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        연령 및 치과의료접근도별 건강보험급여 제1대구치 치면열구전색 공급량

        최진선 ( Jin-sun Choi ),박덕영 ( Deok-young Park ) 대한구강보건학회 2016 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.40 No.3

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to review the supplied amount of pit and fissure sealing (PFS) by age and dental accessibility of children after PFS was included in the list of treatments covered by National Health Insurance (NHI). Methods: The comparison period was selected by considering the availability of data and the initiated time of PFS inclusion into NHI. The selected data period after inclusion was 2010-2012. Data were collected from the NHI database. To categorize the areas by high and low dental accessibility, the number of dental institutions was standardized by population per width of area. Results: Supplied amount of PFS to the first permanent molars in children aged 6 to 8 years constituted to about 70% of the total supplied amount during 2010-2012. However, this supplied amount was less than 8% of the total number of the first permanent molars in that age group. Number of supplied PFS for ages 6 to 8 years was 8.4% and 6.3% of the total number of first permanent molars for high and low dental accessibility areas, respectively. Conclusions: Although PFS supply was increased after inclusion in NHI coverage, it is still insufficient to reduce the decayed-missing-filled teeth (DMFT) index effectively. To increase the supplied amount of PFS and to reduce inequality of supply between areas of high and low dental accessibility, strengthening of and focus on education related to PFS, reduced out-of-pocket expenditure, and advocacy are needed for appropriate target age groups and areas.

