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      • 學童의 同一視의 對象 및 學父母의 子女에 對한 期待像에 關한 一調査

        金正律 대구교육대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        본 조사연구의 목적은 오늘 우리의 常識과 같이 아동·學父母 나아가서 社會一般이 정말 「敎師」나 「敎織」을 보잘것 없는 것으로 생각하고 있는지 아닌지를 確認하여 새로운 敎師職을 定立하는데 이바지할 자료를 얻는데 있다. 여기서 「새로운 敎師職」이라 함은 可否間의「 敎師」,「敎織」에 對한 兒童, 學父母 나아가서 社會一般의 態度를 確認하여 一方的 萎縮하기 않고 그러한 環境에 적절히 適應할 수 있는 調節된 敎師職의 人格特性을 말한다. 조사된 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. (1) 兒童의 同一視의 對象 男子 兒童에게 있어서도 어느 경우(性別, 地域別)와 「이순신 장군」이 가장 강한 同一視 對象이나 「先生任」도 높은 非準(特히 低學年에 있어서는)의 對象이 되어 있다. 女兒의 경우는 「어머니」가 가장 높은 對象이고 「先生任」은 두번째 높은 對象으로 선택되고 있다. 男兒와 특히 다른 점은 「유관순」 女史가 「이순신」 장군과 더블어 비교적 높은(네번째) 對象으로 選擇되고 있다는 점이다. 농어촌 女兒의 경우를 除外하고 어느 경우나 「어머니」, 「아버지」는 동일시 對象으로 1위에서 3위 以內의 높은 수준으로 선택되고 있다. (2) 갖고 싶은 職業 兒童의 希望 職業은 中小都市와 農漁村의 男兒의 경우 대통령, 의사, 정순, 선생님의 순위가 다르나 어느 경우에나 「선생님」은 적어도 3위 以內의 높은 水準으로 選好하고 있다. 特히 女兒의 경우는 어느 경우에나 「선생님」이 1위를 찾이하고 있다. (3) 취 미 지역간 차이가 다소 있으나 전체적으로 보면 男兒들의 취미는 운동, 야구, 그림그리기 , 독서의 순위고, 女兒들은 그림그리기, 독서, 노래부르기, 운동의 순이이다.男兒들이 야구를 좋아하게 된 것은 TV 등 대중매체의 영향이 크다고 본다. (4) 많이 듣는 구중 일상 집에서 가장 많이 듣는 걱정은 절대 다수의 兒童에게 있어 「공부해라」는 것이고 다음은 男兒들의 경우는 「심부름해라」, 「싸우지마라」, 「까불지마라」, 「청소해라」의 순이고 女兒의 경우는 「청소해라」, 「싸우지마라」, 「심부름해라」로 男兒와 大同小異하다. (5) 바라는 人間像 부모가 기대하는 人間像은 전체적으로는 「성실 근면한 사람」이 가장 높고 다음이 「정직한 사람」,「 건강한 사람」, 「책임감이 강한 사람」의 순이다. 대도시 사람들의 物質指向的인 生活態度와는 매우 다른 生活態度를 가지고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. (6) 당신의 직업을 잇게하겠는가 직업을잇게 하겠다는 사람이 전체적으로 조사대상에 응한 656명중 17.5%에 해당하는 115명이었고 잇게하지 않겠다는 사람이 521명으로 79.4%이다. 그 이유로는「휼륭한 사람이 되기를 바라므로」, 「사회에 봉사할 수 있기 때문」, 「성실히 살아갈 수 있는 직업이기 때문」 등등이고 잇게하지 않겠다는 주요 이유는 「개성에 맞는 직업을 선택하게 하기 위해서」,「 좀더 나은 직업을 갖게 하기 위해서」, 「현직에 불만이므로」,「사회적으로 보람있는 일을 하기 위해서」 등등이다.「좀더 나은 직업을 바라는 것과 「현직에 불만」이라는 것은 표현을 달리한 同一要因으로 解釋된다. (7) 어떤 職業人 가장 많은 것이 「교육자」이고 다음이 「의사」, 「법관」, 「공직자」, 「사업가」 등의 순의다.「교육자」는 응답에 「선생님」이라고 한 것 「대학교육」이라고 한것 등을 전부 개괄한 것이다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the images what the school children and parents have about the school teachers which would provide information needed to renew self concept of teachers them selves. The specific objective of this survey are as follows; 1) to investigate the figure of identification what the school children have. 2) to investigate future job of children want to have. 3) to investigate what are the priority of children's hobits. 4) to investigate about naggings children hear from their parents mostly in daily life. 5) to survey on parents ideal personality which their children would have being realized. 6) to survey on parental wishes for the succession to their jobs by their children. 7) to survey on the parental hopes for the jobs their children might to have in the future. The subjects(number of school children and the parents) were selected from primary school grades 1-6 in small city and rural area of Kyungsang-buk-Do by random sampling method. And investigations were conducted by the school teachersbelong to the each sampled school. The major findings of this study were as follows: The research result of the children identification figure show sthat the school teacher is one of the major subjects among the identification figures of school schildren have. The others the more or less high priority were "mother", father", "medicak doctor", general "Lee son-shin", "Lady Yu Kwan-soon" and so on. The research result of the childrens future job shows that "teaching job" is one of the most fascinating job that children wish to have i their future. The others that more or less priority was given by the boys were "president", "genral", "medical doctor", "lawyer", and so forth. By the girls were "nurse", "medical doctor", singer", "lawyer", actress", and so on. It was shown that the sports and baseball, designing picture, reading, were the boys hobits prority and for the girls were designing pictures, reading, singing, sports, etc/ Most frequent parent's nagging top their children was revealed as tat "Do study!", and the next for boys was "Go on errands", "Don't quarrel with others", "Don't be noisy", "Do clean the house, " and so forth. Nagging for girls next to the "Do study!". were "Do clean the house", "Don't quarrel with others", "Go on errands" etc. Parental hopes for their children to be being were "Be sincere and Laborious" and "Be honest", "Be healthy", "Be a responsible man", and so forth. The research result of parental hopes for the sucession to their job by their children