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        이재석 역사학연구회 2003 사총 Vol.57 No.-

        660年羅·唐連合軍の攻擊によって百濟は滅亡した. しかし, その後百濟ではいわゆる百濟復興運動が活發に起った. 百濟復興運動の勢力は, 當時倭國に滯留していた百濟の王子豊璋を百濟王として向かえ, 決戰の態勢を整えた. 彼らは日本列島のヤマト政權からの政治的·軍事的支援を得ていたので, 戰爭の樣相は羅·唐連合軍と百濟·倭連合軍との對決という形になっていた. その兩側の決戰が663年8月の白村江の戰いであった. ところで, ヤマト政權の百濟復興運動への介入をめぐっては, 今だ明らかでない點が多い. たとえばその參戰の理由や百濟の王子豊璋の冊立問題などがそれである. ここでは主としてこうした問題を檢討した. まずヤマト政權の參戰の理由については, 從來より諸說があるわけであるが, 私は羅·唐連合勢力の日本列島への侵入を恐れていたヤマト政權が, それを未然に防ぐために, 百濟救援の場に出兵したとする見解を示した. そして王子豊璋の冊立問題については, 彼はやはり百濟に歸ってから百濟遺民勢力によってはじめて百濟王になったとみるべきであって, 倭王から冊封されたのではないということを論じた.

      • KCI등재

        『日本後紀』 속의 ‘今上’ 小考

        이재석 일본사학회 2018 일본역사연구 Vol.48 No.-

        This paper examined the notation of “Keumsang (Current Emperor)” as seen in “Nihon Kōki”. It was possible to confirm that the notation of “Keumsang” enabled to analyze the establishing time of each annals at the compilation stage of “Nihon Kōki”. And in the result of examining the notated annals regarding “Keumsang” by Emperor Saga-Tenno and Junna-Tenno, both emperors, who led the 1st and 2nd compilation process, had a great possibility to reflect some parts of their own records (當代紀) in the compilation of “Nihon Kōki” as a kind of current emperor's historical records. In my previous paper, I did not mention much about the rewriting history policy of Junna-Tenno, but the study result of this paper could catch a glimpse of the possibility that Junna-Tenno also prepared his own current emperor's historical record.

      • KCI등재

        겨울철 냉기를 이용한 벼의 저온저장(I) - 벼 냉각 후 저장특성 -

        이재석,한충수,함택모,연광석,Lee J. S.,Han C. S.,Ham T. M.,Yon K. S. 한국농업기계학회 2005 바이오시스템공학 Vol.30 No.3

        The objective of this research was to establish a domestically available cooling storage technique by cold-air in winter, using winter cool air ventilation fur determining rough rice cooling method in the storage and dry bin. The rough rice storage characteristics of two test conditions, winter cool-air ventilation storage and ambient temperature storage, were evaluated from January to July 2001, using a storage and dry bin of 300-ton capacity. Results of this research are as follows: Grain temperature was from $-5.1\~-8.5^{\circ}C$ after winter cool-air ventilation, and grain initial temperature for ambient temperature bin storage was $0.3\~1.9^{\circ}C$. Moisture content of rough rice decreased from $0.28\;to\;0.93\%$ and from $1.53\;to\;1.92\%$ to compare with original moisture contents for winter cool-air ventilation, and for ambient temperature bin storage, respectively. Broken ratio of brown rice from winter cool-air ventilation bin increased from $0.16\;to\; 0.92\%$, and brown rice broken ratio was from $2.24\;to\;2.86\%$ for ambient temperature bin storage to compare with initial broken ratio. Hardness of stored rice increased along storage period increase in alt storage methods, and cooling bin storage increased rice hardness of 0.271kgf: this increasing was lower then the other methods from 0.059 to 2.239kgf. Germination rates were decreased approximately 9.03, 3.14 and $3.20\%$ for upper, middle, and bottom of ventilating winter air bin, respectively, and germination rates of 2.70, 3.47 and $4.14\%$ were approximately decreased for upper, middle, and bottom parts of ambient temperature bin storage, respectively.

      • 유한요소해석에서의 슈퍼컴퓨터 및 병렬계산 이용

        이재석 한국전산구조공학회 1992 전산구조공학 Vol.5 No.2

        88년 9월중에 한국과학기술연구원 시스템공학연구소가 당시의 슈퍼컴퓨터 중 최상위 성능을 가진 Cray-2S(4 CPU, 1GB)를 설치함에 따라 국내에도 슈퍼컴퓨터 시대가 열리게 되었으며, 90년 10월에 산업계에서는 최초로 기아자동차에서 Cray Y/MP(1CPU)를 설치한 이래 최근에 국방과학연구소, 삼성그룹에서도 Cray Y/MP계열의 슈퍼컴퓨터를 설치하여 과학기술 계산 및 공학해석에 폭넓게 활용할 전망이다. 따라서 본 고에서는 슈퍼컴퓨터의 정의 및 분류, 특징과 보급현황에 대하여 알아보고 슈퍼컴퓨터 및 병렬처리기술을 이용한 유한요소해석에 관하여 간략히 기술하고저 한다.

