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      • 교육정보화 사업에 관한 ODA동향 분석 : 월드뱅크(World Bank Group)을 중심으로

        민병엽,김병근 APEC국제교육협력원 2009 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 World Bank에서 실시된 교육정보화분야의 사업들을 한국교육정보화 연대기를 통해 분석하여, 현재 World Bank가 추구하는 교육정보화 사업의 방향과 핵심내용을 파악하는데 있다.본 연구의 방법은 문헌연구와 선행연구를 분석한 후, World Bank시행된 교육정보화에 사업중 한국정보문화진흥원에서 발표한 연구에 제시된 우선 협력 국 기준에 따라 7개국을 선정하였다. 또한 본 연구의 분석준거를 마련하기 위해, 한국의 교육정보화에 대한 연구도 병행하였다. 연구의 절차는 한국의 교육정보화에 대한 연구를 통해 분석 대상 국가들에서 실시된 교육정보화사업이 한국의 교육정보화 단계에 비추어 어느 정도 수준인지를 제시하고, 이를 분석 대상국의 1인당 GNI, DOI를 바탕으로 비교․분석 하였다. 이를 통해서 분석 대상국들의 교육정보화 사업의수준이 경제적 수준과 정보화 수준에 따라 어떠한 분포를 보이는지 파악할 수 있다.본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, World Bank의 교육정보화 사업은 한국의 교육정보화 단계 중 도약기 수준에서 실시되고 있다. 둘째, World Bank의 교육정보화 사업은수혜국의 DOI 수준에 고려하여 계획 및 설계될 필요가 있다. The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries for development programs with the stated goal of reducing poverty. Especially, projects dealing with “education informatization” increase among many World Bank projects. Yet, South Korea has not initiated any project. Because South Korea has some problems which are characterized as small scale, separation from international ODA agendas. The causes in regard to these are self-centered by its own unique and successful experiences as put ODA and a lack of knowledge about international cooperation. To solve this problem, this research is to analyze World Bank projects, focusing on the World Bank projects related to the education informatization. The method of this research is to analyze documents and reports on education informatization from the World Bank homepage. In addition, focus group interviews composed of experts in education and international cooperation field were conducted, for obtaining reliability and validity of analyzed results. This research analyzed the project information documents of seven countries (Turkey, Russia, Tunisia, Jordan, Argentina, Egypt, Peru) which was selected on a basis of recommendations of the Korea Agency Digital Opportunity & Promotion(KADO). Furthermore, an analysis standard was based on the Korea’s history in education informatization. The first step for this research was to find out each project goal’s level for the project implementing country’s education informatization, referred to the Korea’s history in education informatization. Next, this research compared GNI per capita and DOI(Digital Opportunity Index) of the seven countries, and studied on the relationship between project goal’s level for education informatization and GNI per capita, DOI of project implementing countries. The result of this research showed that several projects conducted by World Bank rank the spring stage at the Korea’s history in education informatization. And the result indicates countries having higher DOI level than other conducted projects similar to projects of the diffusion stage at the Korea’s history in education informatization.

