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      • KCI등재

        Analysis of disease management status in domestic animal shelters and pet shops and suggestions for improvement

        Yunseo Kim(Yunseo Kim),Hyun Noh(Hyun Noh),Jooseong Kim(Jooseong Kim),Nonghoon Choe(Nonghoon Choe) 한국예방수의학회 2023 예방수의학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        In recent years, there is rising conversation about animal welfare with increasing concern about animals. However, disease control is still not being carried out effectively. It is hard to discuss the specific plan of the domestic animal shelter and pet shop due to limited information about their present condition. Thus, we analyzed existing data and suggested a new disease control system. Disease management reports of pet shops and animal shelters investigated by local government and animal protection organizations were the main reference of this study. As the euthanasia rate of shelters has recently decreased, animals stay in shelters for extended periods. As a result, mortality rate from disease has increased. Also, many animals in pet shops die due to health problems. In animal shelters, there is always a certain proportion of individuals with disease, and many shelters do not treat them or vaccinate animals before infection. In pet shops, information such as each individual’s health condition and vaccination records is not properly disclosed, and contagious pathogens are detected in hygiene tests. In order to improve the condition, each animals’ information should be dealt with using a system based on ICT technology. Also, it is necessary to perform antibody tests and infectious disease kit tests provided by local governments, set up breeding environment manuals, and supervise the management of local governments.

      • KCI등재

        Anima Mundi in “Anima Mundi”

        Kim, Jooseong 한국예이츠학회 2008 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.29 No.-

        The concept of Anima Mundi (or World Soul) pervading all of nature is so old that its origins are very obscure. Yeats has kept developing his own philosophy (or system) regarding this Anima Mundi for his art and belief all his life. In this article, I try to treat Yeats's theoretical statements on the Anima Mundi which can be easily found in his essay Anima Mundi in Per Amica Silentia Lunae (1918), one of the greatest watershed document in his theory of the Anima Mundi, the poet's ultimate expression of his belief. Like many of ancient western and eastern mysterious religions, Yeats no longer distinguishes between the great memory of Anima Mundi and the minds and memories of its occupants. Also he reaffirms the four elements as integral to the World Soul concept. He assigns elemental attributes to the images glimpsed in visions, creating a fourfold model of perception. This short but important essay constitutes the outstanding feature of Yeats's newly evolved concept, the Anima Mundi is not merely a place, a shadowy subliminal Hades. It is a congeries of souls, of discarnate intelligences whose multifarious activities range from regulating nature's cycles to potential anamnesis.

      • KCI등재

        Molly, an Irish Subaltern or English? : The Tragedy of Ireland in Friel’s Molly Sweeney

        Jooseong Kim 한국예이츠학회 2014 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.43 No.-

        이 연구는 아일랜드의 대표적인 극작가 브라이언 프리엘의 흥미로운 작품『몰리 스위니』에 나타난 아일랜드의 포스트콜로니얼적인 요소들을 수발턴의 개념 을 적용하여 여성과 남성, 영국과 아일랜드, 제국주의와 식민지, 지배자와 피지배자 등 의 권력구조 속에서 파악하려는 시도이다. The paper surveys Ireland’s colonial structure as projected in Molly, an Irish subaltern, in Molly Sweeney and attempts to expose the postcolonial legacy of discrimination and class conflict. From a postcolonial point of view, Friel’s characters embody power struggles of class and gender in Irish reality, Molly being an example of a subaltern. Her voice is heard through Friel, which promotes a sort of progressive impetus to the decolonizing process. The play’s message is a rational one, which seeks to indicate the future of Ireland’s identity.