were revealed that most of the parents do not want their children follower their own job career for the following reasons; "Let children choose the job to meet their own aptitude", "Because of they do not satisfy to their own job" "To find more fine job that contributive to the parents priority for their children's future job was as followings' "Teaching job", "Medical Doctor", "Lawyer", "Officer" "Buisiness man", and so on. On the basis of all these findings the reseacher to suggest that teachers specially elementary school teachers ought to have to have self confidence and have to have firm conviction that he or she is a good identification figure for school children through which children learn how to control themwelves and develop their conscience and realize their ideal self.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 육성 및 안전망으로서의 사회적 네트워크 구축 모델연구 - [강서푸른이학교]사례를 중심으로-

        김정율,권일남 한국청소년학회 2009 청소년학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        This research studies the integrated collaboration programs of after school study, local children, and youth development through local institutions' consortium. The study of Ganeseo Green School, one of the subjects, was planned and discussed in 2006, and it began and became as a continuous program and the on-going local community's assignment in 2007. The researchers have conducted the participatory research of local institutions' network and assigned program as a member and a worker of the consortium. This research shows the interim research based upon practical cases and program models. According to the confirmed fact through the research result, the government network programs, including Youth Patrol and Community Youth Safety-Net, have limitation, such as budget. On the other hand, the network program, run by voluntary and persistent collaboration between the government and private institutions, establish more stable safety-net and development-net. The main factors, which makes social network possible, can be categorized into four ones. The first one is human network and familiarity among workers of each institution. The second one is collaboration and support among the head of each institution. The third one is that institutions drop selfishness and set the joint objective so that they share the same sense of purpose. The last one is the complementary configuration of network among institutions. 본 연구는 지역의 기관들 간의 컨소시엄을 통한 지역사회 방과 후 학습(after school) 및 지역 아동, 청소년 육성을 위한 통합적인 협력사업을 대상으로 하고 있다. 연구 대상인 [강서푸른이학교]의 경우 2006년 논의 되고 2007년 시작되어 계속적인 사업의 실천과 동시에 연구가 진행되는 지역사회 과제로서, 연구자들은 운영 컨소시엄에 자문위원과 사무국의 실무자로 참여하여 지역기관들의 네트워크 조직과 수행사업들에 직, 간접으로 관여하는 참여연구(participatory reserch)를 수행하고 있으며 금번 연구는 중간 연구로서 실천사례와 사업의 모형을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 연구결과 확인할 수 있었던 사실은 지역사회 내에서 안전-망, 육성-망을 구축하고자 노력하는 정책적인 네트워크 사업(예, Youth Patrol, Community youth safety-net)이 예산에 종속성 같은 여러 한계성을 지니고 있는 반면, 민간기관들의 자발적이고 자구적구인 노력을 통하여 진행되어지는 민․관 협력 네트워크는 보다 안정적인 지역사회 안전망, 육성망 모델이 됨을 확인하였다. 또한 이러한 사회적 네트워크가 가능할 수 있는 중요 요소로 1)각 참여기관의 담당 실무자들의 인적 네트워크와 친밀도가 중요하다. 2) 각 기관의 기관장 및 동료실무자들의 협력과 지원이 중요하다. 3) 지방정부의 민간 네트워크 과정에 대한 이해와 지지가 필요하다. 4) 네트워크에 참여하는 개별기관들이 공동의 목표를 설정하고 목적을 서로 공감하여야 한다. 5) 네트워크에 참여하는 개별기관의 기능과 역할이 서로 보완적인 기관들 간의 네트워크 구성이 유용하다. 등이 제안되었다.

      • 早期敎育 振興을 위한 幼兒敎育制度 一般에 관한 比較的 考察 : 主로 미국, 일본을 中心으로 of Korea and that of U.S.A. and Japan

        金正律 대구교육대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        Purpose of the Study: Even though it could hardly meet the needs of all the pre-schoolyears young children, the early childhood education has been made a remarkable progress recently by the enforcement of the governments. Almost the same quantity of development made during last 80 year history of the early childhood education in Korea has been achieved within recent two years. Such a hasty implementation by the government frequently runs to show off business and generate many problems to be solved. In this context, this study is designed to find out what the problems are and how the really prosperous progress in the early childhood education in Korea can be achieved. The Procedure of the Study conducted: First; Domestic and foreign materials concerned have been widly collected and studied to shape the frame of the study. Secondly; It has renewed and confirmed that the importance of the early childhood education through reviewing the recent trend in the developmental