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        식민지 섹슈얼리티와 검열 -도색(桃色)과 적색, 두 가지 레드 문화의 식민지적 정체성

        이혜령 ( Hye Ryoung Lee ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2013 동방학지 Vol.164 No.-

        Colonization of Korea by Japanese imperialism was achieved through introduction of new prostitution industry as like the state-regulated prostitution as well as through station of troops and setting of colonizers from Japan. More and more Koreans participated and were involved with the prostitution industry with colonization being aggravated. Moreover, the Japanese government general of Korea encouraged it. However, for the colonized Korean, expression of sexuality in the publication culture, as like literatures and visual arts, and in performance arts was suppressed more than that of thought as like socialism. This phenomenon can be called a paradox of colonial sexuality. This paper attempts to examine the relation patterns of the violation of the public morals and of the public security as two standards in the censorship of publications under the imperial Japan in the colonial Korea, through interpretation of the Publication Police Monthly of Korea and the Banned Book Llist of the General government of K orea. In s pecial, the s tandards o f the public m orals is i n oder t o forbid publishing and distributing the pornography. In the period from the late 1920s to the early 1930s, so called ``erotic-grotesque-nonsense`` culture in Tokyo flew into the publication culture of the colonial Korea, as seen from the monthly magazine Byeolgungon. This shows also the demise of socialist publication culture by suppression, but doesn`t mean the demise of socialist movement. In that t imes, mass movements as l ike students movement, red union movement encouraged by socialists and socialism reached their peak. In the colonial Korea, erotic-grotesque culture in the publication media didn`t prove the transformation of the colonial Marx boys into Pink boys. Moreover, Yi Sang`s works and his death shows that colonial intelligentsia couldn`t become a pink boy.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 근대 매체, 언어, 검열 연구의 궤적과 미래

        李惠鈴 ( Lee¸ Hye-ryoung ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2020 大東文化硏究 Vol.112 No.-

        성균관대 동아시아학술원은 개원 시점부터 동아시아, 식민지 근대성과 같은 화두를 중심으로 공동연구를 조직하였다. 공동연구는 근대어, 근대 매체, 검열 등으로 이어진 연구 아젠더로 가시화되었다. 이를 제안한 이들은 임형택, 한기형, 류준필, 박헌호 등 한국문학 연구자들이었다. 이들은 탈식민 분단 체제 하에서 민족주의와 문학의 신화화를 통해 구축된 국문학이라는 제도에 대한 성찰에서 출발하여, 문학이라는 제도를 형성시켜 온 제도와 규범, 그 주체들에 대한 더 두터운 역사화의 길을 개척했다. 그런 점에서 20세기 말 소비에트의 붕괴로 자본의 전지구화와 그 주체성 형성의 기원을 현재주의적으로 보충하는 경향으로 기울어진 근대성, 나아가 식민지 근대성을 운위한 일군의 연구와도 길을 달리했다. 동아시아학술원의 매체, 언어, 검열 연구를 통해 일관되게 드러내고자 했던 것은 식민화와 냉전하의 분단이라는 역사에도 불구하고 드러낸 근현대 한국인들의 자기 표현을 향한 의지와 실천이라는 데 있었다. 이에 20세기 자본주의 체제에서 금압의 대상이었던 사회주의는 매체과 검열, 염상섭 문학 연구에 관통하는 주제가 되기도 했다. 이상의 공동연구는 말하고자 하는 사람들의 연대로서의 역사 또는 다른 삶의 지향이라는 인문학적 주제를 환기시킨다. 동아시아학술원은 여러 학회와의 공동연구로 여성의 표현과 쓰기의 역사로서 여성문학과 페미니즘에 관심을 가져왔다. 이에 대한 보다 본격적인 공동연구가 추진되어야 할 것이다. 동아시아학술원과 그 주변의 교육, 연구활동이 현재 주목받는 페미니스트를 성장시킬 수 있었던 것은 인문학의 미래를 위해 다행스러운 일이다. The Academy of East Asian Studies (AEAS) organized and led joint researches focusing on topics such as 'East Asia' discourse and colonial modernity in Korean Humanities and Social Sciences from the time of its opening. The joint research was visualized as a research agenda that led to modern language, modern media, and censorship. The people who led these projects was researcher of Korean literature such as Lim Hyung-taek, Han Kee-hyung, Park Heon-ho and Ryu Jun-pil from the beginning. They started from the reflection on the system of Korean literature built through the mythology of nationalism and literature under the postcolonial division system at that time, and pioneered the system and norms that formed the system of literature and worked the way of thicker historicalization of its subjects. In this regard, the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the 20th century led to a different way from the modernity that did not tend to supplement the origin of capital globalization and its subjectivity formation. What AEAS tried to reveal consistently through media, language, and censorship studies was that despite the history of colonization and division under the Cold War, the will and practice of modern Koreans for self-expression revealed. Therefore, socialism, which was the object of oppression in the capitalist system, became a subject that penetrated the media, censorship, and literature studies of Yeom Sang-seop. The above joint research evokes the humanities theme of history as a solidarity of the people who want to speak or the pursuit of alternative life. AEAS has brought interest in women's literature and feminist movements as a history of women's expression and writing, through joint research with several academic societies, and the "comfort women" issue of the Japanese military. A more full-fledged joint research on this should be promoted. Fortunately, the fact that many feminists grew up through education and research activities in and around AEAS will be the brightest light for our humanities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소시민, 레드콤플렉스의 양각 -1960~70년대 염상섭과 한국 리얼리즘론의 사정

