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      • 韓國의 都市問題와 社會福祉

        曹興植 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 1990 한국사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to suggest the main tasks of social welfare for solving Korean urban problems. In the first chapter of this article the write suggests the purpose of study. In the second chapter the write examines Korean urbanization from three viewpoints as the modernization viewpoint, the political economic viewpoint, and the urban bias viewpoint. In the third chapter the write analyzes Korean urban problems concerning social stratification, power structure, and cultural life. In the fourth chapter the write examines the relation between urbanization and social welfare from three perspectives as functional perspective, conflict perspective, and integrated perspective. In the fifth chapter the write suggests the main tasks of social welfare for solving Korean urban problems as follows ; 1) keeping the balance of economic policy and social policy, 2) keeping the balance of urban development policy and rural development policy, 3) establishing an activation plan for income redistribution policy, 4) expanding social security programms, 5) establishing an activation plan for national health service, 6) expanding social services for the deprived people, 7) improving the level of industrial welfare for laborers and their families, 8) establishing the effective manpower development policy, 9) organizing communities for effective urban social movement, 10) improving the life environment as housing, sanitary facilities, traffic etc.

      • 淸州市 靑少年家長家庭의 實態 및 慾求에 관한 연구

        曺興植 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 1991 한국사회과학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        To the teenage family heads on which social concerns have recently been focused, the government, the community and the family welfare agencies have extended support in an effort of help them grow healthily in this society. The purpose of this article is to present some resonable directions of support devoted to healthy growth and development of teenage heads in Chongju City by studying their actual conditions and needs. The research consisted of literature review and survey. In order to understand the actual conditions and needs of the members of the teenage head families, a questionaire of 50 items was administered to the all 55 teenage heads in Chongju City. The data were analized based on information gathered through interview and literature review to study distributions and tendencies of responses in each item. According to the result of the analysis of the survey, the support to the teenage head families should be directed as follows : 1. In order to support to them effectively, the actual understanding about their general and current situations and needs should be focused. 2. As the teenage head families live in economic difficulties, government subsidy and social assistance must be granted to them. 3. As most of them receive support from their relatives, the support of government and social welfare agencies should be also directed to encourage. the support given by the relatives. 4. In order to solve the important problems of housing, the support of government and enterprises should be directed to them and group home programs be needed. 5. Professional service such as activity group therapy and family treatment by social worker must be given according to their psychosocial conditions. Also it is recommended that the heads get some training and education to learn how to play parenting role. 6. Sponsor development is needed for the sponsors to act as their brothers, sisters or parent substitutes. 7. The members of them have a strong bond of love, and they love to get togethes as much as possible, and so in child welfave point of view, programs to help them live together should be granted to them.

      • 地域社會福祉館事業을 통한 都市새마을運動의 活性化 方案

        曺興植 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1986 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to establish an activation plan for the urban Saemaul Movement through the activity of community welfare center. In the first chapter of this article the writer suggests the purpose of study. The second chapter defines the obstruction factors and the development objects for the urban Saemaul Movement. The third chapter describes about the specific characters and major functions of community welfare center. In the forth chapter the writer suggests an activation plan for the urban Saemaul Movement through the activity of community welfare center. For the activation of the urban Saemaul Movement through the activity of community welfare center, the writer suggests four subjects as follows; 1. Developing self-help ability for community residents. 2. Developing an information flow and improving access to services and resources for community residents. 3. Gaining new resources and facilities for the community. 4. Developing and improving services.

