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      • Temperature dependent structure formation and photoluminescence studies of a series of magnesium-based coordination networks

        Calderone, P.J.,Banerjee, D.,Plonka, A.M.,Kim, S.J.,Parise, J.B. Elsevier Sequoia [etc.] 2013 Inorganica chimica acta Vol.394 No.-

        A series of three magnesium trimesate coordination networks was synthesized from identical reaction mixtures by varying synthetic temperature. Mg(HBTC)(DMF)<SUB>2</SUB>.[(CH<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>NH] (1; BTC=trimesate; space group P6<SUB>3</SUB>/m, a=16.596(4)A, c=14.351(8)A) crystallizes at 65<SUP>o</SUP>C, Mg<SUB>3</SUB>(BTC)(HCOO)<SUB>3</SUB>(DMF)<SUB>3</SUB> (2; space group P@?3, a=13.928(2)A, c=8.025(6)A) crystallizes at 100<SUP>o</SUP>C, and Mg<SUB>3</SUB>(BTC)<SUB>2</SUB>(DMF)<SUB>4</SUB> (3; space group P2<SUB>1</SUB>/c, a=17.490(4)A, b=11.940(2)A, c=18.460(4)A, β=116.87(3)<SUP>o</SUP>) crystallizes at a temperature of 180<SUP>o</SUP>C. Each network contains metal-coordinated solvent DMF molecules, but thermodynamics and solvent hydrolysis play major roles in structure formation. Compounds 1 and 2 are two-dimensional networks which incorporate hydrolysis byproducts. Compound 3 is a three-dimensional network and shows no inclusion of byproducts. The series follows the trend of increased network connectivity resulting from increased temperature. Each of the networks show a weak photoluminescence response, suggesting that coordinated solvent molecules and interlayer species play a role in quenching photoluminescence.

      • Morphology and phylogeny of Ramirezia osornoensis gen. & sp. nov. and Phyllymenia acletoi sp. nov. (Halymeniales, Rhodophyta) from South America

        Calderon, M.S.,Boo, G.H.,Boo, S.M. BLACKWELL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS 2014 Phycologia Vol.53 No.1

        We conducted phylogenetic analyses of plastid rbcL sequences and detailed observations on female reproductive structures of foliose halymeniacean red algae collected in Chile and Peru. We describe Ramirezia osornoensis gen. et. sp. nov., characterised by having seven-celled carpogonial branches and six-celled auxiliary-cell branches, formation of primary connecting filaments after fertilisation, nutritive filaments mostly upwardly directed and well-developed pericarps. It was distributed from central Chile to the Falkland Islands. The female structures of Halymenia lapathifolia Kutzing and its placement in the rbcL tree indicated that it belonged to a new genus, which we named Ramirezia. In the rbcL phylogeny, Ramirezia consistently formed a clade with Chilean/Peruvian species. We described Phyllymenia acletoi sp. nov. on the basis of specimens from Peru. Phyllymenia acletoi had a distinctive rbcL phylogeny and Phyllymenia-type female structures. It was characterised by thalli divided into several lobes, a loose cortex of five to seven layers of cells with stellate inner cortical cells, a gradual transition from cortex to lax medulla and pericarps with few involucral filaments.


        A new genus <i>Phyllophorella</i> gen. nov. (Phyllophoraceae, Rhodophyta) from central Peru, including <i>Phyllophorella peruviana comb. nov., Phyllophorella humboldtiana</i> sp. nov., and <i>Phyllophorella limaensis</i> sp. nov.

        Calderon, Martha S.,Boo, Sung Min de Gruyter 2016 Botanica marina Vol.59 No.5

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>We investigated fresh collections and an isotype of<I>Phyllophora peruviana</I>from central Peru using morphology and sequencing the plastid<I>rbc</I>L gene. In the<I>rbc</I>L phylogenetic tree,<I>P</I>.<I>peruviana</I>consisted of three genetic groups, forming a clade. As this<I>P. peruviana</I>clade was distantly related to<I>Phyllophora</I>including the generitype<I>Phyllophora crispa</I>and also distinct from other genera in the Phyllophoraceae, we describe<I>Phyllophorella peruviana gen. et</I>comb. nov. and two new species,<I>Phyllophorella humboldtiana</I>sp. nov. and<I>Phyllophorella limaensis</I>sp. nov. The genus<I>Phyllophorella</I>is distinguished from<I>Phyllophora</I>by a compressed stipe rather than a terete stipe, and tetrasporangia in nemathecia rather than sori scattered over the thallus surface.<I>Phyllophorella</I><I>humboldtiana</I>sp. nov. is characterized by broad blades with slightly lobate margins.<I>Phyllophorella limaensis</I>sp. nov. is recognized by its small, ligulate blades.<I>Phyllophorella peruviana</I>is distinguished by dichotomo-flabellate blades that arise from a short compressed stipe. All three species of<I>Phyllophorella</I>are currently known only from Peru but may be more widely distributed.</P>

      • The Phyllophoraceae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from Peru with descriptions of <i>Acletoa tarazonae gen.</i> & <i>sp. nov</i>. and <i>Gymnogongrus caespitosus sp. nov</i>.

