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      • 향사이중탕가미방(香砂理中湯加味方)으로 전신냉감과 자한 호전된 여환 1례

        최석영,이미주,김은경,이창훈,이경섭,Choi, Seok-Young,Lee, Mi-Joo,Kim, Eun-Kyung,Lee, Chang-Hoon,Lee, Kyung-Sub 대한한방체열의학회 2011 대한한방체열의학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate effect of Hyangsayijoongtang-gamibang on Cold Hypersensitivity and accompanying perspiration. Methods : Hyangsayijoongtang-gamibang was used for a Cold Hypersensitivity patient with accompanying perspiration that was admitted to Kangnam Kyung-Hee Korean Hospital from May 2nd, 2011 to May 14th, 2011. The efficacy of the treatment was evaluated with Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging(DITI). along with objective and subjective observations. Results : After treatments of oriental medicine. the mean body temperature elevated $1.32^{\circ}C$. and the mean temperature difference between different points of the body decreased more than 50%. Subjective observation of Cold Hypersensitivity and accompanying perspiration using Visual Analog Scale(VAS) also showed improvement. Conclusion : Results suggest that Hyangsayijoongtang-gamibang is effective in treating Cold Hypersensitivity patients with accompanying perspiration.

      • 미 신행정부의 국제통상 정책

        최석영 ( Choi Seok-young ) 한국외교협회 2021 외교 Vol.136 No.0

        트럼프 행정부 4년간 국제통상질서는 전대미문의 변화를 겪었다. 2차 대전 후 자유무역의 기치 하에 세계경제발전을 주도했던 미국이 국가안보를 이유로 강력한 보호주의와 일방조치를 시행하고 중국과 EU도 상응한 보호조치를 취함으로써 규범에 기반한 다자통상체제는 마비되었다. 특히 외형적으로 무역적자 문제로 포장된 미국과 중국의 갈등은 본격적인 기술경쟁, 경제체제 경쟁 나아가 전략적 경쟁으로 발전되었고 미국은 동맹국들과도 전례없는 갈등을 겪었다. 이런 지정학적 갈등 요인과 함께 정보통신기술의 혁신과 COVID-19의 확산 여파는 국제통상질서의 뉴노멀로 고착됐다. 바이든 행정부가 당면한 과제는 COVID-19로 위축된 산업기반과 재정확대에 따른 경제 불확실성 해소를 위한 미국의 경제회복과 산업의 경쟁력 확보에 있다. 바이든 행정부는 ‘바이 어메리칸’ 조치와 환경, 노동 규정 강화 등 보호주의적 입장을 취할 것이다. 또한 미국의 동맹국과 무역 파트너들에게 상실했던 신뢰를 회복하고 규범과 동맹국과 협력 하에 불공정 무역을 해소하는 데 노력할 것이다. 바이든 정부는 중국의 지식재산권탈취, 강제기술이전, 중국공산당의 시장지배강화, 산업보조금과 국영기업(state owned enterprises) 등을 해결하는 데 있어 규범에 입각하고 동맹국과 협력하여 대응한다는 구상을 밝혔다. 미.중 관계는 근본적 경쟁구도를 지속할 것이나, 기후변화, COVID, WTO 개혁 등 일부 글로벌 이슈에서 제한적 협력도 모색할 것이다. 바이든 대통령은 다자주의를 지지하고 WTO 등 국제기구에서 미국의 지도력을 강화해나갈 것이다. 특히 트럼프가 마비시킨 WTO의 분쟁해결체제와 상소기구(Appellate Body)의 복원과 WTO의 기능 개혁을 위해 노력할 것이다. 또한, 규범에 따른 무역협정체결을 적극 검토할 것이며, 다만 그 추진 시기와 방식은 시간을 두고 결정될 것이다. 바이든 행정부가 통상정책을 추진하는 국내외 여건은 녹녹치 않다. 민주당이 상·하 양원을 장악하여 국내 정치여건은 개선됐지만 각종 법률 및 주요인사의 임명과 관련하여 공화당의 협조가 필수적이고 2021년 6월 종료되는 신속협상권한(TPA)의 갱신여부도 미지수다. 대외적으로는 또한 COVID-19 이후 경기침체를 타개하기 위해 정부의 경제개입, 외국인투자 규제 및 보호주의 조치가 강화되면서 시장개방에 방점을 두었던 통상어젠다가 환경, 노동, 인권 분야로 확대될 것으로 전망된다. 제조업의 리쇼어링(reshoring)과 양국 간 생산, 투자, 무역 및 기술 분야의 탈동조화(decoupling)도 가속화될 것이다. 미·중 양국의 대립도 단순히 경제·통상·기술 분야를 넘어 전략 및 패권경쟁으로 치닫고 있어 세계경제질서의 불확실성은 극대화되고 중ㆍ장기적으로 계속 내연할 것이다. 동맹국인 미국과 경제의존도가 높은 중국 사이에 낀 한국은 고도의 전략적 판단과 결정을 강요받고 있다. 미ㆍ중 간 디커플링 등 지정학적 리스크 속에서 운신의 폭이 좁지만 무역에 명운을 걸어야 하는 한국은 미국과 중국의 무역 및 투자정책의 변화를 모니터링하고 위험분산 전략도 종합 검토해야 한다. 또한 자유민주주의와 시장경제의 기본 원칙하에 국내정책을 추진하고 대외적으로는 양자든 복수국간 협정이든 형식에 구애받지 말고 중층적 네트워크를 구축해 나가야 한다. WTO 개혁 논의에 적극적으로 참여하고 아ㆍ태 지역에서 추진될 지역무역협정 체제에도 선제적으로 참여해 나가야 한다. International trade has experienced unprecedented changes for last four years under the Presidency of Trump. Having contributed to the world economic development by promoting trade liberalization, the U.S. has taken strong protectionism and unilateral actions for the sake of the national security. To respond the U.S. actions, China and the European Union took countermeasures, leading to the paralysis of the multilateral trading system. The U.S.