      • KCI등재

        Creative Energy of Mask in “Anima Hominis”

        Jooseong Kim 한국예이츠학회 2014 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.45 No.-

        『친절하고 고요한 달』의 첫 번째 에세이인 「인간령」에서 예이츠는 『비전』으로 정리되는 그의 중심사상인 마스크의 이론을 가장 명확하게 정리해서 제시하고 있다. 이 에세이에서 예이츠는 마스크로 제시되는 서로 상반되는 이미지들의 갈등이 예술의 창작행위에 가장 중요한 에너지를 공급하며 이러한 대칭이 역설적으로 조화를 이룬다는 것을 주장하고 있다. “Anima Hominis,” the first part of the prose essay Per Amica Silentia Lunae, describes the Mask theory and Yeats’s thought of ideal life in contrast with the current life. It also reflects his idea of Great Memory, which keeps all the memory and wisdom from the beginning of the world and is located inside of man. In this article, the roles and meanings of the Mask in “Anima Hominis” are discussed to present Yeats’s earlier concept of his irrefutable unity of contrasts and the origin of the regenerative power of the World Soul.

      • KCI등재

        Women, Rose, and Anima Mundi in Yeats's Earlier Lyrical Poems

        Jooseong Kim 한국예이츠학회 2016 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.50 No.-

        예이츠의 초기 서정시는 문명과 이상화된 이미지들의 결합일 뿐만 아니라 예이츠가 평생 동안 관심을 가졌던 아니마 문디 상징의 단초를 보여주고 있다. 특히 이 초기 시들에는 예이츠의 난해한 신비주의에 대한 관심과 함께 개인적인 관계를 가진 여성과 신화적인 여신을 상징하는 장미의 상징이 자주 등장하며, 이 장미는 시인으로서의 개인적인 정서와 통합된 범인류적 기억인 세계령의 강력한 연결고리로 나타난다. 초기 시에서부터 세계령은 예이츠의 작품에 창조적 구조이며 시적 영감인 뮤즈이다. Yeats’s earlier lyrical poems explore the connection between civilizations and the poems’ idealized images produced of themselves as symbols, such as the Rose Symbol as esoteric meaning and/or the idealization of woman as goddess. These poems show Yeats’s strong connection between his personal emotion and the universal soul of Anima Mundi, a store-house of ideal forms. The World Soul is a creative substructure in much of Yeats’s verse and serves him as a Muse.

      • Accuracy of Bolton analysis measured in laser scanned digital models compared with plaster models (gold standard) and cone-beam computer tomography images

        Jooseong Kim,Manuel O. Lagravere 대한치과교정학회 2016 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.46 No.1

        Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of Bolton analysis obtained from digital models scanned with the Ortho Insight threedimensional (3D) laser scanner system to those obtained from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images and traditional plaster models. Methods: CBCT scans and plaster models were obtained from 50 patients. Plaster models were scanned using the Ortho Insight 3D laser scanner; Bolton ratios were calculated with its software. CBCT scans were imported and analyzed using AVIZO software. Plaster models were measured with a digital caliper. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: Anterior and overall Bolton ratios obtained by the three different modalities exhibited excellent agreement (> 0.970). The mean differences between the scanned digital models and physical models and between the CBCT images and scanned digital models for overall Bolton ratios were 0.41 ± 0.305% and 0.45 ± 0.456%, respectively; for anterior Bolton ratios, 0.59 ± 0.520% and 1.01 ± 0.780%, respectively. ICC results showed that intraexaminer error reliability was generally excellent (> 0.858 for all three diagnostic modalities), with < 1.45% discrepancy in the Bolton analysis. Conclusions: Laser scanned digital models are highly accurate compared to physical models and CBCT scans for assessing the spatial relationships of dental arches for orthodontic diagnosis.

