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        존 웨슬리의 사랑으로 역사하는 믿음

        권오훈(Kwon O-hoon) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.25 No.-

        John Wesley. the founder of Method ism. believed th at faith working through love(Galatians 5:6) is th e essence of true religion and a true Christian. Th e author thus studies further each component of John Wes ley's faith working through love based on John Wesley's 53 Standard Sermons . The standard Sermons, along with his Explanatory Notes upon (he New Testament, were set forward by John Wesley for doctrinal standards of Method ist s In 1763. In chapter 2. the author deals with grace and faith as the gift of God . Grace makes good works unnecessary. Faith is nor something a Christian earns through meritorious work; it is the free gift of God(Eph. 2:8-9). In chapter 3. th e author handles good works as outward signs of inward faith and love. Although faith is glorious and honor able. it is st ill only th e handmaid of love. Only love is the sum of perfection in heaven . Good work s are an immediate and necessary fruit of faith. Wesley urges Christians to be zealous of work s of mercy. as well as works of piet y. In chapter 4, th e author discusses Christi an perfect ion as holy love/loving-holiness. Full sanctification and complete salvation are God' s gradual or instantaneous great work in th e soul. Christ ian perfection is holiness and love combined. Faith work ing through love produces obedience and holiness. It is all inward and ourward holiness. It leads us into a new creation, all things in us becoming new. The au thor concludes this article by emphasizing that John Wesley's holistic concept of holy love/loving-holiness can be an antidote for Korean Christianity which is sharply divided by a holiness-orient ed g roup(works of piety , evangelism) and a love-oriented group(works of mercy, social responsibility). According to John Wesley, a true Christian can be truly evangelical and truly social concurrently.

      • KCI등재

        존 웨슬리의 사랑으로 역사하는 믿음

        권오훈(O Hoon Kwon) 한국기독교학회 2011 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.73 No.-

        John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed that faith working through love (Galatians 5:6) is the essence of true religion and a true Christian. The author thus studies further each component of John Wesley`s faith working through love based on John Wesley`s 53 Standard Sermons. The Standard Sermons, along with his Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament, were set forward by John Wesley for doctrinal standards of Methodists in 1763. In chapter 2, the author deals with grace and faith as the gift of God. Grace makes good works unnecessary. Faith is not something a Christian earns through meritorious work; it is the free gift of God (Eph. 2:8-9). In chapter 3, the author handles good works as outward signs of inward faith and love. Although faith is glorious and honorable, it is still only the handmaid of love. Only love is the sum of perfection in heaven. Good works are an immediate and necessary fruit of faith. Wesley urges Christians to be zealous of works of mercy, as well as works of piety. In chapter 4, the author discusses Christian perfection as holy love/loving-holiness. Full sanctification and complete salvation are God`s gradual or instantaneous great work in the soul. Christian perfection is holiness and love combined. Faith working through love produces obedience and holiness. It is all inward and outward holiness. It leads us into a new creation, all things in us becoming new. The author concludes this article by emphasizing that John Wesley`s holistic concept holy love/loving-holiness can be an antidote for Korean Christianity which is sharply divided by a holiness-oriented group (works of piety, evangelism) and a love-oriented group (works of mercy, social responsibility). According to John Wesley, a true Christian can be truly evangelical and truly social concurrently.

      • KCI등재

        페놀리오의 글쓰기 -『사적인 문제』에 나타난 역사와 개인의 실존문제

        이소영 ( So Young Lee ) 한국이탈리아어문학회(구-한국이어이문학회) 2012 이탈리아어문학 Vol.0 No.35

        Nel campo della letteratura resistenziale che fece la parte del protagonista dopo la guerra, Fenoglio occupa una posizione molto particolare. Molte delle sue opere, pubblicate e riconosciute postume, non seguono un modello tipico del neorealismo, corrente dominante culturale e letteraria a quel tempo non hanno come protagonista gli eroi della Resistenza che fanno da traino, ma la gente ordinaria che vive la vita quotidiana ai margini del vortice della guerra. Inoltre, nessun scrittore e riuscito ad amalgamare una storia d`amore con la Resistenza in modo cosi connotativo e drammatico come in Una questione privata(1963): si tratta di una storia di un giovane partigiano che si imbatte in una questione privata nel gorgo della guerra, dei conflitti ideologici e di tutte le grandi cause. Lo scrittore guarda la condizione partigiana come quella umana di per se e descrive le figure partigiane sommerse nel travaglio della storia crude cosi come sono e indaga il lato interiore dei giovani sconvolti dalla guerra che stanno attraversando il cuore della gioventu. Il partigiano Milton, in servizio di pattuglia, visita la villa di Fulvia, la sua amata, dove l`ha frequentata e ha costruito il mondo dell`amore e dalla cui custode viene a sapere degli incontri tra Fulvia e l`amico del cuore Giorgio. Cosi comincia Milton la sua ricerca travagliata e incessabile della verita del rapporto dei due. Ma questa e una ricerca ossessiva e disperata per capire se il suo mondo costruito sulla fiducia dell` amore non fosse un`illusione ma una cosa vera e reale. Insomma e una ricerca di se stesso. Questa tensione interiore del protagonista e quella esteriore del mondo intorno e delle faccende concorrono insieme e la ricerca di se svolge verso la fine tragica. Questo breve romanzo, amato dai lettori di tutto il mondo, e un intreccio di alta densita e tensione, pieno delle descrizioni dei personaggi di carattere vivo, dello svolgimento veloce, e anche piena del linguaggio sensoriale. Con questa opera, Fenoglio si colloca tra i classici della letteratura italiana.

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