      • 아동권리지표에 따른 '아동최선의 이익' 정책이행 분석

        조흥식 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2000 한국사회과학 Vol.22 No.3

        이 글의 목적은 아동최선의 이익 원칙을 지켜나가기 위하여 이미 개발된 아동권리지표에 따라 우리나라 사회복지정책에서 아동최선의 이익 원칙이 어떻게 이루어지고 있는가 하는 현황 분석과 함께, 아동최선의 이익 원칙이 이루어지게 하는 정책 과제를 구체적으로 제시하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 첫째, 국제협약에 나와 있는 아동최선의 이익 원칙에 맞는 내용을 아동권리지표에 따라 정리하였으며, 둘째, 아동권리지표에 따라 우리나라 아동최선의 이익이 어떻게 이루어지고 있는가 하는 현황을 살펴보았으며, 셋째, 이를 토대로 하여 사회복지정책에서 아동최선의 이익 원칙이 이루어지게 하는 과제를 다음과 같이 구체적으로 제시하였다. 첫째, 아동최선의 이익에 대한 법적 장치 구축이 필요하며, 둘째, 아동의 생명권을 보장하는 제도적 장치를 마련해야 하며, 셋째, 모든 아동의 권리를 위한 복지권이 강화되어야 하며, 넷째, 아동 교육권이 보장되어야 하며, 다섯째, 아동의 학교와 사회에서의 다양한 참여권을 활성화하며, 여섯째, 아동의 가족으로부터 분리를 예방하기 위한 가족유지서비스를 강화해야 하며, 일곱째, 아동최선의 이익 원칙에 입각하여 정책의 일관성을 위한 정책 서비스 전달체계가 확립되어야 하며, 마지막으로 아동최선의 이익 실현에 드는 재원 확보가 이루어지도록 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the welfare policy implementation by the principle of 'the best interest of the child' for child rights and to suggest how Korean child welfare policy can be implemented for 'the best interest of the child' by the value and goal of UN's 'Convention on the Rights of Child'. To obtain this purpose, the author studied as follows. Firstly, with priority given to 'the best interest of the child', the articles of UN's 'Convention on the Rights of Child' were examined. Secondly, the present implemented state of Korean child welfare policy for 'the best interest of the child' were analyzed. Thirdly, the tasks to be solved about developing Korean child welfare policy for 'the best interest of the child' were suggested as follows; 1) constructing the legal systems for 'the best interest of the child' 2) securing safety of live for child 3) strengthening welfare right for child 4) securing educational right for child 5) giving opportunity to children for their participating policy decision making process 6) supporting intensive family preservation services 7) building effective policy delivery systems for 'the best interest of the child' 8) financing for 'the best interest of the child'.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 생산체제 개편에 따른 복지 수요 및 사회보장제도의 변화