      • KCI등재

        “The Hawk” and Yeats’s Decolonization Process

        Kim, Jooseong 한국예이츠학회 2007 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.27 No.-

        Yeats looked into the past and prophesied the future and dreamed a unified Irish society that could then resist English oppression. He adopted the language of the oppressor to manufacture or invent a cultural space, and used that cultural space to find a voice with which to critique the oppressive culture. He used his literary works, like The Hawk, to set free his colonized homeland. Also new literary forms of expression came to be known as modernism in literature and included the expression of such feelings as discontinuity, ambiguity, and fragmentation. This was the world milieu in which Yeats wrote. And he saw how to use words as weapons turned against the colonizer and how to use words to discover Ireland. At the same time that he was implicated in Anglo-Irish colonialism, he also developed a system of symbols that he believed explained cycles of history and would transcend contemporary quarrels. Yeats also persistently used and interacted with Irish political and historical leaders. He names many of the political figures in much of his writing and uses historical events as subjects. Not only does his writing overtly interact with historical figures; in at least some of his poetry, Yeats makes subtle allusions to Irish leaders of the past. The Hawk may be a poem about a real individual, but one who is never named at all; this poem provides an example of art that, upon closer inspection, serves politics. The poem not only shows the political relationship between the Fenians and the English government, but it also introduces an element of the mystical; as Yeats uses the hawk as a symbol of the Fenian resistance in the poem to illuminate the political situation. He makes the Hawk of the Fenian movement into the hawk of the poem, he certainly presents the reader with a striking parallel; and he binds together history, politics, culture, spirituality, and poetry into the configuration of his famous interpenetrating gyres.

      • KCI등재

        The Irish Peasant Drama and Violence : Mayne's The Troth and Red Turf

        Kim, Jooseong 한국예이츠학회 2010 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.33 No.-

        In Irish peasant dramas, the political movement for the emancipation of the farmers tended to idealize the rural world, which was made a symbol of Ireland and the new nation. In many of these plays Rutherford Mayne showed his interest in rural Ireland. His concern for agrarian matters was not only an intellectual or artistic one. He articulated his professional experiences with the inhabitants of rural Ireland and the redistribution of the land in his plays. The Troth is an historical play. It tries to evoke the mood of need and misery prevailing in the years of Famine. Several allusions give its setting a definite place in Irish history. The murder just seems to be a passionate act of revenge, disconnected from any effective political movement. The violence in Red Turf springs from a different source: the main character is placed in such a humiliating situation that he loses his patience at the climax of the conflict. In each of Rutherford Mayne’s plays the passionate reaction of the main character springs from circumstances which lie outside his own person and which he believes to be unable to cope with. The different motivations of the violent deeds are reflected in the structures of the two dramas. In the exposition of Rutherford Mayne's plays a situation is lined out which is not dramatic itself: The farmers are about to submit to a menace beyond their power; the cruelty of the landlord in one play and the ruthlessness of acquisitive neighbor in the other. In both plays it is the figure of a neighbor who brings the latent conflict to the surface. Passion and violence create a feeling of suffering which borders on tragedy.

      • KCI등재

        Yeats and the World Soul : Yeats Reading Blake, Shelley, Honore de Balzac

        Kim Jooseong 한국예이츠학회 2015 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.48 No.-

        예이츠는 블레이크, 셀리, 오노레 발자크같은 작가들의 작품을 읽음으로써 그의 시적 창작에 영감을 받았을 뿐만 아니라 그의 세계령 사상 형성의 이론적 배경으로 삼고 있다. 예이츠는 블레이크의 예언시를 편집하면서 자신의 신비종교에 관한 관심을 강화시켰고, 셸리에게서는 세계령을 문학으로 승화시킬 수 있는 가능성을 발견했으며, 발자크로부터는 인간의 의지가 세계령의 기본이 된다는 것을 인식했다. Yeats reads Romantic poets such as Blake, Shelley and Honore de Balzac for his poetic aspiration and to formulate his concepts of World Soul and of his occultism. Yeats invents Blake’s image as a Kabbalist and magician, inspired partly by his belief that his esoteric approach to Blake’s prophetic works is to aid in their elucidation, with his interest in the mysticism to understand Blake’s prophetic books. Yeats claims that Shelley could be gainfully employed to demonstrate the literary potential of the World Soul. Besides, he also admits that Balzac establishes the human will as a force that is vital and invisible, though tangible, which is the most relevant to his World Soul belief.

      • KCI등재

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