        이혜령 ( Hye Ryoung Lee ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2013 大東文化硏究 Vol.82 No.-

        이 글은 1960년대 본격화된 ``염상섭론’이 『삼대』에 대한 리얼리즘 비평을 중심으로 형성되어온 지적, 정치적 사정을 살펴보고자 하였다. 분단 이후 남한의 문학사 인식을 주도해온 조현연, 백철 등에게서 자연주의 작가로 평가되어온 염상섭에 대한이해 방식은 1960년 4·19 이후 등장한 젊은 비평가들에 의하여 거대한 전환을 맞게 되는데, 그것은 『삼대』의 발견이 계기가 되었다. 염상섭 문학을 전체적으로 자연주의로 규정할 때 주요한 텍스트로 꼽히지 않았던 『삼대』는 리얼리즘이라는 비평적 술어의 등장과 함께 전면적으로 부각되었다. 무엇보다 4·19 이후 등장한 젊은 비평가들은 『삼대』가 자신들의 시대에는 문학적 제재로 다룰 수 없었던 사회주의 운동을 그리고 있었기 때문에 관심을 갖게 된다. 『삼대』는 냉전의 사상지리적 표상체계에서 문학사라는 공인된 지식체계를 빌어 사회주의에 대해, 그리고 당대의 문학과 사상표현의 조건에 대한 우회적 비판과 서술의 장을 열어주었다. 『삼대』에 대한 적극적 비평은 1960년대 말 서구 좌파 문학이론가들에 의해 제안된 리얼리즘을 분단국가인 남한의 상황 속에서 토착화시키는 데 기여하였다. 즉 반공주의에 대한 성찰적 반성 속에서만 표현될 수 있는 현실의 영역을 지시하면서도 그렇다고 냉전 하 폭압적 정치체제의 현실을 전면적으로 부정하거나 뛰어넘을 수 없었던 상황에서, 『삼대』의 덕기의 지향이나 병화의 행보는 그 이후의 역사, 즉 친일과 전향으로 물들었던 한국 지식인의 상황을 재현한 것으로 받아들여졌으며, 그러한 정체성을 ‘소시민’이란 용어로 표현하고자 하였다. 그것은 갈수록 폭압적이 되어가던 정치적 현실 속에서 이념이냐, 생존이냐의 양자택일을 강요받다가 삶의 유지를 위해 레드 콤플렉스를 내면화할 수밖에 없었던 지식인의 상태 또는 페르소나를 지시하는 이름이었다. This paper tried to examine a intellectual and political situation that understanding of Yeom Sang-sub`s literatures became formed in focusing Three Generations (Samdea) in the 1960s~70s, through a critical terminology of realism. Baek Chul and Jo Yeonhyun viewed his works as naturalistic. A critical terminology of naturalism had an effect of making see meanings of his literary and political activities participating Chosun Writer`s Alliance and anti-division movements in a relation with left-wing group at the liberation period, 1945~1948, depoliticized or nullified. Young critics as like Yeom Mu-ung, Beak Nak-chung and Kim Hyeon began to re-read political and historical meanings in his works by introducing a term of realism. At this time, Three Generations became the vest famous novel. They paid attention to the novel in that its contents and characters were related in socialism moment. In their times prohibiting having socialism as literary topic, they thought that literary situation of colonial period had been better than that of their times. It is argued that active re-critics of Three Generations contributed to the nationalization of ``realism`` proposed and elaborated by leftist literary theorists of the western as like Raymond Williams and Arnold Hauser. Under the representation system of the ideological geography in cold-war, which means a geopolitical border becoming the institutional and psychological disciplinary system of expression, and also arranging and disciplining the imagination of being and place, or being in place and restricting the freedom of movement, situation of intellectuals expressed in Three Generations vokes coward intellectuals under the frozen democracy of the 1960s~1970s in South Korea. ``Petit-bourgeois``, so called, means the intellectual persona who cannot but to choice daily existence not antiestablishment thought being able to drive out of society or life. These intellectuals justify themselves through internalizing red-complex. In shorts, ``petit-bourgeois`` in Korean realistic critics means the red-complex incarnate as intellectuals.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        검열의 미메시스-염상섭의 『광분』을 통해서 본 식민지 예술장의 초(超)규칙과 섹슈얼리티

