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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        On The Trade Balance Response to Monetary Shocks : the Marshall-Lerner Conditions Reconsidered

        Lombardo, Giovanni 세종대학교 국제경제연구소 2001 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.16 No.4

        This paper studies the applicability of the Marshall-Lerner condition to the "basic" Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995) model. It shows that the Marshall-Lerner condition does apply to this class of models with homothetic preferences when product differentiation across countries is imposed. This paper also shown that, in certain cases, the intertemporal substitution and the dynamic income effect can make the mere elasticity of substitution an insufficient indicator of the response of the current account to monetary shocks.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Extreme wind speeds from multiple wind hazards excluding tropical cyclones

        Lombardo, Franklin T. Techno-Press 2014 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.19 No.5

        The estimation of wind speed values used in codes and standards is an integral part of the wind load evaluation process. In a number of codes and standards, wind speeds outside of tropical cyclone prone regions are estimated using a single probability distribution developed from observed wind speed data, with no distinction made between the types of causal wind hazard (e.g., thunderstorm). Non-tropical cyclone wind hazards (i.e., thunderstorm, non-thunderstorm) have been shown to possess different probability distributions and estimation of non-tropical cyclone wind speeds based on a single probability distribution has been shown to underestimate wind speeds. Current treatment of non-tropical cyclone wind hazards in worldwide codes and standards is touched upon in this work. Meteorological data is available at a considerable number of United States (U.S.) stations that have information on wind speed as well as the type of causal wind hazard. In this paper, probability distributions are fit to distinct storm types (i.e., thunderstorm and non-thunderstorm) and the results of these distributions are compared to fitting a single probability distribution to all data regardless of storm type (i.e., co-mingled). Distributions fitted to data separated by storm type and co-mingled data will also be compared to a derived (i.e., "mixed") probability distribution considering multiple storm types independently. This paper will analyze two extreme value distributions (e.g., Gumbel, generalized Pareto). It is shown that mixed probability distribution, on average, is a more conservative measure for extreme wind speed estimation. Using a mixed distribution is especially conservative in situations where a given wind speed value for either storm type has a similar probability of occurrence, and/or when a less frequent storm type produces the highest overall wind speeds. U.S. areas prone to multiple non-tropical cyclone wind hazards are identified.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Lateral Nasal Artery Perforator Flaps: Anatomic Study and Clinical Applications

        Lombardo, Giuseppe AG,Tamburino, Serena,Tracia, Luciano,Tarico, Maria Stella,Perrotta, Rosario Emanuele Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surge 2016 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.43 No.1

        Background Previous studies have investigated facial artery perforators, but have reported inconsistent results regarding lateral nasal artery (LNA) perforators. Although several authors have described the use of LNA perforators for ala nasi and nasal sidewall reconstruction, the literature contains little information regarding the cadaveric dissection of LNA perforators, and most previously published studies have focused on facial artery perforators. Methods Sixteen hemifaces from eight fresh cadavers were dissected to study the LNA perforators. After the dissection was performed, the total length and diameter of the LNA and its perforators were measured. The quantity and the distribution of the LNA perforators supplying the overlying skin were then assessed. LNA perforator flaps were used for reconstruction in 10 nasal and perinasal defects. Results The mean total lengths of the LNA and its perforators were 49.37 mm and 16.06 mm, respectively. The mean diameters of the LNA and its perforators were 2.08 mm and 0.91 mm, respectively. Based on our findings, we mapped the face to indicate zones with a higher probability of finding perforators. No infection, hematoma, or complete flap necrosis were observed after the procedures. Conclusions Nasal reconstruction is a challenging procedure, and LNA propeller/V-Y perforator flaps are an excellent reconstructive option in certain cases. Based on our cadaveric study, we were able to identify an area in the upper third of the nasolabial groove with a high density of perforators.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        On the Trade Balance Response to Monetary Shocks: the Marshall-Lerner Conditions Reconsidered

        ( Giovanni Lombardo ) 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 (구 세종대학교 국제경제연구소) 2001 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.16 No.4

        This paper studies the applicability of the Marshall-Lerner condition to the “basic” Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995) model. It shows that the Marshall-Lerner condition does apply to this class of models with homothetic preferences when product differentiation across countries is imposed. This paper also shows that, in certain cases, the intertemporal substitution and the dynamic income effect can make the mere elasticity of substitution an insufficient indicator of the response of the current account to monetary shocks.

      • KCI등재

        Treatment of Acute Delirium in a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease by Transfer to the Intensive Care Unit and Administration of Dexmedetomidine

        Morgan Lombardo,Amanda DiPiazza,Kelly Rippey,Naomi Lubarr,Elana Clar,Hooman Azmi 대한파킨슨병및이상운동질환학회 2020 Journal Of Movement Disorders Vol.13 No.2

        The treatment of delirium or psychosis in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be complicated by the limited number ofpharmacological agents that can be used in this population. Typical and atypical antipsychotics are contraindicated, as they canworsen motor symptoms. The treatment of acute delirium is even more complicated in the hospital setting, as many medicationsdeemed safer in this population are only available in oral form. We present a case of acute delirium in a patient with PD, likelyprecipitated by a polypharmacy interaction of new medications, that was successfully managed by transferring the patient to theintensive care unit and administering dexmedetomidine for 72 hours.

