang district period through analyzing and criticizing the Chinese history books such as Saki, Hansugeerygy and whohansu. And also this study looked into the police function of the time with structural aspects, functional aspects, legal basis of the police authority, judicial police function, administrative police function, and adverse effect. It is true that the history must be continuously re-written by the new study on the specific era, because the studies add new facts, make up for the faults, and revise history. Therefore, it is meaningful that this study analyzed, evaluated, and newly reviewed the police organization and function as well as excavated a lot of scattered materials.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 현위제(縣尉制)의 실체에 관한 小考

        김형중(Kim Heong Joong) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2014 경찰학연구 Vol.14 No.4

        The “Hyunwii” system in the Korea dynasty era is the first regional police office in Korean history. It had separately existed from the government administration for about two hundred fifty years. The Hyunwii system has been scarcely discussed with specific studies in spite of its historical meaning. The Hyunwii system has been usually known that it was established in the Korea dynasty period. But we shouldn't ignore the truth that it was not original korean system but Chinese system and it was one of the government structures in Gunhyun district established by Hanmooje who overthrew the Old Joseon dynasty and founded Hansagoon. The hyunwii was under the authority of Hyunryung, the district mayor, at that time and it was the assisting agency which conducted crime prevention. The Hyunwii system was collapsed in the period of three states after Nagnanggoon had been entirely expelled in the Korean peninsular. It is assumed that King Hyunjong, the eighth king of Korea dynasty, reorganized the administrative districts in imitation of the administrative system of the Chinese Dang dynasty in the early Korea dynasty period and then appointed Hyunryungs and Hyunwii to twenty districts in order to keep public safety. Hyunryung was the district mayor and Hyunwii was police officer at that time. Hyunryung and Hyunwii were not assisting agencies but independent agenciese, even though they had been an assisting agency in Hansagoon period. It was similar to Hyunwii system of Chinese Dang dynasty. Hyunwii conducted crime prevention, criminal arrest, public security maintenance in the various fields. Nevertheless, It is true that people suffering from serious corruption and confliction between Hyunwii and Hyunryung raised rebellions. Hyunwii was abolished early 1900s. It is meaningful in the Korean police history that Hyunwii is the origin of current government system that a district governor and a police station chief work together in the same administrative area as well as a district mayor and a police station chief work do a job together in the same administrative area.

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