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      • KCI등재

        개설효과에 의한 임도의 유형구분 - 기설임도의 (旣設林道) 분석을 중심으로 -

        전경수,이종락,류택규 ( Kyung Soo Jeon,Jong Lak Lee,Taek Kyu Ryu ) 한국산림과학회 1994 한국산림과학회지 Vol.83 No.2

        The critical need of forest road for enchanting the additional values of various forest products, in addition, giving more recreational opportunity to citizen, has been recognized. In this study the present author aimed to ascertain the most effective construction working plan of forest road being tit to Korean geographic condition. To execute this research program, four locations in national forest of Kangweon-do district and other four locations in private forest in Chollabuk-do district both where forest roads have previously been constructed were selected to analyze the effectiveness basing upon the various factors separately or in combination. The results are summarized as follows ; 1. The investment efficiency in forest road construction showed to increase in the area where terrain factors and district social factors rate is high, and to decrease in the area where forest status factors and forest road structure factors rate is high. So in future the Forest Resource Development Model of forest road should take more importance particularly on those area having terrain factor ratio is low. The extractable value of constructed forest road based on forest status factors rate is expected to increase in case of high considerably . 2. To construct of forest road for increasing multiple use of forests, forest road should be construct with priority on area where obtained total score by evaluation factors is high. And these evaluation factors should ta4:e possible determine the position of forest road construction. 3. The following five types of forest road basing upan function performance are suggested with regard to the place where road is constructed. (1) Forest Utilization Model : where forest status factors and forest road structure factors rate are over 60% . (2) Forest Resource Development Model ; where terrain factors, forest status factors, forest road structure factors and district social factors rate are less than 60%. (3) Community Development Model : where terrain factors, forest road structure factors and district social factors rate are over 60% but forest status factors rate are less than 60%. (4) Recreation and Health Model ; where terrain factors, forest status factors, forest road structure factors and district social factors rate are over 60%. (5) Multiple Use Model ; where both forest status factors and district social factors rate are over 60% .

      • KCI등재

        이온 전리함 및 TLD 법을 이용한 Multi-Detector Computed Tomography의 흡수선량 및 체표면 선량 평가

        전경수,오영기,백종근,김옥배,김진희,최태진,정동혁,김정기,Jeon, Kyung Soo,Oh, Young Kee,Baek, Jong Geun,Kim, Ok Bae,Kim, Jin Hee,Choi, Tae Jin,Jeong, Dong Hyeok,Kim, Jeong Kee 한국의학물리학회 2013 의학물리 Vol.24 No.1

