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      • KCI등재

        동아시아에서의 낙랑 : 과제와 방법에 대한 시론

        李成市 한국고대사학회 2004 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.34 No.-

        It should be noted that certain political and academical inheritance from the' Japanese occupation era has indeed hindered scholars' on - going efforts of studying the Nakrang - gun unit for many years. In order to break free from such hindrance, certain attempts, including the development of new methods of research based upon a perspective critical of colonialism, collecting data tram various countries, and actual research based upon meticulous examination of such data, need to be launched. Through these efforts, a new basis for Nakrang - gun researches could be established. Researches of the Nakrang - gun unit would not only contribute to Korean historical studies, but also contribute to historical studies involving topics and issues generated throughout the history of the East - Asian region. It would give us a glimpse of how Chinese culture was established throughout East Asia, and how local cultures mirrored such influences. The results of such researches would also serve as historical samples which would in the end provide us with a historical model, regarding the relationship among cultures, traditions and civilizations.

      • KCI등재

        平壤 貞柏洞364號墳출토 竹簡 『論語』에 대하여

        李成市,尹龍九,金慶浩 한국목간학회 2009 목간과 문자 Vol.4 No.-

        본고는 1990년대 초, 평양 락랑구역 통일거리건설장에서 발굴된 貞相洞364號墳출토 『論語』 竹簡에 대하여 살펴본 것이다. 정백동364호분은 內外 2重槨안에 男性 1인을 묻은 單葬의 나무곽무덤(板槨墓)이며, 여기에서 출토된 「樂浪都初元四年縣別戶口簿」木牘으로 미루어 初元 4年(B.C. 45)에서 멀지 않은 시기에 조성된 樂浪群府 屬吏의 무덤으로 추정되고 있다. 「논어」 죽간의 출토지를 비롯한 유구와 부장유물에 대한 공식적인 보고는 없었다. 그러나 2001년 일본 東京소재 「高句麗會」會報(63號)에 수록된 『논어』 竹簡寫眞에 ‘貞柏364號古墳’ 출토라는 사진 설명을 통하여, 「樂浪郡初元四年縣別戶口簿」木牘과 함께 정백동364호 분에서 출토된 사실을 알 수 있다. 정백동364호분에서 출토된 『논어』는 통행본 『논어』의 先進·顔淵篇에 해당하는 章句가 적힌 죽간 120板 내외로 추정된다. 이 가운데 39枚는 형태와 字句가 대체로 온전하나, 나머지 70여 枚는 殘簡 상태로 보인다. 정백동364호분에서 출토된 『논어』 죽간 가운데 내 용을 확인할 수 있는 것은 先進篇 33枚(19個 章句, 589字), 顔淵篇 11枚(9개 章句, 167字)로 출토된 죽간의 1/3이 조금 넘는 정도이다. 죽간의 크기와 背面 상태는 확인하기 어렵지만, 定州漢墓 출토 『논어』 죽간과 마찬가지로 三道編聯의 上下 10字내외로 기재하였고, 죽간 右側面에 上下, 中間에 契口가 만들어져 있다. 계구의 크기가 다양한 것으로 미루어 출토된 죽간 『논어』는 基主가 살아 있을 때에 장기간 사용한 것으로 추정된다. 출토된 『논어』 죽간에는 章句 시작을 알리는 圓點(ㆍ), 종결을 알려주는 餘白, 상하 10字를 기본으로 하는 (顔淵篇은 上下 9字)기재 방식, 1~2字의 字句는 자간을 좁혀 기재하거나, 의미전달에 지장이 없는 범위에서 字句를 생략하는 用例가 확인된다. 缺字는 추후 字間사이에 細字로 追記하였고, 중복자인 경우 重文符號없이 연이어 같은 자를 적었다. 내용은 定州漢基 『논어』 죽간 및 通行本 『논어』와 大同小異하지만, 人名과 地名, 官名 표기에서의 차이, 而를 如로 대치하는 등 텍스트상의 『논어』 계통을 논할 때 매우 중요한 단서가 적지 않다. 한편 정백동364호분 죽간 『논어』의 출토 시기와 중국 하북성 定縣에서 출토된 『論語』 竹簡과의 시기 차가 최소 10년 정도의 차이라는 사실은 武帝代 儒家의 官學化와 五經博士가 설치된 이래, 宣帝·元帝시기 儒家의 서적과 사상이 변경 지역으로 확대하였음을 입증하는 것이다. 따라서 근래 한국 남동부에 위치한 金海와 중서부의 仁川 지역에서 출토된 論語 관련 木簡과의 연관성을 고려한다면, 본 자료의 출토는 『論語』라는 텍스트 연구에 국한된 것이 아니라 고대 동아시아 사회에서의 文字나 思想의 전파과정을 이해할 수 있는 중요한 계기를 마련했을 뿐만 아니라 세계적으로 ‘論語學’을 연구하는 중요한 자료가 될 가능성이 매우 농후하다. 물론 현재 공개된 자료만으로는 이러한 논의가 더 이상의 진전이 없을 가능성도 결코 부정할 수는 없다. 그러나 현재까지 입수한 竹簡 사진 2매와 또 다른 관련 자료가 있다는 정보는 향후의 진전된 논의를 가능케 하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        『기억 전달자』 수업: 아동청소년 과학소설과 미래 세계 그려보기

