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      • The Austrian Pension System as Pay-As-You-Go and Options for its Reform

        Kiy Ku Eoh 한국노인복지학회 2002 International Journal of Welfare for the Aged Vol.7 No.-

        Austria has probably the world`s highest pension expenditures relative to its economic size, largely because of the generosity of its pension system. This paper examines the institutional setup of the Austrian system and its future development based on current politics. The projection results show a swift financial worsening. With the already high level of contribution rates, pension expenditures, and budget transfers, the results underscore the need for reform. Much of this reform can, however, be achieved by maintaining the structure of the system and adjusting some of its key parameters. The paper outlines for such a reform.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 경제위기와 독일의 경제·사회정책적 대응

        어기구(Kiy Ku Eoh) 한국사회정책학회 2010 한국사회정책 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 2008년 미국발 전세계적 금융·경제위기를 맞이하여 우리와 같이 경제에서 수출이 차지하는 비중이 높은 독일의 경제·사회정책적 대응방안을 살펴보고자 이루어졌다. 예상했던 바와 같이, 독일 역시 국·내외 수주량 및 생산량 급감, 이에 따른 노동시장에서의 실업문제 등 2차 대전 이후 심각한 어려움을 겪고 있었다. 그러나 독일의 사회주체들은 GDP 대비 2%인 약 1,000억 유로 규모의 위기대웅방안을 마련하는 등 이번 위기를 단순히 위기를 모면하자는 차원이 아니라 이번 기회에 독일의 잠재적 성장력과 사회안전망 그리고 국가고용시스템을 한층 더 강화하여 세계속에서 독일의 존재를 확고히 하고자 노력하고 있었다. 연구결과, 경제위기시 독일 사회안전망의 순기능적 역할, 부양책의 목표를 위기의 취대 피해자인 중소기업 지원과 서민보호로 한 점, 부양책을 만드는 과정에서 노사정은 물론 다양한 이해관계자가 참여하여 정책의 집행력을 극대화 한 점 등은 우리가 눈여겨 볼 점이다. Amidst facing global financial economic crisis from U.S, this study aims to see economic and social policy countermeasure of Germany dependant upon export for its economic growth as much as the Korean economy is. As expected, since the World War Ⅱ, Germany is confronting with ever most serious difficulties including the rapid reduction of volumes of its domestic and foreign orders received and production, which cause unemployment in the labor market. Nonetheless, social partners including labor, management and the government of Germany prepared an anti-crisis program with 100 billion euro against 2% of GDP, and this explains that Germany is striving hard to ensure its existence in the international community through this opportunity by more strengthening the potential growth, social security net and national employment system than trying to merely get over the current crisis. As a result of this study, it is remarkable to see that while the economic crisis, Germany focuses the role of social security net and objectives of the economic stimulus program more on the support for SMEs which are the biggest victims of the economic crisis and the protection of people. And another remarkable point to see is that various stakeholders including labor, management and the government participate and maximize execution power of policies in the process of making the economic stimulus programs.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 일자리 창출을 위한 오스트리아의 사회적 경제와 사회통합적 기업

        어기구 ( Kiy Ku Eoh ) 한국사회보장학회 2011 사회보장연구 Vol.27 No.1

        This study aims to see the Austrian social economy and social integrated-enterprises and earn suggestions for activation of social enterprises in our country. It is widely known that Austria has created social jobs in the Third Sector called as a niche market between the market and public and realized welfare society by achieving complete employment and solving social problems. As a result of the study, the Austrian NPOs participating in social economy activities are known to have been playing very actively in various fields such as social businesses, social service, employment service for the vulnerable group, culture, politics, environment, regional development, sports, health, R&D, religion and international aid etc. under the official or unofficial assistance from the government. Having especially been playing an outstanding role in social businesses and social services for the vulnerable group including the old, women, youth and handicapped, thus having huge impacts on both employment and GNP of the country, the NPOs are positively considered as a new rising alternative of the nation`s development and market functions. According to searching for good examples for social job creation in Austria, Caritas, Hilfswerk, Volkshilfe, Diakonie have been producing reliable economic effects, providing a large scale of social service through nation- wide networks. Furthermore, since 1980s, they have been offering very active assistances through social integrated-enterprises designed to help the vulnerable group including the long-term unemployed incapable of getting into the labor market for themselves to move into the regular labor market by giving labor chances and improving their working ability. Such efforts give us lots of suggestions, I suppose.

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