        이혜령 ( Hye Ryoung Lee ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2013 민족문학사연구 Vol.51 No.-

        이 글은 염상섭의 『광분』을 다음과 같이 독해하고자 했다. 첫째, 이 소설은 적성 단이라는 극단과 여배우의 공연활동을 통해 식민지 예술장의 초(超)규칙을 드러낸 소설이다. 공연의 장소인 극장은 남촌에서 북촌으로, 레퍼토리는 고급예술에서 대중예술로, 관객은 상류층에서 종족화된 조선인 청중들로 무대가 변화하면서, 그들은 반식민 봉기였던 학생시위사건의 목격자이자 참여자가 된다. 그리고 그 결과 극단은 해체된다. 이 과정은 식민지 예술장에 이접된 사회적 공간이 부상하고 그 안에서의 위기와 갈등이 초규칙에 의해 폭력적으로 무마되는 과정이기도 하다. 둘째, 이 소설에는 사회주의와 모던 걸이라는 두 가지 색 ``레드``를 중첩시키는 서사적 전략이 존재한다. 이 두 가지의 중첩은 사회주의(자)의 젠더 화나 성애화된 표현이 부상하는 것을 반영한다. 이는 반사회주의라는 지배언설을 전유하여 사회주의를 말하는 전략으로, 이것을 통해서야 사회주의는 대중서사의 제재가 될 수 있었다. 염상섭에게 있어 사회주의자와 모던 걸은 사회적 정상성에 긴장과 의문을 부여하고 위반을 감행할 때 생성되는 사회극의 주역으로, 이들을 통해 식민지 도시의 폐부와 함께 식민지적 삶의 사회적 과정을 그 심층까지 그려낼 수 있었다. 셋째, 식민지 예술장의 초규칙과 두 가지 레드가 교착되어 있는 『광분』의 서사는 ``치안방해``와 ``풍속괴란``이라는 식민지 검열 의 두 기준이 식민지 원주민의 문화적 텍스트에 관철되는 방식을 모방한, 검열의 미메시스였다. 특히 섹슈얼리티의 서사에서 에로티시즘의 불가능성을 드러냈다는 데 주목해 볼 필요가 있는데, 성적 자율성의 부인은 결국 모던 걸 경옥의 죽음에서 절정을 이루기 때문이다. 좌익적 색채를 띤 연극단 ``적성단``이 자신의 성적 자율성을 위해 범죄를 불사하지 않는 ``카르멘``을 공연하고, 그 카르멘이었던 여배우가 아버지의 재산을 노린 계모와 그녀의 간부의 음모에 의해 타살된다는 이 작품은 검열을 포함한 식민지의 행정적, 사법적 폭력을 미메시스 한 것이라 볼 수 있다. This paper is a try to read following that: First, Yeom Sangseob`s novel the Madness (Gwangbun, 광분) is a novel of presenting the ultra-rule of artistic field in the colony through performance preparation of ``Red Star Troupe`` having done leftist play movement and Min Gyoungok, whose father Min Byoungcheon was a leading businessman, was graduated at a music college in Tokyo and returned to Seoul and became a actress of the theatre group. Super-rule of artistic filed is realized as a violence working at not works and artist but bodies of individuals as the social members and breaking down the field. Second, two red cultures, socialism and ``modern girl`` as a radical representation of ``pink culture`` both born in capitalism were expressed in a doubled entity in this work. Representations of socialism were became genderized being as like a modern girl, which was also a expressive strategy of anti-socialism making socialist be seen as a immoral personality. However, for Yeom`s novels, socialist and modern girl were actors or actress of the social drama producing in the crisis of the society broken out its norm. In this work, the crisis was presented as crowds demonstration that heros and heroin participated or were complicated in, at Gyeongbok Palace ``exhibition`s place`` in Bukchon(북촌) which was Korean residential and educational area where but became colonial politic central area. The other hand, this novel was a mimesis of the colonial censorship in that sexuality and socialism couldn`t be presented a autonomous will or pursue. Modern girl Gyungok`s death was a symbol by the colonial censorship who had participated in anti-colonialism demonstration and practiced sexual autonomy.