      • KCI등재

        세계은행의 부정당업자 제재에 대한 소고

        홍탁균(Tak-Kyun Hong) 한국기업법학회 2018 企業法硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        2016년 기준 세계은행은 개발도상국가에 대해 총 642억 달러에 이르는 원조를 공여하고 있다. 그 형태는 유무상 원조, 투자 참여, 사업 보증 등 매우 다양하다. 이들 세계은행의 원조, 투자, 보증 등의 프로그램에 우리나라 기업들이 다양한 모습으로 참여하고 있는데, 개별 국내기업 차원에서 바라 볼 때 이들 사업의 경제적 중요성과 비중은 만만치 않다. 유의할 점은 이들 사업에 참여할 때 세계은행이 제시하는 높은 투명성과 공정성 기준을 준수하여야 한다는 점이다. 세계은행은 자신이 원조·투자·보증하는 사업과 관련하여 고유의 부정당행위 관련조사 및 제재 제도를 운영하고 있다. 세계은행이 운용하는 부정당업자 제재의 특색으로는 우리나라의 부정당업자 제재보다 훨씬 장기간의 제재가 가능한 점, 제재를 벗어나기 위해서 사후심사를 받아야 한다는 점, 특수한 관계에 있는 회사나 합병‧인수회사에 대해서도 제재가 부과될 수 있다는 점 등이다. 조사 및 제재절차의 특색으로는 자진신고 내지 조사협조로 인하여 얻을 수 있는 혜택이 존재하는 점, 조사방해 자체가 부정당업자 제재사유라는 점, 결정이 나기 전에 임시입찰제한이 부과될 수 있다는 점, 제재내용이 일반에 공개된다는 점이다. 세계은행을 포함한 국제금융기구들은 상호 협약을 통해서 한 기구가 입찰참가자격을 제한하면 다른 기구도 더불어 입찰 참가자격을 제한하여 국제금융기구 상호간의 협력을 강화하고 있다. World Bank Group has its own sanctions system. It is reinforcing its resources to eradicate corruption and improper practices in relation to its projects. Many Korean companies try to expand their business opportunities in public projects in developing countries. However, there has not been many researches among Korean legal profession on the World Bank sanctions system, nor have Korean companies been well informed of the recent sanctions trend in World Bank. This article introduces the landscape of World Bank sanctions system and cross-debarment of MDBs. It analyses the major difference between Korean debarment system and that of World Bank. Unlike Korean system, obstruction of investigation is an independent sanctionable practice. The period of debarment is substantially longer in World Bank sanctions, and companies sometimes have to receive following monitor and clearance from World Bank before sanctions are lifted. Voluntary disclosure and cooperation with investigation give substantial benefit to the subject companies. Settlement with World Bank can also be an important option. Closely related companies such as parent, subsidiary, or company which acquired or merged with the subject company can also be sanctioned. Judicial review by national court is not an option. Korean companies should take into account these major differences between Korean and World Bank’s sanctions regime when doing business in developing countries.

      • KCI등재

        세계행정법과 국제기구

        김대인(Dae-in Kim) 행정법이론실무학회 2016 행정법연구 Vol.- No.45

        세계화의 진행에 따라 국제기구들의 역할이 증대하고, 동시에 이러한 국제기구들의 민주적 정당성 결여의 문제점이 지적됨에 따라 개별국가에서 발전된 행정법의 원리들을 국제기구들에게도 적용하기 위한 노력이 이루어지고 있다. ‘세계행정법’(Global Administrative Law: GAL)이라는 용어도 이러한 맥락에서 사용되고 있다. 이 글은 국제개발협력분야에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있는 세계은행(World Bank)의 부정당업자제재제도(sanction system)를 세계행정법의 관점에서 분석함을 목적으로 한다. 세계은행의 부정당업자제재제도는 세계은행의 재원이 사용되는 프로젝트 등에서 발생하는 부당행위에 대해서 입찰참가자격제한 등의 조치를 가할 수 있는 부패방지제도로서 1998년 시행 이후 여러차례의 개혁과정을 거쳐 왔다. 이 과정에서 미국법의 영향을 많이 받았으나, 미국법을 그대로 수입하기 보다는 세계은행의 상황에 맞추어서 변용하고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 무엇보다 법치주의(rule of law)에 입각한 제도개혁을 위한 노력이 최근에 이루진 바 있는데 이는 세계행정법의 논의에 영향을 받은 바 크다. 이상의 검토가 주는 시사점으로는 첫째, 세계행정법의 개념을 모든 국제기구나 개별국가의 행정법을 통일시키는 개념으로 이해해서는 곤란하다는 점, 둘째, 부정당업자제재를 비롯하여 세계은행에서 나타나는 법제를 곧바로 글로벌 스탠다드로 여기는 것은 위험할 수 있다는 점, 셋째, 세계은행 법제의 위와 같은 한계에서도 불구하고 세계은행의 부정당업자제재제도는 미국법을 무조건적으로 수용하지 않고 이를 세계은행의 상황에 맞게 변형하고 있다는 점에서 이를 평가적 비교법의 하나의 사례로 살펴보는 것은 의미가 있다는 점 등을 들 수 있다. Due to growing impact of international organizations (IOs) and lack of democratic legitimacy of IOs, many IOs are making efforts to apply national administrative law principles’ to international organizations. The term ‘Global Administrative Law’ (GAL) is widely used in this context. This paper aims to approach World Bank’s sanction system in GAL perspective. World Bank’s sanction system is a anti-corruption measure which entails suspension or debarment to enterprises which conducted sanctionable practices. This system experienced many reforms since its inception in 1998 and is heavily influenced by United States’ suspension and debarment system. However, World Bank’s sanction system has modified US’ suspension and debarment system considering World Bank’s own situation rather than simply copying out US’ system. World Bank’s sanction system shows following implications. First, GAL should not be understood as integrating various administrative law of international organizations and countries. Second, World Bank’s legal regime should not be considered as international standard without criticism. Third, World Bank’s sanction system can be evaluated as one of references in comparative law in that it modifies US’ suspension and debarment system.