      • 예비중등교사의 상호이해교육에 대한 인식 및 요구 분석

        최진선(Choi, Jin-sun) 대구가톨릭대학교 다문화연구소 2016 다문화와 인간 Vol.5 No.2

        모든 학생들이 우리 사회의 건강한 구성원으로 성장하기 위해서는 학교 교육에서 교사가 먼저 문화 다양성을 인정하고, 다양한 학생의 문화적 배경을 배려·존중하며 편견을 최소화 하는 반편견 교육 역량과, 문화적 역량 갖춘 교사가 요구된다. 우리사회의 사회갈등과 충돌을 최소화하기 위한 최적의 사회적 장치로 중등교원양성기관에서 미래에 더욱 가속화될 다문화 사회에 상호문화역량을 갖춘 예비교사를 양성함에 있어 상호이해교육 실천은 미래에 보다 빈번해질 사회적 갈등과 충돌을 해소하는 데 기여할 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 이 연구는 대구·경북에 소재하는 사범대학에 재학 중인 예비중등교사의 상호이해 교육에 대한 실태, 인식 및 요구를 분석하고, 이를 통해 외국인 학생 및 이주배경의 부모를 둔 아동·청소년들을 고려한 상호문화교육역량을 갖춘 예비교사 양성프로그램을 개발하는데 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 이를 위해 이주배경 외국인에 대한 편견이 있는지, 상호이해교육과 관련된 교육이나 봉사경험이 있는지, 그리고 상호이해교육 실태, 인식, 및 요구에 대해 설문을 실시하였다. 이를 분석하여, 우리사회 모든 학생들에 대한 상호이해교육의 방향성을 제시하고 예비중등교사의 상호문화역량을 양성하기 위한 효율적이고 현실성 있는 기초자료로 제공하는 데 목적이 있다. 이 연구의 목적을 이루기 위해 다음과 같은 방식으로 설문지를 이용한 연구 도구를 설정하였다. 1. 예비중등교사의 편견과 상호이해교육에 대한 실태는 어떠한가? 가. 이주배경을 둔 아동·청소년 그리고 외국인에 대한 편견 어떠한가? 나. 상호이해교육에 대한 실태는 어떠한가? 2. 상호이해교육 관련 교과목 이수와 봉사활동 경험에 따른 예비중등교사의 인식은 어떠한가? 가. 상호이해교육관련 교과목 이수와 다문화 관련 봉사활동의 실태는 어떠한가? 나. 상호이해교육에 대한 관심, 지식, 자신감은 어떠한가? 다. 상호이해교육에 필요성에 대한 예비교사의 인식은 어떠한가? 라. 상호이해교육에 대한 예비교사의 역량은 어떠한가? 3. 예비교사양성과정에서 상호이해교육의 내용과 방법에 대한 예비교사의 요구는 어떠한가? 연구모집단은 경북·대구광역시 지역의 교사 양성기관이 있는 5개 사범대학교, 예비교사 800명 대상으로 설문지 배부 하였는데 591부가 수집되었다. 그 중 불성실한 설문지 15부를 제외시키고 총 576을 수거·통계를 하였다. 통계적분석·검정을 위해 SPSSWIN을 사용하였다. 수집된 자료는 기술 통계치를 산출하기 위해 기술통계분석(descriptive analysis)과 집단 간 빈도 차이 검증을 위하여 교차분석(χ2 test) 검정을 실시하였다. 집단 간 평균차이 검증을 위해 t 검증(t-test)을 실시하였다. 이 연구에서는 예비중등교사의 상호이해교육에 대한 실태, 인식, 및 요구를 분석을 하였고, 본 연구의 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 우선 예비중등교사의 인종 문화의 대한 편견정도를 알아보기 위해 편견 6 문항의 평균을 비교 해 보면 ‘피부색(인종)이 다른 사람이 우리사회의 리더가 (leader) 되는 것은 받아들이기 힘들다.’에서 다른 5 문항의 평균 M=4.1 비해 가장 낮은 평균(M=3.52)을 보여 이주자가 우리사회에 리더가 되는 것에는 긍정적이지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째로 교과목 이수 경험과 봉사활동 경험에 따른 인식과 실태를 알아보기 위해 다문화 및 상호교육에 관련 교과목 이수와 봉사활동 경험 유무를 알아보았다. 다문화 및 상호교육에 관련 교과목 이수유무에서는 전체평균 77.8%가 이수 안 하였으며, 다문화 관련 봉사활동 경험 유무에서는 전체평균 76.4%가 봉사를 안 했다고 응답하였다. 다문화 및 상호이해교육에 관련 교과목 이수와 봉사활동 경험 유무를 배경변인으로 상호이해교육에 대한 관심, 지식, 내용, 자신감에서는 교과목 이수경험과 다문화 관련 봉사경험이 있는 예비교사들 집단이 경험이 없는 집단보다 상호이해교육에 대한 관심, 지식, 자신감이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 사범대에서 상호이해교육관련 교육이 거의 포함되어 있지 않다 의 49.6%를 제외한 나머지 참여자들은 상호이해교육 관련 내용들이 교과서에서 부분적으로 포함되어 있는 것으로 보였고, 내용 구성은 다문화 교육의 필요성, 개념, 실태, 교수법 순으로 다문화 교육의 필요성(17.9%)가 가장 많이 내용으로 포함되어 있는 것으로 보였다. 또한 본 연구 77%의 참여자들은 교사양성 교육과정에서 상호이해교육이 필요하다고 생각하고 있었다. 예비중등교사의 상호문화역량에서는 높은 문화적 역량 있는 교사로 자신 있어 보이지는 않았지만, 상호이해교육 관련 교과목 이수 경험과 봉사경험이 있는 예비교사 집단이 더 높은 평균을 보였다. 마지막으로 예비중등교사를 위한 상호이해교육의 목적 요구로 428명이 ‘점차 다문화 가족이 증가하고 있기 때문에 다른 문화를 존중할 수 있는 마음을 기르고 사회적 통합과 융합을 위해서’, 397명이 ‘세계화 시대에 필요한 편견 없는 긍정적인 태도 융통성과 개방성 있는 유능한 인재를 위해’, 상호이해교육의 목적을 요구하였다. 상호이해교육의 내용의 요구 1순위는, 424명이‘상호이해교육의 개념 및 다문화 실태’, 2순위, 421명이 ‘상호이해교육의 필요성’, 순으로 응답하여 상호이해교육의 내용을 공부하길 요구하였으며, 상호이해교육을 활성화시키기 위한 방법에서 5개 예문 중 가장 중요하다고 생각하는 것은, ‘상호이해교육 관련 교과목 개설’164명(28.5%)이 가장 많고, 두 번째로 이주민센타, 이주·아동, 청소년센타 등, 또는 기관에 봉사활동으로 137명(23.8%)이 1 번으로 선택 했다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노인의 치석제거 및 틀니 이용빈도의 지역 간 차이와 지역 수준의 관련요인 분석