      • KCI등재

        Extreme wind speeds from multiple wind hazards excluding tropical cyclones

        Franklin T. Lombardo 한국풍공학회 2014 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.19 No.5

        The estimation of wind speed values used in codes and standards is an integral part of the wind load evaluation process. In a number of codes and standards, wind speeds outside of tropical cyclone prone regions are estimated using a single probability distribution developed from observed wind speed data, with no distinction made between the types of causal wind hazard (e.g., thunderstorm). Non-tropical cyclone wind hazards (i.e., thunderstorm, non-thunderstorm) have been shown to possess different probability distributions and estimation of non-tropical cyclone wind speeds based on a single probability distribution has been shown to underestimate wind speeds. Current treatment of non-tropical cyclone wind hazards in worldwide codes and standards is touched upon in this work. Meteorological data is available at a considerable number of United States (U.S.) stations that have information on wind speed as well as the type of causal wind hazard. In this paper, probability distributions are fit to distinct storm types (i.e., thunderstorm and non-thunderstorm) and the results of these distributions are compared to fitting a single probability distribution to all data regardless of storm type (i.e., co-mingled). Distributions fitted to data separated by storm type and co-mingled data will also be compared to a derived (i.e., "mixed") probability distribution considering multiple storm types independently. This paper will analyze two extreme value distributions (e.g., Gumbel, generalized Pareto). It is shown that mixed probability distribution, on average, is a more conservative measure for extreme wind speed estimation. Using a mixed distribution is especially conservative in situations where a given wind speed value for either storm type has a similar probability of occurrence, and/or when a less frequent storm type produces the highest overall wind speeds. U.S. areas prone to multiple non-tropical cyclone wind hazards are identified.

      • KCI등재

        The effect of processing conditions and porosity on the electrical properties of Y2O3-doped SrTiO3 internal boundary layer capacitors

        Stephen J. Lombardo,Daniel S. Krueger 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2007 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.8 No.1

        Internal boundary layer capacitors of 0.8 mole% Y2O3-doped SrTiO3 were prepared by a co-milling process and then sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere between 1450-1550 oC for hold periods of 1-15 h. Large enhancements in the dielectric constant as a function of sintering conditions were observed, as compared to pure SrTiO3. The electrical properties of effective dielectric constant and effective conductivity were strongly correlated with each other depending on the frequency, and both properties decreased strongly with increasing porosity. To account for this strong dependence, three microstructural models were developed based on random porosity, porosity intersecting the grain boundary region, and porosity localized in the grain boundary region. For cases when the porosity preferentially reduces the grain boundary area, the models qualitatively predict a very strong dependence for the both the dielectric constant and conductivity on the pore volume fraction. Internal boundary layer capacitors of 0.8 mole% Y2O3-doped SrTiO3 were prepared by a co-milling process and then sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere between 1450-1550 oC for hold periods of 1-15 h. Large enhancements in the dielectric constant as a function of sintering conditions were observed, as compared to pure SrTiO3. The electrical properties of effective dielectric constant and effective conductivity were strongly correlated with each other depending on the frequency, and both properties decreased strongly with increasing porosity. To account for this strong dependence, three microstructural models were developed based on random porosity, porosity intersecting the grain boundary region, and porosity localized in the grain boundary region. For cases when the porosity preferentially reduces the grain boundary area, the models qualitatively predict a very strong dependence for the both the dielectric constant and conductivity on the pore volume fraction.

      • KCI등재

        Lateral Nasal Artery Perforator Flaps: Anatomic Study and Clinical Applications

        Giuseppe AG Lombardo,Serena Tamburino,Luciano Tracia,Maria Stella Tarico,Rosario Emanuele Perrotta 대한성형외과학회 2016 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.43 No.1

        Background Previous studies have investigated facial artery perforators, but have reported inconsistent results regarding lateral nasal artery (LNA) perforators. Although several authors have described the use of LNA perforators for ala nasi and nasal sidewall reconstruction, the literature contains little information regarding the cadaveric dissection of LNA perforators, and most previously published studies have focused on facial artery perforators. Methods Sixteen hemifaces from eight fresh cadavers were dissected to study the LNA perforators. After the dissection was performed, the total length and diameter of the LNA and its perforators were measured. The quantity and the distribution of the LNA perforators supplying the overlying skin were then assessed. LNA perforator flaps were used for reconstruction in 10 nasal and perinasal defects. Results The mean total lengths of the LNA and its perforators were 49.37 mm and 16.06 mm, respectively. The mean diameters of the LNA and its perforators were 2.08 mm and 0.91 mm, respectively. Based on our findings, we mapped the face to indicate zones with a higher probability of finding perforators. No infection, hematoma, or complete flap necrosis were observed after the procedures. Conclusions Nasal reconstruction is a challenging procedure, and LNA propeller/V-Y perforator flaps are an excellent reconstructive option in certain cases. Based on our cadaveric study, we were able to identify an area in the upper third of the nasolabial groove with a high density of perforators.

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