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        Derrotas y Traiciones o la Visión Histórica en Los Recuerdos del Porvenir de Elena Garro

        Gerardo Gomez Michel(Michel, Gerardo G.) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2018 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.31 No.1

        In Elena Garro’s novel Los recuerdos del porvenir, historical pessimism is a central subject. Not only because the plural narrator, the town of Ixtepec itself, sustains a vision that refers to the fall of the social pact it was built upon, but the novel also shows how the collapse is intertwined with a series of historicaldefeats and betrayals that in the end, emphasize the pessimistic meaning of the allegorical suspended time that opens and closes the story. The plot of the novel advances by constructing a panoramic vision of what this violent period of the Cristiada would mean for modern Mexico. Following this order of ideas, in this work we will review the defeats and betrayals that appear in the novel in order to underline the historical vision suggested by the symbolic petrification of Ixtepec, particularly pointing out how the Cristero conflict enables the novel to construct a discourse that points to a wide defeat of the Nation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Nuda vida y espacio límite en La transmigración de los cuerpos de Yuri Herrera

        Gerardo Gomez Michel 부산외국어대학교 중남미지역원 2016 이베로아메리카 Vol.18 No.2

        In dialogue with the concepts of State of Emergency and Bare Life developed by Giorgio Agamben (1998), this paper explores the novel La transmigración de los cuerpos (2013) by Yuri Herrera, to see how the author builds a narrative space where the logic of the state of emergency is a detonator of the fictional plot. This analysis underlines how Herrera articulates a poetics of precariousness and violence to draw a map of desolation and despair recognizable through the cardinal points of death, fear, corruption and an agonizing will to survive. In this unnamed universe the characters’ bodies are subject to violence from the State and from criminals.

      • KCI등재

        La Cristiada: Homo Sacer, Nacionalismo y Violencia Institucional en Torno a la Guerra Santa en México

        Gerardo Gomez Michel 부산외국어대학교 중남미지역원 2015 이베로아메리카 Vol.17 No.1

        In this paper we make some reflections on the Cristero conflict from two lines of analysis: first, following the concept of ‘law-positing’ that Walter Benjamin uses to critique the modern State monopoly on violence, we review how the new revolutionary state implement a state of emergency which aims to impose its hegemony over the Church and to settle once and for all the question of what institution will hold the “paternal rights” on the people in post-revolutionary Mexico. In the second line of analysis the state of emergency leads us to analyze the concept developed by Giorgio Agamben homo sacer in relation to the Cristero fighters who, in the spiritual vacuum that caused the cessation of public worship by the Church, choose to self-sacrifice in the battlefield of their Holy War.

      • KCI등재

        Los Infortunios de Alonso Ramirez y el discurso imperial espanol en el siglo XVII

        ( Gerardo Gomez Michel ) 한국스페인어문학회 2012 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.65

        La obra de los Infortunios de Alonso Ramirez ha sido relacionada con varias tradiciones de la literatura hispanica, de entre ellas la relacion, la novela picaresca, el relato de viajes, entre otras. Sin embargo, dentro del debate poscolonial, se ha venido problematizando precisamente la ambiguedad generica de esta obra, permitiendo analizar diversos aspectos de la vida, la cultura y la politica colonial espanola. Por mi parte, analizo la narracion de las desgracias de Alonso Ramirez como una estrategia literaria para extender y legitimar el discurso imperial espanol frente a la competencia de otras potencias europeas de la epoca que habian comenzado a poner en jaque la hegemonia espanola, especialmente en lo relativo a la ruta comercial trans-Pacifico.

      • KCI등재

        Macunaíma o las vicisitudes de la flojera

        Gerardo Gomez Michel 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2012 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        Mario de Andrade fue uno de los fundadores de la corriente modernista, que en la década de los veinte revitalizó la escena artística e intelectual brasileña. Musicólogo, etnógrafo, poeta y narrador, Mario de Andrade más tarde rompería con el movimiento vanguardista antropófago para continuar desde su particular posición creadora la búsqueda de las señas de identidad del ser brasileño. Macunaíma se publica en 1928 y desde ese momento se convierte en un polémico texto donde se pone de manifiesto el carácter heterogéneo de la sociedad, la cultura y la identidad brasileñas. En este trabajo propongo que una cualidad del protagonista Macunaíma, “la flojera”, funciona como el catalizador de los elementos dispersos,contradictorios, quebradizos que conforman la cualidad heterogénea de la identidad brasileña, y al mismo tiempo, se convierte en la estructura que define a la novela misma.