        최진선 ( Jin-sun Choi ),정세환 ( Se-hwan Jung ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2020 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.44 No.2

        Objectives: This study aimed to identify the differences in frequency of use between regions and analyze the association with relevant factors at the regional level since the expansion of the National Health Insurance benefits for scaling and dentures in the elderly. Methods: Data were provided by the National Health Insurance Service and the Korean Statistical Information Service. The dependent variables used were the frequency of scaling per 100 and dentures per 1,000 elderly people in cities, counties, and districts. The independent variables used were dental resources variables, health related behaviors and quality of life variables, and infrastructure-related variables. The analysis was performed using SAS 9.4 or STATA 13.0 statistical packages. Results: The annual use frequency of scaling per 100 elderly people was higher in the city or district regions than in the county regions. The frequency of denture use per 1,000 elderly people was lower in the city or district regions than in the county regions. In addition, the frequency of scaling and denture use was statistically significant in terms of the number of dentists per 10,000 population, number of dental hygienists per 10,000 population, number of dental institutions per 10,000 population, brushing after lunch rate, healthy living practice rate, nutrition label reading rate and welfare budget among general budgets rate and traffic index, where scaling showed a positive relationship and dentures showed a negative relationship. However, in terms of frequency of denture use, there was a statistically significant positive correlation in the chewing difficulty complaint rate. Conclusions: Despite the health insurance benefits, there were differences between regions in scaling and denture use in the elderly. In terms of the use of scaling, it could be interpreted that the association between health behavior factors at the regional level, infrastructure-related factors, and the use of dentures was due to the poor economic situation of the elderly in the countryside along with the number of dental institutions clustered in the city.

      • KCI등재

        국민건강보험 급여화에 따른 공공재원기반 치면열구전색 공급량 변화

        최진선 ( Jin Sun Choi ),마득상 ( Deuk Sang Ma ),정세환 ( Se Hwan Jung ),조은별 ( Eun Pyol Cho ),박덕영 ( Deok Young Park ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2015 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.39 No.1

        Objectives: The purposes of this study were to review changes in the amount of pit and fissure sealant (PFS) provided after the inclusion of PFS in treatments covered by the National Health Insurance (NHI) and to assess differences in the supplied amount between geographical areas where accessibility to dental care differs. Methods: The years for comparison were selected based on data availability and the time of inclusion of PFS into NHI coverage. The selected pre-inclusion year was 2008, and the post-inclusion year was 2012. Data regarding the amount of PFS supplied were collected from the oral health program, NHI, and Medical care. To dichotomize areas by high and low dental care accessibility, we standardized the population size, number of dental institutions, and number of dentists in each group. Results: We considered metropolitan areas and Gyeonggi Province as high dental care accessibility areas, while other provinces were considered as low dental care accessibility areas. Regardless of the transforming constant, the amount of PFS supplied increased in high dental care accessibility areas and decreased in low dental care accessibility areas after inclusion of PFS in NHI. Conclusions: To increase the amount of PFS provided in low dental care accessibility areas, promotion of PFS should be strengthened and support from oral health programs should be increased. Additionally, waiving out-of-pocket money for PFS in NHI should be considered to remove barriers of supply.

      • 한국 노인의 근관치료 진료빈도 추이 변화

        최진선(Jin-Sun Choi) 대한치과보험학회 2021 대한치과보험학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Objectives: The objective of this study is to confirm the trend of the frequency to major diseases and root canal filling of National Health Insurance in the elderly. and to confirm the effect of the denture and dental implant benefit system on the frequency of root canal filling. Methods: The data was obtained through the Ministry of the Interior and Safety and Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service website. The Frequency of major diseases and root canal filling on National Health Insurance claims per 100 patients in the elderly were calculated. Results: The number of dental caries claims per 100 elderly population increased from 12.78 in 2011 to 15.17 in 2019, and root canal filling codes also increased from 15.37 in 2011 to 16.74 per 100 population. Conclusions: Therefore, there is a theory that teeth are extracted and implant procedures are induced rather than root canal treatment due to health insurance coverage of implants, but the increase in the number of requests for root canal treatment suggests that this theory may not be true. In addition, considering the importance of natural teeth, an increase in the number of requests for root canal treatment can be interpreted as a desirable phenomenon.

