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        인터넷상 명예훼손·모욕죄와 피해자의 특정

        황태정(Hwang, Tae-Jeong) 한국형사법학회 2009 刑事法硏究 Vol.21 No.3

        The crimes against reputation is an act to lower external valuation on ‘person’ according to statutes, common views and precedents, etc to let the third party meeting with expression act not to know who is an object being given valuation lowering act. As ‘Name in full’ represents a man who is subject of honor in real world. so ‘ID’ performs same function on cyberspace. Being different from natural association of meaning with the ones who have ‘name in full’ in real world, ‘ID’ on cyberspace has only meaning of personal identification symbol that identifies the one who exists behind the scenes so that it cannot be thought to be same with a ‘person’ from point of view of natural meaning: Therefore, normative equality of both can be admitted only limitedly. When ID is classified into four types, that is to say, completely unrecognizable type, semi-unrecognizable type, semi-cognizable type and completely cognizable type, completely cognizable type only admits of normative consistency between ID and the one who exists behind the scenes except for exceptional case that the one discloses his or her identity by himself or herself and either an actor in the use of website or the third party acknowledges such a fact. In other words, the ID cannot be thought to be ‘person’ who is an object of crimes against reputation from point of view of intentional acts of an actor at remaining types, and it cannot be thought to make a specification of the victim from point of view of the third party's recognizable possibility. In such a case, therefore, either defamation or insult on ID is difficult to admit of it. When lowering of valuation on ID in either defamation or insult is punished from point of view of needs of realistic penalties despite such a theoretical fault, such aoreticis al faulbe thought to be proper from point of view of the Principle of “nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege”. If such a punishment is thought to be required, the act shall be carefully reviewed to legislate it based on the principles of appropriateness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영국의 범죄피해자구조제도 : 법제도적 시사점

        황태정(Hwang, Taejeong) 대검찰청 2015 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.48