-China conflicts have aggravated with the technological competition and strategic competition, and the relations of the U.S. with its allies have also strained. Together with these geopolitical tensions, the technological innovation and the spread of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic have become the ‘New Normal’ of the international economic and trade order. Against this backdrop, Biden Administration’s trade-related policy priorities could be characterized with 4 Rs: that is, revitalize the U.S. economy, reset with allies to define common interests, reengage the WTO and rationalize export control regime: First, it is urgent to help get the U.S. domestic policy right. For Biden Administration, it is critical to take new domestic policy initiatives arising from the recession to boost up economy, and to address pandemic and geostrategic conflict with China. Biden Administration will pursue legitimate legal defense under a system governed by the agreed upon rules, whenever the U.S. policy is subject to international challenges Second, the new administration will reset with allies to define common interests and reengage the WTO to ensure long term cooperation in areas of joint concerns about China and the WTO. It will work with allies to address Chinese unfair trade practices such as intellectual property infringements, forced technology transfer, state capitalism, industrial subsidy and state owned enterprises. Biden Administration will take principled approaches towards China, while the U.S. and China have to cooperate in the fields of global issues that include climate change, the pandemic and WTO reform among others Third, Biden Administration is expected to rationalize the increasingly expansive export control regime and make it more multilateral. Trump’s unilateral U.S. export controls on high-technology good and services to mitigate national security concerns have significantly increased trade coverage and triggered new channels of conflict even with allies; Lastly, Biden Administration will hold the position that the WTO should continue to provide the essential trade rule book for the U.S. and the rest of the world. To this end, the U.S. will quickly prioritize improvements to the WTO’s core functions such as legislative, judiciary and executive ones. In particular, it is urgent to reestablish a working WTO dispute settlement system to replace or to modify the operation of the Appellate Body. The U.S. would also prioritize negotiations with a limited, critical mass of countries over a smaller package of essential issues such as industrial subsidies, digital trade and state-owned enterprises among others. Notwithstanding the aforementioned trade policy priorities of the Biden Administration, both home and foreign political environments are not necessarily beneficial to carry out them. At home it is imperative to get cooperation of the Republic an Senators in enacting laws and nominating senior officials. On foreign fronts, it is expected that governmental interventions throughout the world will show more protectionist trends to muddle through the economic recession and to restrict foreign investment. Moreover, trade agenda will be expanded to the trade-related areas such as environment, labor and human rights, which will lead to more protectionism rather than market opening. The reshoring of manufacturing and the U.S.-China decoupling in production, trade, investment and high technology areas will be expedited. Overall, the uncertainty of the world economic order will continue to be increased thanks to the aggravating U.S.-China conflicts in the fields of economy, trade, technology and beyond. The Republic of Korea is forced to take strategic judgments and positioning under the conflicts between the U.S., its ally and China, its neighboring power. In the midst of the geo-political risks such as U.S.-China decoupling, Korea should take proactive actions in monitoring trade and investment policies of the big powers and consider overall risk aversion strategies. Based on free democracy and market economy system, it should pursue domestic trade policy and build up multi-layered trade agreements networks. Korea should also participate in the WTO reform discussions and consider to join or develop the regional trade architectures whatsoever in the Asia-Pacific region.

