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      • KCI등재

        노인 대상 의자 기반 심리운동 프로그램 개발을 위한 예비연구

        김장수 한독심리운동학회 2023 심리운동연구 Vol.9 No.3

        This study represents a preliminary investigation with the objective of crafting a chair-based psychological exercise program tailored for elderly individuals. The primary aim is to assess the program's impact on the physical abilities, cognitive abilities, social-emotional abilities, communication abilities and meaning in life of the elderly. To achieve this, we designed a program rooted in the ADDIE model and implemented it over a four-week period with a group of ten elderly participants. In order to gauge the research's effectiveness, we devised measurement scales to assess physical abilities, cognitive abilities, social-emotional abilities, communication abilities and meaning in life. These scales were employed in both pre- and post-tests, utilizing paired-sample t-tests for comparison. The research findings reveal statistically significant improvements in the physical abilities, cognitive abilities, social-emotional abilities, communication abilities and meaning in life of the elderly participants. These results suggest a positive impact of the chair-based psychological exercise program. These discoveries hold considerable importance in confirming the feasibility of implementing such a program in real-world settings for the elderly population, underscoring the significance of developing similar initiatives for this demographic.

      • KCI등재

        프라하 슬라브 민족회의(1848)의 활동과 지향 목적

        김장수 한국세계문화사학회 2010 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.22

        Even in the beginning the exact goal of the Congress was unclear. In addition to lacking a goal, the conference planners also quarreled over the format and the agenda of the gathering. Perhaps this was an was an indication of how difficult the conference would be for the factions to come together. Once getting underway, the conference met in three sections: Poles and Ukrainians; South Slavs; and Czecho-Slovaks. Of the total 340 delegates at the Congress, the most came from the Czecho-Slovak section. 237 Czecho-Slovaks participated along with 42 South Slavs and 61 Pole-Ukrainian. Each section elected its own officers(Chairman, deputy chairman and secretaries) and designated sixteeen representatives who would join the plenary committee. German was the primary language used during discussions. During the Congress, there was debate about the role of Austria in the lives of the Slavs. Palacký argued that the "primary goal is the preservation of Austria". This point was dirguted by L'udovit Stur who told the Congress, "our goal is oalf-preservation". Such a controversy was typical of the environment of this conference. One important statement did come out of the conference around June 10, when the Manifesto to the Nations of Europe was pronounced. The statement was a strongly worded proclamation that demanded an end to the oppression of Slav people. It's important to note that the Slavs did not look for any type of revenge. Rather they wanted to " extend a brotherly hand to all neighbouring nations who are prepared to recognize and effenot ely champion with us the full equality of all nations, regardless of their political power or size". The Manifesto appealed to the Austrian emperor to transform the monarchy into a federation of equal nations. The Congress was unfortunately cut short on June 12, when fighting broke out on the streets. Later this became known as the Whitsuntide events because of the timing during the Christian holiday of Pentecost. Young residents of Prague had taken to the streets and in the confrontation, a stray bullet had killed the wife of Field Marshal Windischgrätz, the commander of the Austrian forces in Prague. Enraged, Windischgrätz seized the city, disbanded the congress, and established martial law throughout Bohemia. The delegates left in disgust and some were even arrested because of the revolutionary nature of the Congress.