        Recently, the uses of Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) for radiation treatment simulation and planning which is used for intensity modulated radiation therapy with high technique are increasing. Because of the increasing uses of MDCT, additional doses are also increasing. The objective of this study is to evaluate the absorbed dose of body and skin undergoing in MDCT scans. In this study, the exposed dose at the surface and the center of the cylindrical water phantom was measured using an pencil ionization chamber, 30 cc ionization chamber and TL Powder. The results of MDCT were 31.84 mGy, 33.58 mGy and 32.73 mGy respectively. The absorbed dose at the surface showed that the TL reading value was 33.92 mGy from MDCT. These results showed that the surface dose was about 3.5% from the MDCT exposure higher than a dose which is located at the center of the phantom. These results mean that the total exposed dose undergoing MDCT 4 times (diagnostic, radiation therapy planning, follow-up et al.), is about 14 cGy, and have to be considered significantly to reduce the exposed dose from CT scan. 최근 세기조절 방사선치료(Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, IMRT)와 같은 고 정밀 방사선 치료의 발전과 함께 두 경부 환자의 진단 및 치료 계획 그리고 추적관찰(follw-up)을 목적으로 한 CT 촬영 횟수가 크게 증가하고 있다. 이러한 CT 촬영의 증가와 MDCT와 같은 CT의 발전과 한 검사로 받는 피폭 선량이 상대적으로 다른 검사에 비하여 월등히 크기 때문에 환자 피폭 선량의 정확한 선량 평가가 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 두 경부용 물팬텀(cylindrical water phantom)을 자체 제작하여, 연필형 이온 전리함 및 30 cc 이온 전리함 그리고 LiF:Mg,Cu,P TL 분말을 사용한 열형광 선량 측정법(Thermoluminescent Dosimetry, TLD)을 이용하여 Multi Detector Computed Tomography, MDCT의 흡수 선량 및 체표면 선량을 비교 평가하였다. MDCT의 슬라이스 폭의 일정한 선량 균일성을 확인하기 위하여 콜리메이션 2 mm 단일 빔의 프로필을 1 mm 간격으로 80 mm 측정한 결과 빔의 폭이 12 mm이고 선량 분포는 80~100%로 빔의 출력은 +Y 방향으로 높게 나타났다. 물팬텀의 중심부에서 연필형 이온 전리함 및 30 cc 이온 전리함과 TLD의 흡수 선량은 각각 31.83 mGy, 33.58 mGy, 32.73 mGy로 TLD의 흡수 선량은 이온전리함으로 구한 흡수선량과 오차범위 내에서 일치하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 체표면 10 mm 깊이에서의 TLD 선량은 33.92 mGy로 중심부보다 약 3.5% 높게 평가 되었다. 이러한 흡수선량은 두 경부 환자가 최초 진단을 위한 CT 촬영으로부터 치료계획 및 추적관찰을 목적으로 한 CT촬영까지 4회의 CT촬영을 할 경우, 이로 인한 피폭 선량이 약 14 cGy임을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 방사선치료를 위한 CT 촬영으로 인한 환자의 피폭이 적지않음을 확인하였고 가능한 한 피폭을 줄이려는 노력을 기울여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 단일 현장타설말뚝 기초의 설계 및 시공

        전경수,김경석,김정열,Jeon, Kyung-Soo,Kim, Kyung-Suk,Kim, Jeong-Yeul (사)한국토질및기초기술사회 2006 기술발표회 Vol.2006 No.-

        The single drilled shaft foundation has been used in the other countries, but has not used in South Korea at all This foundation is very effective and economic method in South Korea which is easy to meet a good rock mass within 50m depth from the ground We have many experiences to construct 1.52 5m drilled shaft foundations and ability to construct 30m drilled shaft foundation without special efforts The soil behavior is nonlinear, but it can be proposed in linear in practical purpose on bridges. The elastic modulus of soil can be rationally obtained by the method of Road Bridge Design Manual in South Korea using the Schmertmann(1970)'s proposal, and the elastic modulus of rock can be obtained by the field test. In seismic design the column and drilled shaft must be restricted to the elastic design because the behavior of this foundation is flexible and the arrangement of the rebars makes the various defect In this paper the design criteria is compared with FHWA design criteria, and the design criteria is proposed in consistent with Road Bridge Design Manual in South Korea. The single drilled shaft foundation of a test bridge was constructed in the Iksan-Jangsoo highway, and we checked its stability, workability and economy

