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      • KCI등재

        한국 현대 기록관리의 사적 추이

        이영학 ( Lee Young-hak ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2019 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.54

        이 글은 1945년 해방 이후부터 현재까지 한국 정부의 기록관리정책을 살펴보고 그에 따라 기록관리제도가 어떻게 구축되어 갔는가를 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 1948년 대한민국 정부 수립 이후 정부는 조선총독부의 기록관리제도를 원용하여 정부를 운영해갔지만, 1960년대 전반 이후에는 미국의 기록관리제도를 원용하여 국가를 운영해갔다. 1969년에 정부의 영구 보존기록을 전담하는 정부기록보존소를 설립하였지만, 국가의 중요기록을 제대로 관리하지 못하였다. 그에 대한 반성으로 정부는 1999년에 “공공기관의 기록물관리에 관한 법률”을 제정하였고, 2003년 이후 노무현 정부는 국가기록관리의 혁신을 추진하면서 행정부의 개혁을 도모하였다. 2008년 이명박 정부에서는 대통령 기록을 정치적으로 이용하거나 혹은 중요 기록을 무단 폐기하거나 사적으로 가지고 나가기도 하였다. 2013년 박근혜 정부에서도 대통령 기록을 제대로 관리하지 못하거나, ‘2007 남북정상회담 회의록’을 정치적으로 이용하는 잘못을 범하였다. This paper examines the record management policies of the Korean government from 1945 to the present and discusses how records management systems have been structured. In 1948, the government was operated by using the records management system of the Chosun government office. However, after the first half of the 1960s, the government used the US records management system to operate itself. In 1969, the government established Government Archives and Records Service to manage the permanent records of the government, but failed to properly manage the important records of the state. In response, the government enacted the “Act on the Records Management of Public Agencies” in 1999, and since 2003, the Roh Moo-hyun government promoted the reform of the administration by promoting innovation in government records management. In 2008, however, the Lee Myung-bak administration used the presidential record politically, discarded important records, and took it privately. In 2013, the Park Geun-hye government also failed to properly manage the presidential records, and made a mistake in politically using the 2007 Inter-Korean Summit Meeting.

      • KCI등재

        한나 아렌트 정치이론에 비춰 본 기록보존소(Archives)의 공공성 검토

        박태선 한국외국어대학교 정보·기록학연구소 2023 기록과 정보·문화 연구 Vol.- No.16

        This paper aims to diagnose the loss of publicness in archives through the political theory of Hannah Arendt (1906~1975) and to consider the meaning of publicness in archives and the need for its recovery. In particular, the notions In particular, the concepts of ‘action’, ‘plurality’, ‘the political’, and ‘in-between’ in Arendt’s theory are related to the public forum, and the meaning of each concept and the relationship between the concepts are understood, and the conceptual meaning of publicness of archives is examined through this. The basic premise of Arendt’s public forum is ‘plurality’. It recognizes the diversity of human beings who participate in the public forum. The concept of the public forum in Arendt’s political theory is closely linked to the beginnings of the modern concept of the archive, as individuals in the public forum experience the recognition and separation of themselves and others from autonomous ‘speech’ and ‘action’. By defining and exploring these concepts and relationships, this paper hopes to continue and expand the exploratory discussion on the concept of true publicness that archives should realize. 본 논문은 한나 아렌트(Hannah Arendt, 1906~1975) 정치이론을 통해 기록보존소(Archives)의 공공성이 상실된 현실을 진단하고, 기록보존소(Archives) 공공성의 의미와 회복의 필요성을 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 특히 아렌트의 이론 중 ‘행위(action)’, ‘복수성(plurality)’, ‘정치적인 것(the political)’, ‘사이(in-between)’의 개념들은 공론장과 관계된 개념으로 각 개념이 갖는 의미와 개념 간의 관계를 이해하고 이를 통해 기록보존소(Archives)의 공공성의 개념적 의미를 고찰한다. 아렌트의 공론장은 ‘복수성(plurality)’을 기본적으로 전제하고 있다. 이는 공론장을 중심으로 참여하는 인간의 다양성을 인정하는 것이다. 공론장에 참여한 개인은 자율적으로 ‘말’과 ‘행위’를 하는 것으로부터 자신과 타인을 인지하고 분리하는 경험을 하게 된다. 반면, 아렌트의 정치이론에서 등장하는 공론장 개념은 근대적 개념의 기록보존소(Archives) 시작과 많은 부분에서 연결된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 개념과 관계들을 정의하고 살펴봄으로써 기록보존소(Archives)가 실현해야 할 진정한 공공성의 개념에 대한 탐구적 논의가 계속해서 확장되어 갈 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        영국 공공기록물 선별체계의 역사적 흐름과 의미

        崔在熙(Choi, Jaehee) 역사교육연구회 2017 역사교육 Vol.141 No.-

        It is well known that about 3% of public records is generally selected to hold a historical value, and transferred to archives. This archival selection process forms an inextricable connection with the interpretation of history. With the research on transitions in the public records selection system in Britain, this paper aims to approach the relation between archival science and history from a new viewpoint. It was the responsibility of public bodies to identify those records of historical value. Though the archivists would play key roles in selecting archives over time, administrators had the advantage of having been familiar with the content and context of records. With Sir H. Jenkinson’s spirited defense, archives was regarded as legal evidence of what happened in the past. And after the Grigg system, archives selected by administrators were transferred to the archives for the historical research. With the new appraisal system of electronic records era, departments should aim to appraise record value through the functional analysis as early as possible, even before record creation. The operational process of embedding appraisal also needs involvement from other stake-holders and the public. On the other hand, unfamiliar terminology and professionalism of electronic records management can function also in negative way to disturb the participation of them. Historians need to take part in archival appraisal process in conscious and organised way, which could be another field of activism for history education.

      • KCI등재

        미국 연방기록 관리제도와 그 이용

        이상민 ( Lee Sang Min ) 한국미국사학회 2002 미국사연구 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper reviews the archives management system of the United States federal records with a little historical explanation of its development. The purpose of this paper is to provide American historians in Korea with the knowledge of the United States archival system and effective approach to use the historical materials in the National Archives of the United States. Needless to say, the study of history depends on its archival evidence. Without the sources, there is no history. Public records are one of the good sources for the writing of nation’s history. The National Archives and Records Administration of the United States(NARA) is the national archives where historians can find their needed materials to study the past of the United States. It is very useful to find the historical materials and to use them if the researcher knows about the documentation process of the public records, archival processing of the archives transferred to the NARA, and laws and regulations related to access, such as Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) and Government Secrecy Act. The principles of multi-level description and arrangement of archives according to their provenance is the key to understand the archives management. Good finding aids are made according to these professional principles. The finding aids are a must to the serious researcher who has to start with his or her topic without knowledge of certain record series. The modern finding aids system are provided mostly in an electronic form through on-line. If the researcher is familiar to the archival descriptions and records classification systems of the federal and presidential records, and if he is good at using the on-line catalog system, his search of the materials can be done instantly without much labor and cost. That was unthinkable before. Understanding of the FOIA and the use of the FOIA to obtain necessary materials are the fundamentals of the research of sensitive classified documents. Recently, classified documents are de-classified in volume by the “mandatory review” and “systematic review” according to presidential Executive Order 12,958. This leads researchers to have access to the voluminous historically important documents. With these legal institutions and technical support, historians have much better access to his historical materials as the historians of the past never benefited. As examples of on-line search, I presented the archives search system of the Ford Presidential Library’s PRESNET system and the NARA’s Archival Research Catalog(ARC) system.

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