      • KCI등재

        슬라브민족회의의 개최필요성제기와 그 준비과정

        김장수 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2010 국제지역연구 Vol.14 No.2

        3월혁명 이후 오스트리아 제국 내 슬라브 정치가들은 헝가리 지방을 제외한 제국의 적지 않은 지역, 즉 독일연방에 포함된 지역들이 통합 독일로 편입되는 것과 그것에 따라 야기될 오스트리아 제국의 붕괴를 가장 우려하고 있었다. 그 이유는 이들이 통합 독일에서 그들 민족의 법적․사회적 지위가 향상되지 않고 오히려 격하될 가능성이 많다는 것을 예견했기 때문이다. 따라서 이들은 제국의 존속을 그들의 최우선 정책 내지는 과제로 설정했는데 그러한 것은 친오스트리아슬라브주의적인 관점에서 비롯되었다 하겠다. 실제적으로 5월 18일부터 활동을 펼치기 시작한 프랑크푸르트 국민의회(Frankfurter Nationalversammlung)는 대독일주의 원칙에 따라 오스트리아 제국의 일부를 ‘신독일’에 편입시키는 절차를 논의하기 시작했다. 이에 따라 제국 내 슬라브 정치가들은 그것에 대한 대비책마련에 나서게 되었고 프란티셰크 팔라츠키(František .Palacký)와 이반 쿠쿨레비치-사크신스키(Ivan Kukuljevič-Sakcinski)를 비롯한 일련의 슬라브 인사들이 그 해결의 실마리를 제공했던 것이다. 이후 슬라브 정치가들은 슬라브 민족회의의 개최필요성을 공식적으로 거론하기 시작했고 그것을 실현시키는데 필요한 방법을 구체적으로 강구하기 시작했다. 이러한 과정에서 슬라브 정치가들은 자신들의 민족만을 우선시하려는 자세를 보였고 그러한 태도는 이들 간의 의견적 대립을 유발시키기도 했다. 아울러 프랑크푸르트 국민의회와 오스트리아 제국 내 독일인들의 반발 역시 민족회의 개최의 걸림돌로 작용했다. 그러나 슬라브 정치가들은 이러한 어려움들을 극복하고 자신들의 정치적 관점, 즉 연방체제의 도입을 구체적으로 논의하고 슬라브 인들의 단결을 대내외적으로 알릴 최초의 민족회의를 개최했다. The Prague Slavic Congress of 1848 was a major event of upheavals of 1848 in Europe. The idea of the Congress was put forward on April 20. 1848 by a Croat Ivan Kukujevič Sakcinski and a Czech František Palacký. Soon afterwards, a similar project was proposed by Pavel Šafařík from Slovakia. Around this time Palacký was the main advocate of an idea of Austroslavism, i.e. a transformation of the Austrian Empire into a federal state, in which Slav nations would give up the idea of full political independence in favor of cultural freedom within Austria. Individual nations oppressed by the Habsburg monarchy, inspired by the French Revolution, gained confidence to fight back against the ruling class and secure individual freedom. There were many dividing issues among the individual Slav peoples, which had to do with what area of the Empie they were under, Austrian or Hungarian. The nations under Austrian rule dreaded growing German nationalism, which is what drove some of them to embrace the docrine of Austroslavism. It was in this scenario that the delegates from individual Slavic nations met to express their grievances, enhance understanding of the issues of their neighbors, and draw up a plan for further actions, on both the national and the international levels. The goals of the Congress were vague at the outset, and it was not concluded properly due to armed unrest, but it created a petition of Slavic demands to the Emperor and provided a bluepoint for international relations, where equal rights of all nations would be acknowledged.

      • KCI등재

        종비나무의 Juvenil Cutting 에 관한 연구

        김장수,홍성호,박경순,황명수 한국임학회 1986 한국산림과학회지 Vol.72 No.1

        젓나무類, 가문비나무類 等 針葉樹類의 經濟樹種 및 稀貫樹種의 經濟的인 早期速成育苗 大量增殖方法을 究明하기 爲하여 종비나무를 供試材料로 juvenile cutting (幼令綠枝揷木) 試驗을 實施한 結果, 1. NAA, IBA等 發根促進劑 및 濃度(100∼10,000 ppm) 處理에 있어서 無處理區와 마찬가지로 모두 94.7%以上의 높은 發根率을 나타냈다. 2. 6月 7日, 6月 18日, 7月 11日, 8月 28日, 4回에 걸쳐 時期別 juvenile cuttings를 한 結果, 96.4%以上의 높은 發根率을 얻었으며 따라서 年中 serial propagation이 可能함이 立證되었다. 3. Rooted juvenile cuttings의 發根狀況을 四分圖法에 依한 root score를 定하여 調査한 結果 뿌리의 發生이 對稱的으로 골고루 나며, 4. 發根開始日이 빠르고 (30日), 5. Topophytic growth 現象이 나타나지 않고 seedlings와 마찬가지로 正常的으로 直徑生長하는 等, 좋은 點이 多數 發見되어 앞으로의 早期速成育苗 大量增殖 手段으로 크게 活用될 수 있을 것으로 期待된다.