        영국은 범죄피해자보상법에 의한 범죄피해자보상계획에 따라 폭력범죄로 인한 상해 또는 사망 피해자로부터 연간 4~6만여 건의 보상금 지급신청을 접수하여 약 2~4억 파운드에 이르는 보상금을 지급하고 있는 등 공적 손해전보제도의 활발한 운용을 보여주고 있는 국가이다. 영국의 범죄피해자보상제도는 유럽 내에서도 진일보하였다는 평가를 받고 있으며, 처리사건 건수나 보상금 지급규모 면에서 유사한 제도를 운용하고 있는 우리나라가 참고할 만한 부분이 많을 것으로 생각된다. 이 논문은 이러한 문제의식 에서 영국의 범죄피해자보호 관련 제도의 수립과 변천과정 및 범죄피해자보상법에 의한 범죄피해자보상계획 2012의 내용을 개관함으로써 영국의 입법 및 정책으로부터 우리나라가 향후 어떠한 부분을 참고할 수 있을 것인지를 살펴보고, 이를 통하여 우리 범죄피해자보호법의 입법적 개선방안을 모색하여 보고자 하였다. 연구 결과 ① 영국의 경우 상해보상, 일실소득보상, 특별비용보상, 유족보상, 양육비 보상, 부양비보상, 장례비보상, 기타 사망사례 보상 등 8가지의 보상을 규정하고 있어서 우리 법제도에 비하여 보상의 범위가 매우 넓다는 점, ② 친족관계, 범죄유발 등 넓은 지급제외사유를 규정하고 있는 우리나라와 달리, 영국은 지급요건은 넓게, 지급제외 사유는 비교적 좁게 설정하고 있다는 점, ③ 우리나라는 보상금 지급대상을 대한민국 국민으로 한정하면서 외국인의 경우 해당 국가의 상호보증이 있는 경우에만 보상금을 지급하지만, 영국은 영국 국민 외에 유럽연합 및 관련 조약의 체약국 국민과 그 가족 등 보상금 지급범위를 매우 폭넓게 파악하고 있다는 점, ④ 보상금 사이의 중복수령이 불가능한 우리나라와 달리 영국의 경우 8종의 보상금에 대하여 각각의 범죄피해자별로 중복수령이 가능하도록 되어 있어서 범죄피해에 대한 실질적 전보에 근접하고 있다는 점 등이 비교법적 관점에서 주목할 만한 부분이라고 여겨진다. 범죄피해구조에 있어 가장 중요한 것은 범죄피해자에 대한 실질적인 손해전보일 것이다. 유족이 여러 명인 경우 유족 각각에 대한 개별보상과 가족단위 보상에 유족의 수에 따른 가산을 한 보상 중 어떤 쪽이 유리할 것인지, 유족 중 피부양자가 있는 경우 이들의 숫자와 부양기간 등 요소를 어떻게 고려해야 할 것인지, 여러 보상의 요건을 충족하는 경우 해당 보상의 중복수령을 인정할 것인지 등 이 연구로부터의 비교법적 시사점을 중심으로 향후 영국의 법제도에 대한 섬세한 벤치마킹이 이루어졌으면 한다. The criminal injuries compensation scheme of the UK has narrow scope of application in appearance but has wide scope of compensation in quality covering all of areas of criminal injuries relief system of Korea. Laws in Korea shall rely upon tariff in detail and high level of compensation that are desirable legislation. From comparative point of view, significant differences between the laws of the UK and Korea are as follows. First, laws in Korea regulate three compensations, that is to say, bereaved family relief fund, disability relief fund and serious injury relief fund: On the other hand, laws in the UK regulate eight compensations to have much wide scope of compensation, that is to say, injury payments, loss of earnings payments, special expenses payments, bereavement payments, child’s payments, dependency payments, funeral payments, and certain other payments in fatal cases. Second, laws in Korea regulate kinship, provoke to commit crime, and other reasons of exclusion of payment, while the ones in the UK have wide payment conditions and narrow reasons of exclusion of payment. Third, the ones who are paid compensation in Korea are limited to citizen of Republic of Korea, and foreign nationals are paid compensation subject to mutual guarantee of their country. But in the UK, citizens and their family members of the UK, EU and treaty-making countries are paid compensation of the injuries. Last, it’s not allowed to be paid 3 kinds of compensations in overlap in Korea, while the ones in the UK are allowed to be paid 8 kinds of compensations in overlap depending upon their meeting requirements for each compensations. It may be most important for crime victims to make actual and enough compensation. Careful benchmarking of criminal injuries compensation system of the UK will be needed based on advantage of individual compensation for multiple bereaved family members, consideration for number of dependents in bereaved family and period of being supported in calculating dependency payments, possibility of being paid compensations in overlap etc.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전자기록 부정행사의 형사책임

        황태정(Hwang Tae-Jeong) 한국형사법학회 2007 刑事法硏究 Vol.19 No.4

          A few years ago, The Supreme Court of Korea gave a decision upon the use of KT card(deferred payment telephone card issued by Korea Telecom), denying unlawful use of facilities for convenience(§348-2) and admitting unlawful uttering of private document(§236). I think that the argument of the decision is not appropriate in two points of view.<BR>  First of all, It is not rational to admit unlawful uttering of private document. When we use KT card in public telephone, only magnetic stripe of the card is uttered. Criminal Act of Korea has a provisions to punish falsification or alteration of electromagnetic records(§227-2, §232-2), uttering falsified or altered electromagnetic records(§229, §234) and unlawful uttering of official or private document(§230, §236). But the Act does not have a provision to punish unlawful uttering of electromagnetic records.<BR>  Secondly, unlawful uttering of KT card should be valued not only from social point of view but individual point of view. It is very important value to protect individual property as well as to protect social reliance on document. In this case, the accused uttered other person"s KT card without paying price, acquired benefits to property and caused loss to telecomunication service provider or the owner of KT card. For that reason, I think it is needed to admit unlawful use of facilities for convenience in this case.

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