      • KCI등재

        오방색 탈의 현대적 응용 분장 기법 연구

        이혜령(Hye Ryoung Lee) 한국여성체육학회 1999 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Make-up has been used as a main means which determine character in actors or actresses. Its concept to identify the sex, age, and social position of actors has to be expanded up to as a visual way through which actors` inner aspects and roles in the play can be hold enough. It is true that the study of the make-up on stage has been based on physiognomy and the color so far which are western-oriented methodology. In addition, ethnological methodology has been ruled out. as a result, the make-up on stage, in reality, has not studied deeply enough to consider subtle emotions of each nation`s own. Make-up in the famous worfs performed all over the world is uniformed. I-lake-up found in many performances and readapted ones are based on western style. This thesis studies the factors concerning the make up in Pongsan Mask Dance to find the national features in make-up. Chibal. Nosang, and Toryonnim characters it Pongsan Mask Dance are examined in the view of the figurative composition of the mask and thc$gt; meanings of the five colors-Obangsaik(it means five directions-the north, the south, the east, the west and the center). The characters are following in detail: Chibal is strong and realistic but has a prodigal temperament. Nosang is an object of contempt and satire of a corrupt Buddhism monk. Toryonnirn is helpless and spiritless, living on social status. The shapes and placement of hair, eyebrows, eyes, a nose, and a mouth, which are factors to express social position, age, sex, and personality, have similarity to modern make-up techniques. Colors: red mainly used for Chibal, black for Nosang, white for Toryonnim are based on the principle of Five-Cofors(Obangsaik). It is learned that the method of masks and Obangsaik is, in fact, a way to express Korean nation`s emotion. That is to say, masks are the nearest to expression of Korean people`s mood and character through make-up. That is because mask dances leak out people`s joys and sorrows, and repressed emotions through the satire and exaggeration rather than represent the ruling rank of Yangban(the nobility of Chosun dynasty ). To sum up, modern make-up based on western style make-up is short of differentiation of emotional expression coming from ethonlogical and cultural property. Considering that limittion it is believed through this thesis to cichieve application to modern make-up of make-up factors in characters from Korean folk play, mask dance.

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