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Diazo-Coupling에 미치는 金屬 Ion의 影響
徐吉龍 釜山工業大學校 1969 論文集 Vol.8 No.-
Diazonium鹽을 Phenol類에 Coupling시키는 反應은 元來 Phenol類의 水酸基의 para位置에서 가장 잘 일어나는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 金屬 Ion을 添加함으로써 ortho位置의 Coupling이 조금이라도 增加한다면, 金屬 Ion이 配向性을 變化시킬 수 있다는 点에서 興味꺼리가 아닐 수 없다. 더구나 生成되는 o-Hydroxyazo化合物은 金屬錯鹽染料의 中間體로서 最近에 相當히 重要視되고 있으며, 따라서 o-Coupling 反應은 工業的으로도 價値 있는 反應이라고 생각한다. 이와 같은 目的으로 (1) Phenol에 Benzenediazonium choloride를 Coupling를 Coupling시킬 때의 ?? Zn², ?? , Ion의 影響 및 (2) p-Bromophenol에 Benzenediazonium chloride를 Coupling시킬 때의 ??, ?? , ?? , ?? , Ion의 影響에 關해서 硏究한 結果, (2)의 境遇에는 金屬 Ion을 添加하지 않는 境遇에 比해서 ortho-Coupling速度가 커짐을 認定했다.
류길수(Keel-soo Rhyu),박상우(Sang-woo Park),김달현(Dal-hyun Kim),박종일(Jong-il Park),정철민(Cheol-min Jeong) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2010 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.4
In this paper, we suggest the compiler implementation of a LD logic editor. The compiler load the LDI(Ladder Diagram Instruction) file saved by LD logic editor and analyze the lexicon and sentence to detect errors and convert to IL(Instruction List) of IEC 61131-3 standard. The converted IL is translated to binary code and the compiler generate the executable binary formed file to execute in SoftPLC.
Lee, Keel Yong,Park, Sung-Jin,Lee, Keon Ah,Kim, Se-Hwan,Kim, Heeyeon,Meroz, Yasmine,Mahadevan, L,Jung, Kwang-Hwan,Ahn, Tae Kyu,Parker, Kevin Kit,Shin, Kwanwoo Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan P 2018 Nature biotechnology Vol.36 No.6
<P>Inside cells, complex metabolic reactions are distributed across the modular compartments of organelles(1,2). Reactions in organelles have been recapitulated in vitro by reconstituting functional protein machineries into membrane systems(3-5). However, maintaining and controlling these reactions is challenging. Here we designed, built, and tested a switchable, light-harvesting organelle that provides both a sustainable energy source and a means of directing intravesicular reactions. An ATP (ATP) synthase and two photoconverters (plant-derived photosystem II and bacteriaderived proteorhodopsin) enable ATP synthesis. Independent optical activation of the two photoconverters allows dynamic control of ATP synthesis: red light facilitates and green light impedes ATP synthesis. We encapsulated the photosynthetic organelles in a giant vesicle to form a protocellular system and demonstrated optical control of two ATP-dependent reactions, carbon fixation and actin polymerization, with the latter altering outer vesicle morphology. Switchable photosynthetic organelles may enable the development of biomimetic vesicle systems with regulatory networks that exhibit homeostasis and complex cellular behaviors.</P>