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      • KCI등재

        Unified Description of Fission Probability for the Intermediate-energy Nuclear Data Evaluation

        T. Fukahori,S. Kunieda 한국물리학회 2011 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.59 No.23

        The systematics of fission probability with unified description of neutron-, proton- and photon-induced reactions has been obtained by using its simple behaviour as following. Experimental fission probabilities were deduced from measured fission cross sections and calculated total-reaction cross sections. We assumed a functional form which is designed to describe the maximum excitation-energy dependence of fission probability. According to our preliminary research, the Z^2/A-dependence was seen for the saturation probability (one of the fitting parameters). Furthermore, some correlations were observed among the other fitting parameters. The present results can describe the fission cross sections in the intermediate energy region within about 10% accuracy in the energy region from several tens of MeV to 3 GeV.

      • KCI등재

        Status of JENDL High Energy File

        Y. Watanabe,K. Kosako,S. Kunieda,S. Chiba,R. Fujimoto,H. Harada,M. Kawai,F. Maekawa,T. Murata,H. Nakashima,K. Niita,N. Shigyo,S. Shimakawa,N. Yamano,T. Fukahori 한국물리학회 2011 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.59 No.23

        The present status of the JENDL high-energy file is reported. The recent version (referred to as JENDL/HE-2007) contains neutron and proton cross section data for energies up to 3 GeV for 107 nuclides over the wide mass range from H to Am. The newly evaluated data for 41 nuclides have been added to the first version (JENDL/HE-2004) along with some revisions. The JENDL/HE-2007 includes neutron total cross sections, nucleon elastic scattering cross sections and angular distributions, nonelastic cross sections, production cross sections and double-differential cross sections of secondary light particles (n, p, d, t, ^3He, α, and π) and gamma-rays, isotope production cross sections, and fission cross sections in the ENDF-6 format. The evaluations were performed on the basis of experimental data, nuclear model calculations, and systematics based on measurements. The evaluated cross sections are compared with available experimental data and the other evaluations. Some results of benchmark tests with MCNPX codes are shown.

      • KCI등재

        Applicability of Pre-Equilibrium Coalescence Model to Evaluation ofAlpha-Pparticle Production Cross Sections

        S. Kunieda,T. Fukahori,S. Hirayama,Y. Watanabe 한국물리학회 2011 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.59 No.23

        Applicability of the pre-equilibrium coalescence model was investigatedtoward the construction of advanced and comprehensive nuclear data. Thisstudy was devoted to the analysis for nucleon-induced alpha-particleproduction cross sections up to 200 MeV. The optical model calculation wasperformed with suitable potential parameters both for incident- andoutgoing- channels. The Iwamoto-Harada-Sato coalescence model wasincorporated into the GNASH code in order to take account the pickupcontribution from the pre-equilibrium stages. It was found that the presentapproach enabled us to reproduce measured cross sections better thanempirical models which had been commonly used for nuclear data evaluations up to ~100 MeV. From comparisons between the modelcalculations and experimental data, we discuss the behaviors of the modelparameters and applicability limit of the present approach.

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