        조흥식 서울대학교 국제지역원 1996 국제지역연구 Vol.5 No.1

        이 글의 목적은 중국의 사회보장제도가 생산체제 개편에 따른 복지 수요의 변화에 의해 어떻게 변화되어 왔는가를 살펴 보는 것이다. 이를 위하여, 우선 중국에서 생산체제 개편을 중심으로 하는 사회주의 개혁의 성격 및 이와 사회보장과의 관계를 고찰하였으며, 둘째, 이를 바탕으로 중국 사회보장제도의 변화에 영향을 준 복지 수요 및 이데올로기의 내용과, 이에 따라 전개된 사회보장제도의 변화과정을 살펴봄으로써 중국 사회보장제도의 특징을 발견하였으며, 마지막으로 중국 사회보장제도의 전망에 관하여 살펴보았다. 중국의 생산체제 개편에 따른 복지 수요 및 사회보장제도의 변화에 관한 평가와 함께 앞으로의 전망을 요약, 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국의 사회보장체제는 분배정책의 구현이라기 보다는 생산증대의 정책을 바탕으로 하여 사회주의 강화해 나가는 수단으로서 이루어져 왔음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 중국의 사회보장은 그동안 꾸준히 성장해 왔지만 과연 레닌과 세계노련이 제시한 사회주의 원칙에 따라 사회보장의 확대가 이루어져 왔는가 하는 점에서 문제가 있다. 따라서 경제성장에 압박을 주지 않으면서 평등추구의 사회보장체제를 어떻게 구축하느냐 하는 것이 중국 사회보장정책이 안고 있는 중요한 과제라 할 수 있다. 세째, 중국 사회보장체제의 실천원리가 개인의 욕구나 권리에 따른 복지급여 원리에 충실하다기 보다는 개인의 노동능려과 성취업적에 따라 시회보장급여가 제공되는 등 노동력의 보존과 강화에 밀접하게 관련되어 있다는 점이다. 네째, 중국의 사회보장 할당 차원에서 적용범위는 대부분의 자본주의 국가의 사회보장과 마찬가지로 노동자 위주로 이루어지고 있어 할다의 포괄성 원칙과는 거리가 있다. 따라서 장애인, 아동, 노령층 등 소외계층에 대한 주택 및 의료복지와 아울러 빈곤대상자와 그 가족에 대해서 앞으로 전체 사회가 책임지도록 하는 방향으로 나아가야 할 것이다. 다섯째, 사회보장 급여 차원에서 볼 때, 그 수준과 내요에서 도시와 농촌간에 현격한 차이를 드러내고 있으며 급여의 적절성 면에서 문제가 있으므로 농촌대책에 대한 전반적인 검토가 요구된다고 하겠다. 여섯째, 사회보장 전달체계 차원에서 방만하고 산만하며 복잡하게 이루어지고 있는 사회보장 관리체계를 개혁하여 단위 관리의 통합이 제기되며, 민주적 관리가 시급한 과제로 부가되고 있다는 점이다. 일곱째, 사회보장 재정 차원에서 볼 때, 노동자의 무갹출 원칙은 지켜지고 있지만 비용조달과 관련하여 기업 스스로 해결해야 하기 때문에 과다한 재정부담으로 인하여 기업의 확대재생산에 어려움이 따르고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 앞으로는 개개 기업단위로 실시하고 있는 각종 보험제도와 수당제도를 공회를 포함하여 집단적으로 공동관리하기 위한 제도적 장치를 마련해야 하며, 도시와 농촌 모두를 포함한 종합적인 사회보장망을 구축해야 한다. Economic and social security systems are intimately connected in all socieites, and China is no exception. Social security programs necessarily become part of an economy's institutional framework, for they affect economic activitites in many ways. The central policy aim is to coordinate economic and social security policies so as to achieve the desired results. In China the social security system has acted as a safety net to catch the human debris disgorged by an economic system under more or lessconstant pressure to increase production. It has endeavoured to compensate for the 'diswelfare' of economic development and change, especially occupational accidents and diseases, youth unemployment, poor family, family disintegration and separation and so on. The purpose of this study is toexplore the change of welfare needs and social security system through economic reform in China. To achieve this goal, firstly, this paper examined the relationship between economic and social security system in China. And secondly, this paper analyzed the characteristics of change of welfare needs and social security system through economic reform in China. Finally, this paper examined carefully the directions for future development of social security system in China. The major findings of this study are as follows: (1) Regarding social securty system in China, a special feature is that the laborinsurance program has been set up for the privileged minority of state-run enterprise workers, while the rest of the population are either left to fend for themselves or to depend on an irregular and poorly constituted state assistance program. (2) The social(labour) insurance program were not flexible enough to cater for the different needs arising from the reform of the economic system. So the future social insurance program must be managed collectively and regulated by the state. (3) The development of social welfre and social relief lagged behind other aspects of the social security system. The future program should thusbe planned alongside withthe reform of the wage system and other allowances made by the state. And it is very important to distribute resouce or non-contributory income supplements to low-income households, while at the same time encouraging collective and local develoment of contributory pension and insurance schemes. (4) The administration of the entire system lacked systematic control and the different parts did not correlate with each another. So a new social security organization would probably need to be created to take charge of the planning and co-ordination of all social insurance, social welfare and social relief programs. (5) The source of funding came almost entirely from the state and lacked variety. Funds should thus be built up for different purposes and be raised from various sources including the state, enterprises or sociery, and individuals. And a decision will have to be made regarding the financial responsibility of those being covered, but this is obviously linked up closely with the wage reform and the extent to which contributions of the workers can influence the kindof benefits enjoyed by them. In relation to the idea of contribution, another suggestion is that fees should be charged for certain services used by the recipients. It is most important for China to acknowledge that a social security system is not there to justify the superiority of socialism, but to assist those who for one reason or another are deprived of the means to support themselves. The Chinese social security system should thus be so formulated and developed that it will truly serve her people.