      • KCI등재

        산후 우울증의 한방 치료에 대한 무작위대조군연구 중심의 연구 동향

        최석영 ( Seok-young Choi ),박경선 ( Kyoung-sun Park ),황덕상 ( Deok-sang Hwang ),이진무 ( Jin-moo Lee ),이창훈 ( Chang-hoon Lee ),장준복 ( Jun-bock Jang ) 대한한방부인과학회 2018 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 Vol.31 No.3

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trends of randomized controlled trials on Traditional Korean Medicine treatment for postpartum depression in women. Methods : In order to investigate the effect of Traditional Korean Medicine on postpartum depression, randomized controlled trials on postpartum depression were searched using domestic and foreign search engines and a total of 11 studies were selected. Results: 1. There were 6 studies comparing Traditional Korean Medicine treatment methods with western medicine: fuoxetine hydrochloride (4),paroxetine (1),and mirazapine (1). 2. There were 5 studies comparing methods of Traditional Korean Medicine or sham acupuncture: 1 study evaluated the efficacy of Balance Acupuncture and 1 study compared the effects of conventional acupuncture and Dispersing Liver Regulating Spirit Acupuncture, 1 study evaluated the efficacy of acupuncture and Heat-sensitive Moxibustion,1 study compared the effects of conventional acupuncture and Musical Electroacupunctore,and 1 study compared the effects of conventional acupuncttre and non-invasive sham acupuncture. 3. Postpartum depression is closely related to Heart and Liver, and there were many studies using acupoints Taichong (LR3) and Shenmen (HE7). Cranial acupoints Baihui (DU20) and Yintang (EX-HN3) were also frequently used. 4. Xiaoyaosan and Guipi Decoction were used in herbal medicine treatment for postpartum depression. 5. Novel treatment methods such as Heat-sensitive Moxibustion and Musical Electroacupuncture were used to treat postpartum depression. Conclusion: Traditional Korean Medicine treatment is a good treatment option for postpartum depression. Further systematic studies are needed to establish the basis for Traditional Korean Medicine treatment for postpartum depression.

      • KCI등재

        부인과질환, 월경통과 여성 체형 및 체온의 상관성 연구

        최석영 ( Seok Young Choi ),안지윤 ( Ji Yoon Ahn ),이미주 ( Mi Joo Lee ),이진무 ( Jin Moo Lee ),장준복 ( Jun Bock Jang ),이경섭 ( Kyung Sub Lee ),이창훈 ( Chang Hoon Lee ) 대한한방부인과학회 2012 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 Vol.25 No.4

        Objectives: A women`s body type or body temperature is often thought to be associated with gynecologic disorders or dysmenorrhea. The purpose of this study is to analyse the characteristics of body type and body temperature in relation to gynecologic disorders and dysmenorrhea. Methods: We studied 40 patients visiting Kangnam Kyung-hee Medical Center from Jan. 1st, 2010 to March 31st, 2012. Body type and body temperature were compared between Gynecologic disorder group and non-Gynecologic disorder group. Body type and body temperature were compared again between Dysmenorrhea group and non-Dysmenorrhea group. SPSS 18.0 for Windows was used to analyse the data. Results: There was no statistically significance difference in body type and body temperature between Gynecologic disorder group and non-Gynecologic disorder group. Dysmenorrhea group had more developed lower body and greater temperature difference between lower abdomen and foot compared to non-Dysmenorrhea group. Conclusions: The results suggest that women with developed lower body and greater temperature difference between abdomen and lower extremity are more prone to dysmenorrhea.