      • KCI등재

        부안지역에서 지형적 특성에 따른 뽕나무의 늦서리 피해

        전경수(Kyung Soo Jeon),김호철(Ho Cheol Kim),배현주(Hyun Ju Bae),배강순(Kang Soon Bae),김태춘(Tae-Choon Kim) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2011 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 전북 부안군에서 재배되고 있는 뽕나무를 대상으로 지형적 특성에 따른 늦서리 피해를 조사하였다. 2009년에 비해 2010년에 뽕나무의 발아시는 2일, 전엽시는 4일, 개화시는 14일, 그리고 수확시는 8일이 늦었는데 이는 3월 일평균기온은 2.3℃, 4월 일평균기온은 2.4℃ 낮았기 때문으로 생각된다. 2010년 서리 피해는 평탄곡간지의 과원에서 50.0%, 구릉지 및 호수 인근 평탄지에서 12.0%, 평야지에서는 4.2%였다. 결과지 굵기에 따라서는 15㎜ 이하의 가지에서 16㎜ 이상의 가지에 비해 높은 경향이었고, 평탄곡간지의 과원에서는 가지 굵기와 상관없이 46.2~54.0%로 아주 높았다. 이러한 높은 서리 피해는 뽕나무의 전엽기에 기온이 영하로 내려갔기 때문이었다. 그리고 이후서리 피해를 입은 가지 기부 및 선단부의 덧눈에서 신초가 다수 발생하였다. 따라서 2010년 부안군 내뽕나무의 늦서리 피해는 4월 중 영하의 기온 발생과 과원의 지형적 특성에서 기인된 것으로 생각된다. This research was carried out to investigate frost damage of mulberry tree (Morus alba) according to topographic characteristics in Buan province. The first bud-break, leafing, blooming and harvest date of mulberry tree in 2010 were two, four, fourteen and eight days later than those in 2009, respectively. These results were that daily mean temperature during March and April in 2010 were lower than those in 2009 by 2.3℃ and 2.4℃. Frost damage of orchards at flat-bottomed valley, flat near hill and lake, and plain were 50.0%, 12.0%, and 4.2%, respectively. Also, frost damage of branch of below 15 mm in diameter was serious than that of branch over 16 mm, but orchard at flat-bottomed valley was high as the range of 46.2~54.0%. These results in 2010 were caused by occurrence of below zero temperatures in leafing stage. Since then, many shoots came out at accessary bud on proximal and the top part of the branches. Therefore, frost damage of mulberry tree in Buan province in 2010 was caused by occurrence of below zero temperatures on April and topographic characteristics of orchard.

      • KCI등재

        감나무 생육 및 과실 특성의 연차 변이에 대한 주요 기온 요인 추출

        전경수(Kyung Soo Jeon),김호철(Ho Cheol Kim),한점화(Jeom Hwa Han),김태춘(Tae-Choon Kim) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2010 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구는 감나무 생육 및 과실 특성의 연차 변이에 대한 주요 기온 요인을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 연차 변이는 3월과 4월의 평균기온, 적산일수 및 적산온도에서 가장 컸다. 25개 기온 요인 중 제l주성분으로는 연 평균 기온 요인들 14개, 제2주성분으로는 4월 기온요인들 3개로 추출되었으며 그 누적 기여율은 52.2%이었다. 제l주성분에 양의 영향력을 크게 받은 연도는 1990년, 음의 영향력을 크게 받은 연도는 1980년과 1986년으로 나타났다. 감나무의 전엽일, 개화일 및 과실 성숙일의 연간 편차는 4.0~6.7일 범위였으며 변이계수는 개화일, 전엽일에서 개화일까지의 일수가 가장 컸다. 그리고 과실 특성 중 과중, 당도, 경도는 연차 변이가 적었으나, 종자수는 평균 4.0개, 연간 편차 1.3개, 변이계수가 32.8로 연차 변이가 가장 컸다. 감나무 생육 및 과실 특성과 기온 요인들 간 다중회귀분석 결과, 개화일에서 과실 성숙일까지의 일수는 10월의 평균기온 및 적산일수, 전엽일에서 개화일까지의 일수는 4월 평균기온, 과중은 3월 평균기온과 10월 평균기온의 영향을 가장 크게 받은 것으로 나타났다. This experiment was conducted to select the affected main factors on growth and fruit characteristics of 'Fuyu' persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) in 25 factors of air temperature factors in Naju. Mean air temperature, cumulative temperature and days for March and April of 25 factors were the highest annual variation. Number of the first and second principal components extracted from 25 air temperature factors were 14 and 3 factors related with mean temperature for annul and April, and cumulative contribution of these was 52.2%. Also the affected years by the first principal components were 1990, 1980 and 1986. Annual standard deviation on leafing, flowering and maturing date were 4.0~6.7 days range, and flowering date and days from leafing to flowering had the highest coefficient of variation. Annual variation of days from flowering to maturing date was affected by greatly mean air temperature and days of cumulative temperature in October, days from March I to leafing date was affected by cumulative temperature for growing period, days from leafing to flowering date was affected by mean air temperature in April. Annual variation of fruit weight was affected by mean air temperature for March and October.

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