        Calderon, Martha S.,Boo, Sung Min Informa UK (TaylorFrancis) 2017 Phycologia Vol.56 No.6

        <P>We investigated species in the family Phyllophoraceae from Peru using sequences of the plastid rbcL sequences and morphological examination. Here we describe Acletoa tarazonae gen. & sp. nov., characterized by the presence of secondary medullary cells around cystocarps, gonimoblast initials that are downwardly and upwardly directed, and a linear arrangement of gonimoblast filaments on medullary cells. Acletoa tarazonae consistently formed a clade with Ahnfeltiopsis vermicularis and Chilean Gymnogongrus sp., and this clade was distinct from other genera in the Phyllophoraceae in the rbcL phylogeny. We also describe a new species of the Phyllophoraceae, Gymnogongrus caespitosus sp. nov., from northern Peru, characterized by a semirigid and flattened thallus, narrow branches, absence of hair cells, and cystocarps immersed in a single cavity. Ahnfeltiopsis concinna was not distinct from Ahnfeltiopsis durvillei, and consistently grouped in the genus Gymnogongrus sensu stricto in the rbcL phylogeny. A new combination of Gymnogongrus durvillei comb. nov. was made on the basis of A. durvillei, and A. concinna was merged with G. durvillei.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Spatio-temporal variabilities of nutrients and chlorophyll, and the trophic state index deviations on the relation of nutrients-chlorophyll-light availability

        Calderon, Martha S.,An, Kwang-Guk The Ecological Society of Korea 2016 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.39 No.1

        The object of this study was to determine long-term temporal and spatial patterns of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), suspended solids, and chlorophyll (Chl) in Chungju Reservoir, based on the dataset of 1992 - 2013, and then to develop the empirical models of nutrient-Chl for predicting the eutrophication of the reservoir. Concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were largely affected by an intensity of Asian monsoon and the longitudinal structure of riverine (Rz), transition (Tz), and lacustrine zone (Lz). This system was nitrogen-rich system and phosphorus contents in the water were relatively low, implying a P-limiting system. Regression analysis for empirical model, however, showed that Chl had a weak linear relation with TP or TN, and this was mainly associated with turbid, and nutrient-rich inflows in the system. The weak relation was associated with non-algal light attenuation coefficients (Kna), which is inversely related water residence time. Thus, values of Chl had negative functional relation (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.25, p < 0.001) with nonalgal light attenuation. Thus, the low chlorophyll at a given TP indicated a light-limiting for phytoplankton growth and total suspended solids (TSS) was highly correlated (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.94, p < 0.001) with non-algal light attenuation. The relations of Trophic State Index (TSI) indicated that phosphorus limitation was weak [TSI (Chl) - TSI (TP) < 0; TSI (SD) - TSI (Chl) > 0] and the effects of zooplankton grazing were also minor [TSI (Chl) - TSI (TP) > 0; TSI (SD) - TSI (Chl) > 0].

      • Phylogeny of Phyllophoraceae (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) reveals <i>Asterfilopsis gen. nov</i>. from the Southern Hemisphere

        Calderon, Martha S.,Boo, Sung Min Informa UK (TaylorFrancis) 2016 Phycologia Vol.55 No.5

        <P>We investigated the phylogenetic position of Ahnfeltiopsis furcellata and Gymnogongrus disciplinalis from Peru and Chile using nuclear large-subunit ribosomal RNA, mitochondrial COI and plastid rbcL sequences and morphological examination. Both the combined (LSU + COI + rbcL) and rbcL data sets revealed that A. furcellata and G. disciplinalis consistently formed a clade with two Peruvian taxa. The form and development of the reproductive structures of these species supported the molecular phylogeny and underlined the fact that the clade of A. furcellata was distinct from other genera of Phyllophoraceae. We therefore describe Asterfilopsis gen. nov. and transfer A. furcellata and G. disciplinalis to the new genus. Asterfilopsis was characterised by (1) having medullary cells radially surrounded by clusters of carposporangia and connected to some of them, (2) the presence of ostioles instead of specialised carpostomata, and (3) the presence of terminal tubular gonimoblasts penetrating the cystocarp boundary. We also describe two new species, Asterfilopsis centralis and A. piurana, likely misidentified earlier as A. furcellata.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        An influence of mesohabitat structures (pool, riffle, and run) and land-use pattern on the index of biological integrity in the Geum River watershed

        Calderon, Martha S.,An, Kwang-Guk The Ecological Society of Korea 2016 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.40 No.2

        Background: Previous studies on the biological integrity on habitat and landuse patterns demonstrated ecological stream health in the view of regional or macrohabitat scale, thus ignored the mesoscale habitat patterns of pool, riffle, and runs in the stream health analysis. The objective of this study was to analyze influences on the mesohabitat structures of pool, riffle, and run reaches on the fish guilds and biological integrity in Geum-River Watershed. Results: The mesohabitat structures of pool, riffle, and run reaches influenced the ecological stream health along with some close relations on the fish trophic and tolerance guilds. The mesoscale components altered chemical water quality such as nutrients (TN, TP) and BOD and these, then, determined the primary productions, based on the sestonic chlorophyll-a. The riffle-reach had good chemical conditions, but the pool-reach had nutrient enrichments. The riffle-reach had a predominance of insectivores, while the pool-reach has a predominance of omnivores. Also, the riffle-reach had high proportions of sensitive fish and insectivore fish, and the pool-reach had high proportions of tolerant species in the community composition. The intermediate fish species in tolerance and omnivorous fish species in the food linkage dominated the community in the watershed, and the sensitive and insectivorous fishes decreased rapidly with a degradation of the water quality. All the habitat patterns were largely determined by the land-use patterns in the watershed. Conclusions: Trophic guilds and tolerance guilds of fish were determined by land-use pattern and these determined the stream health, based on the Index of Biological Integrity. This study remarks the necessity to include additional variables to consider information provided by mesohabitats and land-use distributions within the selected stream stretch. Overall, our data suggest that land-use pattern and mesohabitat distribution are important factors to be considered for the trophic and tolerance fish compositions and chemical gradients as well as ecological stream health in the watershed.

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