      • KCI등재

        치위생학과 학생의 임상치위생학 교과목 문제중심학습 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구

        최진선 ( Jin-sun Choi ),배수명 ( Soo-myoung Bae ),신선정 ( Sun-jung Shin ),신보미 ( Bo-mi Shin ),이효진 ( Hyo-jin Lee ) 한국치위생학회 2022 한국치위생학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        Objectives: This study aimed to provide useful basic data for improving the quality of problem-based learning (PBL) to improve integrated thinking and problem-solving skills in clinical dental hygiene through in-depth exploration of the experiences of dental hygiene students trained in PBL modules. Methods: A total of nine participants were selected based on the grade distribution of clinical dental hygiene. Three participants each were from the upper, middle, and lower groups. A focus group interview (FGI) was conducted using a developed questionnaire. All contents of the recorded FGI were used to draw the main results while maintaining the core contents Results: The themes derived through the FGI were confirmed by ‘advantages of PBL’, ‘competencies developed through PBL’, ‘teamwork experienced in PBL’, ‘required competencies for PBL team activities’, ‘differences in contribution among team members’, ‘satisfaction with PBL’, ‘improvements to PBL’, and ‘trial and error experienced in PBL’. Conclusions: The PBL was a useful for improving the integrated thinking and problem-solving skills of dental hygiene students. Moreover, this study provides useful basic data for the qualitative improvement of the PBL.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근로자의 점심식후 칫솔질 실천에 관한 연구

        최진선 ( Jin-sun Choi ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2020 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.44 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate Korean workers’ practice of brushing teeth after lunch, and to provide basic data for the formulation of oral health promotion policies for the Korean workers. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study using the data from the Sixth (2013-2015) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES, VI-1,2,3). The variables included oral health behavior (i.e., tooth brushing after lunch), demographic factors, and socioeconomic factors. The study analyzed 8,800 workers from Korea. Complex samples were analyzed through chi-square analysis and logistic regression. Results: The rate of practice of brushing teeth after lunch among Korean workers was 51.6%. Among managers, experts, and office workers, it was the highest at 66.4%, while simple laborers had the lowest rate of 23.6%. The odds ratio of not brushing teeth after lunch was 3.0 times higher among agriculture, fishery workers, and simple laborers than that of managers, experts, and office workers. In addition, the odds ratios of the habit in day laborers were 3.1 times higher than in the commercial workers. All variables were statistically significant. Conclusions: Poor working conditions contribute to reduced practice of brushing teeth after lunch. Therefore, a modified working environment for workers, such as day laborers and simple laborers, is required to improve their oral health behavior. In addition, it is necessary to prepare oral health promotion programs that take into account the occupational characteristics of workers.

      • KCI등재

        건강보험청구 치면열구전색 치아수의 지역격차와 지역수준 관련요인

        최진선 ( Jin Sun Choi ),정세환 ( Se Hwan Jung ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2018 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.42 No.4

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to interpret regional disparities in the number of teeth sealed with pit and fissure sealants, identify the factors that affect these disparities and find solutions for the same. Methods: Data were collected from the National Health Insurance Service and Korean statistical information service using metropolis-city-rural area dental health infrastructure variables, regional health behavior variables, and local finance-related variables. Results: In 2015, the number of teeth sealed with pit and fissure sealants per 100 people was higher in the metropolis or city than in the rural area. There was a positive correlation between the number of teeth sealed with pit and fissure sealants and the number of dentists, dental hygienists, dental institutions, standardization rate of subjective awareness of well-being, standardization rate of brushing after lunch, and the proportion of welfare budget in the general budget. There was a negative correlation with the annual standardization rate of health institution use, the standardization rate of unused medical services, and the local government’s financial independence. According to the final model of the multiple regression analysis, while the impact of infrastructure on dentistry was not statistically significant, the statistical significance of standardization rate of brushing after lunch, the local government’s financial independence, and the proportion of welfare budget in the general budget were maintained. Conclusions: To reduce regional disparities in the volume of use of pit and fissure sealants, it was concluded that it may be effective to select regions with a consideration of the level of regional economic power, implement separate and appropriate policies and projects, and improve the awareness in residents.

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