      • 실업대책의 민ㆍ관 협력체계 확립 방안

        조흥식 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 1998 한국사회과학 Vol.20 No.4

        IMF 관리체제에서 대량실업은 우리에게 가장 큰 사회문제로 부각되고 있다. 실업은 노동자 개개인에게 생존권의 근본적 위협을 가하고, 가족전체 구성원에게 치명적인 영향을 미칠 뿐만 아니라 가족해체 및 전반적인 사회해체의 위험을 줄 수 있다는 점에서 심각하게 다루어져야 한다. 구미와는 다른 독특한 우리 실업 문제의 특징은 사회보장제도의 미흡한 실정과 함께 한 가구당 수입원이 가장 한 사람에게 집중되어 있어 가장의 실직은 곧 가정 전체의 실직이 된다는 점이다. 본 논문은 실직자뿐만 아니라 그 가족을 위한 대책을 수립하고, 그 대책을 효과적으로 시행하기 위한 민·관 협력체계 확립 방안을 마련하는데 목적이 있었다. 이를 위해 첫째, 현재 이루어지고 있는 정부의 여러 실업대책들에 대한 평가를 한 후, 평가의 결과를 토대로 바람직한 실업대책 방안을 마련하고. 둘째, 그 대책을 효과적으로 시행하기 위한 민·관 협력체계 확립 방안으로 1) 중앙정부, 지방자치단체, 민간의 실업대책 분담역할의 명료화 2) 민간에 대한 공공지원의 강화 3) 실업대책사업을 실행하는 모든 민간기관에 대한 공개적인 프로그램 신청제의 도입 4) 민간사회복지 기관의 다양한 사회복지서비스 프로그램 개발사업 지원 5) 가족복지정책을 담당하는 민간기관들에 대한 공공 재정 지원의 강화 5) 실업대책 종합전산망 구축 등을 제시하였다. There are few studies on formulation pragmatic partnership between state and private sectors in social welfare. And there is no study on formulation pragmatic partnership between state and private sectors in social welfare for Korean unemployed people and their families, because of mass dismissal from sudden economic crisis in Korea since last year. The purpose of this study is to formulate pragmatic partnership between state and private sectors in social welfare for unemployed people and their families in Korea. To obtain this purpose, the author studied as follows. Firstly, the governmental unemployment policy and programs were evaluated. Secondly, the models of the role sharing between state and private sectors in social welfare were introduced. Thirdly, the tasks to be solved about formulating pragmatic partnership between state and private sectors in social welfare for unemployed people and their families in Korea were suggested as follows; 1) clarification of the role sharing between state and private sectors in social welfare for unemployed people and their families 2) increasing public support for private sectors 3) establishment of open application system about registrating programs for unemployment policy 4) supporting the development of social service programs in private sectors f) increasing public financial support for private family agencies 6) establishment of national information network for unemployment policy.

      • 새마을 運動의 社會福祉側面과 地域開發 促進方案

        曺興植 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1987 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The main purpose of this article is to establish an activation plan for the regional development through the Saemaul Undong from a standpoint of social welfare. In the first chapter of this article the writer suggests the purpose of study. The second chapter defines the relationship between the Saemaul Undong and the social welfare activities. In the third chapter the writer suggests an activation plan for the regional development through the Saemaul Undong from a standpoint of social welfare. For the activation of the regional development through the Saemaul Undong from a standpoint of social welfare, the writer suggests three subjects as follows ; 1. Activating the Saemaul Undong through the activity of community welfare center. 2. Developing volunteer activities for community welfare. 3. Improving the community school movement for community residents. As a result, to maximize community welfare is it necessary to integrate the Saemaul Undong with the regional development. Also what is more important, the voluntary participation of local people is urgently needed to activate the regional development through the Saemaul Undong.