      • KCI등재

        육울탕가미방(六鬱湯加味方)과 외치법(外治法)을 병용한 울증(鬱症)으로 변증된 여성 여드름 환자 치험 2례

        최석영 ( Seok Young Choi ),황덕상 ( Deok Sang Hwang ),이진무 ( Jin Moo Lee ),장준복 ( Jun Bock Jang ),이경섭 ( Kyung Sub Lee ),이창훈 ( Chang Hoon Lee ) 대한한방부인과학회 2015 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 Vol.28 No.2

        Objectives: Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder prevalent among adolescence into adulthood, and its consequences can be detrimental especially for women. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Yukul-tang Gamibang (YG) on female acne vulgaris. Methods: We treated 2 cases of female acne patients diagnosed as ‘Stagnation Pattern`` with herbal medication and external treatments. Herbal medication was orally administered 2 times a day and external treatments were applied once a week on average during the whole treatment period. Results: Photographs were taken at the start of each session, and the pictures of before and after the treatment period were compared. The severity of acne vulgaris was evaluated according to the Korean Acne Grading System (KAGS). We observed clinical improvement and decrease in KAGS grades after treatment. Conclusions: After taking YG, acne vulgaris was significantly improved in both patients. The results suggest that YG may be effective in treating acne vulgaris in female patients diagnosed as ‘Stagnation Pattern’.

      • KCI등재
      • 복합 대전환시대 - 경제안보 과제와 전략 -

        최석영 ( Choi Seok-young ) 한국외교협회 2022 외교 Vol.141 No.0

        세계는 미·중 간 전략적 경쟁, COVID-19이라는 블랙스완(black swan), 디지털 대전환, 기후변화 등 그린전환(green shift) 및 지정학의 귀환으로 규정되는 복합대전환(complex great transformation) 시대에 들어섰다. 미·중 간 전략적 경쟁은 단순한 무역갈등을 넘어 기술패권 전쟁으로 치닫고, 자유민주적 시장경제체제와 국가자본주의의 충돌로 격화되고 있다. 지난 2년여 세계를 강타한 팬데믹은 1930년대 공황이후 최악의 경기침체를 유발했고 국가별 보호주의 확산과 글로벌 공급망 교란을 극대화했다. 디지털 대전환은 경제·사회 시스템의 전면적인 대수술을 예고하고 있다. 기후변화 등 그린전환은 탈탄소경제, 신재생 에너지 사용을 촉진하고 폐플라스틱의 처리를 통한 순환경제개념을 발전시키고 있다. 마지막으로 지정학의 귀환은 힘에 의한 질서의 재편을 예고하고 다자간 규범이 지배한 질서의 쇠락을 의미한다. 경제안보는 자국의 경제체제와 헌법적 가치를 수호하기 위한 총체적인 전략이라고 할 수 있다. 미국과 중국은 물론 일본과 EU도 경제안보가 국가안보라는 대명제하에 국가안보전략을 전면 재검토하고 혁신적인 정책, 입법 및 조직개편과 예산지원을 강화해 나가고 있다. 이들의 공통적으로 인권, 민주주의, 법치, 善政(good governance)과 같은 가치와 지속가능한 발전목표(SDGs)와 파리협정 등 국제규범을 강조하고 있다. 대상영역은 첨단기술과 공급사슬에만 국한된 것이 아니라 식량, 에너지, 항공, 해운, 무역, 투자, 환경 및 사이버 등 분야를 포괄한다. 대전환시대는 결국 힘에 기반을 두고 이질적 경제체제 간 벌이는 경쟁이 격화되고 신뢰할 수 있는 국가 간 소다자 협력을 통한 네트워크 확대를 예고하고 있다. 복합대전환 시기에 포괄적ㆍ선제적ㆍ체계적인 외교안보 전략을 취하는 것이 절실하고 경제안보는 국가안보전략의 핵심요소가 돼야 한다. 우선 국가안보전략에 관한 기본지침과 포괄적 방향을 설정해야 한다. 경제안보는 민주주의, 인권 및 시장경제체제의 가치를 수호하고 영토주권을 확보해야 하며 동맹국 등과 협력에 기반을 두어야 한다. 핵심적 전략에 대해서는 분명한 가치판단과 정책지향점을 표방함으로써 동맹과 파트너 국가의 신뢰를 확보하고 깊은 협력관계를 구축해야 한다. 또한 경제적 상호의존성 때문에 핵심 전략에 대한 선택의 폭을 좁히는 실패를 반복해서는 안 된다. 경제안보 전략을 추진하기 위해서는 대통령의 강한 리더십이 필수적이며 안보와 경제조직간 조정능력을 강화해야 한다. 또한 대외적으로는 중층적 네트워크를 구축해 나가야 한다. 경제안보를 위해 디지털협정, 에너지, 환경, 첨단기술, 수출통제 체제에도 적극적으로 참여하고 국제협력에 필요한 국내입법을 재정비해야 한다. 한국은 포괄적점진적범태평양파트너십협정(CPTPP) 가입 추진과 병행하여 미국이 주도하는 인태경제프레임워크(IPEF)에도 적극적으로 참여해야 한다. The world undergoes ‘the complex great transformation’due largely to the Sino-U.S. strategic confrontation, the return of the geo-politics, rapid digital shift, green shift and lastly pandemic situation. The unfolding strategic competition of the U.S. and China and the unprovoked aggression by Russia in Ukraine reshapes the global geopolitical and economic landscape. The notion of narrowly defined national security has been expanded with more comprehensive nature including its interface with trade, economy, cyber, health, technology etc. Heavily influenced by the geo-political circumstances and other changing environments, the global supply chains are seriously affected. The complex supply chains are involved by many countries and cover entire life cycle of the production, distribution and consumption. So they are easily decoupled or distorted by the restrictive actions such as export controls, investment restrictions, protectionist practices etc. The WTO is no longer eligible to address new and emerging issues nor disputes settlements, as the unilateralism and protectionism for the sake of the national security has become new normal. Economic security should be comprehensive strategy to uphold the constitutional values and economic system of a country. The leading economies such as the U.S., EU and Japan have reviewed the national security strategy and carried out innovative policies, legislation and bureaucratic restructuring among others, recognizing that the economic security is a core element of the national security. They emphasized values like human rights, rule of law and good governance, and international norms such as UNSDGs and Paris Agreement. The covered areas not limited to the high technologies and supply chains, but also include food, energy, maritime, investment, environment and cyber security. Great transformation era defined by the return of geopolitics will exacerbate the competition between heterogenic economic systems and proliferate multilayered cooperation networks among allies and trusted partners. It is imperative for Korea to design comprehensive, preemptive and systematic security strategies in time of the complex great transformation, and the economic security should serve as core element of the national security strategies. As the first step, fundamental guidelines and comprehensive direction for the national security strategies should be crafted out. Economic security strategies should be based on cooperation with trusted partners while sharing the common values of democracy, human rights and market system. In particular, Korea should pronounce the clarity rather than keeping ambiguities on the core strategies, thus building confidence with allies and cooperating partner countries. In addition, the failure to restrict strategic options for the sake of economic interdependence should not be repeated. Strong presidential leadership is instrumentalto design and implement comprehensive economic security strategies and efficient coordination between relevant Ministries. Korea should join and create, if necessary, multilayered cooperation networks with allies. It should also work with trusted partners in the fields of digital economy, energy, environment, core technology and export control regimes, and enact required legislations. Korea should also facilitate the accession to the CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreements)and actively participate in the negotiations of the IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) among others.