        강규한 한국영미문학교육학회 2019 영미문학교육 Vol.23 No.1

        This study is based on a course in English literature, in which Lowry Lois’s The Giver is read and discussed along with the topic of science fiction for children and young adults. In its first stage, a heavy emphasis was laid on close reading of the text under the belief that it is the most solid foundation for optimal English literature classes to read the given text as closely as possible. After closely reading the text, students had a detailed discussion to understand the future community depicted in the work. They made a major contribution to the discussion by providing their own answers to the given questions and sharing them with the whole class, and their views were elaborated by the instructor’s supplementary remarks. On the basis of their understanding, students participated in a project of creating a short video version of the future community. They uploaded their team’s files on the online-class site provided by the university, demonstrated their projects in class, and also evaluated other team’s products. Their discussion in the next stage of the course was centered around the narrative of The Giver. In particular, the narrative traits of children’s literature and science fiction were highlighted, and comparisons were also made between the original written text and its film version. After all the steps of the course were taken, a final questionnaire was distributed to check the extent to which students had enhanced their awareness on the significance of children’s literature and science fiction in comparison to the pre-questionnaire given before the development of the main body of the course.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        조선총독부의 고적조사와 총독부박물관

        이성시 국립중앙박물관 2015 미술자료 Vol.- No.87

        Modern Japan conducted a full-extent study of ancient customs in Korea, in order to complete the submission of the Korean people and to rule them more efficiently. This research was followed by an archeological program which aim was to study the ancient sites of Korea; this program occupied a central position inside the legitimation process of Japanese domination, along the compilation of an annalistic History of Korea(Chōsen-shi) . The archaeological program did in fact begin before the Annexation, but it grew larger with the foundation of the Museum of the Government-general, which was to be in charge of this research. Even if this museum was not a large one, it embraced projects and pursued goals situated on a common ground inside the international stream of its time. In this paper, we will discuss about the content of this archeological research and about the Museum, in charge of it. We will focus on cultural policies in Korea as seen by Kuroita, who elaborated the core of this research and who was well informed about the international tendancies of his time. Eventually we will try to analyze the historical nature of the Museum. This examination we propose will enable us to close up on Kuroita’s vision of modern historical science as a science designed to serve the construction process of national consciousness in modern Japan. As we shall see through an analysis of the archaeological program and of the Museum’s policies as they were planed by Kuroita, the aim of this “edification” policy was not restricted to the sole Japanese but was in fact to be extended to the Korean themselves, in order to build them into a Nation. The historical science as seen by Kuroita, as it appears in the process, should not only serve the “edification” of the Nation or foster its spirit, but it should also serve the technical purpose that was the spiritual domination of the colonized people of Korea. Thus, the “spiritual independance” or “national pride” expected from Japanese had fundamentally a dualistic meaning for the Koreans. Here the problem lies in the tension between the early Korean nationalism as it germed at the end of the 19th century, and the national consciousness as Japanese Empire’s subjects as elaborated during the colonial ear. The historical science, as it was mobilized inside colonial policies in order to dominate Korea, could not help but be in the locus of a huge contradiction. The historical science as a mean to build the Nation in modern Japan was not completed in the sole Japan but was also deeply rooted in the process of domination in Korea. It is because, from the beginning, the models which served as grounds for Kuroita’s vision of archaeological investigations and of the Museum were the European historical and archaeological sciences as they functionned at the beginning of the 20th century as colonial institutions in European colonies. Kuroita brought these models to colonial Korea and used them for the “edification” of the Korean people. As the logic of preservation of ancient objects shows, Kuroita’s policies also comprehended scholar goals that were hard to achieve in metropolitan Japan, but that were tried in colonial Korea where formal procedures were a lot easier. Some of these experiments tried in Korea were to be brought and realised later in Japan. On the other hand, some institutions such as the project of a National Museum were elaborated in colonial Korea, and this museum were to be established in South Korea after the liberation, although there were still no museum of that kind in Japan. Eventually, we assume a study of the archaeological research conducted in colonial Korea and of the Museum of the Government-general, will enable us to grasp how archaeological and historical sciences were used for the “edification” of one’s Nation and of a colonized people, following the model Kuroita saw in the case of European powers, and also to understand how these modern sciences could reinforce themselves through the colonial experience.

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