      • KCI등재

        발트슈테이나(Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna)의 정치적 활동 -30년 전쟁(1618-1648) 전후의 시기를 중심으로-

        김장수 한국세계문화사학회 2015 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.36

        발트슈테이나(Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna;Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius v.Wallenstein)는 1583년 9월 24일 보헤미아의 헤르마니체에서 태어났는데 10살 때 어머니 마르케타, 12살 때 아버지 비렘을 잃은 후 숙부인 코슘베르크의 도움을 받으면서 성장했다. 발트슈테이나는 1609년 예수회 고해 신부의 주선으로 모라비아 동부, 즉 브세틴, 루코프, 리미체, 스리고 브세투리에 거대한 영지를 소유한 미망인 네크소바와 결혼한 후 풍족한 생활을 했으며, 1614년 그녀가 죽고 난 후 재산 모두를 상속받았다. 이렇게 결혼을 통해 얻은 막대한 부를 축적한 발트슈테이나는 오스트리아의 위정자 겸 신성로마제국의 황제였던 페르디난트 2세의 신임을 얻고자 했다. 이에 따라 그는 1618년 보헤미아 귀족들이 페르디난트 2세의 가톨릭 강화정책과 귀족들의 제 권한 박탈을 빌미로 일으킨 항쟁진압에 적극적으로 개입하여 황제의 신임도 얻게 되었다. 이렇게 페르디난트 2세의 신임을 얻은 이후부터 그는 황제권 강화에 필요한 제 방안을 강구했고 그것들을 실제적으로 이행했다. 30년 전쟁 기간 중 발트슈테이나의 권한은 크게 증대되었는데 이것은 황제권을 위협할 정도였다. 특히 발트슈테이나는 1632년 4월 13일 페르디난트 2세로부터 황제군에 대한 절대적 지휘권(in absolutissima forma)을 부여받았을 뿐만 아니라 제국 내 모든 몰수지 들을 우선적으로 차지할 수 있는 특권도 부여받았다. 또한 이 인물은 모든 군사작전에서 독자적인 명령권을 행사할 수 있었을 뿐만 아니라 황제의 허락 없이 죄를 주거나 사면할 수 있는 권한도 부여받았다. 이렇게 발트슈테이나의 권한이 크게 증대됨에 따라 페르디난트 2세는 그것의 제어내지는 배제가 반드시 필요하다는 판단을 하게 되었고 결국 그를 제거하는데 주저하지 않았다. 발트슈테이나를 살해한 후 페르디난트 2세는 보헤미아 지방에서 대대적인 재산몰수에 나섰고 그 과정에서 획득한 영토의 상당 부분을 자신에게 협조한 외국 귀족들에게 하사했다. 이에 따라 30년 전쟁이 종료될 무렵 체코 귀족들의 영지 절반이상이 외국 출신의 귀족들에게 강제로 넘어가게 되었다. 이렇게 체코 민족의 정신과 전통을 이어 갈 체코 귀족 계층의 위상이 크게 약화됨에 따라 향후 체코의 정치적·문화적 발전을 주도할 세력 역시 사라지게 되었다. 비록 발트슈테이나의 지나친 탐욕으로 체코 민족이 암울한 상황에 놓이게 되었지만 그것을 계기로 체코 민족은 향후 그들 행보에 대해 심사숙고하는 자세를 보였을 뿐만 아니라 거기서 최선의 방법을 찾아내는 저력도 발휘했다. Albrecht von Wallenstein(Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna) was born on 24 September 1583 in Hermanice, Bohemia, into a poor Protestant branch of Waldstein familie who owned Hermanice castle and seven surrounding villages. His mother Markéta died in 1593, his father Vilém in 1595. After the death of his parents, Wallenstein lived with his uncle, Jindřich Slavata of Chlum and Košumberk. In 1597, his uncle sent him to the Protestant Latin school at Goldberg in Silesia. On 29 August 1599 Wallenstein continued his education at the Protestant University of Altdorf near Nürnberg, where he was often engaged in brawls. In February 1600, Wallenstein left Altdorf and travelled around the Holy Roman Empire, France and Italy, where he studied at the universities of Bologna and Padua. In 1609, Wallenstein married Czech Lucretia of Viíkov, née Nekšová of Landek, who owned the towns of Vsetín, Lukov, Rymice and Všetuly. The Thirty Years’ War began in 1618 when the estates of Bohemia rebelled against Ferdinand of Styria and elected Frederick V, Elector Palatine, the leader of the Protestant union, as their new king. Unlike these common perspectives of Czech nobles Wallenstein associated himself with the cause of the Catholics and the Habsburg dynasty. Wallenstein, who offered his services, and an army of 30,000 to 100,000 men during the Thirty Years’ War, to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II. Presently he became the supreme commander of the armies of the Habsburg Monarchy and a major figure of the Thirty Years’ War. Over the course of the war Wallenstein’s ambitions and the exactions of his army had made him a host of enemies, both Catholic and Protestant princes and non-princes. Ferdinand II suspected Wallenstein of planning a coup to take control of the Holy Roman Empire. The Emperor’s advisors advocated dismissing him, and in September 1630 envoys were sent to Wallenstein to announce his removal. Several Protestant victories over Catholic armies induced Ferdinand to recall Wallenstein, who again turned the war in favor of the imperial cause. Dissatisfied with the Emperor’s treatment of him, Wallenstein considered allying with the Protestants. However, he was assassinated at Cheb in Bohemia by one of the army’s officials, Walter Devereux, with the emperor’s approval.(Catholic Kwandong University)