psychology. Thirdly The early childhood education of Korea has compared with that of Japan and U.S.A. by applying the factor analytic method to the related materials. Fourthly; The researcher investigated the present status of the primary school with affiliated kindergarten and the other infantile nursery and education institution through the questionaire and the interviewing method. The objects were: One hundred vice principals of the primary schools which have affiliated kindergarten. One hundred and fifty vice principals of the primary schools which do not have affiliated kindergarten. Saemaul Coorperative Nursery Schools in Daegu city. The Conclusions and the Suggestions Taking a general views of the study, the early childhood education in the U.S.A. has been developed by the people's growing awareness of the importance of the early childhood education after such shocking social events as the Project Head Start and the influence of flourishing knowledge in the field of the child development and competant leadership in the field. In Japan, since their odd economical structure, amid heaping capital, the people's daily economical ives were threatened by the bad inflation so that most housewives were compelled to have jobs, and this, inevitably disrupted the function of family and parents' role of education and nursing their children. Under such circumstances Japanese got aware of the urgent needs of the facilities of nursing and educating for their young children and for the working mothers. This people's awareness motivated the mevements of, and strongly required the early childhood education and nursery. Roughly speaking, in Japan people's anxiety rather than government's for their young children's nursery brought for nowadays prosperous early childhood nursery and education system. You can find that there is one thing common in the development of the early childhood education to these two nations, that is, the awareness and aspirations and ripen atmosphere for the early childhood education. In comparison with the situation of Korea, there is neither such awareness of people nor anxiety for the early childhood education except a small portion of the educated people and the competant leaders. However, as mentioned previously whatever the incentives might be nowadays in Korea the early childhood education is on the record of development. At this juncture let us examine what the problems are in the ways of development of the education. Problems and Suggestions: Firstly; one of the fundamental and urgent problems to be solved if unify diverse facilities and their sponsoring officers as far as their purposes and the functions are equal. This means not in favor of totalitarian uniformity, but to make sure the equal educational opportunity for all of the children who wish to receive such educational services. Secondly; Unequal and uneven financial allotment for the facilities attributed to various sponsoring bodies should be ironed. For an example about 400,000 Won per year for a child registered in a Saemaul Coorperative Infant School, in contrast to this, about only 800 Won per year for a child registered in the kindergarten affiliated to a primary school. This also provides to children segregation or unfair opportunity of experiences. Inspite of that there are more things to do for the kindergarten affiliated to a primary school than that kindergarten out of the schools. Thirdly; Inservice teacher's qualification must be upgraded. As you know well, the quality of the teachers decides either the success or failure in the education. Many facilities for early childhood education have not incentives for the competant young teachers trained specially for young child education for low stipend (salary) and for the teaching experiences are not accounted in personnel experiences. This must be handled adequetely as soon as it is possible, if not the early childhood education will be spoiled because of low or unqualified teaching personnels. Fourthly; The doubled teaching loads for a primary school teacher must be amended. Because it is too mauch heavy load for a teacher to teach two young children's class which have to be looked after one by one for their unskilled social life. If every classes are important and any of them has not to be allowed to handle by the way of easy going, the teachers who have doubled teaching loads have to put up one of them. Fifthly; Primary