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HILS를 이용한 하이브리드 자동차의 EMB 제동 성능해석
조치훈(Chihoon Jo),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2007 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
In this paper, a hardware in the loop simulation(HILS) of the electro-mechanical brake(EMB) is performed for a hybrid electric vehicle(HEV). First, a EMB test bench is designed and an EMB simulator is developed based on the dynamic models. It is seen from the simulations and experimental results that the EMB is able to generate the target clamping force closely. Using the EMB hardware and HEV simulator, HILS is performed. From HILS, it is found that the EMB satisfies the demanded braking performance. It is expected that the EMB design technology and performance simulator developed in this study can be used in design of the EMB for hybrid electric vehicles.
조치훈(Chihoon Jo),김종성(Jongsung Kim),손미진(Mijin Son),천재승(Jaeseung Cheon),최혁수(Hyeoksoo Choi),전성용(Sungyong Jeon) 한국자동차공학회 2014 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2014 No.5
An electronic wedge brake (EWB) uses the wedge principle to provide a self-reinforcement mechanism, resulting in reduced power to the actuation motor. However, EWB needs mechanical device for adjust of pad wear, even if EWB need a extra equipment in order to compensate adjust of pad wear, and it has disadvantage that braking force can not be occurred and controled if CAN or supplied power are disconnected. The hEWB has fast response and mechanical backup using wedge mechanism and hydraulic system when the hEWB is failed. In this study, hEWB with a proposed structure is designed and developed and the braking performance of the proposed hEWB was verified using test rig and vehicle testing.
자동변속기 기반 하이브리드 자동차의 하향변속중 회생제동 제어 알고리즘 개발
조치훈(Chihoon Jo),김정욱(Jungwook Kim),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2010 No.5
In this paper, regenerative braking algorithm is proposed during down-shift for a 6-speed 2-shaft parallel HEV, which satisfies the demanded braking force and driving comfort. First, down-shift strategy is suggested during the braking by considering the re-acceleration performance. To maintain a driving comfort regenerative braking algorithm is developed considering a response characteristic of the electronic hydraulic brake. Using the electronic hydraulic brake hardware and HEV simulator, HILS is performed. From HILS, it is found that regenerative braking algorithm satisfies the demanded braking force and the driving comfort to evaluate the control performance during down-shift
조치훈(Chihoon Jo),황성호(Sungho Hwang),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2009 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.4
In this paper, a clamping force control algorithm is presented along with a consideration of the frictional characteristics and the estimation of the clamping force for a planetary reduction gear type EMB. The frictional model is developed by including the frictional effect of the motor, planetary gear, and screw thread. Since the clamping-force estimation requires the distance of the contact gap between the pad and the disk, an initial gap-distance control algorithm is proposed that uses the gradient change of the motor torque. This paper is concluded with a discussion of the performance of the control algorithm by comparing the simulation results with experimental results.
EMB(electromechanical brake) 시뮬레이터 개발
조치훈(Chihoon Jo),황성호(Sungho Hwang),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
In this paper, a EMB simulator is developed. In order to develop the simulator, dynamic models of the DC motor, reduction gear, screw tread gear, pad and brake disk are obtained using Bondgraph. Performance simulations are carried out using the EMB simulator developed with MA TLAB SIMULINK and motor torque, motor rotational displacement, clamping force, pad and disk compression displacement are calculated. It is found from the simulations that the EMB motor should be controlled to generate negative torque in order to decrease the clamping force. The EMB simulator developed in this study can be used to design the EMB.
조치훈(Chihoon Jo),최현태(Hyuntae Choi),김천수(Chunsoo Kim),최홍석(Hongseok Choi),김세호(Seho Kim),유성호(Sungho You),하기태(Kitae Ha) 한국자동차공학회 2024 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2024 No.11
This paper describes a study of design and test results of the duo-servo eDrum. The duo-servo eDrum is brake system equipped with parking system that stops the commercial vehicle on hill and road. In order to develop the duo-servo eDrum for the commercial vehicle, integrated actuator that has optimized concept was suggested. Since the duo-servo eDrum directly forces the shoes without the cable, it has higher efficiency and faster response time than cable type EPB. And integrated actuator makes it possible to package in insufficient wheel space. The Duo-servo eDrum has tested parking on hill and dynamic functional stop in driving. Based on testing, developed Duo-servo eDrum is shown to be satisfactory with respect to the required parking and braking performance.
조치훈(Chihoon Jo),이상목(Sangmok Lee),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2009 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2009 No.11
In this paper, a electro-wedge brake(EWB) and electro-mechanical brake(EMB) simulators are developed. In order to develop the simulators, dynamic models of the DC motor, reduction gear, screw tread gear, wedge, pad and brake disk are performed. Performance simulations of vehicle equipped with front EWB and rear EMB are carried out using the EWB and EMB simulator developed with MATLAB Simulink and co-simulation of CarSim vehicle model. It is found from the simulation results that the EWB and EMB simulators developed in this study can be used in development of the EWB and EMB.
5속 자동변속기 기반 하이브리드 자동차의 변속 및 가속지연 시뮬레이션
김영철(Youngchul Kim),조치훈(Chihoon Jo),홍정호(Jungho Hong),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2008 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
In this paper, shift quality and acceleration lag for automatic transmission(AT) based HEV are investigated to verify the application feasibility of 5-speed AT without torque converter for a 2-shaft parallel HEV. A performance simulator based on AMESim is developed using the dynamic models of the HEV powertrain such as ISG, engine, motor and 5-speed automatic transmission. It is found that the peak to peak torque variation in the inertia phase increases for the HEV mode due to the added torque and inertia effect of the ICE engaged by the engine clutch, and the shift quality for the EV and HEV mode can be improved by the motor torque control. In addition, acceleration lag for the mode change is evaluated when the HEV is launched from the stand still state to the HEV mode.
송민준(Minjoon Song),조치훈(Chihoon Jo),조서연(Seoyeon Cho),김태훈(Taehoon Kim),이연태,김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2008 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
An optimal gear ratio generation program is developed, which calculates the optimal gear ratio automatically in design of the automatic transmission. This program is designed to provide the planetary gear ratio which satisfies the design requirements such as shift range, step ratio, top and bottom gear ratio and rear gear ratio. It is expected that the optimal gear tooth ratio generation program will be used in development of a new automatic transmission.