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      • KCI등재

        다층퍼셉트론을 이용한 하천수 T - N , T - P 농도 예측

        박상천(Sung Chun Park),표영평(Young Pyoung Pyo) 한국수처리학회 2000 한국수처리학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        Population increases with urbanization bring about shortage of water supply and the rapid development of technology since the industrial revolution increase the amount of water use and industrial waste water. So the effective and economical water-purity control is focused on to prevent the contamination of water and have more qualified water. As a result of this research, the conclusion is that the prediction of water quality is correlated to the flow rate factor. The correlation coefficient of each water quality item exceed 0.850 and T-N is 0.904, T-P is 0.668. Conclusively this result will add to not only the basic data to establish the policy of water quality preservation but also the efficiency of the management following the establishment of the river environmental plan.

      • KCI등재

        목표수질 보전을 위한 탐진강 필요유량 산정에 관한 연구

        김용구(Yong Gu Kim),박성천(Sung Chun Park),표영평(Young Pyoung Pyo) 한국수처리학회 2001 한국수처리학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        Environmental pollution caused by population increase and industrial development influence river ecosystem. It should have kept river flaw constantly to prevent river pollution. In this study BOD concentration is forecasted by QUAL2E model applying in the targer year 2007. The estimate of BOD concentration is made based on, the planned construction of wastewater treatment facilities in the Tamjin river basin, and the consideration of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35% BOD reduction rates respectively. The representative point on each channel reach to improve the estimated BOD concentration to a satisfactory level. Inflow is the amount of clear water which fills the water requirement in each channel reach. A formula for calculating inflow using regression analysis based on the various BOD reduction rates of the target basin is suggested.

      • 沖積河川에서의 不定流 流砂移送에 관한 수치모델

        表永平,申喆植 東新大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        A one-dimensional numerical model for unsteady sediment transport on artificial alluvial river channel is developed. The Lax-Wendroff two-step explicit scheme for water motion and a forward time centered space explicit scheme for sediment motion are developed to simulate the sediment transport rate and the variation of channel bed level. The sensitivity studies show that higher peak stage level, steeper channel slope and longer flooding duration produce more channel bed erosion, and median grain size, D_50=0.4mm give maximum volume loss in this study. Finally, the numerical model is found to produce reasonable results from the various sensitivity tests which reveal that the numerical model has properly responded to changes of each model parameter.

      • 支流 水質管理에 따른 河川水 水質의 多重線型 回歸模型

        朴成天,表永平,李翰旼 동신대학교 환경연구소 1999 환경연구 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구는 영산강 유역의 지류 수질관리에 대한 본류의 수질을 예측하기 위한 다중선형회귀모형을 개발하기 위한 연구로써, 영산호의 수자원은 수질의 악화로 용수공급의 제한을 받고 있으므로 영산강 본류의 수질을 개선하고 보전하여 영산호의 수자원 이수범위를 확대시키고 수생태계의 복원에 기여하며, 양질의 수자원확보와 하천기능의 다양화에 대응하기 위한 기초연구이다. 영산강 중류부의 60km구간을 대상구간으로 설정하고 연구대상구간의 풍영정천, 광주천, 황룡강, 지석천, 만봉천, 문평천, 고막원천, 함평천의 지류를 대상으로 수질관리정도(BOD농도)와 청정수(회석수)의 유입율을 고려하여 목표년도 2001년의 영산강 본류의 수질을 QUAL2E모형에 적용하므로써 예측하였으며, 예측된 수질자료를 활용하여 각 지류의 수질관리에 대한 다중선형회귀모형을 개발하여 제시하였다. This study aimed for developing of the multiple linear regression model in the main stream of the Youngsan river. The extent of the water quality management and the inflow of clear water were applied to QUAL2E model as independent variables, and the predicted results of the QUAL2E model were used to develop the multiple linear regression model. Predictions of the water quality were carried out by QUAL2E model in the middle stream of the river extending over 60km. 2001year was selected as target year. The analysis of multiple linear regression at the middle and the bottom of the total reach was performed to predict the extent of the water quality management at tributary and the water quality in the main stream. According to the results, the water quality of the main stream was more affected by the extent of the water quality management at tributary than by the inflow rate. The conclusion proposed the regressive equation and the equation may be utilized to improve the water quality.