      • KCI등재

        <續日本紀> 편찬의 제문제

        이재석 일본사학회 2015 일본역사연구 Vol.42 No.-

        This paper examined the issues of <when the official decision was made for Shoku-Nihonki as the book title>, <when Kanmu-Tenno, who was a compiler of Shoku-Nihonki, decided to put the own governance record in Shoku-Nihonki>, <what kind of meaning the 10th year of Enryaku (791), which was also a lower limit for the article of Kanmu-Tenno, had to Kanmu-Tenno>, and <how to view the compilation work of history books by Junnin-Tenno and Konin-Tenno>, in the compilation process of “Shoku-Nihonki”. Firstly, as for the time that the title “Shoku-Nihonki” was decided officially as a subsequent history book of Nihonshoki, the author pointed out that the book title was already decided at least by the 1tth year of Enryaku (796), rather than the 16th year of Enryaku (797), which was the final completion-compilation period as the common belief of the current Japanese academia. For the period that Kanmu-Tenno decided to include the records of own time in the "Shoku-Nihonki", the author concluded that it is fine to see it as around the 10th year of Enryaku. And for the background that Enryaku 10th has been emphasized, the author focused on the possibility of the consciousness for "Opening of a new dynasty" that Kanmu-Tenno had at that time, along with the consciousness for the achievements at 10th year that had been achieved by Tenmu-Tenno as starting point of Tenmu-Tenno royal lineage. On the other hand, for the assessment issue on the history book publishing projects of work of Junnin-Tenno and Konin-Tenno, firstly, it is proper to see that the summarizing 30 volumes of Zoan in Junnin government was done in preparation efforts for following official history book of Nihonshoki as the existing opinion. And the publishing of official history, in a strict meaning, done at the time Konin-Tenno's own time was just an organizing work for 30 volumes of Zoan, and not reasonable to see it as an effort to include the history of Konin-Tenno's own time into official history.

      • 진화심리학을 통해 본 불교 명상 : 진화심리학으로 보는 인간 미망의 기원과 불교 명상을 통한 미망의 극복 - 『도덕적 동물(Moral Animal)』의 저자 로버트 라이트(Robert Wright)의 『불교는 왜 진실인가(Why Buddhism Is True)』(2017)를 중심으로

        이재석 한국초등도덕교육학회 2018 한국초등도덕교육학회 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.-

        동양과 서양이 만나고 있다. 마음챙김 혁명(Mindful Revolution)이라는 표현처럼 현재 마음챙김 명상(mindfulness meditation)은 서구의 의료와 교육 분야에서 크게 각광받는 패러다임으로 부상하고 있다. 2천5백 년 이상 동양의 오랜 전통인 불교 명상이 과학적 근거를 점점 많이 획득하면서 인간을 무지와 괴로움에서 벗어나게 해주는 실제적인 방법으로 거론되고 있다. 본 발표문은 진화심리학이라는 과학에 비추었을 때도 불교의 제안이 진실에 가깝다는 것을 보이려는 시도이다. 여기서 “진실에 가깝다”는 말은 무지와 괴로움 등 인간이 처한 근본 상황에 대한 불교의 진단과 처방이 실제로 타당하다는 의미이다. 다시 말해 인간이 어리석음과 무지, 무명, 미망에, 따라서 괴로움에 빠지기 쉬운 존재이며 여기서 벗어나는 방법으로 불교가 제시하는 명상이 실제로 인간을 무지와 괴로움에서 벗어나게 해줄 수 있다는 의미다. 본 발표문에서는 미국의 진화심리학자인 로버트 라이트의 2017년 저서 『불교는 왜 진실인가: 명상과 깨달음의 과학과 철학』의 내용을 (1) 인간을 미망으로 이끄는 핵심 기제로서의 느낌(feeling)이 가진 기만성과 (2) 무아(無我)는 진실인가라는 두 가지 주제를 중심으로 개략적으로 살펴본 뒤 발표자의 간단한 평(評)과 마음챙김(또는 알아차림)의 치유 기제, 그리고 명상 수행에 기울여야 하는 노력에 관한 글을 덧붙이고자 한다.

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