      • KCI등재

        Clonal Variation of Physical Characteristics and Mineral Composition in Acorn of Quercus acutissima and Q. serrata Seed Orchard

        김장수,김두현,한상욱,심태흠 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2011 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.6

        This study investigated mineral element concentrations of acorns in Quercus acutissima and Quercus serrata seed orchard, so that to estimate the variation of these species based on the chemical composition in different clones from plus trees. The acorns were collected from ten clones of each species grown in the same clonal seed orchard. The nutritional concentration of acorns was significantly different between the clones and species. The concentration of nutrient for the whole acorn followed in this general sequence: P > K > Na > Mg > Ca > Mn > Fe > Zn > Cu . The mineral concentrations of acorns in clones of Q. acutissima and Q. serrata contained P (494 to 684 and 541 to 672 mg/100 g), K (114 to 569 and 140 to 251 mg/100 g), Na (57 to 121 and 49 to 85 mg/100 g), Mg (29 to 37 and 26 to 42 mg/100 g), Ca (10 to 53 and 26 to 68 mg/100 g), Mn (0.5 to 3.4 and 1.8 to 4.5 mg/100 g), Fe (0.7 to 1.1 and 0.0 to 2.2 mg/100 g), Zn (0.34 to 0.81 and 0.38 to 0.84 mg/100 g), and Cu (0.13 to 0.40 and 0.09 to 0.34 mg/100 g) respectively. Even though acorns of Q. serrata are smaller in size than Q. acutissima, acorns of Q. serrata contained significantly higher concentration of phosphorus, calcium, iron and manganese than Q. acutissima. Based on the mineral composition of the acorns, this study has shown that the clones of Q. acutissima and Q. serrata have different ability to accumulate mineral nutrients which could indicate the variation of Quercus species in terms of mineral acquisition and accumulation.

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