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사이즈 코리아 제5차, 6차 3D 인체형상데이터 비교를 통한 30대 여성 신체변화 연구
조신현 ( Cho Shin-hyun ),김영옥 ( Kim Young-ok ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2012 한국디자인포럼 Vol.34 No.-
This study tried to compare and analyze the body measurements of female adults in their 30`s. As for the research method, 3D body scan data from Size Korea`s 5th and 6th study of women in their 30`s was used on 513 female subjects and 192 women respectively The results were as follows: 1. The items of high standard deviation in physical measurements of all women in their 30s were a height and waist circumference. Particularly, the standard deviation of waist circumference was the highest by 8.17. 2. The comparison of the physical change between the 5th(2004) and the 6th(2010): The measurement of the significant differences between women in their early 30s were 15 items, including waist circumference > shoulder length> chest circumference > abdomen circumference > underbust circumference > weight >. The measurement of the significant differences between women in their late 30s were various items such as shoulder length, wrist circumference, left-shoulder slope, abdomen circumference, and neck base circumference. 3. There was the main differences between women in both their early and late 30s in the item of shoulder length, reflecting this in ready-made garments.
소재 및 봉제 방법이 의료용 압박복 소재의 역학적 특성에 미치는 영향
석혜정 ( Hye-jung Seok ),조신현 ( Shin-hyun Cho ) 한국의류학회 2017 한국의류학회지 Vol.41 No.1
This study selects representative materials and sewing methods used to: produce medical compression clo-thing in domestic garment, understand physical properties according to sewing conditions before and after knitting, and propose a sewing method that can improve the functional properties of the medical pressure clothing for burn patients. This experiment used samples from two knitted fabrics of high-frequency, produ-ced and sold among fabrics used to produce medical compression clothing in Korea. Sewing methods were N321, N502 and N601, most commonly used in the press clothing industry. Fabric A is most often reduced in EMT values when sewing N502. However, N321 and N502 are suitable sewing methods for the reliable to twist at the larger torsional shear and the larger 2HG, 2HG5 value. Fabric B is sewn with N601, the EMT value is the most elevated, LT value is also low and extensibility improves after sewing. N601 is shown as an appropriate sewing method for warp knitting. When sewing with N321, the torsional is stable but elon-gation is lacking. N502 is not good for torsional stability.