      • 福祉國家에 관한 新保守主義的 見解에 대한 批判

        曺興植 청주대학교 1987 한국사회과학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        The broad consensus concerning the mixed economy and the welfare state so characteristic of western societies since the second world war has weakened a good deal in recent years. The welfare state is faced with a crisis of legitimacy. As Keynesianism and other social theories of the Centre, which served either as a practical guide to state intervention or as its intellectual underpinning, have lost credibility, the radical critique of wlfare, from the Right as well as the Left, has gained ascendancy. The arguments advanced from the two ends of the spectrum of social thought have acquired greater plausibility. However, the main purpose of this article is only to comment on the critique of the Right - especially the Neo-conservative - of the welfare state. Neo-conservatism predates the economic crisis of the 1970s. But it is the riddle of stagflation that has provided market theories and many liberals with the opportunity to revive the doctrines of laisser-faire. The economic arguments also represent essentially a return to pre - Keynesian, neo-classical thinking. Now the Neo-conservative critique has escaped some of the difficulties of the concept of the inevitability of ignorance and is able to promote an alternative that maximizes freedom from restraint. These proposals - by substituting cash for public services, the individual for the collectivity, a minimum equality of opportunity for the drive for egalitarianism, the market place for the political arena - pose a major practical challenge to the development of the welfare state. But the author does not permit an elaborate critique of Neo-conservatism. The main themes can be summarized as follows; 1. A tendancy to exaggerate and generalize on the basis of insufficient evidence. 2. The use of highly selective evidence. 3. A one-sided and biased view of goverment functioning. 4. An inadequate conception of the role of democracy and politics in modern societies. 5. A failure to recognize the problem of social integration in a market society, namely how to counter the socially disruptive effects of the market economy and maintain a cohesion of the national community. 6. The absence of any histoical appreciation of capitalist development.

      • 社會保障을 통한 所得再分配政策의 기본방향 모색

        曺興植 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 1988 한국사회과학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        The main purpose of this article is to establish an activation plan for income redistribution policy through social security. In the first chapter of this article the write suggests the purpose of study. In the second chapter the write studies the degree and the cause of income inequality and the standard of equal income distribution. In the third chapter the write defines the relationship between income redistribution policy and social security. In the forth chapter the write points out some problems of how to establish the income redistribution policy and suggests an activation plan for income redistribution policy through social security. Some problems of how to establish the income redistribution policy can be listed as follows; 1) the matter of insufficiency and uncertainty of materials for income redistribution policy, 2) the conflict between policy objectives, 3) the matter of effectiveness of policy, 4) the matter of feasibility of policy. For the activation of income redistribution policy through social security, the write suggests four subjects as follows; 1) improving the understanding about the function and the task of social security, 2) integrating the segmented systems of social security, 3) rationalizing the financial affairs of social security, 4) complementing the private security systems for social security.

      • 주요 학사 행정업무의 전산화 구현에 관한 연구

        全純美,姜興植,金興植,曺大鉉 인제대학교 1988 仁濟論叢 Vol.4 No.2

        In these days of information-oriented society, the universities and the colleges in this country have promoted the computerizing their administration affairs for the purpose of the over-all efficiency and rationalization of their's. We report here upon the result of the computerizing about the below items, important area of the administration affairs, i) administration of the entrance examination. ii) administration of the school register. iii) administration of the properties. iv) administration of the student's grades. In the near future, we hope promoting the TIS construction of the INJE university, systematically and continuously.

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