      • KCI등재

        The autonomy of international organizations? The analysis of major powers’ influence over the World Bank’s aid policies

        Kim Yooneui,Kim Youngwan 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2021 International Area Studies Review Vol.24 No.3

        Are international organizations autonomous actors in global politics? This paper investigates whether and how major powers influence the World Bank’s official development assistance policies. Despite the World Bank’s attempts to maintain independence from its member states, we argue that major powers are still influential. Testing this expectation with the data of official development assistance provisions between 1981 and 2017, we find that the World Bank provides a higher amount of official development assistance to the recipient countries that receive a higher amount of such assistance from the major powers such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan. In addition, the World Bank is prone to provide a higher amount of official development assistance to the recipients that have a similar preference to the major powers. This study sheds light on the relations between major powers and international organizations.

      • KCI등재

        Contradictions of Global Accountability : The World Bank, Development NGOs, and Global Social Governance

        Taekyoon Kim 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2011 Journal of International and Area Studies Vol.18 No.2

        This study sets out to investigate the structural contradictions of accountability deficits in global social governance, with the particular reference to the World Bank Inspection Panel and its associated development NGOs. In theorizing 'global social policy' as a new field of social policy agendas, less attention has been hitherto paid to the notion of accountability, which should have been placed at the centre of discourses on global social governance. Given the absence of central global government which can enforce the accountability mechanism, the World Bank's attempt to embrace external actors – particularly, international NGOs – as key stakeholders contributes to filling the accountability gaps, thereby enhancing the legitimacy of the Bank's intervention in globalised social problems. This study aims to locate not only the intersection of the accountability problem and global social policy, but also some structural dilemmas embedded in the accountability of policy transfers from global institutions to national social policy. By taking the two investigation cases of the World Bank Inspection Panel (China and Argentina), it identifies two modes of contradictions of global accountability: (i) the 'abused' which results from the overemphasis on accountability, thereby sidelining the Bank's effective functions; and (ii) the 'phased denial' which is the negative outcome of the Bank's deliberate controlling system designed to reduce the number of accountability requests.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis on African Entrepreneurship Projects of the World Bank and Its Relevance to UN SDGs

        Sooho Lee(이수호),Dong Ju Choi(최동주) 한국아프리카학회 2021 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.63 No.-

        기업가 정신(Entrepreneurship)은 경제 성장과 발전의 긴요한 원천으로 널리 알려져 있다. UN의 지속 가능한 개발 목표 (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 역시 양질의 교육, 일자리 창출, 창의성 및 혁신을 달성하는 데 있어 기업가 정신의 역할을 강조한다. 아프리카 대륙은 세계 어느 대륙보다 더 많은 창업이 이루어지고 있어 기업가적 기회가 활발히 창출되고 있는 기회의 땅이다. 하지만 높은 창업률에도 불구하고 창업 인프라 부족 등의 제약들로 인해 아프리카는 여전히 가장 빈곤한 지역에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 이에 많은 아프리카 국가들은 세계은행과 같은 국제기구에 기업가정신 활성화에 대한 재정적, 비재정적 지원을 요청해 왔다. 세계은행은 요청에 부응하여 지난 30여 년간 국제개발금융기구 중 가장 활발히 창업 활성화 및 중소기업지원과 관련된 사업을 수행하고 있다. 이 연구는 세계은행이 아프리카에 지원하는 기업가 정신 지원 프로젝트의 동향과 지원 내용을 종합적으로 고찰하고자 한다. 2015년부터 2020년까지 세계은행이 아프리카를 대상으로 수행한 83개 프로젝트의 대상 국가, 수행 기간, 지원 내용, 수혜자 및 사업비에 대한 주요 세부 정보를 분석하였다. 프로젝트 요약문의 키워드를 기반으로 동시출현단어분석을 수행하였으며 VOSviewer를 활용하여 클러스터 맵으로 시각화였다. 발전국가모델을 적용함에 있어서 정책 환경이 양호하지 않은 것으로 평가되는 아프리카 개도국 시장의 활성화와 경제발전의 방향을 모색하는 데 소중한 자료로 활용될 것으로 기대한다. Entrepreneurship has been widely recognized as a vital source of economic growth and development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) drafted by the United Nations also highlights the role of entrepreneurship in achieving quality education, job creation, creativity and innovation. Africa is where more people, especially women, start a new business than any other region, creating immense entrepreneurial opportunities. Yet, Africa still remains the least developed continent in the world due to numerous business constraints and lack of infrastructure. Many African countries approached international organizations such as the World Bank for financial assistance and entrepreneurship activation. In response to these request, the World Bank has a diversified portfolio in supporting entrepreneurship over the 3 decades with the largest scale and volume of projects. Thus, this study attempts to explore the trend and contents of the World Bank’s entrepreneurship-related projects in Africa. In this study, key details on 83 projects’ target country, duration, intervention, beneficiaries, and financing were analyzed. Furthermore, a cluster map was conducted by co-word analysis on the project summary.