      • KCI등재

        La cronica periodistica mapuche como genero de rescritura historica en Chile

        Gerardo Gomez Michel 한국스페인어문학회(구 한국서어서문학회) 2017 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.85

        Using Hilde Lindemann's concept of counternarratives as discursive form that can repair damaged idenitites by master narratives, this essay analizes the work of Mapuche journalist Pedro Cayuqueo, in particular his chronicles. We aim to remark how the Mapuche community have constructed a discourse of resistance against the official history and the media which generally offer a deformed vision of the Mapuche identity. Reviewing historical aspects of the unequal struggle between the Chiliean State and the Mapuches, from the occupation on the late nineteenth century, through the Pinochet dictatorship and to the present after the return of democracy, with his chronicles Cayuqueo builds bridges that connect the past and the present of the Mapuche in Chile, rewriting a history that can have resonances even for the future. Along with other intellectuals in Chile, Pedro Cayuqueo forsees a future in which the Mapuche community can achieve political and social goals such as national liberation and historical reconstruction. These achievements could promote a closer relation with the diaspora, even the repatriation to form part of a renew Mapuche national unification.

      • KCI등재

        identidad y conflicto en la ciudad letrada: la iglesia en dos relatos de Juan Rulfo y Jose Revueltas

        ( Gerardo Gomez Michel ) 한국스페인어문학회 2014 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.72

        Este trabajo hace una revision de la posicion de la iglesia y su representacion en la literatura mexicana desde tiempos de la Colonia hasta el siglo XX, periodo que se analiza en mayor profundidad, senalando particularmente el conflicto provocado por la injerencia e influencia de la iglesia Catolica en la ciudad letrada, situacion particularmente diacronica en la historia mexicana. En este sentido, se analiza primero a tres autores (Sor Juna ines de la Cruz, Jose Joaquln Fernandez de Lizardi e ignacio Manuel Altamirano) que pertenecen a los contextos de la Colonia, la etapa inicial del Mexico independiente y finales del siglo XiX luego de la Reforma liberal, respectivamente. En la segunda parte se revisa con mayor profundidad a dos autores canonicos del siglo XX: Juan Rulfo y Jose Revueltas, para senalar de que manera en sus relatos se problematiza singularmente la agencia de la iglesia catolica mexicana y sus repercusiones en el plano social y polltico y su participacion en la articulacion de subjetividades ligadas al dogma religioso y no pocas veces en conflicto con la identidad nacional promovida en el Mexico posrevolucionario.

      • KCI등재

        El Boom y el Crack ante el Debate de la Literatura Menor

        Gerardo Gomez Michel 한국라틴아메리카학회 2016 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.29 No.1

        This paper proposes a reflection on the role of the canon and aesthetics of what is known as “high literature”, in connection with the emergence of alternative or marginal spaces for writing in contemporary times. The analysis focuses on the tensions and conflicts arising from the unique nature of the literary canon and how this is related to what Althusser calls the ideological state apparatuses, particularly the cultural institution that promotes the continuance of unfavorable conditions for minor literature.

      • KCI등재

        Lengua y Literatura Maya

        Gerardo Gomez Michel 한국라틴아메리카학회 2015 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.28 No.2

        This article reviews the historical processes in Mayan language and literature of Yucatan since the time of the Conquest to the present day. Analyzing key moments of social, cultural and political confrontation between the Maya people and powers external to their community, I highlight how the Mayan language and literature circulated from an evangelizing utilitarianism to a nationalistic assimilation, and how in both cases the ultimate goal was the ethnic-cultural disintegration to subsume the Mayan people to the order imposed by the imperial and national regimes, respectively. This tendency dialectically provoked a reaction in the subjugated community, which sees indigenous language as a vehicle of political and cultural resistance. Finally, the article includes a review of the current resurgence of Maya writing that seeks to rebuild their world view and recover their literary language.

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