      • KCI등재

        전신 원적외선 조사요법(溫通療法)의 치료 효과에 대한 적외선 체열 분포와 심박변이도 검사 분석

        김민영 ( Min Young Kim ),안지윤 ( Ji Yoon Ahn ),최석영 ( Seok Young Choi ),황덕상 ( Deok Sang Hwang ),이진무 ( Jin Moo Lee ),장준복 ( Jun Bock Jang ),이경섭 ( Kyung Sub Lee ),이창훈 ( Chang Hoon Lee ) 대한한방부인과학회 2013 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to find the effect of Far Infrared Radiation (FIR) about improvement of chief complaints and health state. Methods: For this study we evaluated thermographic images, heart rate variability (HRV), visual analogue scale (VAS) score of 34 patients with various diseases. Tests were done two times, before and after treatments and we compared the test results. We used the temperature difference between CV12 and CV4, both sides of PC8, LR3 for recognizing improvement of blood circulation. We analyzed the change of complexity, stability of autonomic nervous system (ANS) by HRV test. The patients were asked to fill out questionnaire about the severity of symptoms by VAS score. Analyses were undertaken using SPSS ver.12.0.1 and p-value of < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Statistical analysis shows that Far Infrared Radiation (FIR) had significant efficiency in increasing surface temperature and reducing VAS pain scores. In heart rate variability (HRV) test, LF/HF ratio showed tends to improve. Conclusions: The application of an FIR to whole body appears to alleviate various complaints of patients.

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