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Orthopedic Manifestations of Type I Camurati-Engelmann Disease
Yuldashev, Alisher J.,Shin, Chang Ho,Kim, Yong Sung,Jang, Woo Young,Park, Moon Seok,Chae, Jong Hee,Yoo, Won Joon,Choi, In Ho,Kim, Ok Hwa,Cho, Tae-Joon 대한정형외과학회 2017 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.9 No.1
<P><B>Background</B></P><P>Camurati-Engelmann disease (CED) is a rare genetic skeletal disorder characterized by limb pain, muscle emaciation and weakness, and cortical thickening of the diaphysis of long bones. It is caused by mutations in the transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1) (type I) or other unknown gene(s) (type II). We present 8 consecutive patients with type I CED.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>We retrospectively reviewed medical records and radiographs of type I CED patients with special reference to the mode of presentation, process of diagnostic work-up, and disease course. They were 4 sporadic patients, and two pairs of mother and son.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>We categorized the mode of presentation into three groups. Group I had 4 patients who mainly presented with motor disturbances in young age. They drew medical attention for waddling gait, awkward ambulation or running, difficulty in going upstairs, or a positive Gower's sign at age 4 to 6 years. Subsequent development of limb pain and radiographic abnormality led to the diagnosis of CED at age 6 to 29 years. Group II had 3 patients who mainly presented with limb pain at age 15, 20, and 54 years, respectively. Radiographic evaluation and molecular genetic test led to the diagnosis of CED. The remaining 1 patient (group III) was asymptomatic until age 9 years when bony lesions at the tibiae were found incidentally. For the last 10 years, he intermittently complained of leg pain in the morning or after sports activities, which did not interfere with daily life. All the patients in group I showed a body mass index in the underweight range (< 18.4 kg/m<SUP>2</SUP>). At the latest follow-up, 4 patients in groups I and II required medication for the limb pain.</P><P><B>Conclusions</B></P><P>CED presents with a wide range of severity. Awareness of this rare disease entity may be the key to timely correct diagnosis. This disease entity should be considered in the differential diagnosis of limb pain or motor disturbance in children to avoid unnecessary diagnostic work-up.</P>
Thermal Conductivity of ZnO Single Nanowire
Yuldashev, Sh. U.,Yalishev, V. Sh.,Cho, H. D.,Kang, T. W. American Scientific Publishers 2016 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.16 No.2
<P>The thermal conductivity of a single ZnO nanowire with diameter of similar to 150 nm was measured using a four-point-probe 3 omega method over a temperature range of 140-300 K. The measured thermal conductivity of ZnO nanowire is strongly reduced compared to bulk ZnO crystal due to the enhanced phonon-boundary and impurity (isotope) scattering. The maximum of the thermal conductivity is shifted to a higher temperature than that of bulk counterpart. Temperature dependent measurements show that beyond the low-temperature maximum, the thermal conductivity decreases with temperature as T-1.5 indicating strong impurity (isotope) scattering at intermediate and high temperatures.</P>
Magnetoelectric effect in GaMnAs /P(VDF-TrFE) composite multiferroic nanostructures
Yuldashev, S.U.,Yalishev, V.Sh.,Yunusov, Z.A.,Lee, S.J.,Jeon, H.C.,Kwon, Y.H.,Lee, G.T.,Park, C.M.,Kang, T.W. Elsevier 2015 Current Applied Physics Vol.15 No.suppl2
The electric-field effect on the Curie temperature of the ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnAs and ferroelectric polyvinylidene fluoride with trifluoroethylene P(VDF-TrFE) multiferroic nanostructures have been investigated. The Curie temperatures of GaMnAs layers were determined from the temperature dependencies of the resistivity at zero magnetic field and the anomalous Hall effect measurements. Under the electric-field potential with different polarities applied to the ferroelectric gate the shift of the Curie temperature in GaMnAs has been observed. The shift of T<SUB>C</SUB> is due to the variation of the hole concentration in the ferromagnetic layer induced by the gate electric field.
Critical behavior of the resistivity of GaMnAs near the Curie temperature
Yuldashev, Sh.U.,Yunusov, Z.A.,Kwon, Y.H.,Lee, S.H.,Ahuja, R.,Kang, T.W. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2017 Solid state communications Vol.263 No.-
<P>The effect of the magnetization fluctuations on the resistivity of GaMnAs near the Curie temperature T-C was experimentally studied. It is shown that the determination of T-C from the maximum of the temperature derivative of the resistivity is valid for the samples with a high concentration of free carries. Whereas, for the samples with low concentration of free carriers the T-C coincides with the resistivity maximum. The magnetic specific heat for T > T-C demonstrates the crossover from the one dimensional to the three dimensional critical behavior when the temperature become closer to the Curie temperature. This is explained by the formation of the ferromagnetic phase in the paramagnetic side of the phase transition which is started from Mn-Mn dimers oriented along one direction.</P>
Features of Regulation of Labor Migration in Republic of Uzbekistan
( Yuldashev Shukhrat ) 건국대학교 이주사회통합연구소 2023 Journal of Migration and Social Integration (JMSI) Vol.8 No.2
The article discusses a number of theoretical aspects of migration theories, the role of international labor migration and its socio-economic consequences in the development of the country. The analysis of reforms in the field of regulation of labor migration, including the establishment of organized forms of labor migration in Uzbekistan, was carried out. The main targets of the Government of Uzbekistan aimed at creating conditions and mechanisms conducive to the organized regulation of external labor migration flows are revealed. At the same time, special attention is paid to the issues of regulation and support of labor migration and social protection of the country’s citizens engaged in temporary labor activities abroad. Trends in the legal regulation of labor migration processes are analyzed and attention is drawn to the need to accelerate the adoption of a new draft Law on External Labor Migration, aimed at improving the efficiency of state structures in addressing migration issues. Along with this, a number of additional measures and recommendations are proposed that are aimed at improving organized forms of labor migration, expanding international cooperation, eliminating illegal labor migration, expanding the powers of various departments of the country, developing programs for the reintegration of labor migrants after returning home, improving the system of collecting statistics and intensifying conducting scientific research in the field of migration policy.