      • Isiguro 特性係數에 의한 確率 降雨强度式에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ) : 海南, 莞島地方을 中心으로 on the Haenam, Wando district

        金雲中,表永平 조선대학교 국토개발연구소 1995 국토개발연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study has for the object to extract the rainfall intensity lasting for 10 minutes, 60 minutes and we applied to this study the Isiguro characteristic coefficient value which is simple in calculation and is high in application in order to induce the Rainfall intensity formula of south-west seacost, Haenam, Wando districts of Korea and then it was induced with three formula(Talbot, Sherman, Japanese) and comparatively analyzed again by the mean square root error. We would propose the Sherman method with the least error for the suitability in these districts. This formula will be the most economical and reasonable plan in making drainage plan in the Haenam, Wando districts.

      • GAMMA MODEL에 의한 合成日降雨量 發生에 관한 硏究

        表永平,朴成泉 東新大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        本 硏究는 Gamma모델에 의하여 合成 日降雨量의 發生에 대한 硏究와 Gamma分布의 日降雨量 模擬發生에의 適合性을 檢討하는데 目的이 있다. 1966年 부터 1990年까지 羅州t(榮山浦)에서 觀測된 日降雨量資料系列을 硏究에 使用하줬으며, 이 資料系列은 降水日系列과 無降水日系列로 分類하였다. 關降雨量資料의 分布型의 適合한 檢定은 x^2 (Chi-square)檢定과 K-5 (Kolmogorov-Smirnov)檢定을 실시한 결과 各系列이 2變數 Gamma分布型에 대한 適合性이 認定되었다. 合成 日降雨量은 Gamma 分布의 Monte Carlo Method에 의하여 發生되었고. 觀測된 日降雨量의 統計的 特性値를 잘 再現하였다. The purpose of this study is the generation of the synthetic daily rainfall by the Gamma distribution function model. In the analysis, the daily rainfall data in Naju(Youngsanpo) between 1966 and 1990 were used and the rainfall data were classified in two series : One is the dry-days series and the other is wet-days series. The fitness of daily rainfall to the distribution was tested by Chisquare and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and each series was fit well to 2-parameter Gamma distribution. The synthetic daily rainfall was generated by Monte Carlo Method with Gamma distribution and the stochastical characteristics were reappeared well.

      • 砥石江 水系의 形態學的 特性 硏究(Ⅰ) : 地形特性을 中心으로 On the Topographical Characteristics

        金哲淳,金雲中,表永平 조선대학교 국토개발연구소 1991 국토개발연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The Jisuck River, the first tributary to the Youngsan River was set up as the object of this study and the phisical characteristics of the Jisuck basin, such as the average width, the modulus of the shape, the average height density and the degree of thickness of the river were indicated in terms of quantity. And three topographical laws of Horton-Strahler, the morphological characteristics applied to the water system of this river well and it was found that the reverse functional relation was come into existence between the extension of the river and the drainage area. We also found that the proportional stream order had a high interrelation with the drainage area and that the curve between the rerative height and the relative area came under the senescence period in the stage of the geological development.

      • 砥石江 水系의 形態學的 特性 硏究(Ⅱ) : 蛇行特性을 中心으로 On the Meander Characteristics

        金哲淳,金雲中,表永平 조선대학교 국토개발연구소 1991 국토개발연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Among the characteristics of the river geomorphology, the meander characteristics are the important elements for maintenance, control and embankment of the river. In this study the distributional conditions and the flectional characteristics among the complicated and geometrical factors of the river basin were analyzed by adopting the moment on the funtion of the probability density. And to eliminate the demerits from the modelling of the river configuration, the statistical method was introduced and applied. The results showed that the variances of the curvature can be a numerical index to analyze the meander density, and the kurtosis showed as a parameter that indicates the linear density of the river. And we found that the ratio of meander can be used for maintenance, control of the river and a bank planning from a viewpoint of flood control, that the curvature changes in accordance with the stream order, and that ramification rate is similar to other river systems in Korea.

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