      • The Aid-India Consortium, the World Bank, and the International Order of Asia, 1958-1968

        Akita, Shigeru The Asian Association of World Historians 2014 The Asian review of world histories Vol.2 No.2

        The Aid-India Consortium was organized in 1958 as an international scheme to support the economic development of India, and led by the World Bank. This article reconsiders the economic diplomacy of the Indian Government in the 1950s and 1960s, by paying attention to the interactions between the Indian authorities and the donor countries and institutions, in the context of the Cold War regime, decolonization and economic aid to the newly independent countries. First, it deals with the development of the Aid-India Consortium by considering debates at its annual meetings and the skillful negotiations of the Indian Government and financial authorities. It focuses especially on the leading role of an Indian diplomat and financial expert, B. K. Nehru. The article then tries to reveal an Indian initiative in solving the 'food crises' of 1965-67 through intimate collaboration with the US government and the World Bank, using the framework of the Aid-India Consortium. These attempts lead to a reconsideration of the economic order of Asia in the 1950s and 1960s.

      • KCI등재

        Contradictions of Global Accountability: The World Bank, Development NGOs, and Global Social Governance

        김태균 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2011 Journal of International and Area Studies Vol.18 No.2

        This study sets out to investigate the structural contradictions of accountability deficits in global social governance, with the particular reference to the World Bank Inspection Panel and its associated development NGOs. In theorizing ‘global social policy’ as a new field of social policy agendas, less attention has been hitherto paid to the notion of accountability, which should have been placed at the centre of discourses on global social governance. Given the absence of central global government which can enforce the accountability mechanism, the World Bank’s attempt to embrace external actors – particularly, international NGOs – as key stakeholders contributes to filling the accountability gaps, thereby enhancing the legitimacy of the Bank’s intervention in globalised social problems. This study aims to locate not only the intersection of the accountability problem and global social policy, but also some structural dilemmas embedded in the accountability of policy transfers from global institutions to national social policy. By taking the two investigation cases of the World Bank Inspection Panel (China and Argentina), it identifies two modes of contradictions of global accountability: (i) the ‘abused’ which results from the overemphasis on accountability, thereby sidelining the Bank’s effective functions; and (ii) the ‘phased denial’ which is the negative outcome of the Bank’s deliberate controlling system designed to reduce the number of accountability requests.

      • The World Bank Inspection Panel in Ghana: Civil Society Protest and the Glocalization of Accountability

        Aram ZIAI 연세대학교 빈곤문제국제개발연구원 2016 Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International D Vol.7 No.1

        Twenty years ago, the Inspection Panel was founded as a mechanism of accountability for people negatively affected by projects funded by the World Bank. It allows them to call for an investigation if social and environmental standards of the World Bank have not been adhered to. Its origin can be traced back to pressure exerted by a transnational NGO campaign on the US congress in the wake of the Narmada Valley Development Project. While the Panel's history since then shows that it usually does not have the power to entirely stop a project, the case of the Kwabenya landfill in Accra (Ghana) proves that it can act as an important instrument for-potentially successful-civil society struggles which aim at democratizing the current architecture of governance.

      • World Bank Education Sector: From Internal and External Perspectives

        Kye Woo Lee,Ahreum Han 한국국제협력단 2021 국제개발협력 Vol.16 No.1

        This paper describes the authors’ almost 30-year (1972-1998) personal experience with the World Bank (WB) education sector operations from the internal perspective. Then, it discusses the authors’ 20-year (1999-2020) observation from an external perspective. The paper aims to reveal the goals, objectives, strategies, the mechanism, and processes of decision-making, especially on how an education loan and credit is justified, of the world’s largest international aid organization for the education sector in developing countries (some $4 billion a year). Through this effort, the author provides a sound basis for insiders’ and outsiders’ fair assessments or criticisms of WB education sector operations. It also allows for some lessons/suggestions for the future WB education sector operations and for possible participations, collaborations, and cooperation with outsiders interested in WB operations in the education sector.

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