unit teacher training program has to be examined and reconstructed to meet current educational movement. Because sometimes in a future the early childhood education may be included in the primary unit school ladder, some teachers, if it is impossible for all the teachers, must have the knowledge and technique in dealing with the infants in the class as they were teaching different year grade class. Actually, 5, 6 or 7 years old children's developmental feature is not much different but rather on the same continual path of development. Against this natural continuity, the current school system has divided the children's life into utterably different things and the teacher training program is divided into quite different things. All these practices seems to accelerate the differentiation and discontinuity. In this context, primary unit teacher training course have to be re-examined and improved by including not only the early childhood education programe, but including special child education programe too. Finally; The education cannot be misused by any person or certain power group or officials for their political show-off but should be remained to be faithful to its original goal. A nation where the education can serve fully its loyalty for it's own purpose would develop and will enjoy its own prosperity.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • 在美 僑胞敎育 實態調査 報告

        金正律 대구교육대학교 1979 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        It is need not to elaborate the importance of the education, to a nation, for its people living in the foreign countries. In this context, this survey is made as one of our efforts to gather the information of the facts about Korean education in the foreign countries to provide the data needed in developing teaching program and materials for Koreans living in overseas. The projected scope of the problems to be investigated, with the purpose of drawing out what is needed urgently in Korean education, was the population of Ko-mericans and their way of thinking, because the education would be backed up by these facts, and the status in quo of Korean school, its course of study, teaching materials, and that the problems of teachers, including a case study of a most successful Korean school. The problems analyzed were, and the suggestions are as followings: Firstly, there are some conflict between the way of thinking of Ko-mericans and the orientation of Korean education provided by the Korean government, that is the too much Korean oriented education is most boresome thing to Ko-mericans specially to the young generations born in America. Secondly, serious problem to be solved in Ko-mericans' family life is the conflict of the way of thinking between the Korean oriented old generation and the mostly Americanized young generations. Korean school have to play a role of mediator to compromise this conflict. Thirdly, the teaching materials and method adequate to the Ko-mericans' need have to be cultivated urgently, and this must be done by the specialist abroad who has abundant experience and is ardent in Korean education. The reasonable research fund must be subsidized by Korean government. Fourthly, whole time teacher for the Korean school must be trained and the inservice teachers' education has to be carried out. Fifthly, the number of subjects for the summer school, being operated by Korean government, for the Koreans abroad must be increased by any means and the course of study must be vitalized with more practical living experience. Sixthly, the reasonable fund for the Korean school and its educational activity have to be subsidized by Korean government. Seventhly, the conclusion abstracted from and suggestion of the case study on Buffalo Korean School is that the education for the Ko-mericans could be implemented successfully if there is an educator with good personality, abundant knowledge and experience, and who be fired by the missionary zeal to educate young generation. And such an educator must be subsidized duly with research fund and supported heartily by his or her motherland's government. Finally, the number of supervisor sent to the office of education attached to the Korean embassy have to be increased because only one supervisor for the numerous educational affairs and schools, in vast area, to be supervised is inadequate.

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